In attendance: Alex, Jackson (secretary), Matt, Rae, Ty
Start time: 7:10 PM
- Event Review – We hosted Rae’s workshop on conflict transformation on Tuesday night. We had a great turnout, and our guests seemed highly engaged with the material. We think it was an endorsement of both the subject matter and the interactive workshop format. There was enthusiasm for more of these workshops, but we’re not sure if and when we’ll be able to follow up with Rae leaving Lincoln soon.
- Library Donation – Rae brought us a book about climate change myths. We’ll add it to our library.
- August Events – Marc has submitted a draft for our discussion on conspiracy theories. We like it. Rae will try to get us a draft for Hail Satan in the next few days.
- Fall Calendar:
We’re enthusiastic about an open discussion on healthcare, as everyone seems to have a horror story… de facto support group?
We’re also wanting to do a climate change event, but we need to continue to workshop how we want to brand/emphasize that event. Extreme weather? Or the proposed fast fashion and/or Amazon and/or planned obsolescence as capitalism driving climate change? Ty: “Better Stuff. Slower” Salem has submitted a couple of articles about fast fashion onto our Discord.
We are strongly leaning towards doing The Young Karl Marx as a fall movie, and we also discussed the possibility of doing Coco for Dia de los Muertos.
Briefly: We will need to further discuss doing another Columbus Day protest, and Salem strongly wants to do a neighborhood clean-up as was discussed last week.
Meeting adjourned: 8:40 PM