12/4/23 Minutes: Winter Calendar Update

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt
Start time: 7:04 PM

  1. Upcoming Events – We have two events this weekend! We have our Killing Gaza movie on Friday night, and we are hosting the clothing giveaway from Winslow’s Wardrobe here on Saturday. We are going to have to hustle to get the word out, but the space will be ready for the events.
  2. Winter Calendar – We are hoping to get them printed in the next few days and then we’ll be hustling hard to distribute them. We are waiting right now on Matt’s handbill design, but we are hoping to start putting up our propaganda around town by mid-week. We also need to get the Christmas discussion event up online ASAP!

Meeting adjourned: 7:30 PM

11/27/23 Minutes: Winter Calendar Finalized!

In attendance: Isaac, Jackson (secretary), Ty
Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. December Events – We need to get our first couple of December events up this week! Jackson will work on the Killing Gaza movie night, and Ty will tackle the Winslow’s Wardrobe Clothing Giveaway.
  2. Winter Calendar – We finalized it! Hopefully we can get them printed this week!

Friday, December 8th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Killing Gaza
Documentary about Israel’s human rights abuses in Palestine

Saturday, December 9th, 1-3 PM: Winslow’s Wardrobe Clothing Giveaway
Community group giving away free gender-affirming clothing

Saturday, December 16th, 1-3 PM: Christmas’s War on Us (a community discussion)
How the holiday exploits with consumerist and Christian Right propaganda

Saturday, January 13th, 1-3 PM: Last Year’s Labor Wins (a community discussion)
What working people won in 2023, and what we learned

Friday, January 19th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Space Sweepers
Korean sci-fi film criticizing capitalism

Saturday, January 27th, 10 AM: Counter–Protesting the Anti-Choice “Walk For Life”
Meet at the North side of the Nebraska State Capitol

Friday, February 9th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: 10,000 Black Men Named George
Movie about unionizing Black railroad workers in the 1920s

Saturday, February 17th, 1-3 PM: Why is Everything Racist? (a community discussion)
Examining White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history

(Leave Black Musicians and Liberation off the calendar)

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

11/20/23 Minutes: Event Review, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Salem
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Event Review – We had our “Difficult Conversations With Your Bigoted Uncle” workshop/discussion on Saturday. We had a nice turnout of old and new friends; the latter came and visited with us after they met us at the Pride booth and were reminded of the event by our email newsletter. It was a timely discussion that seemed to have everyone engaged. Could it be worth revisiting this event concept again?
  2. Winter Calendar – Matt has provided a draft of our winter calendar to the group Discord server. We are offering our corrections and adjustments there. It looks like we are on for Space Sweepers for our January movie. We have no other updates right now.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

11/13/23 Minutes: Winter Calendar, Library Donations

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem, Ty
Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Event Reviews – We have hosted two events since our last meeting: the Coco movie night and the community clean-up. Both were poorly attended. We need to do a better job of getting the word out. Salem recommends getting to our friends and family.
  2. Upcoming Event – Our workshop on “Difficult Conversations With Your Bigoted Uncle” is this Saturday. It’s picked up a little bit of buzz on social media, and it might be a popular event. We have a couple of friends that we should try to specifically invite as we feel they have something to contribute.
  3. Library Donations – We took some time to catch up with a bunch of donations and see which ones were appropriate for our library.
  4. Winter 2023/2024 Calendar

Friday, December 8th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Killing Gaza
Saturday, December 9th, 1-3 PM: Winslow’s Wardrobe Clothing Giveaway? (hammer out a title!)
Saturday, December 16th, 1-3 PM: Christmas’s War on Us (a community discussion)

Saturday, January 13th, 1-3 PM: 2023 labor wins (community discussion)
Friday, January 19th, 7-10 PM: Space Sweepers (if available…)
Saturday, January 27th, 10 AM: Counter–protesting the Walk For Life (at Nebraska State Capitol)

Friday, February 9th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Black History Month (10,000 Black Men Named George OR The Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation)
Saturday, February 17th, 1-3 PM: Everything is racist / White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history (community discussion)
February TBD: Black Musicians and Liberation?

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

10/30/23 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Ty
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Upcoming Events – We have two events this weekend, and we haven’t advertised them yet! We finalized last-minute drafts for those events, and Jackson will post them online after our meeting. We will be streaming the movie off of Matt’s account.
  2. Winter Calendar –

(Note to designer: Please make sure calendars say Winter 2023/2024)

Friday, December 1st/8th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Killing Gaza (?)
Saturday, December 9th, Hours TBD: Library Open House / Clothing Giveaway (more details TBD)

January movie: Date TBD: Leaning towards Space Sweepers, but we need to know that we can get it first
January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)

February movie: Date TBD: Black History Month (10,000 Black Men Named George OR The Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation)

Black Musicians and Liberation?
Community discussion about everything being racist? // White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc); Christmas’s War On Us
Look forward / Look back / Retrospective on 2023’s labor wins (December/January)

Luddism/traditionalism and bigotry
Do we dare do something about human nature?!
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet? // Dystopian sci-fi movie? Elysium? They Live? (Could possibly be factored into Space Sweepers if we can run it…)

Meeting adjourned: 8:50 PM

10/23/23 Minutes: November Events, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Event Review – We ran The Young Karl Marx on Friday. We had a moderate turnout, and everyone but Jackson was new to the movie. Everyone enjoyed it, and we had a decent discussion afterwards. It was a little on the slow side, but that was probably due to everyone else trying to digest that much new information.
  2. Upcoming Events – We are rapidly coming up on our first two events in November, the Coco movie night and the neighborhood clean-up. Salem will take point on doing rough drafts of those for us ASAP.
  3. Winter Calendar

January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)
February – Black Musicians and Liberation?
Movie for Black History Month?
Community discussion about everything being racist? // White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet? // Dystopian sci-fi movie? Elysium? They Live?
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc); Christmas’s War On Us
uniting/organizing the left/labor organizing/been a good year for strikes
Luddism/traditionalism and bigotry
Space Sweepers (South Korean sci-fi film)?
Do we dare do something about human nature?!

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

10/16/23 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt
Start time: 7:15 PM

  1. Upcoming Event – Our movie night for The Young Karl Marx. We’re ready for it.
  2. Winter Calendar –

January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)
February – Black Musicians and Liberation?
Movie for Black History Month?
Community discussion about everything being racist? // White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet? // Dystopian sci-fi movie? Elysium? They Live?
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc); Christmas’s War On Us
uniting/organizing the left/labor organizing/been a good year for strikes
Luddism/traditionalism and bigotry
Space Sweepers (South Korean sci-fi film)?
Do we dare do something about human nature?!

Meeting adjourned: 8:19 PM

10/9/23 Minutes: Event Review x2

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Salem
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Event Reviews – We had two events in the last week. We had our American Health Care: A Horror Story discussion on Saturday. The turnout was low, but we had a good discussion. A friend reached out on our Facebook to see if we’d be interested in doing another one of these soon. We’ll have to discuss that later, as our turnout is so low tonight. We also had our annual Columbus Day protest downtown earlier today. Turnout was low, but the folks who attended seemed to have a good time. We were unfortunately double-booked with the Native community having a celebratory powwow for Indigenous Peoples’ Day, but that event was announced after we committed to our protest.

With our turnout being so low, we decided to table all other matters and adjourn early. We’ll try again next week.

Meeting adjourned: 7:18 PM

10/2/23 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem
Start time: 7:20 PM

  1. Upcoming Events – We have two events before our next meeting! We’ll meet on Saturday for our healthcare horror stories discussion, and we’re protesting Columbus Day at the Federal Building on Monday. We think both of these events will be straightforward, and we think we’re ready for them.

Winter Calendar –

January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)
February – Black Musicians and Liberation?
Movie for Black History Month?
Community discussion about everything being racist? // White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet? // Dystopian sci-fi movie? Elysium?
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc); Christmas’s War On Us
uniting/organizing the left/labor organizing/been a good year for strikes
Luddism/traditionalism and bigotry
Space Sweepers (South Korean sci-fi film)?
Do we dare do something about human nature?!

Meeting adjourned: 8:26 PM