7/15/24 Minutes: Event Review, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem
Meeting start: 7:05 PM

1. Event Review – We had our To Wong Foo movie night on Friday. Our turnout was small, but the discussion was spirited.

2. Fall Calendar – We still need to set times for the rewilding garden tour and the Columbus Day protest.

Note: With a light agenda tonight, we spent most of our time chatting about off-topic things.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM

7/8/24 Minutes: Upcoming Event, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty, Matt
Start time: 7:15 pm

1. Upcoming Event – We’re showing To Wong Foo on Friday night. We’re ready for it!

2. Fall Calendar

  • Wednesday, September 11th, 3-6 PM (@ The Foundry): Beehive Collective
  • Friday, September 13th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: The Breadwinner
  • Sunday, September 29th, Time TBD: Rewilding Garden Tour
  • Monday, October 14th, Hours TBD: Columbus Day Counter-protest
  • Friday, October 18th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: They Live
  • Saturday, October 26th, 1-3 PM: Can We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess? (a community discussion)
  • Friday, November 8th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: The Transexual Menace
  • Saturday, November 16th, 1-3 PM: “Talking to Your Racist Uncle” (workshop/discussion) [possibly incorporate election theme into title]

Meeting adjourned: 8:13 pm

7/1/24 Minutes: Event Review, July Events, Beehive Collective

In attendance: Salem, Jackson (secretary), Matt, Marc, Lou
Start time: 7:10 p

1. Event Review – We had our LGBTQ Damage Report discussion on Saturday. We had a nice turnout, including a couple of new people. Andrew from OutNebraska was a very helpful resource, and we’re glad he could make it.

2. July Events – We are behind on advertising them! We think Ty is still working on a draft for next week’s movie. Salem has a draft prepared for the Amazon discussion, and it’s an excellent start.

3. Beehive Collective – Lou came to talk to us about his efforts to bring the Beehive Collective back to Lincoln on September 11th. The event is scheduled for 3-6 PM, and he has secured a venue in the Foundry via the co-host efforts of Common Root. We want to get a good turnout of young people out to hear from the Bees.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Sorry for the lateness posting these!

6/17/24 Minutes: Event Review, Upcoming Events, Rewilding/Urban Gardening Event, Free Pride, Fall Calendar, Beehive Collective

Meeting start: 7:07pm
Attending: Jackson, Matt, Salem, Ty, Marc (secretary)

Event Review: Movie night

  • Folks really enjoyed the movie! We had a small turnout, but the discussion after the fact was good.
  • We experienced some technical difficulties with streaming, but thankfully had a back-up option for viewing. In the future, we may not be able to stream movies (or we will need to make sure our tech is up to snuff first).

Upcoming Events & promotions

  • We need to draft/finalize our July event descriptions and get them posted to the site and our facebook page.
  • To Wong Foo – We need the description for this still. Ty will take point on drafting it.
  • Amazon discussion – Salem will take point on this event description. Matt also suggested putting discussion points in our discord chat so that we can have questions at the ready when we have the event.
  • July Newsletter – We’ll keep an eye out for other events that are in-line with BCH’s mission to cross-promote. We have some emails from Earth Day that still need to be added to the listserv; Ty will take point on this.

Rewilding/Urban Gardening Event

  • Salem brought an application to have BCH featured as part of an educational community walking tour that focuses on homes with gardens of native plants, pollinator gardens, vegetable/herb gardens, etc. The event will be in early fall, for late September/early October depending on weather.
  • We would need to have some sort of educational talk/tabling prepared with information about the garden, which we could put together pretty easily. Jackson will take point on applying.

Free Pride

  • Marc and Ty started printing zines and organizing stickers, buttons, etc. for Free Pride tabling.
  • We will need to remember to bring the tablecloth, a folding table, literature review holders, and a sign-up sheet for our newsletter.
  • Free Pride will be at Antelope Park starting at 3:30 PM and going to about 8 PM. Ty and Marc will be able to commit to being there until 6 PM.

Beehive Collective

  • The Beehive Collective is on tour and will be stopping in Lincoln on Wednesday, September 11.
  • We would like to help host/sponsor their visit to Nebraska. We discussed potential contacts that might be interested in also co-sponsoring their visit.
  • BCH can also help with financial assistance.

Fall Calendar Planning

  • September: Rewilding Garden Tour, Beehive Collective, the Breadwinner (movie)
  • October: They Live (movie)
  • November: Re-visit the “talking to your racist uncle” event from last year; Transexual Menace (movie), Columbus Day Protest, “Can We Vote Our Way Out of this Mess?” re-deaux since it’s an election year 🙁
  • Other movie ideas: Coextinction, a movie about the inter-connectivity of the environment and animal species

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 pm

6/10/24 Minutes: Upcoming Event, Lincoln TRUE

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Upcoming Event – Our Strange Victory movie night is this Friday. We think we’re ready for it.

2. Lincoln TRUE 2024 – Last night, Salem met with organizers of an event called Lincoln TRUE (Tour for Rewilding Urban Environments). The event is happening in late September, and our yard seems relevant. Salem brought us an application, and we’ll discuss this again soon.

Meeting adjourned: 7:25 PM

6/3/24 Minutes: Events Review

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt

Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Events Review – We had our Cesar Chavez movie night on Friday. The turnout was low, and the discussion was brief. Chien-Chi was over on Saturday to run a sale here, and she sold a few of our leftovers from the yard sale. We made about $40 from her efforts.

(It was mostly random conversation with just two of us available and a relatively light agenda…)

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM

5/27/24 Minutes: Upcoming events, Summer calendar distro, library donation, library sharing, June newsletter/online postings, AI discussion

In attendance: Chien-chi, Jackson (secretary), Salem, Ty, Marc
Meeting Start: 7:15 PM

1. Upcoming Events – We have our Cesar Chavez movie night this Friday. We’re ready for it! Chien-Chi will also be running a sale out of our yard on June 1st. We’ll put our leftovers back out from the main yard sale a couple of weeks ago, and she’ll also be selling some of her things. She’s thinking 9 AM – 4 PM. Jackson will help her set up, but will be too busy the rest of the day to be of further assistance.

2. Summer Calendar – Jackson got them printed! He will be reimbursed $14.59. We made plans to distro around town.

3. Library Donation – Marc and Ty brought some cool new books for our library. We like them!

4. Library Sharing – Jackson has been contacted by a friend building a leftist lending library in Kansas City. They will be in town on Sunday and are hoping to stop by and exchange literature with us. We decided tonight that we can give away most of the duplicate books in our library towards helping this sister library project.

5. June Newsletter / Online Event Posting – Salem will contribute a short story to our June newsletter. Marc and Ty will work on a draft for the LGBTQ Damage Report discussion. Matt will be working on the Strange Victory movie night.

6. AI discussion – (By this time, only Jackson, Marc, and Ty were left at the meeting.) Those still present have concerns that our group may not have the capacity for an event as ambitious as a formal panel discussion on the topic. Our group neither specializes in technology, nor do we have any specific connections to those we do. We would need access to critical experts if we are to move forward with a panel, but we are unsure of where to find them. It may be more realistic for us to facilitate one of our traditional talking circles on the subject.

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM

5/20/24 Minutes: June 1st Sale, Summer Calendar Printing, Discussion Planning

In attendance: Chien-Chi, Jackson (secretary), Matt
Start time: 7:10 PM

  1. Events Review – We had our yard sale a couple of weeks ago. We raised $921! We also had Winslow’s Wardrobe back here on Saturday. We had a couple of folks pass through and get some new clothes. Winslow’s Wardrobe confirmed then that they will be back here in August.
  2. June 1st Sale – Chien-Chi will be using our yard for a sale during the Near South Neighborhood-wide sale on June 1st. We’ll be putting leftovers from our sale a couple of weeks ago out there.
  3. Summer Calendar – Matt has provided a draft for our summer calendar that looks good! He will finish the handbill version ASAP, and Jackson will get them printed in the next few days.
  4. Upcoming AI discussion? – Chien-Chi is envisioning a panel discussion, and may have the first panelist already. She thinks a larger, more professional venue may be more appropriate for the event. We have a lot of workshopping to do as far as determining who else we should collaborate with and what we should try to prioritize for such an event.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM