1/20/25 Minutes: LGBTQ Outlook this Saturday!

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Sparrow, Wolf
Start time: 7:10 PM

  1. Upcoming Event – We’re welcoming our friends from OutNebraska back this Saturday as we host a community discussion on the “LGBTQ+ Outlook” for the year. We’re ready for it.

We spent the rest of the meeting on a more open-ended discussion as it was Sparrow and Wolf’s first time in the space.

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 PM

1/13/25 Minutes: Inauguration Day Protest, DSA Book Club

In attendance: Aaron, Alex, Danni, Jackson (secretary), Squid
Start time: 7:10 PM

  1. Event Review – We ran the documentary Zapatista for our January movie. We had a strong turnout and a long, spirited discussion.
  2. Inauguration Day Protest – Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Lincoln and Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) are organizing an Inauguration Day protest at the Capitol building, and the Black Cats have been invited to join. Jackson is unable to commit on behalf of the whole group; some of us may attend as individuals.
  3. DSA Book Club – Aaron helps to run DSA Lincoln’s book club, which is currently reading Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia. He is interested in having some later installments of his book club hosted in our space. Jackson let him know that we previously hosted a few DSA reading group meetings back in 2017, and that we would probably be interested in having them here again. That discussion will continue.

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

1/6/25 Minutes: First 2025 Event, Starting Spring Calendar

In attendance: Becca, Jackson (secretary), Mirror, Payne, Salem
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We’ll be starting 2025 with our Zapatista movie night on Friday. We’re ready for it.

2. Spring Calendar –

Something feminist for Women’s History Month
Handmaid’s Tale movie night?
Abortion Rights discussion?

Autism Awareness and Acceptance Month
Arab-American Heritage Month
Earth Day
Autism as a Social Justice Issue (a community discussion)
We will probably table at Lincoln Earth Day again

Movie Night: Matewan
Annual Yard Sale
Propaganda discussion and/or Manufacturing Consent documentary showing

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

12/23/24 Minutes: Event Reviews, Calendar Distro, 12/30 Meeting Cancelled

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Salem
Start time: 7:15 PM

1. Event Reviews – We haven’t met in a few weeks, so we looked back at all of our December events. First of all, we had a “Being Prepared for Trump” reading discussion. The turnout was surprisingly low, but we still had a good discussion.

We ran a two-part episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for our December movie. The turnout was decent, and the conversation was lively. While we were four months late for the “anniversary” of the fictional Bell Riots, it somehow felt even more timely for us given Trump’s imminent return to power.

We closed up the year with Winslow’s Wardrobe returning to our space. They gave out free clothes to a handful of folks, and we’re already talking to them about coming back in spring to do it again.

2. Reimbursement – Jackson got our winter calendars printed and needs to be reimbursed. The printing was $31.72.

3. Calendar Distro – Salem still needs to put some up in the Haymarket. Jackson still needs to get out to Meadowlark.

4. Next Week’s Meeting – We will be canceling next week’s meeting to take a much-needed holiday rest.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

12/09/24: No Meeting Tonight

There was no meeting tonight, but our Star Trek showing on Friday, December 13 at 7 PM and then the Winslow’s Wardrobe pop-up on Saturday, December 14 from 1-3 PM!

11/25/24 Minutes: Winter Calendar Finished!

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Salem

Start time: 7:15 PM

1. Winter Calendar – Finishing touches: Movie Night: Zapatista will be on January 10th. We will be going ahead with the LGBTQ Outlook (Co-hosted with OutNebraska) on January 25th. Jackson exchanged a few emails with Aryn, and that date was confirmed earlier this afternoon.

Matt is out of town this week; Jackson will check with Marc to see if he can finish the calendar draft that Matt started.

Saturday, December 7th, 1-3 PM: Being Prepared for Trump (a reading discussion)
Friday, December 13th, 7-10 PM: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Past Tense Parts I and II Saturday, December 14th, 1-3 PM: Winslow’s Wardrobe

Friday, January 10th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Zapatista (1999)
Saturday, January 25th, 1-3 PM: LGBTQ Outlook (co-hosted with OutNebraska)

Saturday, February 1st, 10 AM-Noon: Walk For Life Counter-Protest (@ the State Capitol)
Saturday, February 8th, 1-3 PM: Deconstructing the Valentine’s Day Gift (a community discussion)
Friday, February 21st, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Free Angela and All Political Prisoners

Meeting adjourn: 7:40 PM

11/18/24 Minutes: Winter Calendar Nearly Done!

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Morgan, Salem, Shade

Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Event Review – We brought back our “How to Talk to Your Racist Uncle” workshop/discussion on Saturday. It didn’t have the same turnout that it did last year, which is especially disappointing given the overall increase in our attendance since the election. We did still meet one new person, who seemed to enjoy the discussion here.

2. Winter Calendar – We just need to finalize our January discussion topic and dates for it and the January movie. We will continue this on the Discord and hopefully get these done this week, especially since Matt will be unable to work on them next week.

Saturday, December 7th, 1-3 PM: Being Prepared for Trump (a reading discussion)
Friday, December 13th, 7-10 PM: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Past Tense Parts I and II
Saturday, December 14th, 1-3 PM: Winslow’s Wardrobe

Saturday, Date TBA, 1-3 PM: LGBTQ Outlook (if OutNebraska is available/interested) OR What is Mutual Aid? OR What is Anarchism?
Friday, Date TBA, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Zapatista (1999)

Saturday, February 1st, 10 AM-Noon: Walk For Life Counter-Protest (@ the State Capitol)
Saturday, February 8th, 1-3 PM: Deconstructing the Valentine’s Day Gift (a community discussion)
Friday, February 21st, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Free Angela and All Political Prisoners

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

11/11/24 Minutes: Event Reviews, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Andy, Jackson (secretary), Salem

Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Event Reviews – We had two events this past weekend. We had our movie night for Transexual Menace on Friday night. We had a good discussion, and met some new friends and old friends that we hadn’t seen in a long time. We also had our “Now What?” discussion on Saturday afternoon, which was organized on a couple of days’ notice last week, to give our community space to come in and process the return of Trump after our recent elections. We drew several new people in for that discussion, and we went on strong for 3 1/2 hours!

2. Upcoming Event – We’re bringing back our workshop on “Talking to Your Racist Uncle” in time for the holidays. We think it will resonate with our community especially given the aftermath of our recent election. Jackson will get online advertising going for it, as we have materials from doing it last year which should be easily repurposed.

3. Winter Calendar

Saturday, December 7th, 1-3 PM: Being Prepared for Trump (a reading discussion)
Saturday, December 14th, 1-3 PM: Winslow’s Wardrobe
Friday, Date TBA, 7-10 PM: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Past Tense [Part I and II]

Friday, Date TBA, 7-10 PM: A documentary about the Zapatistas
Saturday, January 31st, 10 AM-Noon: Walk For Life Counter-Protest (@ the State Capitol)

February Movie Ideas: Rebel Ridge (if still available), Free Angela! documentary, something else to commemorate Black History Month

Odds and Ends:
Something critical of Valentine’s Day in February (Salem)
LGBTQ Outlook (Matt; seek collaboration with OutNebraska?)
Intro to Mutual Aid (Matt)
Something to encourage new activists: How to Get Involved / “Activism Fair” (Jackson)
Salem might be able to get us a digital discussion/presentation from a semi-famous hacktivist
Andy likes the work of psychologist Jeremy E. Sherman

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM