1/6/20 Minutes: Spring Calendar, New Library Donations including Graphic Novels, Treasury Update

1/6/20 Minutes: Spring Calendar, Wonderful New Library Donations, Treasury Update

In attendance: Brandon, Jackson, Wyatt (secretary), Ty (moderator), Bailey, Will
Start time: 7:45 PM

1. Upcoming Event. We are looking forward to our climate change discussion group! Baily will prepare a presentation. Jackson would clean the room.

2. Library Donations! Thank you Jackson for a big library donation of 24 new volumes include graphic novels!

3. Treasury Update. Our treasury sits at $213.28 as of the first of the year. Yay!

4. Action Update – Some Black Cats participated in two NoKXL / MMIWG (No Keystone XL Pipeline / Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls) rallies at the capitol over the last two weekends. Both events were well attended and led to further discussions. Suggestion that next time we should invite the media!

5. Web Events posting – January Movie night is posted, thanks Ty! And now its a good time to start thinking about Audre Lord. Thanks Will! And we just posted our upcoming “Trouble” screening.

6. Spring Calendar –

– March- Women’s History Month
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)

– April – Environmentalist Stuff
Saturday April 4th or 11th. History of religion/spirituality in Europe?
April 18th Garden Day
Climate, Capitalism, Control. Video Essay – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaste

– May – Labor stuff and yard sard
Friday, May 1st Movie: Parasite. Hot New Release
Saturday, Sunday. Perhaps May 15th and 16th. Or another time. Yard Sard. We need to schecule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house.
Maybe a labor documentary at the end of the month

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

12/09/19 Minutes: Fundraiser success!! Update on Winter Calendar Distro, Brainstorming for Spring


12/09/19 Minutes: Fundraiser success!! Update on Winter Calendar Distro, Brainstorming for Spring

In attendance: Jackson, Brandon, Wyatt (secretary)

Start time 7:15 pm

Event Review:
Our Self-Advocacy with our doctor fundraiser was a bust. Nobody showed. 🙁
We could have come up with a better event title that conveyed the political themes. We blame a perfect storm of bad advertising.

Upcoming Event:
We have a movie on Friday, we have the DVD!
We have the second installment of Love your Library, this time Haymarket Press. Anyone have any favorite Haymarket books to highlight?
Solstice Fire Pit coming up!

Calendar Distribution Update:
We agree to reimburse Jackson the $3 for printing an additional 10 calanders.
Remaining locations
Downtown – Brandon
South – Wyatt
Delaying campus posting until January.

Fundraiser Fund:
Wyatt is handing the 438 dollars, and will cut a check to Project Extra Mile, and provide a receipt to BCH.

FB posting:
We posted the Solstice FB event!

Potential Spring Calendar Ideas:
screening of Parasite – a South Korean movie about class dynamics
screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
Climate, Capitalism, Control – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster
Documentary about modern labor movements(?)
Jackson and Dance have many documentaries

March- Womens History Month
April – Environmentalist Stuff
May – Labor stuff and yard sard

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 pm

Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

11/4/19 Minutes: Bookstore organizing, calendar distro sites, winter calendar

Meeting Minutes November 4th 2019

In attendance: Marc (moderator), Brandon, Bailey, Will, Wyatt (secretary), Jackson, Ty, N8

Start Time – 7:13 PM

1. Event Review

Halloween – It was fun! We talked to the movie.

Free school – Was good. We protected the BCH basement from flooding and learned about water drainage!

2. Upcoming Events

inhabit reading! On Saturday from one to three we will do a collective out loud reading.

free school – We will learn about chainsaws and drills and other

3. November Events

fb posting- Wyatt wrote a good description, which we will use. We will make special fliers and maybe partner with other orgs to expand the event.

4. Library Donations

Thank you Ty and Marc for donating 7 awesome new books!

5. N8 Proposal and Idea

N8 is working for Indigo Bridge as a community outreach coordinator and is looking for community connections. We could share resources on book ordering, social media boosting, event hosting. How could this be utilized? Ideas:

– Use indigo as a meeting ground

– Distributing radical media to youth

– Zine distribution


7. Flyering Location Update

2. Calander Distro – We have to distro calendars!

Andrews Hall
Bernert Hall
Love Library
Manter Hall

>Downtown –
Novel Idea
Gomez Art Supply
Parish Art Spaces
Jimmy Johns

Georges Gormet Grill


Qdoba Burrito Place

Happy Raven

Greywhale sushi, inside Grande Manse

Hertz Donuts



Sultans Kite

Game Room

Cookie Company

The Coffee House

>Hay-market –
1000 Villages
Indigo Bridge
Ivanna Cone
Rabbit Hole Bakery 8th and Q
BlueStem Books

>Near South –
Cultiva 11th and G –

Unitarian Church

> South Street Side
Open Harvest


8. Assembly Update

November 23rd from 10am to 2pm at Bennett Martin Library. We are looking for form unity and build under three broad themes: – Resource Distribution, Climate Change, Community Resilience

Goal is to create a six month to year vision about what the leftist community is trying to do.

2 b revisited


9. Winter Calendar


1. Community Discussion – Self-advocacy with your doctor – Marc

3. Movie Night: The Living End (1992) – Ty n Marc
4.. Love Your Library: Haymarket Press – Jackson

4. Solstice Fire pit

5. event inhabit reading at Indigo Bridge

January/Climate Change
1.Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Screening/Discussion – Episode 7 of Trouble, invite Dandelion Network
to do a presentation on mutual aid projects in Nebraska (so far/in future)
2. The Reality of Climate Change in Nebraska
3. Sci-Fi dystopian movie – Star Trek? “The Inner Light”
4. Counter-protest for Walk for Life!!!! Jaunary 18, 2020!


Restorative Justice 2

1. Know Your Rights training – Will and Brandon
2. Reading discussion – Audre Lorde or Friendship as Form of Life
3. Love your Library – Black Studies Month

Meeting adjourned 8:43 PM

Meeting September 23 2019 – Library Donations, October Events

In attendance: Bailey, Brandon, Jackson (moderator), Marc, Will, Claire, Wyatt, (Secratary)

Start time: 7:15 PM

>Event Review- We liked the Library event and the crew got together over books and laughs. This pilot event was good but we want more outreach. We meet up with one awesome new commrade at this event!

>Upcoming Events –
Film this Friday. Rural Undocumented and Queer. We will stream.
Upcoming monday film. Our guests will stay with Brandon.
Gardening day still not confirmed with Alex. Starting at BCH at 10. Working till 4.

>Library Donations. We received a total of 70 books and nine DVDs from dope Black Cats! Thanks Ty Marc and Jackson!

>Potential CoSponsrship
We agreed to cosponsor the Buffalo Taking activity at Indian Center.

>October Events
Jackson is posting the October anti-Columbus event.
Wyatt is posting the legacy of standing rock event.
Baily the smoke signals to be sent along.

>Action Reviews
We got updoots and discussion about the public actions that happened over the weekend.

>Free School
Updoot from Baily on free school efforts. The first class is our garden day.

>Red State Meeting October 8th 630 hosted at BCH.

>Work Time
We sorted books!

Meeting Adjourned at 8:40pm.

Appendix Ideas for winter calanders:

We discussed potential future open hours / library display events. Second library event will be Spotlight on Haymarket. Zines spotlights. How to make your own zines workshop. Zine publication. 10

8/26/19 Minutes: Calendar Distro, Parade, Free School, Red State, Garden Day


8/26/19 Minutes: Calendar Distro, Parade, Free School, Red State, Garden Day

In attendance: Bailey, Marc, Jackson, Brandon (moderator), Wyatt (secretary), Will, Ty
Start time: 7:25 PM

1. Facebook/Website – We need to get events on the facebook page and website.
What are borders? – Ty wrote the description. Will will write a short handout.
Love your Library – Jackson
Movie Night – Wyatt
Website – Wyatt

2. Calander Distro – We have to distro calendars!

>Campus – Ty
Andrews Hall
Bernert Hall
Love Library
Manter Hall

>Downtown – Marc
Novel Idea
Gomez Art Supply
Parish Art Spaces
The Foundry
Jimmy Johns
The Hub Cafe – Brandon

>Hay-market – Marc
Crescent Moon
1000 Villages
Indigo Bridge
Ivanna Cone
Rabbit Hole Bakery 8th and Q
BlueStem Books
Francie and Finch

>Near South –
The HUB GED – Brandon
Cultiva 11th and G – Baily
PePe’s – Baily

Unitarian Church – Already done

> South Street Side – Wyatt
Open Harvest
Bohdi – Brandon

4. library donations –
Six new library book donations tonight, along with several zines. Several books from Jackson, one from Wyatt, a zine from Will, and several zines from Marc and Ty. Thank you!

5. parade –
This Saturday is our build day. We will join at the South Downtown Art Hub on Saturday August 31st from 11 – 2 to make a Black Snake Puppet.

6. garden day –
Point person for talking to Alex is Will and Baily. We would like to coordinate a joint gardening day where we work some at both properties.

7. free school –
Twenty Five people signed up which is cool! Deadline for getting all ideas submitted is the 25th of September. October should be the first full calendar.

8. red state stuff –
167.50 $$ was the total breakfast bill. $150 is given directly from black cat treasury to Jackson. We also paid the $50 reservation fee to the church. Those two expenses bring the BCH contribution to $200. Jackson will seek the additional $17.50 from the Red State Committee.


Meeting adjourned: 8:12 PM


8/05/19 Minutes: Fall Calendar Finalization, New Library Donations


8/05/19 Minutes: Fall Calendar Finalization,  New Library Donations

In attendance: Brandon (moderator), Jackson, Will, Wyatt (Secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:13 PM

1. Event Review –
We had our harm reduction training, thanks a lot to Lavender!
We would like to donate the extra supplies to Feed the People. We will make a few more copies of the instructions.

2. Upcoming Events-
We will be showing White Light / Black Rain on Friday.

3. Library Donation.
Jackson donates 5 books to the lending library.

4. Fall Calendar –


What are borders? A Community Discussion – Sep 7?
Movie – Sep 13?
Which Way Home (2009)
Forbidden: Undocumented and Queer in Rural America (2017)
Do I Sound Gay?
Love your Library: AK Press Spotlight – Sep 21, 1-3 PM


Legacy of Standing Rock – Community Discussion- Oct 12, 1 – 3pm
Movie “Smoke Signals” (1998)
Anti-Columbus Day Protest @ Federal Building – October 14th
October 31st Black Cat Halloween Party. Movie?


Reading Discussion: “Inhabit; Instructions for Autonomy” – Nov 9
Movie Night “Skins” (2002) (Drama filmed at Pine Ridge) – Nov 15/22
Anti-Thanksgiving Fundraiser Feast– November 29th (7 PM)

Meeting adjourned: 8:32

Tabled Items: Fall Calendar, Library Labels, Wellread Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

6/24/19 Minutes: Treasury Update, July Events, Fall Brainstorming


6/24/19 Minutes:

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Marc, Wyatt (secretary), Will, Ty

Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review.
About 8 people and a civil discussion despite some irreconcilable differences in the room. All of our core team made it, yay! We liked the contradictions on the white board and we got dialectical.

2. Upcoming
“How to survive a plague” is showing this Friday. The movie is about the organization ACTUP.

3. Email x2
We got an invite to participate in a block party on our street. Saturday August 3rd 5 to 9 pm. We think tabling is a great idea. Jackson will email back.

Saturday July 20th at the Union for Contemporary Art in Omaha. They want to know if we are interested in attending the training, or if we are interested in distributing the free Narcan Kits. We probably can’t but we will forward to Feed the People and maybe ask them if they want to host a training here. We will ask for a kit.

4. Money
$32.87 website domain renewal on the horizon, Jackson will pay.
Would we like to donate to the legal defense fund of Bernard Clark Duse Jr. We will donate $70. We will share on social media.

The Treasury sits at about $102 after all pending bills are paid.

5. July Events
Ty’s description of Chicken Run is great. We will post next week.
Jackson will write the other event descriptions tonight.
July 8th general meeting is canceled.
July 28th will be Sunday Dinner.

6. Fall Brainstorming

Discussion idea: Historical Disconnect between our bodies and medicine. / Commodification of medicine. Do we even recognize if we are sick? What do licensing and doctors orders really mean? How can we learn to listen to our bodies?

Free School / Skill Share Idea: Citizen doctors conference / training thing.

Will proposes a Friday movie night Trouble Screening.

Will proposes a reading discussion of a inhabit booklet.

Library flex. Dedicated events for particular types or publishers of books.

What is Autonomy?

Are we continuing with popcorn politics?

Working class anime

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Commune Subscription, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks. How do we want to spend our red state money? Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)



6/3/19 Minutes: Birthday party review, new books, june events updated

6/3/19 Minutes

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Wyatt (secretary)
Start time: 7:10

1. Event review:
We had our open house on Saturday! We were happy to celebrate our birthday with lots of food. We had about 10 guests who all showed up between 4 and 5, and people stayed till about 6. Maybe in the future we will move our times a little bit later and a little shorter.

We were happy to see some familiar faces, some new faces, and several people checked out books. We were very happy with the event!

2. Upcoming events
Summer events are up on the website calendar! We still of course need to add descriptions for the July and August events.

3. June events
How to survive a plague has been posted on Facebook!

4. Library donations
We have three wonderful new library book donations from authors John Pilgers, Richard Seymour, and Barbra Einhorn. Thanks Jackson!

5. Calendar distribution
Jackson finished the east side of downtown. Ty and Marc finished the west side. Wyatt will finish with the Hub Cafe and Unitarian Church.

6. Treasury Report
Jackson finished our treasury report. The general balance is over $400 and the library and speaker sub treasury are at $0. Thanks for the report! We should have enough money for what we need this year.

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

Tabled Items: Wellred Books, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

5/13/19 Minutes: Yard Sale Review, Calendar Printing!

5/6/19 Minutes: Yard Sale Review, Calendar Printing!

In attendance: Jackson, Ty (moderator), Wyatt (secretary), Marc
Start time: 7:15 PM

Event Review
Yard Sale Recap 2019
$599.14 Total Revenue. This is a low number but we are still happy. We still have some things to sell online.
We didnt have quite as much stuff this year, didnt sell our our big ticket items, and we were not totally prepared at 7am friday.
Maybe in the future we will set meeting time before yard sale to price and sort. Maybe next year ask for volunteers to help sort and price.
We will shampoo the carpet this week to clean the yard sard grime.

Upcoming Events
Lucy Parsons Reading on saturday
We will print 15 items on tue or wed. Ty will take point on that.

Aaragorn NonUpdate
We have no updates about this potential event. We are still willing to do it if it happens. If we don’t know by next week we wont be able to pull it off.

Calendar Issue
We changed one event name.
Ty will print calendar in Angry Lavender celebrating 50 years since Stonewall and cause we like to be queer.

New Slingshots Arrived!

Jackson is reimbursed for chair purchase.

Meeting Adjourned 7:45

5. Summer Calendar –

Saturday, June 1, 12-5 PM: The Black Cat House 6th Birthday Open House
Friday, June 14, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: 1984
Saturday, June 22, 1-3 PM: What is Revolution? (a community discussion)
Friday, June 28, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: How to Survive a Plague

Friday, July 12, 6-10 PM: Movie Night: Manufacturing Consent
Saturday, July 20, 1-3 PM: American Empire and Islam (a community discussion)
Friday, July 26, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: Chicken Run

Friday, August 9, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Friday, August 16, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: Pan’s Labyrinth

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

04/08/19 meeting minutes: May fundraiser preparation, summer calendar brainstorming

In attendance: Ty, Marc, Wyatt (secretary), Jackson (moderator)
7:03 pm meeting in session

1. Upcoming events
We will be showing Strength of the Storm on Friday. Its a short movie and will provoke lots of discussion.

2. Emails
Serendipity has sent out a feedback form about her workshops. Individual members are encouraged to complete.
Martin Smith has fully canceled his presence at the event we scheduled for him this april. In leiu of the authors presenting his book we will do a reading of the book. Marc volunteers to read the book aloud.

3. May events
Begining May 1, the public is encouraged to bring donations to the Black Cat House for our spring fundraiser yard sale. Working appliances, small furnitures, electronics, toys, hats and shoes, books, art, and any other useful household items or stuff you think we could sell. No clothing or large furniture. We have stickers and tables and signs.

4. Summer calendar.
June 7 and 8 Star City Pride
June 19 Juneteenth
July 4 – 7 Socialism Conference
August 24 Red State Conference
–Proposed BCH events
June 1 BCH turns 6 open house birthday party
August Commemoration of destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima
Open discussion of US Imperialism and Religious Fundementalism
Open discussion What is Revolution?
Late June Early July Manufacturing Consent / The Corporation
Pans Labrinth
Purple Blue

Meeting Ajourned 8:14