Meeting Minutes, 03/22/2021. Upcoming Events. Yard Sale!

Meeting Minutes, 03/22/2021. Upcoming Events. Yard Sale!

In attendance: Jackson, Ty (moderator), Wyatt (secretary)
Start time: 7:02 PM

Upcoming Event.

We have an upcoming reading discussion. Looks like people are interested, at least on facebook. We decided to do a popcorn style reading. We will allow people to jump in whenever they are ready. Will try to prepare a couple discussion questions in advance.

April Events

Wyatt will host two medical events, April 8th and April 22nd. BCH will host a garden day on April 17th 1 to 3pm.

Annual Yard Sale.

We decided for the BCH house Yard Sard to be May 21st and 22 and 23rd. Talking about maximizing social distancing abilities by table placement. We are talking about doing it big this year, so give us your stuff! No clothes, please. We will start reaching out to our contacts for getting donations.

Black Musicians and Liberation Video Update

Jackson has been in email contact with Monty. A full list of things we were thinking about was sent but there are a few more details to be discussed. He has volunteered to put the video together with us.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:05

11/30/20 Minutes: Panel Preparation, Library Organizing, Winter Brainstorming

Meeting Minutes for 11/30/2020. Panel Preparation, Library Organizing, Winter Brainstorming

Meeting begins at 7:06pm

In attendance: Naomi, Marc, Jackson, (moderator) Wyatt (secretary)

> Upcoming Event

We have an event coming up on Dec12 from 1 to 3 pm. Some of our panelists are locked down and others have tentatively confirmed. We are posting the event description tonight. We are reserving a URL, we have designated a tech person (Marc) we have designated a moderator (Jackson).

For next week we would like to have questions for our panelists ready.

> Library Stuff

Naomi is interested in organizing our library. We planned several work days.

>Winter Calendar Brainstorming

December is our Protesters and Police event

January we have the counter protest


SCOTUS ideas

Innaguration ideas

Activism in age of Biden

Book feature of black history

Poetry for black history month

>Meeting Adjourned 8:15

9/7/2020 Meeting minutes. Fall Calendar. Medic training location change.

9/7/2020 Meeting minutes. Fall Calendar. Medic training location change.

In Attendance : Ty (moderator), Wyatt (Secretary) , Jackson

>This week. The street medic training got moved to a larger venue. We were not told where exactly this new venue is…. Jackson will continue to investigate and try to find the location.

>Calendar image
Ty made a beautiful calendar meme for the interwebs. We shall post on FB. We need to post the two known events on the website and. asap, post the trash pickup as a facebook event.

We are still searching for a canopy for the October outdoor discussion. We want a white or canvas looking one. We might decorate it later.

>November event updates
We invited one more potential speaker and are waiting to hear back. Our other speakers are still looking OK. We have invited a total of 4 people so far.

Meeting Adjourned 7:40

Meeting Minutes 24/8/2020 New books! Guest Speakers Panel work. final Bail Fund decision.

Minutes August 24th 2020

New books! Guest Speakers Panel work, final Bail Fund decision.

In Attendance: Ty, Wyatt (Secretary), Jackson (Moderator)

Meeting Start Time : 7:20

> Event Review: Garden Day. We did get several projects done around the yard. Attendance was about 8 people. Several children and families attended. We are happy about this as we wish to get the perspective of more different aged people during our discussions and activities. Some discussion was had as to how to broaden our reach further.

> Library Donation: Our friend Jackson donated 24 new books on a variety of topics from Queer History to Police State to Labor History. We even got a coloring book and a few more graphic books. We discuss the departure of Indigo Bridge where many of these discounted books were sourced.

> Fall Calendar: Ty is working on drafting an image. We need to decide a name for our event: Guest Speakers on Police Repression. We do hope to get four “speakers.” So far we have several leads and one tentative Yes.

September 26th 10am – 12pm

October 17th 1pm – 3pm Can we Vote Our Way Out of this Mess?

November TBA Guest Speakers on Police Repression

> Bail Fund. We had a meeting on Saturday with several people who were interested in starting a bail fund for Lincoln. The discussion did not end in consensus but in a two sided divide. After the discussion a proposal was sent by the proponents and majority. The dissidents expressed their frustration that the written proposal only reflected one side of the arguments. The arguments presented by the dissidents were not stated but merely characterized with adjectives. Dissidents were ignored and dismissed which is not the basis for a trusting relationship. The Black Cat House Collective will not participate in this endeavor. As always individual members of the BCH may participate as autonomous individuals.

Black Cat House will continue to investigate plans to create a bail fund in its own right.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:45

Meeting Minutes 8/10/2020. Fall Calendar. Jail Support. Venue Expansion. Website Updates.

Meeting Minutes 8/10/2020. Fall Calendar. Jail Support. Venue Expansion. Website Updates.

In Attendance: Wyatt (Secretary) Ty (Moderator) Jackson

Meeting Begins 7:01pm

>Fall Calendar.
Football was canceled. This opens things up for us. We did get our fall calendar pretty well sorted out. We are doing three events and we will forgo a paper calendar in favor of doing a ‘meme’ calendar.

Three Events:
September: Community Clean Up
October: Can We Vote Our Way Out of This?
November: Guest Speaker on Police Repression: Date TBD

>November Discussion: We need to find a speaker.

Jackson and Wyatt will follow with their connections. Ty will follow up with Will re: Portland connections

>Jail Support Discussion:
Black Cat House is trying to get a jail support system going. Ty gives update on meeting with Atlanta jail support.

ROLES for an effective jail support organization:
1. “Vigil”: drives ’em home, brings snacks, physical support for the folks coming out

2. “Spreadsheet operator”

3. “fundraising agents”

phone banking/re-routing a public phone number to several in the network/post-jail resources

>Emphasizing Venue Aspects of Black Cat House.
As an organization, we want more community people and national people to use the living room to their advantage. Some immediate steps we can take now.

-Adding website tab about “our event space”
-Creating YouTube Channel about black cat house, video series: Garden, Rain Barrels, House Tour, Library Tour, Event Space Feature.
-In the future we want to do more advertising to open up the space.

Meeting Adjourned 8:45pm


7/13/20 Meeting Minutes: Ecofascism, Upcoming Garden Day, Fall Brainstorming.

Meeting Minutes 7/13/2020: Ecofascism, Upcoming Garden Day, Fall Brainstorming.

In Attendance: Marc (Moderator) Ty, Jackson, Wyatt (Secretary)

>Event Review – EcoFascism

Ty, Marc, Tanner, and Adam had a good conversation about recognizing ecofascist language. The term Deep Ecology was started by a Nazi. Sometimes people on the left use this term. Participants indicated interest in more conversations about ecology in the frame of Covid, Climate Change, overpopulation? and ecofascist rhetoric. Jackson brings up concerns that not many people showed up compared to the social media reach. Maybe we need to re-frame the issue?

Participants also followed up with exchange of readings. Jitsi online platform worked pretty well.

>Upcoming Events

Harvest Day is August 22nd. We should post the fb event next week.

“The summer heat is here and the garden is growing! Join us on August 22nd to harvest potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, pumpkins, and more, from our front yard garden. Eat stuff and take stuff home for you and your family. Learn about what plants look like before they make it to grocery store shelves and learn about just how good garden veggies taste. Also, check our our 1000+ gallon rain barrel system. Learn about the successes and failures we have experienced through the phases of experimentation we have endeavored over the last two years. Hear about our experiences gardening during climate change and under the City regime.”

Frame the event as an educational opportunity to explain the rain barrels and what potatoes look like. Harvest tomatoes, carrots, beets, peppers, squash and pumpkins.

>Bail fund Update

The bank account is set up and debit cards are ready. Now we just need to fund-raise!

>Fall Calendar 2020
Ty likes the idea of a community trash pick up day. Early October or September.

More ecofascism discussion ideas?

Longevity of leftist organizations and movements? Compare NoDAPL v BLM Furgeson? How to keep activist movements focused, mobilized, moving forward? Police repression of protest participants?

Whats going on with Electoral Politics? Can we vote our way out of this mess? Mid October.

We are considering giving an in person events in the fall, using masks and hand sanitizer. We have about 2 or 3 weeks to get the fall calendar ready. We may consider doing physical calendars again.

Adjourned 8:22pm

3/23/2020 Minutes: How to continue our mission during pandemic?

In attendance: Marc (moderator), Wyatt(secretary), Ty, Jackson
Start Time: 7:10 PM

1. Upcoming Event. Movie night. We will attempt to screen this free youtube movie via facebook. We will see how it goes. Wyatt will attempt to figure out how this will work logistically.

2. Future events. We would like to live stream. How will this work? Can we save the videos for later?

3. Tabled Items: Library Work Time.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:10 PM

3/9/2020 Minutes: KXL review, movie night posting.


3/9/2020 Minutes: KXL review, movie night posting.

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Wyatt(secretary), Margret
Start Time: 7:15 PM

1. Event Review:
Fighting the Black Snake. We had a couple member of the collective and several veteran organizers form the movement. We did have two new people come to the house, one who seemed to learn alot. We are concerned that many people have issue fatigue about the KXL, so we are thinking about ways to bring the issue back to the center. Strategically, we would like to bring forward the narrative that KXL is a lincoln omaha drinking water issue.

2. Upcoming Event:
We are showing a movie this Friday. Got the DVD and are ready. Hope to see yall there!

3. Third March FB event posting:
We received a short version from Adam Hintz, we will add some context to the description before posting.

4. Library Work Time. Tabled.

Meeting Adjourned. 8:10


1/20/20 Minutes. Event Review about counter protest; upcoming anti-war protest; spring calendar

1/20/20 Minutes:

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Brandon, Wyatt(secretary), Bailey
Start time: 7:18 PM

1. Event Review – Walk for life counter protest went well on Saturday. Sign making party on Friday night garnered minimal attendance but we did have a productive hour making new signs and sorting through our old signs. About 35 counter protestors met the 2000 walk for lifers at the capitol. It was very cold so the event was shortened. We see them again next year and continue to defend women’s rights to to choose!

2. Upcoming Event – We have two events coming up. A movie and a protest. Young Ones is a movie we are showing on Friday at 7. We are not sure of the quality of the movie but we are looking forward to a discussion. We are doing a independent anti-war protest at 16th and O outside the federal building on saturday at 11am – 1pm. Join us!

3. February Events –
Will and Bailey will post the Audre Lord reading event on fb. Thank you!
Jackson will post a fb event for the Love Your Library event.
Jackson will also post a fb event for the Black Power Mixtape movie. Thank you!
Will will make a special flyer for the Know your rights training and will post a fb event.

4. Spring Calander –
Black out dates:
April 18th husker spring game
NFP will be having a 50th anniversary celebration, not sure of the date yet

– March – Women’s History Month
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
March 27, 7 – 9pm. possible date. Suggestion from Adam Hintz for a screening of “Tending the Wild” which is about indigenous practices for living with nature.
Wyatt proposed another noKXL community discussion

– April – Environmentalist Stuff
Saturday April 4th or 11th. History of religion/spirituality in Europe?
April 18th Garden Day
Climate, Capitalism, Control. Video Essay – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster. Will says we could do an author TALK via video chat.

– May – Labor stuff and yard sale
Friday, May 1st Movie: Parasite. Hot New Release
Saturday, Sunday. Perhaps May 15th and 16th. Or another time. Yard Sale. We need to schedule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house.
Labor documentary at the end of the month?

– unsorted
screening of JoJo Rabbit (will be available on DVD in early February)
resource drive for water protectors or flood victims
discussion/workshop: “What Can I Do?” concrete means of helping out in climate disaster (combined with resource drive?)

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)