7/25/2022 Minutes: Website, Fall Calendar planning

In attendance: Wyatt (secretary), Ty, Jackson, Brian
Start time: 7:20 PM

  1. Website Updates- Scheduled an August 22nd meeting for website stuff. We need to prioritize content ideas and make something everyone likes.
  2. Library Donation – Dr. Collette donated a large box of books to the library. Thank you!
  3. Fall Calendar –
  • We have not heard anything for certain about a collaboration with OutNebraska in September. We will keep our ears open on this channel. If it happens too late to get on the calendar we can simply host and leave it up to OutNebraska to advertise. We would prefer to get it on the calendar.
  • We had a lot of enthusiasm for follow-up pro-choice event. We are thinking of formatting it like a support group talking circle for activists. We can print out some more abortion zines and share this file with interested parties.
  • An open discussion: the Prison Industrial Complex. Event about mass incarceration prison abolition based around. Use info graphic. Why are so many people inside in this county? What is this doing to the families that are missing all those people? Does it have to be this way?
  • “Intersectiona-LEE-ty”: How Bruce Lee Embodies Intersectionality; talk by Professor Dance; Jitsi discussion recorded for YouTube; November 10th, 7-8:30 PM. Jackson can moderate.
  • Movie night in November: Judas and the Black Messiah. This bio-pic is about Fred Hampton.
  • Anti-Columbus Day protest. Monday October 10th at the Federal Building, 16th and O.
  • Halloween Movie Night. Could do the Jordan Peel Candyman movie. Or the movie NOPE! Maybe we should ask Eric Holt for suggestions.
  • DIO Fest is October 8th. Located at the Bay, probably. We might throw up a rain barrel, if possible.
  • Possible garden plant ID tour thing. Sunday September 11th

Blackout Dates:

Husker home football games are on: 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 10/1, 10/29, 11/5, 11/19

Meeting adjourned: 8:23PM

5/23/22 Minutes: Yard Sale Review, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Wyatt (secretary), Marc, Ty, Jackson,
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Yard Sale. We had a very successful yard sale, clearing about $1200! Just about matching our record year. Thank you everyone for your donations and purchases. The collective will be well funded and be able to make multiple donations to causes throughout the year. We lost a few garage sale signs this year. We do need a few more sign wires for more yard sale signs. Marc will plan on making yard signs for next year.
  2. Projector Modernization. We would like to use some of the funds to buy a nice new projector. We want something that will last us for a long time. We want one that we can replace the lamp easily. Its worth spending money on a really good one. Jackson will take care of this.
  3. Summer Calendar Finalization. August zine workshop is finalized.
    1. For June: Movie showing, Saturday, June 25th – 7p – 9p
    2. For July: Abortion Rights: What Now? discussion on July 16th – angled toward projected ramifications, which states have/had trigger bills, which states will keep it legal, what to do now. Marc will reach out to a university professor he knows regarding the abortion discussion; we may consider other folks to reach out to.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

3/21/22 Minutes: Upcoming Garden Day, CRT Talk, Yard Sale

In attendance: Wyatt (secretary), Jackson

Meeting in session: 7:30pm

  1. Upcoming Event: Garden Day. Event is posted on facebook and our website. Invite your friends!
  2. Critical Race Theory: A Talk by Professor Marvin Lynn. We are on for Thursday, April 21. 7pm-8:30pm. Might be nice to have a flier to post for this. We are looking forward to making another you-tube video about this. This event needs a little more development. We are deciding if we want cosponsors, and other items.
  3. Black Musicians and Liberation Video. Ty is working on posting this. Thank you Monte for editing.
  4. Marc and Ty are working on drafting our Library Open House Event. Would like to get this posted in the next week or so.
  5. Thank you Ty for drafting up our Yard Sale advertisement. We will start taking donations on May 8th. Posted to facebook and Black Cat website.
  6. Jackson is working on the May reading discussion.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM

2/28/2022 Minutes: Calendar Distribution, Upcoming Events, Buttons

In Attendance: Jackson, Ty (Moderator), Wyatt (Secretary), Marc.

Meeting Started: 7:49pm

1. Upcoming Event.

Big event on Thursday. We are ready to prevent any trolling. Hitting advertising hard now.

2. Calendar Distribution

We have special posters for this Black Musicians and liberation event that need to be hung. Jackson has completed the downtown circuit. Marc and Ty will hit Burnett, English Building, Sociology Department, Old Father Hall, and other campus locations and the “far flung” locations. Wyatt will do South street, ICI, and Union College. All redundant for our seasonal event calendar.

3. Preparation for Spring Calendar Events:

Marc will write up the description for inter-sectional feminism. Jackson will help edit it. Wyatt will make the garden day workshop event.

4. Buttons

Marc made buttons! We have new anarchist and pronouns buttons. Yay! If anyone has button ideas we are going to make more!

Meeting Adjourned: 8:22

2/21/2022 Minutes. Finalized: Black Musicians and Liberation, Spring Calendar. Interesting Library Donation

In Attendance: Jackson, Ty (Moderator), Wyatt (Secretary), Marc (present for item 1 only), Naomi

Meeting Started: 7:05pm

1. Black Musician and Liberation is coming back. Thursday March 3rd Professor Lory Dance and Professor Kwame Dawes the Bob Marley expert. Marc is working on the advertising poster, should be done by tomorrow. The poster will not have a QR code, but just a URL to the Jitisi event. We have bios and headshots for our presenters. We need to finish the promotional materials in the next day or two and get these things out.

2. Spring Calendar is lined up!!! Yay. Marc is also finishing up the winter calendar. We are using the same template with new colors.

Thursday, March 3, 7–8:30PM: Online Event: Black Musicians and Liberation
Saturday, March 12, 1-3 PM: Intersectional Feminism for Beginners
Saturday, April 2, 1-3 PM: Garden Day Workshop
Saturday, April 16, 1-3 PM: Library Open House
Saturday, May 7, 1-3 PM: January 6th Insurrection (a reading discussion)
Friday, May 20, 8 AM – 6 PM & Saturday, May 21, 8 AM – 2 PM: Yard Sale Fundraiser
TBA Online talk: Critical Race Theory

3. Critical Race Theory

Marvin Lynn has offered to potentially do an online talk about Critical Race Theory. What is CRT and why all the controversy? He is currently on sabbatical at the University and he is specifically doing several talks on CRT, which he wrote the book on. Jackson will get back to him this week and work on specifics. If he gives us a date, time, and a blurb, we can go ahead and start advertising. We trust his judgment.

4. Library Donation

Ty has brought a generous library donation. Wesleyan Libraries has been weeding a lot of their socialist books. Many of them are pretty old. Some of them might be sale material and some might make it into the library. Even if they are a little old they are still relevant as historical pieces. There are also a few jems in this stack. Several books about socialism and communism in East Asia, which our library currently has very little of. Also several African socialist and communist authors, which our library also needs. Also a stack of books about Christian socialism from a Western perspective. Many very unusual finds. Thank you Ty!

Meeting Adjourned 7:50pm

11/22/21 Minutes: Calendar Approval, Library Reorganization

11/22/21 Minutes

In attendance: Jackson, Marc, Ty (Moderator), Wyatt (Secretary)

Start time: 7:10 PM

Calendar Update:

  • Marc did a great job with the handbill and full size winter 2021-22 Calendar. Thank you! We reviewed and discussed final edits. We want to add “Come browse our lending library” We will get them printed this Tuesday or Wednesday.

Merch Discussion:

  • Do we want to make swag? Perhaps stickers for laptops, books, waterbottles, ect. A message and graphic that represents us.
  • We would like Goldenrod printing to make dedicated posters for our panels. We are considering making more dedicated posters for special events. We would like to continue to support the union-organized Goldenrod Printing Company.
  • We want to add a list of “what the black cat house offers” on the back of the handbills.

Upcoming Events:

  • Labor vs Capital is up on fb. The work is getting around. The event space will be cleaned before December 4th. The draft for the Matrix movie night is in progress.
  • We need to reach Call to Action and ask them to be on our panel. Wyatt and Jackson will work together on this.

Library Updates:

  • We have a new very large bookcase. We want all wood shelves. Thank you Wyatt for this.
  • Discussion about reorganizing the Library. We want a “not for checkout” shelf, so the rest of the books are more obviously “for checkout!” Also we conducted additional Extensive discussion about new possible arrangements of books.
  • December 4th at 11am will be a library committee meeting / workday.
  • We are still moving towards a digital database of all our books so we can showcase them on the website and know if the book is checked out or not.
  • Jackson has a library donation. Asexuality, a book of articles. Thank you!

Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm

11/15/21 Minutes: Women and Christianity Event Review, Winter Calendar Finalized

11/15/21 Minutes

In attendance: Jackson, Ty (Moderator), Wyatt (Secretary)
Start time: 7:10 PM

Event Review:

We had a good discussion on Women and Christianity that was in depth and wide ranging. We did dunk on Christianity quite a bit also recognized christian groups that prioritize/d social justice. Decent participation turnout, although not as good as usual pre-covid times. Our sanitation procedures were followed closely, thank you all. A couple topics we might do future events for surfaced during the discussion, such as Early history of Christianity, Queer People and Christianity, and how that is all related to the Matrix movies.


Wyatt attended the lantern making for Trans Day of Remembrance and Resilience. The lanterns will be displayed at the Hub Cafe on Nov 20th from 4 to 6pm.

Winter Calendar:

We added February reading discussion to give people a chance to talk in a season otherwise stacked with two panels.

We decided on “Social Justice in Christianity” as serviceable event name for our January panel. We want to explore those dissident trends within Christianity that won’t allow the bigots have the religion completely to themselves. We want Christians with leftist politics to talk about their experiences with being a leftist christian. We have a moderator, a time, and two panelists (and plans to get a third). We will host the panel online.

With more work to be done and questions to be answered about our February panel, at this time it will remain TBA. We are not really happy about this vagueness on the calendar but it is where we are at.

Our winter calendar is finalized and going to production.

  • Saturday, December 4, 1-3 PM – Labor vs. Capital for Beginners (A Community Discussion)
  • Friday, December 17, 7-10PM – Movie Night: The Matrix
  • Saturday, January 8,, 1-3PM – Social Justice in Christianity (A Online Panel Discussion)
  • Saturday, January 29, 10 AM, north side of the Capitol – Counter-Protest the Anti-Choice Walk for Life
  • Saturday, February 12, 1-3PM – Marxism as Morality? (A reading discussion)
  • February, Time TBA – Black Musicians and Liberation (A Online Panel Discussion)

Meeting Adjourned 8:27pm

9/20/2021 Minutes: Cat Art, Winter Calander brainstorming, Upcoming Discussion

In attendance: Jackson, Ty, Wyatt (Secretary), Marc, Shakye
Start time: 7:30 PM

Event Review: Garden Day was not attended. It was hot and there was a football game. Lets keep them in the morning.

Cat Art Update: Our artist friend has volunteered to create a new logo for us. We would like one that could be placed anywhere on the page, not just at the top. Maybe a little bit freshened up. Transparent background complete image that can be digitally formatted.

We also talked about a sign for the front yard. With lights.

Upcoming Events:

On Saturday we have an upcoming event, our discussion. We got some traction on social media. We will be doing it on the porch.

Winter Calendar Ideas: We would like to have these out by mid November at the latest.

Counter Protest

Homeowners associations and city codes about colonizer lawns

Black Musicians and Liberation event in February.

Tabled Items:

website, inside of the house video, library catalog, little library, winter calendar, and probably more

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

9/13/2021 Minutes: Library Donations, Upcoming Discussion

In attendance: Jackson, Ty, Wyatt (Secretary)
Start time: 7:20 PM

Library returns and donation:

An item was returned to the library: DVD “The Corporation” were returned along with a note from the reader saying how much they enjoyed and appreciated it. Jackson donates three books including Fossil Capital, The Rise and Reign of Unruly Woman, and When Sex Goes to School and Wyatt donates two books, Jacobs’ A Generation Removed and Scahill’s Dirty Wars

Upcoming Events:

We have a upcoming garden day this Saturday. Wyatt will be around to organize those in attendance. The Saturday after that we are hosting our open discussion. We edited the event description and posted the open discussion event. See ya’ll there!

Some discussion about movie night, will we do it indoors? How can we make it safer / people comfortable?

Calendar distro:

We have hung all our colanders. I will take one more to Meadowlark for that one delayed hanging.

Tabled Items:

website, another video, library catalog, little library, cat themed art, winter calendar, and probably more

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

07/05/21 Minutes: Youtube, Website, Fall Calendar

07/05/21 Minutes: Youtube, Website, Fall Calendar

In Attendance: Marc, Ty (moderator) Jackson, Wyatt (secretary)

Relationship with City Regulators- We received a fine from the City for the first time ever. We believe that we are not in violation of any laws. Wyatt is in the process of preparing a written defense argument.

Upcoming Events – Jackson wrote a lovely description for our event “With Jackasses like these, who needs the Elephants?” We all read it and made a couple suggestions. Jackson will make edits and post the event. Marc will create a banner image for the facebook event. The event is next Friday. Will be posted online and shared out.

Library Donations – Jackson is donating two more books for the library. Pocket edition of Beautiful Trouble. This book includes sections in tactics, principles, and theory. Also a pamphlet from PM press about the personal feud between Marx and Bakunin. Thank you Jackson.

Youtube Video – We have a You Tube channel! Ty is working on the captions forthcoming.

We want to make a video about the garden. We are discussing what content we want in the video.

Who we are, going on 9 years old, going on 3 years of gardening. Why we do it, how to do it cheaply, and how to do it accessibly. Downsides. About 15 min. Jackson will read a mission statement type thing and Marc will film. We would also like to create a channel trailer.

Website Updates – Ty and Marc worked on the website. They have many excellent ideas. We need more time to discuss this. Tabled.

Fall Calendar Ideas – Reading Discussion. Garden Day. Columbus Day protest. October movie night.

Women in Christianity open discussion or reading discussion.

Put off the Paganism event until next Easter.

Garden Day. August 14 10-12

Our Fall Calendar:

Garden Day September 18th 1pm – 3pm

Columbus Day October 11th 5pm – 6:30pm

Spooky Politics Indi Horor TBD Movie Night October 30th 7pm – 9pm

Open Discussion: Women in Christianity. November 13th 1pm-3pm

We need to be aware of Husker Homegames; September 4 , 11, October 2, 9, 30 November 6, 26

Tabled Items: Website discussions.

Meeting Adjourned 9:01pm