Folks weren’t available to meet tonight. We’ll try again next week.
Author Archive: jackson
8/29/22 No Meeting Tonight
Folks were not available to meet tonight. We’ll try again next week.
8/22/22 Minutes: Fall Calendar Finalization, Website Planning
In attendance: Connor, Jackson (secretary), Luz, Marc, Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:15 PM
- Upcoming Event – Marc’s zine workshop is this Saturday! He’s feeling good about it.
- Fall Calendar – Marc has a draft for our fall calendar. We fine-tuned some of the event descriptions. Unfortunately, Jackson still hasn’t received confirmation of whether we will have access to The Color of Care for September 23rd. We decided to advertise our September movie night as a Social Justice Documentary Night (title TBA), while dedicating our November movie night to Judas and the Black Messiah. Marc will be getting the calendar files to the UNL print shop tomorrow and Jackson will be picking them up on Wednesday.
Sunday, September 11, 1-3 PM: “Urban Foraging,” a tour about recognizing edible plants
Thursday, September 15, 7 PM: “Changing Hearts and Minds: Talking to your Family and Neighbors about LGBTQ+ People,” a workshop we’re co-hosting with OutNebraska about how to help folks understand and support LGBTQ+ folks
September 23, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Social Justice Documentary (Title TBA)
October 10, 4-6 PM: Anti-Columbus Day Protest
October 15, 1-3 PM: “Prison Abolition for Beginners,” a community discussion
October 28, 7-10 PM: Halloween Movie Night – Jordan Peele’s Candyman
November 10, 7-8:30 PM: Intersectiona-LEE-ty: How Bruce Lee Embodies Intersectionality, a digital discussion with Professor Lori Dance (this will be recorded as well)
November 18, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Judas and the Black Messiah
- Website Improvements – We spent the last hour of the meeting in an extended discussion about the improvements we want to see made on our website. We’re eager to see what Marc can do with our ideas.
Meeting adjourned: 8:55 PM
Tabled Issues: Emailing list, indoor tour video/photography
8/8/22 No Meeting Tonight
Jackson was the only one available tonight, so there was no meeting. We’ll try again next week.
7/18/22 Minutes: Fall Calendar Planning
In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty
Start time: 7:05 PM
- Event Review – We had our abortion rights discussion on Saturday. We had eight new people in the room, who all found us through the Facebook event. It was a great discussion that everyone seemed very engaged in, even with a self-described theocrat in the room trying to prosletyze us. (Thankfully, they left early when the attempt went nowhere.) Jackson collected emails from several of the attendees and needs to get an email out to them soon with a DIY abortion care zine we have access to. He will also use the opportunity to follow up with them about a suggestion made at the discussion to hold more of these pro-choice meetings in the coming months, possibly formatted as a “social activists’ support group” as one of our guests suggested.
- Library Donation – Jackson is donating a book about anarchism to the library.
- Fall Calendar
We still are planning on collaborating with OutNebraska in September, but Ty needs to follow up with Aryn soon.
We may do more pro-choice events, since there was a lot of enthusaism for follow-up on that issue at our discussion this month.
Marc suggested via group chat last week that maybe it’s time for us to do an event about mass incarceration/prison abolition.
“Intersectiona-LEE-ty”: How Bruce Lee Models/Embodies Intersectionality (Working title); talk by Professor Dance; Jitsi discussion recorded for YouTube; November 10th, 7-8:30 PM
Possible movie night(s): Judas and the Black Messiah
Recurring events to renew: Anti-Columbus Day protest, Halloween Movie Night
Collaborative idea: DIO Fest is supposed to be returning on October 8th
We have also heard from some close friends that they’d be interested in running an event, showing a movie, inviting colleagues, etc.
Blackout Dates:
Husker home football games are on: 9/3, 9/10, 9/17, 10/1, 10/29, 11/5, 11/19
DIO-Fest will also be on October 8th, so we don’t want to compete with them on that day.
Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM
6/13/22 Minutes: Accessibility Work
Jackson and Wyatt were the only ones available tonight. We had some discussion about making the space more accessible, and then committed time tonight to actually cleaning up parts of the space indoors and outdoors towards being more ready for our next public event on June 25th.
5/16/22 Minutes: Yard Sale, Tabling Opportunity, Summer Calendar
In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:25 PM
- Yard Sale – Our annual fundraiser is this weekend! It’ll be a lot of work, but we had worktime tonight to price almost all of our currently collected donations. We discussed the logistics of picking up some of the larger batches of donations from our families. Jackson can still use some backup getting things set up on Friday morning, as neither Marc nor Ty will be able to help then. We’ll do our best!
- Tabling Opportunity – Our neighbor Chelsea emailed Jackson this afternoon to let us know that she’s hosting a block party on Sunday, June 26th and invites us to come and table (as we have done in at least one previous year). We are interested, and Jackson will email her back to accept the invitation.
- Summer Calendar – We still need to pick dates for the Pride movie night and the abortion rights discussion, but our night got late on us with all of the yard sale prep. We’ll continue this discussion on the Discord. TABLED.
Meeting adjourned: 9:30 PM
5/9/22 Minutes: Donation to Niskithe Prayer Camp, Summer Calendar, Yard Sale
In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty, Marc (briefly, late, by phone)
Start time: 7:07 PM
- Event Reviews – We haven’t met in three weeks, so we have had three events since our last meeting!
We had two online events, Professor Lynn’s CRT talk and our friend Aryn’s talk on Title 11. Marc stayed home tonight to work on editing those talks for our YouTube channel. We did have minor issues with Jitsi on both events, with the recording stopping prematurely and having to be restarted. We also still need to get Ty reimbursed for upgrading his Dropbox account to hold the files from these video recordings.
We also had our latest reading discussion this last Saturday. The turnout was low, but it was a good discussion.
- Yard Sale – The yard sale is coming up next weekend. We’re now publicly accepting donations. We’re not sure at the moment if Wyatt will have time to build the temporary tables we enjoyed last year. Ty is not sure yet about his availability for next week, because of his work schedule. It sounds like we could really use some more volunteers to help us pull this off. We have a lot of uncertainty tonight, and we’ll have to continue planning logistics for this via the Discord as more details become known.
- Buttons – Marc has pressed some prototype Black Cat House swag buttons. They are very cool! And we are excited to have swag with our name/logo on them at last. Marc has offered to make more buttons, possibly as things to sell at the yard sale. This is a good idea in theory, but we’re not sure what designs those would be.
- Niskithe Prayer Camp – We extend our solidarity with the Niskithe Prayer Camp trying to save the Native sweat lodges here in Lincoln. We will be donating $200 to their PayPal.
- Summer Calendar –
June or July: Movie Night: Pride
July or June: Some kind of discussion on abortion rights; Marc will reach out to a professor contact at UNL
August 27th, 1-3 PM: DIY Publishing: A Zine Workshop (working title)
Meeting adjourned: 8:33 PM
5/2/22: No Meeting Tonight
No one was available to meet tonight. We’ll try again next week.
4/18/22 Minutes: April Events, Accessibility, NO MEETING NEXT WEEK
In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty
Start time: 7:00 PM
- Event Review – We had an open house for our library on Saturday. We had a few people show up late, but it was generally not well attended. We did at least use the time to do a little bit of organizing in our library. We’re wondering if there just isn’t going to be an uphill climb to get people back into attending in-person events.
- Upcoming Event – Our online discussion with Professor Marvin Lynn about Critical Race Theory is this Thursday! Ty helped Jackson send out a calendar reminder. We are excited for this!
- Title 11 – We are pretty much ready for next Monday’s event. Ty experimented with the security options on the Jisti chatrooms, with promising results. THIS WILL PREEMPT NEXT MONDAY’S USUAL BCH HOUSE MEETING!
- Accessibility – Ty has concerns about our accessibility given the current state of the house. It’s something that we’ll need to work on in the coming weeks.
- Summer calendar – Jackson would like to keep the summer calendar light; exactly one scheduled event per month. We are considering a movie night for June; possible something queer, like Pride (2017). Ty also suggests having Marc run a zine workshop in late August, right when the university students are back on campus.
Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM