1/9/23 Minutes: Counter-Protest, Reimbursement

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Rae, Ty
Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Library Donations – We had many books donated from several sources. We spent the first part of the meeting going through those and deciding which ones we’ll add to our library.
  2. Upcoming Event – We have our video and discussion on “Corporate Control Over Public Space” here on Saturday afternoon. We are ready for this.
  3. Counter-Protest – Jackson will get the event up tonight. We just hashed out the last few details. Jackson will open the house for sign-making the night before, and Marc and Ty will be here Saturday morning to offer childcare if needed.
  4. Reimbursement for Thank-You cards – Marc needs to be reimbursed for picking up the Thank-You cards. He spent $46.93, and we will be paying him for his service.

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 PM

1/2/23 Minutes: Revisiting Defining Documents

In attendance: Isaac, Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty

Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Talking about spaces – We spent the first hour meeting with Isaac, who was involved with a defunct venue space called “HQ.” We had an open-ended talk about the history of HQ, Black Cat, and other similar community projects the Black Cats were familiar with. We hope the leadership behind HQ can rebuild that project someday soon.
  2. Walk For Life Counter-protest – We need to get online advertising up for this ASAP, but Jackson needs help. Marc agrees to get the ball rolling with a rough draft.
  3. Library Donations – Marc, Ty, and Jackson had several new books for our lending library, and everyone liked them.
  4. Defining Documents – Marc and Ty have been considering revising and augmenting some of our defining documents to better describe ourselves (especially on our website). Ideas included: an extended, more detailed version of our mission statement; a code of conduct; and a history of the Black Cat House project. There was also some discussion about if/how we should better stay on task during meetings when new people show up to them and if/whether we should try to revive our Open Hours as a preferable format to introduce new people.

Meeting adjourned: 9:05 PM

12/19/22 Minutes: Library Workday

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Rae, Ty

It was another library workday tonight. Just a reminder that we will NOT be meeting next Monday, December 26th. We will resume meeting on January 2nd.

12/12/22 Minutes: Library Workday

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty

Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Event Review – We had our movie night with the documentary, Behind the Shield, on Friday night. The turnout was low, but the discussion was good. We were all really impressed with this movie, and should run it again someday.
  2. Thank You Cards – Marc has been in discussions with Goldenrod about printing his card design. They haven’t gotten back to him yet with quotes, but we trust Marc’s discretion if he thinks we’re getting a reasonable quote. We will reimburse him for getting the printing done, and we’re hoping to get those cards in time to fill them in at next week’s meeting.
  3. Library Worktime – We spent the majority of our meeting sorting through the a sizeable backlog of library donations. We also decided to spend the majority of next week’s meeting continuing work on some overdue library projects.

Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM

11/28/22 Minutes: Calendar Printing & Distro

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty
Start time: 7:07 PM

  1. Winter Calendar –

We reviewed Marc’s draft of our calendar before it hits the printer. Jackson replaced one event description. We’re ready to print this week!

Jackson will pick up our calendars from the printers. Jackson and Ty updated our master list of distro sites, and decided on how to split up the distro duties.

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 PM

11/14/22 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty
Start time: 7:20 PM

  1. Event Review – Our digital discussion was a bust! No one showed up, and we were plagued with so many technical difficulties that it wasn’t even practical to record the presentation for our YouTube. We probably needed to get it advertised sooner to get people to attend. We’re not sure why there were so many technical problems; it may just have been a bad night for Jitsi’s servers.
  2. Upcoming Event – We’re showing Judas and the Black Messiah this Friday night. We’ll be ready for it.
  3. Winter Calendar

December –
Friday, December 9th, 7 PM: Movie Night: Behind the Shield: The Power & Politics of the NFL

January –
Saturday, January 14th, 1-3 PM: A community discussion (?)
Possibly about Company Towns (“Your Town’s CEO”), but is that too niche? What’s our audience?
Saturday, January 28th, 10 AM: Counter-Protesting the Anti-Choice “Walk For Life” (@ Nebraska State Capitol)

February –
Ideally, a movie night in the early part of the month. And preferably, a fictional one…
Saturday, February 18th, 1-3 PM: Gaming the System: Class Privilege in “The Great Dalmuti”
(Black Musicians and Liberation? TBD?)

Meeting adjourned: 8:55 PM

10/24/22 No Official Meeting

There was no official meeting tonight. Jackson was the only Black Cat regular here. Three young leftists stopped by and checked out the library, and also donated three books for our library. But we just chatted until the visitors checked out what they wanted to check out and left. We will try again next week.

10/17/22 Minutes: Fall Events

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Rae, Ty
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Event Review – Our discussion “Prison Abolition for Beginners” flopped! We’re going to have to continue better advertising our events.
  2. Upcoming Event – Our next event is going to be our Candyman (2021) movie night. We’re going to get online advertisements up soon, as Marc has a draft for us to consider tonight.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

9/19/22 Minutes: Upcoming Event Prep, Library Donations

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty
Start time: 7:15 PM

  1. Event Review – Aryn from OutNebraska was here on Thursday night to give a workshop. Our turnout was smallish, but the folks who came were definitely engaged. Our library was also very popular with our new folks. Jackson noticed that the event wasn’t showing up properly on our Black Cat House Facebook page, possibly because OutNebraska created the event and tagged us in as co-hosts. Ty is pleased with the precedent of this and wants to see us having more co-hosted events in the future.
  2. Upcoming Event – We have a movie this Friday night. Our projector is still being repaired, so it may not be ready for Friday. We may have to check one out from Love Library, and hope that we have a laptop and soundbar that will talk to it. The technical details are a bit more convoluted than usual, but we think we have a plan.
  3. Book Donations – We spent the remainder of our meeting time sorting through a backlog of books that have been donated to us over the past several weeks. There were many good titles that we will be adding to our library.

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM