10/30/23 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Ty
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Upcoming Events – We have two events this weekend, and we haven’t advertised them yet! We finalized last-minute drafts for those events, and Jackson will post them online after our meeting. We will be streaming the movie off of Matt’s account.
  2. Winter Calendar –

(Note to designer: Please make sure calendars say Winter 2023/2024)

Friday, December 1st/8th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Killing Gaza (?)
Saturday, December 9th, Hours TBD: Library Open House / Clothing Giveaway (more details TBD)

January movie: Date TBD: Leaning towards Space Sweepers, but we need to know that we can get it first
January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)

February movie: Date TBD: Black History Month (10,000 Black Men Named George OR The Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation)

Black Musicians and Liberation?
Community discussion about everything being racist? // White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc); Christmas’s War On Us
Look forward / Look back / Retrospective on 2023’s labor wins (December/January)

Luddism/traditionalism and bigotry
Do we dare do something about human nature?!
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet? // Dystopian sci-fi movie? Elysium? They Live? (Could possibly be factored into Space Sweepers if we can run it…)

Meeting adjourned: 8:50 PM

10/23/23 Minutes: November Events, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Event Review – We ran The Young Karl Marx on Friday. We had a moderate turnout, and everyone but Jackson was new to the movie. Everyone enjoyed it, and we had a decent discussion afterwards. It was a little on the slow side, but that was probably due to everyone else trying to digest that much new information.
  2. Upcoming Events – We are rapidly coming up on our first two events in November, the Coco movie night and the neighborhood clean-up. Salem will take point on doing rough drafts of those for us ASAP.
  3. Winter Calendar

January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)
February – Black Musicians and Liberation?
Movie for Black History Month?
Community discussion about everything being racist? // White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet? // Dystopian sci-fi movie? Elysium? They Live?
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc); Christmas’s War On Us
uniting/organizing the left/labor organizing/been a good year for strikes
Luddism/traditionalism and bigotry
Space Sweepers (South Korean sci-fi film)?
Do we dare do something about human nature?!

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

10/16/23 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt
Start time: 7:15 PM

  1. Upcoming Event – Our movie night for The Young Karl Marx. We’re ready for it.
  2. Winter Calendar –

January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)
February – Black Musicians and Liberation?
Movie for Black History Month?
Community discussion about everything being racist? // White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet? // Dystopian sci-fi movie? Elysium? They Live?
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc); Christmas’s War On Us
uniting/organizing the left/labor organizing/been a good year for strikes
Luddism/traditionalism and bigotry
Space Sweepers (South Korean sci-fi film)?
Do we dare do something about human nature?!

Meeting adjourned: 8:19 PM

10/9/23 Minutes: Event Review x2

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Salem
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Event Reviews – We had two events in the last week. We had our American Health Care: A Horror Story discussion on Saturday. The turnout was low, but we had a good discussion. A friend reached out on our Facebook to see if we’d be interested in doing another one of these soon. We’ll have to discuss that later, as our turnout is so low tonight. We also had our annual Columbus Day protest downtown earlier today. Turnout was low, but the folks who attended seemed to have a good time. We were unfortunately double-booked with the Native community having a celebratory powwow for Indigenous Peoples’ Day, but that event was announced after we committed to our protest.

With our turnout being so low, we decided to table all other matters and adjourn early. We’ll try again next week.

Meeting adjourned: 7:18 PM

10/2/23 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem
Start time: 7:20 PM

  1. Upcoming Events – We have two events before our next meeting! We’ll meet on Saturday for our healthcare horror stories discussion, and we’re protesting Columbus Day at the Federal Building on Monday. We think both of these events will be straightforward, and we think we’re ready for them.

Winter Calendar –

January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)
February – Black Musicians and Liberation?
Movie for Black History Month?
Community discussion about everything being racist? // White supremacy as a foundational value in U.S. history
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet? // Dystopian sci-fi movie? Elysium?
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc); Christmas’s War On Us
uniting/organizing the left/labor organizing/been a good year for strikes
Luddism/traditionalism and bigotry
Space Sweepers (South Korean sci-fi film)?
Do we dare do something about human nature?!

Meeting adjourned: 8:26 PM

9/25/23 Minutes: Winter brainstorming, Calendar?

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Salem
Start time: 7:07 PM

  1. Event Review – We had a movie night with the documentary Gather on Friday night. We had a good turnout, as our community definitely seemed interested in the intersection of Native rights and food politics. The discussion was a little on the slow side, but our audience may still have been absorbing the information of the film. We may have been able to have some Native people in the room, but we accidentally scheduled this on the same date as the second day of the second-annual Otoe-Missouria visit back to Lincoln. We’ll have to watch out for that conflict in future years.
  2. Calendar of citywide events? – As a continuation of the previous schedule conflict, Matt is interested in helping to build a calendar of other relevant events across the city. This would be a major undertaking, but also a very powerful resource if completed. He will need help compiling all of the events, but has technical skills to help organize this information into a calendar. Jackson suggests that we should probably start with recurring/annual events.

3. Winter Calendar –

January 27, 2024 – Nebraska Walk For Life (and our counter-protest)
February – Black Musicians and Liberation?
Movie for Black History Month?
Community discussion about everything being racist?
Billionaires being allowed to kill the planet?
Something critical about Christmas (Christian supremacism/consumerism/etc)
uniting/organizing the left

Meeting adjourned: 8:18 PM

9/18/23 Minutes: Website Training, Stickers?

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Ty
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Upcoming Event – Our movie night for Gather is this Friday. We’re late getting up on Facebook, so Ty says we need to push it hard on social media.
  2. Calendar Distro – Ty has made progress on distributing calendars, but we don’t have them up yet in the College View area or the Unitarian Church. Salem is not here to ask if the Haymarket has been done.
  3. Sticker Order – Our friend is still wanting to print more queer liberation stickers and is willing to front us $100 to make another order of them. We would be happy to work something out, but we have a few questions to sort out before we move forward. Ty will continue that communication.
  4. Columbus Day protest handouts – Jackson needs to check the materials from last year and see if we need to print more informational zines about Columbus’s crimes.
  5. Website Training – We spent the second half of the meeting over video chat with Marc as he walked us through the back end of our website.

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

9/11/23 Minutes: Calendar Distro, Website Training Next Week

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Ty
Start time: 7:12 PM

  1. Event Review – We had our reading discussion about fast fashion on Saturday. The turnout was poor, with only Black Cats attending. We had a good discussion. We had some further discussion here about our below-average attendance on events this year, with some discussion of how we can turn things around. Matt thinks it would be good to have more events with co-host groups.
  2. Upcoming Events – We desperately still need to get Gather advertised online. Jackson will submit a draft ASAP. It’s also about time for us to be drafting stuff for the October health care discussion and the Columbus Day protest. Ty will start work on the healthcare event. Jackson thinks we can adapt last year’s Columbus Day event pretty easily. Jackson reports that we still have last year’s signs, but we may need to print more informational handouts on Columbus’s atrocities.
  3. Calendar Distro – Ty is still working on the ones he committed to putting up. Salem said on Saturday that the Haymarket still needed to be done. We’re a little behind, but we’re getting it done.
  4. Website – Marc wants to host a training for us to learn how to better edit our website as he’s needing to step back on his Black Cat responsibilities. We’re tentatively planning to spend the second half of our meeting next week via Jitsi or Zoom to do that.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

9/4/23 Minutes: Upcoming Event, Calendar Distro

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Salem

Start time: 7:07 PM

  1. Upcoming Event – Our reading discussion on the environmental impact of fast fashion is this Saturday. Salem is preparing talking points. Jackson is having trouble formatting the readings for printing, but hopefully someone can help him with that.
  2. Fall Calendar Distro – Ty came by over the weekend and collecting all of the calendars needing to be distributed beyond downtown. Salem took the downtown calendars today. Hopefully we can get them all up in the next few days!

Meeting adjourned: 7:50 PM

8/28/23 Minutes: Fall Calendar print/distro, Advertising

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Ty

Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Event Review – We hosted the documentary Hail Satan on Friday night. The turnout was low, but we had a good conversation afterwards. We’re not sure if the low turnout was caused by poor advertising, an unpopular movie choice, or the Covid scare we had at the house this month.
  2. Advertising Events – We need to do a better job of getting the word out about our events. We are considering radio advertising on KZUM and/or KRNU, but their websites are badly outdated and lacking good information on how underwriting works and how much it costs. We also talked about tabling. We’re not sure of any upcoming events that we would be interested in and able to table at, nor have we definitely seen any kind of bump in our attendance since tabling at Lincoln Earth Day or Star City Pride.
  3. Calendar Reimbursement/Distro – Jackson picked up the fall calendars from the printers last Friday. He will be reimbursed $23.60 for getting those. Marc will be distributing calendars on UNL campus.
  4. September Events – Jackson added the Fast Fashion event to Facebook and our website. He still needs to create a draft for our Gather movie night.
  5. Swag – A friend wants more copies of a sticker that we produced for Star City Pride, and has offered to pay for the entire print run. We think that sounds swell.

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM