1/26/15 Minutes: Spring Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson (moderator), Ty (moderator)
start time: 7:00

1. Event Review: Trekkies was on Friday, it was fine. The turn out has been lower than usual. Should we try a different day? Jackson suggests maybe a Saturday night instead. The third #BlackLivesMatter event was on Saturday. It was mostly an organizing discussion on how to improve the events. Ashley will talk to Audrey about doing more work marketing wise, as well as adding more structure to the event.

2. Upcoming Events: The counter protest is this weekend! Ashley and Nick Gerken will be providing childcare at the house. Ty is working on a songbook, but there are potential concerns of disrupting the original protest and getting us in serious trouble. Ty is comfortable dropping the idea, since it could be a safety risk. We decide to talk about it with the others who will be protesting. Jackson contacted the ACLU, but nothing was promised. A poster making party is scheduled for Wednesday during open hours. Ty will buy the posters and will be reimbursed.

3. Paper: We are running out of printer paper. Ashley will pick some up next time she stops by an office supply store, reimbursement is approved.

4. Books: Ashley donated a pile of books from her personal collection to the library. We approve of all of them.

5. Calendar:
Trekkies for Humanism: “The Lorelei Signal” (TAS) Saturday 7th @7
Lincoln Secular Humanists Meeting- Thursday 12th @7
Feminist Discussion Group: Feminism 101- Sunday, 8th 2-4
Movie Night: Erin Brockovich- Friday 20th, @7

Yard Sale Fundraiser- 3rd+4th 8-6, 8-1
Trekkies for Humanism: “Night” (VOY) Friday, 10th @7
Movie Night: WALL-E – Thursday, 23rd @7

We’ll be collaborating with EarthStock for the “Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Effective Environmentalism” event. The event will happen at UNL, and since we don’t know what room or when the Earth Day festival will happen, we’ll leave it off the calendar.

What is…May Day? Saturday 2nd 1-3
Trekkies for Humanism: “The Cloud Minders” (TOS) Friday the 15th @7
Feminist Discussion Group: Women and Labor -Sunday, 17th 2-4
Movie Night: Salt of the Earth- Saturday 23rd @7

Meeting adjourned: 7:51

1/19/15 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Spring Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: The Intro to Asexuality happened! Turnout was not as predicted, but it was filled with good discussion and was very laid-back. Sammi also suggests that for future events of this nature, we have questions prepared to address to keep the discussion flowing.

2. Upcoming Events: We have a Trekkies for Humanism coming up, as well as the next installment of #BlackLivesMatter. The Trekkies will be “Measure of a Man” from The Next Generation, and other than setting up the projector and popping some popcorn, we should be set! Ashley and Audrey have the #BLM discussion under control, and Audrey will begin to take minutes of these discussions. There will also be someone coming by to give Ashley and Audrey tips on facilitating events, and Ashley recommends that everyone who can participate to do so, as these could be helpful tips for all of us.

3. Reimbursements: Jackson bought hardware to hang up the Ben Jones painting, which amounts to $4.95. He also printed off the Black History Month fliers, which were $.64. And since he was preapproved for all these purchases, Jackson gets $5.59 from the treasury!

4. Calendar:

Movie Night: Erin Brockovich
Feminist Discussion Group: Feminism 101
Trekkies for Humanism: “The Lorelai Signal” (TAS)

April 10th and 11th: Yard Sale Fundraiser
Lincoln Earth Day Tabling
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Effective Environmentalism
Movie Night: WALL-E
Trekkies for Humanism: “Night” (VOY)

Movie Night: Salt of the Earth
Trekkies for Humanism: “The Cloudminders” TOS
Feminist Discussion Group: Women and Labor
Potential educational event?

5. Posters: We decided to put up the extra posters we have no room for suggested donations. Ashley will get up pictures and post them on our social media sites.

Meeting adjourned: 8:22 PM

Tabled: May educational event theme, dates for spring calendar

1/12/15 Minutes: Spring Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: We had our What is… Cultural Appropriation? Discussion. It was a small crowd, but a good discussion, and drew some new faces into the house. The only improvement we can think of is that the subject is a little bit obscure, and Jackson suggests theming a future event around Halloween, based around the more-mainstream “My Culture Is Not a Costume” campaign.

2. Upcoming Events: The Intro to Asexuality event is this weekend! Sammi and Ty are ready for it, Sammi created a powerpoint with the basics, and Ty will give Ashley the Taking The Cake zine to make copies of. We need to make cupcakes for it, too. We also have the Writing Letters to Political Prisoners event, which Ashley’s got covered.

3. Reimbursements: Jackson spent $10 buying zines (mentioned last meeting) for the House, and we approve of it.

4. The Militant: We decided to get a year’s subscription to The Militant newspaper. Jackson will be in charge of setting that up.

5. Black History Month: Ashley has created two different drafts for a Black History Month flyer. We picked one out and suggested adding a header, and Ashley will mess with it and get it ready for printing this week.

6. Calendar: We began discussing the spring calendar. The big events to consider are Earth Day and May Day.

For Earth Day, we could potentially collaborate with Sustain UNL. We also need to look into tabling at Lincoln’s Earth Day festival again. We’d need to round up some zines to hand out and prepare kid’s kits, but we have most of the major supplies we needed from last year.

April is also time for our yearly fundraiser yard sale. It will be on April 10th and 11th. No events or open hours are to be scheduled the week beforehand in order to use the house space to prepare items.

With May Day, we didn’t do any major events last year. May Day falls on a First Friday, so while it would be ambitious, we could get in contact with local radical artists and hold an art show themed around working class issues. An alternative would be to hold a whole month of smaller events themed around labor history. A Women and Labor-themed Feminist Discussion Group, one or two movie nights (Salt of the Earth), and an educational event on the history of the labor movement and how it compares today were ideas thrown out. The International Socialist Organization at UNL was suggested as a potential partner for any events. We’re thinking “The Cloudminders” from TOS as our Trekkies for Humanism in May.

March is Women’s History Month, so another Feminist Discussion Group and an educational event themed around that would be appropriate. Ashley and Jackson, our resident mega-Trekkies, will think of solid feminist episodes of Star Trek to show.

7. Posters: We had the Interference Archive mail us several posters out of the blue, and we need to figure out where they’re all gonna go! We retired some posters from our wall and put up some new ones.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Treasury Log 2015 (General/Library/Speakers)


We started the year with $137.40.

January 12th Update

New donation: We received $21.02 in our donations box.

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $8.03 for fliers printed after our last meeting of 2014. This was approved at the January 5th meeting.
2) Jackson was reimbursed $60 for buying a painting for the collective space from artist Ben Jones. This was approved at the January 5th meeting.
3) Jackson was reimbursed $10 for buying zines for the house. This was pre-approved on January 5th and confirmed at the January 12th meeting.

These total $78.03 in new deductions from our treasury. Altogether our treasury decreased by $57.01, to a new overall balance of $80.39.

January 25th Update

New donations:

1) Jackson donated $10.
2) We received $2 from Nick for a duplicate poster.
3) We received $2.20 in our donations box.

These total $14.20 in new donations.

New debits:

1) We paid $35 to take out a one-year subscription to the Militant newspaper. This was agreed to at the January 12th meeting.
2) Jackson is reimbursed $4.95 for buying hardware to be used in hanging up our new painting from Ben Jones in the public space. This was pre-approved at the January 5th meeting, and confirmed at the January 19th meeting.
3) Jackson is reimbursed $0.64 for flier printing. This was pre-approved at the January 12th meeting, and confirmed at the January 19th meeting.

These total $40.59 in new debits.

Overall our treasury is decreasing $26.39, to a new overall balance of $54.

March 2nd Update

New donation: We received $26 in our donations box.

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $6.20 for poster printing. This was approved at the February 2nd meeting.
2) Jackson was reimbursed $14.71 for spring calendar printing. This was approved at the March 2nd meeting.
3) We paid $35 to reserve a table at Earth Day. This was approved at the March 2nd meeting.

These total $55.91 in new debits.

Overall, our treasury is decreasing $29.91, to a new overall balance of $24.09.

April 29th Update

New donations:

1) Our yard sale brought in $704.66!
2) $20 were collected from our donations box.
3) $7.56 were collected from our tabling at Earth Day.

These total $732.22 in new donations.

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $5.35 for flier printing. This was approved at the March 9th meeting.
2) Jackson was reimbursed $35.99 for buying the house a case of printer paper. This was approved at the April 6th meeting.
3) Jackson was reimbursed $6.69 on printing related to a new batch of pronoun buttons. This was approved at the April 13th meeting.

These total $48.03 in new debits.

Overall, our treasury is increasing $684.19, to a new overall balance of $708.28.

May 9th Update

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $4.01 for button-related printing. This was pre-approved at the April 29th meeting, and confirmed on May 6th.
2) Jackson was reimbursed $64.71 for ordering button parts. This was pre-approved at the April 29th meeting, and confirmed on May 6th.

Overall, our treasury decreased $68.72. Our balance is now $639.56.

May 25th Update

New donation: we received $32.11 in our donations box.

New debits:

1) Ty is reimbursed $44 for zine printing. This was approved at the May 13th meeting.
2) Jackson is reimbursed $7.22 for calendar printing. This was approved at the May 13th meeting.

These total $51.22 in new debits.

Overall, our treasury decreased $19.11. Our balance is now $620.45.

August 14th Update

New donations:

1) We received $71 in donations at Star City Pride, mostly for our LGBTQ-themed buttons.

2) We received $20 for pressing some buttons for a local band.

3) We received $58.85 in our donations box.

These total $149.85 in new donations.

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $2.14 for printing costs related to fliers and a button-making project. These were pre-approved at the June 24th meeting, and confirmed at the July 1st meeting.

2) Jackson was reimbursed $17.64 for replacing the broken toilet seat in the public restroom. This was approved at the July 15th meeting.

3) Jackson was reimbursed $3.21 for buying new dry-erase markers for the house. This was approved at the July 22nd meeting.

4) Jackson was reimbursed $134.63 for paying for our web-hosting expenses. This was approved at the July 29th meeting.

5) Jackson was reimbursed $172.59 for buying our new copy machine. This was approved at the August 12th meeting.

These total $330.21 in new debits.

Overall, our treasury decreased $180.36. Our balance is now $440.09.

September 7th Update

New donation: We received $200 from A Novel Idea Bookstore. Awesome!

New debits:

1) Jackson was reimbursed $6.69 for getting our fall calendars printed. This was approved at the August 26th meeting.

2) We agreed to donate $115 to the crowdfunding of Equality Press’ first book. This was approved at the September 7th meeting.

3) We agreed to donate $100 to the crowdfunding of We Are Vital’s neighborhood canvassing project. This was approved at the September 7th meeting.

These total $221.69 in new debits.

Altogether, our treasury is decreasing $21.69. Our overall balance is now $418.40.

October 19th Update

New debits

1) Ty is reimbursed $13.94 for printing costs. This was approved at the October 19th meeting.

2) Jackson is reimbursed $100 for making a donation on the collective’s behalf toward Ella’s fundraiser. This was approved at the October 19th meeting.

These total $113.94 in new debits. Our overall balance is now $304.46.

December 9th Update

New debit: Ty is reimbursed $1.99 for paying for renting a movie for our movie night. This was approved at the December 7th meeting. Our balance is now $302.47.


We started the year with $0.

April 29th Update

Jackson donated $40. We now have $40.

May 25th Update

New donation: Jackson donated $100

New debits:

1) Jackson is reimbursed $80 for buying several books for the library. This was approved at the May 13th meeting.
2) Jackson is reimbursed $15.35 for buying two more books for the library. This was approved at the May 20th meeting.

These total $95.35 in new debits. Altogether, our treasury is increasing $4.65. Our new balance is $44.65.


We started the year with $50.

1/5/15 Minutes: Painting, Prison Zine, Delegating

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review

We’ve had two events since our last meeting.

The Solstice party was on Friday the 19th. The pizza and soda were a hit. The turnout was good, but it probably isn’t great enough that we need to do it in restaurants. We’ll probably continue to host them here.

We also had our second “Black Lives Matter” discussion on Saturday the 20th. Ashley will be meeting with Audrey within a week of the next one to coordinate that. (The day-of plan didn’t work last month, when Audrey had a personal issue that kept her until event time.) Audrey will also be taking minutes for the discussions from now on, since that was requested on the Facebook group.

2. Upcoming Events

“What is Cultural Appropriation?” is this Saturday. Ashley will be out of town this weekend, so Jackson and Ty need to step up. Ashley knows of a zine that would be appropriate as a handout, so she’ll try to make copies during open hours this week.

3. Reimbursements (Fliers, Painting)

Jackson will be reimbursed for the fliers he was asked to print during a previous meeting. The total spent on those was $8.03.

Jackson has also asked to be reimbursed for an original painting by Ben Jones to be hung in the public space. We all approve and reimburse him for the $60 he paid for it. Ashley also suggests pre-approval for reimbursement for any supplies that may be needed to hang this large, heavy painting in our collective space. We all agree to this as well.

4. Prison Zine

We’ve been offered some zines about prison by a friend of Scott Crow’s. We’ve been offered at $2 apiece, and we’ve agreed that we can five for $10. We’ll put one in the library, one in our zine archive, and we’ll have three spares that we’ll figure out what to do with later.

5. Books

We received a pile of books from Ben Jones. We’ll be adding all of them to our lending library.

6. Delegating

Ashley is overworked, and wants to hand off some of the other collective work to other members. Ashley will be doing less work on other people’s events. Online event promotion (on our website and Facebook) will now be done collectively during weekly meetings. Ty will now be responsible for half of our open hours. We’ll also try to handle our Facebook presence more collectively.

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM

12/15/14 Minutes: Holiday cancellations

In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson, Sammi (moderator), Ty (moderator)
Start Time: 7:00

Event review: The movie was a bust, which wasn’t a huge surprise. People are busy around the holidays, there’s nothing we really could have done differently.

Upcoming events; The solstice party is on Friday, as well as a #blacklivesmatter discussion. Jackson is in charge of getting pizza, and Ashley will remind the Lincoln Athiests to bring soda. At far as the discussion, Ashley will lead it. There’s been a lot of talk in the facebook group about how effective different types of protest are, Ashley will do some research and have information on hand for it.

Book: Jackson bought Freud for Beginners for the library. We’re all cool with adding it, he doesn’t want to be reimbursed.

Money: We have a little over $100 in the library. Ashley thinks we should donate $65 to the free store kickstarter and get a red and black flag. We decide to sit on the money for a while; there are some things that would be nice to have, but nothing we need right now.

Message: scott crow recommeded us to a person who puts together a zine by prisoners called “The System that Holds Us Captive”; they asked if we’d be interested in buying some copies. Ashley will see how much it will cost, we want a copy for the archive and for a the library, and might pick up a few more.

Holiday cancellations: Ashley requested that we cancel the rest of the general meetings for this year, as well as open hours for the 23rd, 24th, 30th, and 31st. We all approve of this.

12/8/14 Minutes: Upcoming Events

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Barry, Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Events – The movie night for What Would Jesus Buy? is this Friday, and Jackson owns the DVD so it’ll be easy to set up. All we have to do is make some popcorn. Winter Solstice party is on the 19th, the Lincoln Secular Humanists are gonna be buying pizzas, the Lincoln Atheists will bring soda, and anyone else can bring any food they want in addition to that. The #BlackLivesMatter discussion is the day after the solstice party, and we need to make sure the house is cleaned up after the festivities.

The counter-protest to the anti-choice Walk for Life is on January 31st. We’ll schedule a poster making party the week of, and we need to do a lot of promotion. We should offer childcare at the house again, we’ll have a sign-up sheet with the contact info of the children’s parent(s) and any info we need to know. At the Lincoln Secular Humanists meeting, Brian stated he was concerned about safety after the protest. We should encourage everyone to escort each other to cars or other safe spaces. We also need to contact the ACLU to make sure there’s a legal observer present.

2. Fliers – We need to get more calendar handbills and cat handbills produced. We also need a small run of smaller calendars, so we should ask Ella for that file.

Meeting adjourned: 7:20 PM

12/1/14 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Ramona, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Our “Black Lives Matter” discussion was on Saturday, and it was a huge success. Our space barely held everyone who turned up! A new Facebook group has been started, and there is talk of wanting to do more of these discussions. We will try to do another one in December, but it probably won’t make it on our calendar.

2. Upcoming Event – LSH is meeting here on Thursday evening. We’re ready for it.

3. Donations – Some money was donated to a rat-rescue project that Ashley is working on, and some of the material was addressed to Black Cat House/Rat Rescue. That money is probably not meant for us, but is probably just a misunderstanding because of Ashley’s dual role. We’ll pass all of it on to the rat rescue.

4. Calendar – Our calendars are pretty much done, but we’re still waiting for confirmation from Lazlos (LSH Solstice Party) before we can get them printed. We may have them here tomorrow. We’re supposed to have handbills, too, but they may not be done at the same time.

5. HPA – Ramona is thinking about starting a Nebraska chapter of the Harry Potter Alliance. We discussed it for a bit, and we agreed that Indigo Bridge is probably the best venue for first meetings. We may revisit the subject if there are issues with scheduling something there.

Meeting adjourned: 7:38 PM

11/24/14 Minutes: Calendar Edits

In attendance: Ashley (secreatary), Jackson (moderator), Ramona, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00

Upcoming Events: The feminist Crafting Circle is tomorrow. We need to get the supplies out, but other than that the event is taken care of. Audrey wants to do some kind of anti-racist event this coming weekend for a class. We approve of this, she’ll coordinate and let us know.

Open Hours: Ashley and Ty are doing a large animal rescue operation tomorrow afternoon, so no one will be here to man open hours. We cancel them for Tuesday. Ty will cover it Wednesday.

Book: We were offered a book on paperback swap, but it seems we already have it. Ashley will delete it from our wishlist.

Calendar: The LSH meeting is scheduled on the same day as a Doane speaking date. We reschedule it for the 4th. It seems like the LSH and LA are fine with Lazlo’s, and there’s been a vote against the one downtown because of parking concerns. Ashley will make the arrangements. Ashley will update the previous minutes.

Tabled: Police Zine

Adjourned: 7:10

11/17/14 Minutes: Free Store, Calendar


In attendance: Ashley, Jackson (moderator), Sammi (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had a very busy week! Trekkies for Humanism was on Friday, and that went well. It’s still regularly drawing people. How to Do Protests turned out to be rather small due to the weather. Ty ended up taking on working on it at the last minute, and wishes he could do a powerpoint or another formal presentation. As it was, it turned out okay. It would be nice to get more people experienced in different methods of protests. The concert on Sunday was good!

2. Reimbursement – Jackson paid for printing buttons designs and fliers, for $4.82. He also paid for three CDs at the concert for $20. Altogether the collective reimbursed him $24.82.

3. Free Store – A person from the Midwestern Anarchist Federation is trying to open a free store. We’ve decided to donate to the $10 tier, which in addition to helping their cause also gets us a digital zine pack. Ashley’s going to take care of the details of paying on Indiegogo.

4. Calendar – We discussed whether to include our counter-protest to the anti-choice Walk to Life on the calendar, and we decided to leave it off the calendar and advertise for separately. We also discussed a location for the Winter Solstice Party, and Lazlo’s came up as a good option. Ashley’s going to start a group chat between Lincoln Secular Humanists and Lincoln Atheists to finalize which location.

December 4, 7 PM: Lincoln Secular Humanists meeting
December 12, 7 PM: Movie Night: What Would Jesus Buy?
December 19, 6 PM – (add end time?): Winter Solstice Party (Location TBD)

January 10th, 1 – 3 PM: What is… Cultural Appropriation?
January 13th, 3 – 6 PM: Writing Letters to Political Prisoners
January 17th, 1 – 3 PM: Taking the Cake: An Intro to Asexuality
January 23rd, 7 PM: Trekkies For Humanism: “Measure of a Man” (TNG)

February 1st, 7 PM: Movie Night: The Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation
February 8th, 2 – 4 PM: Feminist Discussion Group: Black Feminism
February 15th, 7 PM: Movie Night: C.S.A.: Confederate States of America
February 21st, 1 – 3 PM: What was… the Civil Rights Movement?
February 27th, 7 PM: Trekkies For Humanism: “Far Beyond the Stars” (DS9)

Meeting adjourned: 7:37 PM

Tabled items: Police zine

[Archival Note: Ashley made a correction to these minutes:

“I updated the calendar so the LSH meeting is on the 4th instead of the 11th. See 11/24/14 minutes.”]