3/23/15 Minutes: Working Meeting

In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson

Event review: We event was fine, the movie was a good choice.

Quorum was not met (and we didn’t have much to talk about anyway), so we spent most of the meeting working on the garage sale items.

Tabled: Pronoun buttons, Earthstock

3/16/15 Minutes: Open Hours, Garage Sale

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Events: We have the Erin Brockovich movie on Friday. Sammi brought over the film at the last meeting, so we’re ready to go!

2. Open Hours: Both Ashley and Ty will be busy during parts of open hours. Ashley might be able to cover it until 4 or 5, and if she can then Jackson can cover the tail end of it. In addition, since Ashley and Ty are the only people who can cover them on a regular basis, and both will be working new jobs soon, we won’t be continuing open hours in the summer calendar. We’ll reevaluate whether we can do them again when scheduling for fall.

3. Corn This Way: Ty is intending on going to a conference for LGBTQ youth, and emailed the staff regarding the possibility of tabling during their resource fair. Ashley also suggests asking about proposing a clothing swap to them. Ty will return with more info when he hears back from them.

4. Garage Sale: After this week’s movie, we’ll pull all the donations from downstairs and begin pricing and organizing for the sale. We need to get out or remake our signs, and get a craigslist ad up. We should also look for volunteers to help set up in the mornings.

5. Earthstock: We need to finalize the exact topics we want to talk about before opening the event up for group discussion. We decided to table this.

Meeting adjourned: 7:34 PM

Tabled: Pronoun buttons, Earthstock

3/9/15 Minutes: Earthstock Event, Cuba Forum

In attendance: Ashley, Jackson (secretary), Sammi (moderator), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Trekkies was on Saturday night; it was a good time as always. Feminist Discussion Group met on Sunday afternoon. It was a good discussion; Ashley liked the way she, Jackson, and Ty split up the introductions of the three waves of feminism. Ty thinks we may have had a few too many awkward moments of silence; he thinks we should prepare more talking points to keep the conversation moving in.

2. Upcoming Events – LSH is meeting here on Thursday night; we’re ready for that.

3. Reimbursement – Jackson got fliers printed, and he wants to be reimbursed $5.35 for them. We all approve.

4. Earth Day Event – We discussed the direction we’re going to take with the Earthstock event. We’ll start with an introduction about environmental injustice, and then break out into group discussion.

5. Cuba Forum – We’re co-sponsoring a forum on Cuba, and we spent some time deciding how we’d promote the event. Ashley will make a Facebook event. We’ll copy some fliers at open hours tomorrow, and Ty will distribute them around town this week.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

Tabled: Pronoun buttons

3/2/15 Minutes: Cuba Panel, Earthstock

In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson (moderator), Ty (moderator)
Star time: 7:00

Event review: We had both the Civil Rights discussion as well as Trekkies since our last meeting. The discussion had a pretty good turnout and went well! Trekkies went well too; Jackson played an episode of the animated series to honor Nimoy before the scheduled showing, and it was a nice way to fill up time while we were waiting for all of our guests to arrive. We decide it’d be a good idea to watch an episode of this series at every Trekkies for Humanism event.

Upcoming events: We have another Trekkies Friday, as well as a Feminist Discussion Group this Sunday. For the FDG, we each decide to take a “wave” to research and prepare a short presentation to give at the event. Hamartia is performing again on the 18th, Ashley will have a poster finished in time to print this week.

Cuba Panel: Joe Swanson wanted one of us to serve on a panel for an event at the end of the month about Cuba. It seems the panel filled up fairly quickly, but we’ve been offered sponsorship and have been encouraged to lead the community comment portion of the event. We accept both, and offered to help with promotion.

Reimbursement: Jackson printed the calendars, they cost $14.71. We approve of reimbursement.

Earth Day: Someone needs to use their paypal to pay for our Earth Day booth. Jackson will do it, we approve to reimburse the $35 cost

Pronoun buttons: We’re low on a few varieties of pronoun buttons. We kind of broke right now, but our big fundraiser is soon. We decide to print them after the garage sale.

Book donations: Joe brought us a bunch of books! We also got a couple of donations from a person new to the house! We go through the books and take the ones that will fit into the library, and added the couple that didn’t to the garage sale pile.

Earthstock event: We have 6 weeks until our event. We wanted the event to focus on strategy, “Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Effective Environmentalism”. We decide to do an open discussion again, as opposed to a panel. We have more experience with this format, and students might enjoy being talked to and engaged rather than being talked at. Ashley will talk to Nick about this, and ask if there are volunteers who would like to contribute to the event.

Tabled: facilitation skills, pronoun buttons, Earthstock event

2/16/15 Minutes: Donations, Earth Day, Event Facilitation

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: Movie night went well! A decent turnout, and a very lively conversation afterwards. A good time all-around!

2. Upcoming Events: The Power Feminist Crafting Circle is meeting here on Tuesday, and Ashley will be there to open the doors for them. What is… the Civil Rights Movement? is on Saturday, and Jackson’s preparing to facilitate the discussion.

3. Library Donations: Brian donated a pile of copies of The Humanist and Socialist Standard. Jackson donated a copy of Voices of A People’s History of the United States.

4. Cancellations: Wednesday’s open hours will be cancelled in order for our members to see Sybrina Fulton speak at UNL. Ashley and Jackson are also speaking at Doane College next Monday, and so the meeting that night will be cancelled as well.

5. Garage Sale Donations: Ashley suggests putting out a tub in the public space to encourage people to bring small donations for the garage sale to events. Everyone agrees that this is a good idea.

6. Hamartia: Max from Hamartia has messaged, asking to play a show here on either March 17th or 18th. Both days are open, so Ashley will hammer out the details with him.

7. Earth Day: The Lincoln festival is April 18th, and they are now accepting booth reservations. The cost will be $35, and we’ve already committed to doing it. Ty will fill out the paperwork needed.

8. Environmentalism Event: The event we’ll be doing for doing for Earthstock will likely be scheduled on April 15th at 4 PM. We’ll table the discussion of details of the event for future meetings.

9. Calendar: Ashley and Ella had a few design proposals for the spring calendar. We picked a design we liked and they’ll edit it further and come up with the final draft in time to be printed this week.

10. Facilitation Skills: Ashley suggested breaking up event moderation into a person who handles moderating the discussion topics, and a person who makes sure everyone who wants to gets ample opportunity to speak and keeps interruptions of others to a minimum. We’ll give this method a try, as well as doing more research into facilitation techniques.

Meeting adjourned: 7:38 PM

Tabled: Environmentalism Event, Pronoun Buttons

2/9/15 Minutes: Spring Calendar

In attendance: Ashley, Jackson (secretary), Sammi (moderator), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: The Feminist Discussion Group met here yesterday. The turnout was good, despite the event getting posted late. We had a bunch of first-timers over, and that’s always exciting. We did have some minor issues with interruption yesterday, and we maybe should’ve done more moderating there to ensure everyone had a chance to speak. We had a brief discussion of what else we could possibly do, but no decisions were made. Our facilitation skills are tabled for next week.

2. Upcoming Event: We have a movie night on Sunday. We’re ready.

3. Spring Calendar: Our handbills are finished, and Jackson needs to get them printed. Ashley has been sick, so the full-size prints are not ready yet. We will hopefully have them next week. Discussion tabled.

4. Donations: We spent the remainder of the meeting sorting through some donations we received for the yard sale.

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

Tabled: Facilitation skills, Spring Calendar

2/2/15 Minutes: Protest review

In Attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson (moderator), Ty (moderator)
Start Time: 6:43 (meeting held early due to schedule conflicts)

Event review: The “Walk for Life” counter-protest was Saturday. The turnout was great despite the weather, and we had fewer hecklers this year as well! Many of our signs were destroyed by the snow, so we’ll have to have a big sign making party next year. The Angola 3 movie night was cancelled because of the snow.

Upcoming events: The Feminist Discussion Group: Black Feminism is this Sunday. Ashley’s feeling pretty sick, but should be able to handle the event with a little help.

Reimbursement: We approved to reimburse Jackson $6.20 for the posters.

Calendar: Ashley is planning on having the calendar finished by next meeting.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:51

1/26/15 Minutes: Spring Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson (moderator), Ty (moderator)
start time: 7:00

1. Event Review: Trekkies was on Friday, it was fine. The turn out has been lower than usual. Should we try a different day? Jackson suggests maybe a Saturday night instead. The third #BlackLivesMatter event was on Saturday. It was mostly an organizing discussion on how to improve the events. Ashley will talk to Audrey about doing more work marketing wise, as well as adding more structure to the event.

2. Upcoming Events: The counter protest is this weekend! Ashley and Nick Gerken will be providing childcare at the house. Ty is working on a songbook, but there are potential concerns of disrupting the original protest and getting us in serious trouble. Ty is comfortable dropping the idea, since it could be a safety risk. We decide to talk about it with the others who will be protesting. Jackson contacted the ACLU, but nothing was promised. A poster making party is scheduled for Wednesday during open hours. Ty will buy the posters and will be reimbursed.

3. Paper: We are running out of printer paper. Ashley will pick some up next time she stops by an office supply store, reimbursement is approved.

4. Books: Ashley donated a pile of books from her personal collection to the library. We approve of all of them.

5. Calendar:
Trekkies for Humanism: “The Lorelei Signal” (TAS) Saturday 7th @7
Lincoln Secular Humanists Meeting- Thursday 12th @7
Feminist Discussion Group: Feminism 101- Sunday, 8th 2-4
Movie Night: Erin Brockovich- Friday 20th, @7

Yard Sale Fundraiser- 3rd+4th 8-6, 8-1
Trekkies for Humanism: “Night” (VOY) Friday, 10th @7
Movie Night: WALL-E – Thursday, 23rd @7

We’ll be collaborating with EarthStock for the “Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Effective Environmentalism” event. The event will happen at UNL, and since we don’t know what room or when the Earth Day festival will happen, we’ll leave it off the calendar.

What is…May Day? Saturday 2nd 1-3
Trekkies for Humanism: “The Cloud Minders” (TOS) Friday the 15th @7
Feminist Discussion Group: Women and Labor -Sunday, 17th 2-4
Movie Night: Salt of the Earth- Saturday 23rd @7

Meeting adjourned: 7:51

1/19/15 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Spring Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: The Intro to Asexuality happened! Turnout was not as predicted, but it was filled with good discussion and was very laid-back. Sammi also suggests that for future events of this nature, we have questions prepared to address to keep the discussion flowing.

2. Upcoming Events: We have a Trekkies for Humanism coming up, as well as the next installment of #BlackLivesMatter. The Trekkies will be “Measure of a Man” from The Next Generation, and other than setting up the projector and popping some popcorn, we should be set! Ashley and Audrey have the #BLM discussion under control, and Audrey will begin to take minutes of these discussions. There will also be someone coming by to give Ashley and Audrey tips on facilitating events, and Ashley recommends that everyone who can participate to do so, as these could be helpful tips for all of us.

3. Reimbursements: Jackson bought hardware to hang up the Ben Jones painting, which amounts to $4.95. He also printed off the Black History Month fliers, which were $.64. And since he was preapproved for all these purchases, Jackson gets $5.59 from the treasury!

4. Calendar:

Movie Night: Erin Brockovich
Feminist Discussion Group: Feminism 101
Trekkies for Humanism: “The Lorelai Signal” (TAS)

April 10th and 11th: Yard Sale Fundraiser
Lincoln Earth Day Tabling
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Effective Environmentalism
Movie Night: WALL-E
Trekkies for Humanism: “Night” (VOY)

Movie Night: Salt of the Earth
Trekkies for Humanism: “The Cloudminders” TOS
Feminist Discussion Group: Women and Labor
Potential educational event?

5. Posters: We decided to put up the extra posters we have no room for suggested donations. Ashley will get up pictures and post them on our social media sites.

Meeting adjourned: 8:22 PM

Tabled: May educational event theme, dates for spring calendar