10/19/15 Minutes – Police Brutality Event, Winter Calendar, Ella’s Fundraiser

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Event Review: We had our discussion on protesting on Saturday. The turnout was low, but the discussion was still very good.

What should we be doing to boost turnout? Jackson admits his Facebook event went up late. Ty suggests possibly creating queued FB statuses right after creating the event to make sure we remember to remind people about the upcoming events. Jackson also wonders how many of our calendars are no longer posted around town; Ty will bring some more to possibly refresh the bulletin boards when he distributes concert fliers this week.

2. Ella’s fundraiser – Our friend and collaborator Ella is trying to crowdfund to cover some travel expenses to help her attend a conference that would make her an even greater asset to community groups like ourselves. We agree to commit $100 from our treasury to help her out.

3. Reimbursement – Ty got a bunch of color printing done for us last week, and wants to be reimbursed $13.94 for those expenses. We agree, of course!

4. Police Brutality Event – We were contacted by someone wanting to do some kind of public event on police brutality and racism. As this is obviously within our interests, Ty has emailed the person to see how we can be of service.

5. Winter Calendar – Ty has created a Facebook status asking our friends there what kind of events they’d like to see of us in the Winter Calendar. It will run tomorrow afternoon.

LSH meeting – Thursday, Dec 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December

No Woman No Cry (Dec), Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb), Angola 3 (Feb)

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

10/5/15 Minutes: Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Calendars

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We showed Food Inc on Saturday night. The turnout was ok, but the conversation afterward was excellent.

2. Upcoming Events – We’ve got Trekkies on Friday. No problems there.

We’ve also got our Indigenous Peoples’ Day Rally on next Monday. Ty is going to promote it online. Ty will also get our zines assembled. He declines reimbursement for getting those materials printed. We’ll probably not host a sign-making party, as our offer to do so didn’t attract any interest online.

3. Copy Machine – Ty will finish setting that up on Saturday, as he has time to do so.

4. Black Cat Appreciation Day – Ty wants us to do themed posts on social media surrounding August 17th, which is apparently Black Cat Appreciation Day. He thinks it would be a good time to highlight some of the historical influences that inspired us to name our house, such as the Black Panthers. Jackson likes the idea, and we spent several minutes discussing several possible strategies for doing so (but no decision was made at this time)

5. Calendar of Holidays, Anniversaries, and Commemorations – (This is a tangent thought of by Jackson in the wake of the last item.) We need some kind of system for better remembering all of the holidays and historical reminders that we try to keep up with all year. Ty suggests building them into our existing events calendar on the website; additional information on the event can even show up when one hovers the mouse over the day on the calendar. We added anniversaries for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to our calenar, and table the item to consider more dates to add to our calendar in the upcoming weeks.

6. Band – We’ve been contacted about hosting another concert. The performer’s initial email doesn’t have enough information for us to make a good decision, so Ty will email them and try to figure things out.

7. Buttons – Ty is looking to enlist some help with button design. Jackson has ordered a free “sample” of label sheets that should be what we need.

Tabled: Calendar of Holidays, Anniversaries, and Commemorations, Buttons, Winter Calendar

Meeting adjourned: 8:22 PM

9/21/15 Minutes: Buttons, Upcoming Events

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had our discussion on gentrification on Saturday. It had a solid turnout, despite the fact that we had a lot of competition as far as interesting stuff happening around town on the only non-Husker Gameday in September. Ty thinks that if we’re going to lead off a discussion with some potentially lengthy background, as happened Saturday, that we should offer the clarification that we can be interrupted so that we’re not monopolizing the conversation.

2. Buttons – Ty has been hung up on logistics details concerning the labels we want to put on the backs of them. We took some time to look around at options. We decided we can use ones that are 1″ by 0.5″, but at that size we’ll probably only have space to print our website on them.

3. October Events – We took some time to put up our upcoming October events on Facebook and begin to promote them online.

Tabled: Columbus Day protest, Copy Machine, data entry, LGBT fundraiser

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

8/31/15 Minutes: Donation, Buttons, Copy Machine

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Donation – A Novel Idea gave us $200 as the spring beneficiaries of their Thank You Tuesdays! We should thank them on social media. We’ll be adding the donation to our general treasury for now.

2. Buttons – Ty has been giving out lots of our pronoun buttons. We’ll need to print more soon. Ty also reminds us that we need to get stickers with BCH info to put on the backs of them. We also had a request to add a “No Pronouns” option to our line of pronoun buttons. We might also need more pride flag buttons soon. Ty reports we are out of pansexual buttons. Ty will also see about whipping up a BCH button.

3. Copy Machine – We took some meeting time to set up our new copy machine.

Tabled: Data entry

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM

8/19/15 Minutes: Calendar Distro, Buttons?

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Event Reviews – Sama et al performed here on Thursday. It was a good show, and turnout was ok despite us unintentionally competing with the much-larger DIO Fest. We should’ve got the fliers up sooner, but there’s probably not much else we could’ve done better. Sama mentioned she was planning to drop in here again on her next tour.

We also watched Killing Us Softly 4 on Saturday. Turnout was low, but the conversation was good. Jackson would like to show it again someday, as it’s a good film. Ty suggests adding the subtitle “Advertising’s Image of Women” as a way of making the subject matter more obvious next time. (This was also unfortunately competing with DIO Fest.)

2. Upcoming Event – Trekkies returns on Friday. We’re ready for it.

3. Calendar Distro – Ty is working on it. It should be done by Friday.

4. Buttons – UNL’s LGBTQA Resource Center is planning to a button-pressing event on campus Saturday night, but their button parts never arrived! Ty proposes that we offer to let them use our press and sell them 300 sets of our available parts. We decide that it would be ok to this, if they can pay us $30 for the parts.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

8/5/15 Minutes: Fall Calendar, New Website, Copy Machine, Sama

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We watched Grave of the Fireflies on Saturday. It was sad.

2. Copy Machine – Jackson hasn’t found a copy machine yet, but a bit of research has been done. More research will need to be done, to make a good choice for our needs.

3. Email setup – Ty has set up his BCH email addresses, and has possibly got Jackson’s up too. Hooray!

4. Sama – Jackson still needs to send a follow-up email to Sama. Ty and Jackson have distributed fliers for the concert. Ty will share it around Facebook a bit more.

5. Website – Our new WordPress site is up and active on our blackcathouse.org and theblackcathouse.org URLs! We still need to do a bit of data entry to replace some of the old minutes that are still only on the old site. Jackson has contacted Ella for some help with that.

6. Fall calendar –

Thursday, September 10th, 7 PM – Lincoln Secular Humanist Meeting
Friday, September 11th, 7 PM – Movie Night: Anarchism in America
Saturday, September 19th, 1-3 PM – What is Gentrification? (a community discussion)
Saturday, October 3rd, 7 PM – Movie Night: Food, Inc.
Friday, October 9th, 7 PM – Trekkies For Humanism: “Mortal Coil” (Star Trek: Voyager)
Monday, October 12th, 5-6 PM (at the Federal Building – 16th and O St.) – Indigenous People’s Day Rally
Saturday, October 17th, 1-3 PM – Protest: What is it Good For? (a community discussion)
Sunday, November 8th, 5 PM – Movie Night: Reds
Saturday, November 21st, 1-3 PM – Transgender Rights: Our Struggles, Our Victories, Our Future (a panel discussion)

Tabled: Copy Machine, Facebook
Meeting adjourned: 8:47 PM

7/22/15 Minutes: Copy Machine, Sama, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We showed 416 on Saturday night. Turnout was a bit low, but the discussion was very good.

2. Upcoming Event – Trekkies For Humanism returns this Friday. We’re ready for it. We’ll be sure to plug it on Facebook in the next couple of days.

3. Reimbursement – Jackson bought some new dry-erase markers for the house, as ours were dried out. We reimburse him $3.21 for the expense.

4. Copy Machine – We still need to replace ours. Jackson will see what he can find locally. We’re thinking we have a budget of around $200.

5. Sama – The concert/discussion is coming up fast! Sammi reports he is nearly done with our flier. Jackson will be making the Facebook event at the conclusion of the meeting tonight, and will also be sending Sama another follow-up email.

6. Fall Calendar – Ty still needs some digital files to build the calendar; he’ll need to contact Ashley about that.

Meetings are returning to Monday nights at 7 PM. Open hours will not return for fall.

Will we continue to run Trekkies For Humanism?

Thu, Sep 10, 7 PM – LSH meeting
Fri, Sep 11, 7 PM – Movie Night: Anarchism in America
Sat, Sep 19, 1-3 PM – What is Gentrification? discussion
Sat, Oct 3, 7 PM – Movie Night: Food, Inc.
Mon, Oct 12, 5 PM? (Federal Building) – Anti-Columbus Day protest
Sat, Oct 17, 1-3 PM – Why protest? (Title TBD) discussion
Sun, Nov 8, 5 PM – Movie Night: Reds
Sat, Nov 21, Time TBD – Transgender Day of Remembrance panel discussion (Title TBD)

Discussion tabled for the night. We hope to finish the calendar next week.

Tabled: Fall calendar, Facebook usage?

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

7/15/15 Minutes: Website, Buttons, Sama, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Ella, Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Event: 416 is this Saturday! It’ll be easy enough to pull off, just gotta clean up in here!

2. Website: Ella had suggested a few hosting options a while ago, and she went over the pros and cons of each of them, as well as the pros and cons of Druple and WordPress. We’ve decided to transfer over to bluehost and a WordPress website. We approved spending funds to get the next hosting paid for as soon as Ella sends us some promotional discount information. We have set aside the 26th to get the new site set up, but there will be some downtime afterwards while we input necessary information into the site.

3. Toilet Seat: The public restroom’s toilet seat has shattered, and Jackson paid for a replacement. It was $17.64 and we approve reimbursement.

4. Buttons: Sammi has said, on behalf of Common Root, that they were interested in distributing pronoun buttons within the school system. However, given that we already distribute them, they wanted to ask before they did so. We determined that it wouldn’t be a concern if they also distributed pronoun buttons, and that it’s just a question of whether they wanted to make their own design or whether we’d supply them with our buttons. Sammi will let Common Root know and figure out what route they want to take.

5. Mail: We got a zine in the mail from the Sporeprint Infoshop concerning the prison industrial complex, mental health systems, and radical politics. Thanks, folks! (Also as soon as we have a means to print one, we’ll be sending a copy to Common Root as the letter that came with it also requested).

6. Sama: We need a FB event and a flyer! Ty thinks he can whip up a flyer, but it needs to be done quickly and he’s got classes. He also has a friend that may be able to assist depending on their schedule. Jackson will make the FB event. Sammi also thinks that he may be able to help this weekend.

7. Fall Calendar

Mostly tabled, but Sammi suggested Ma Vie en Rose as a November movie.

Our open Saturdays for fall will be Oct 3, Nov 14, and maybe Nov 21 (see below)

September – movie, Trekkies?
Thu, Sep 10, 7 PM – LSH meeting
Sat, Sep 19, 1-3 PM – What is Gentrification? discussion
October – movie, Trekkies?
Mon, Oct 12, 5 PM? (Federal Building) – Anti-Columbus Day protest
Sat, Oct 17, 1-3 PM – Why protest? (Title TBD) discussion
November – movie, Trekkies?
Fri, Nov 20 or Sat, Nov 21 – Transgender Day of Remembrance panel discussion (Title TBD)

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM
Tabled: Copy machine, Calendar

7/8/15 Minutes: Fall Calendar, Website, Trans Clothing Giveaway

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: We watched Elysium last Thursday. Our turnout was ok, and the conversation was good afterward.

2. Website: Our hosting is set to be renewed automatically on August 1st, for around $130. Ty has asked Ella for some advice on whether we should renew, or seek other options.

3. Pride/Trans Clothing Giveaway – Ty will be tabling at Star City Prie this Saturday. Ty will be ready. Ty is also organizing a clothing giveaway for Trans people with the donations we received months ago for our trans clothing swap (and garage sale leftovers). Ty will be available here on Sunday from 10 AM to 6 PM for people to drop by, and may leave it set up for appointments until next Friday (the day before our next event).

4. Fall Calendar:

Our open Saturdays for fall will be Oct 3, Nov 14, and maybe Nov 21 (see below)

September – movie, Trekkies?
Thu, Sep 10, 7 PM – LSH meeting
Sat, Sep 19, 1-3 PM – What is Gentrification? discussion
October – movie, Trekkies?
Mon, Oct 12, 5 PM? (Federal Building) – Anti-Columbus Day protest
Sat, Oct 17, 1-3 PM – Why protest? (Title TBD) discussion
November – movie, Trekkies?
Fri, Nov 20 or Sat, Nov 21 – Transgender Day of Remembrance panel discussion (Title TBD)

Meeting adjourned: 8:05 PM

7/1/15 Minutes: Quorum, Website, Graphic Design, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Event – Elysium is tomorrow! We’ll make sure the room is set up for it after the meeting tonight, since Ty can’t attend.

2. Quorum – Jackson and Ty discussed lowering the quorum from three to two. Ashley has submitted an absentee vote once contacted on the matter in agreement. It passes.

3. Reimbursement – Jackson is asking reimbursement for printing button designs and fliers. He paid $2.14 for this, and he’ll be reimbursed for this.

3.5. An announcement: Jackson says that he got the email stating that our web hosting will be renewed in 60 days. Since were considering changing formatting for the site, we should get in touch with Ella for advice on how to proceed.

4. Sama – Sama has sent another email. She approved of the early start time and would encourage local community members who have something to say on queer/trans issues to attend. We will need to make a flier for the event, as well as get a Facebook event up.

5. Graphics – Ashley can no longer make graphic designs for us. Ty has asked that she send editable files to him so he can potentially work on them from here on out. Since we have many templates already, it’s also possible Ella can help us, so we should ask her whether she’d be willing to assist.

6. Fall Calendar – Movies suggested but unable to be implemented last calendar were: In Time, Gasland, and The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema. Event ideas were a discussion on protests, a discussion on gentrification, a panel of transgender speakers for TDOR, and a fundraiser for Kurds. LSH also needs to be scheduled for the second Thursday in September. There is also the Anti-Columbus Day protest on October 12th. There is the potential of Trekkies, but we need to decide how to continue it.

Consideration needs to be taken to make sure events don’t overlap with Husker game days because of traffic issues. Ty also requests scheduling around the LGBTQA Resource Center’s events, due to beginning to work there in the fall.

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM