3/14/16 Minutes: Transgender Day of Visibility, Zines

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We watched the documenatary Boom on Saturday night. Turnout was good, and the discussion was too.

2. Upcoming Event – Our discussion, “The Fight Against Rape Culture”, is this Saturday! Our Facebook event is getting a lot of responses, so we might get a really good turnout on Saturday. We spent some time discussing our format for the event to be better prepared for the possible crowd.

3. Reimbursement – Jackson found us a new speaker to improve audio for our movie nights. He spent $32.79 on it, and would like to reimbursed. It is unanimously agreed to. Also on the subject of money, we’re probably needing more calendar handbills printed, and we agree to reimburse Ty if he gets more printed for us.

4. Transgender Day of Visibility – March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility. A friend of Ty’s would like to distribute our pronoun buttons at a public event at University of Nebraska-Omaha on that date. He’s also invited us to officially table at that event, but Ty will need to investigate the logistical possibilities of actually doing so.

5. Zines – We spent the remainder of our meeting sorting through our zine collection to see what we would take along to our proposed tabling opportunites at Transgender Day of Visibility and Earth Day.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

2/29/16 Minutes: Upcoming Event, Earth Day

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We’re gearing up for our Tangerine movie night on Saturday. Because of the scheduling conflict with the Primary Caucus, we’re going to push our start time back to 8 PM. We’ll publicize this last-minute change, but we’re otherwise ready to go.

2. Calendar distro update – Ty just has to finish on South Street tomorrow morning. We’re looking good.

3. Lincoln Earth Day – We are now registered for a booth at Lincoln Earth Day. Jackson will be reimbursed $35 for reserving that for us. Ty thinks we should look into making some environmentally-focused button designs.

4. Organizational Vision – We talked a little bit more about our efforts at outreach and extending our message and information outside the house. Ty suggests that some of those ideas are simply unrealistic given our currently available energy. Perhaps we should try again to do more with our social media? That may be our most feasible tool for outreach at this time.

5. Event Promotion – We spent the rest of the time putting our March events up on Facebook and our website.

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM

2/15/16 Minutes: Spring Calendar, Lincoln Earth Day

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had our “Black Lives Matter” discussion on Saturday. We were disappointed in our turnout, especially as the event concept seemed to “interest” dozens of people on Facebook. We had some discussion about what we could possibly be doing to try and push more people from “interested” to attending.

2. Upcoming Event – We’re showing the Black Power Mixtape on Sunday night. Hopefully it’s not too much of a conflict, given that UNL is also doing a documentary on the Black Panthers on Sunday afternoon. We’re not sure if that showing was already scheduled when we decided on our documenatary, but we did reiterate the need to stay in the loop on relevant events on campus.

3. Calendar – We forgot to add a yard sale! We decide to add one on May 13-14th, as that will best fit our work/school schedules. We also had to move around our April events, because we accidentally put our discussion last week on the same day as the Huskers’ spring game. Ty has also completed the calendar designs, and they will be printed this week!

4. Lincoln Earth Day – We tentatively agreed that we should table there again this year. Jackson has emailed the organizers to see what our cost would be.

Meeting adjourned: 8:05 PM

Tabled: Lincoln Earth Day, Organizational Vision (see 1/26/16 minutes)

2/1/16 Minutes: Spring Calendar, Porchfest

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review/Reimbursement – We had our counter-protest against the Walk For Life on Saturday. We had one of our better turnouts for this year’s version. We need to do a better job next year of marshalling the marching portion, as we had a couple of protestors fall behind while the people at the front were moving pretty quickly. Jackson also needs to be reimbursed $5.34 for buying extra posterboards for the protest. This is approved by consensus.

2. Upcoming Event – Our movie night for Panther is this Saturday! We’re ready for it.

3. Porchfest Fundraiser – Maya wants to do something in Mid-May. We came up with a handful of days that would work with us, and we’re sending them to her to see what she prefers. We also reiterated that we can’t accomodate noisy stuff here.

4. Spring Calendar –

No discussions on second Saturdays.

Rape Culture Discussion (do we revive the Feminist Discussion Group brand?)
Film? “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry,” “Tangerine,” and/or “The Girls”

No events on April 23rd (Lincoln Earth Day) — Are we tabling there?
Discussion: Environmental Justice/Classism/Racism of Environmental Destruction
Movie: Children of Men
And possibly: The Superior Human?

Movie: Sir, No Sir!
Discussion: Modern-Day Labor Struggle (Fight For $15?)
Porchfest Fundraiser

Meeting adjourned: 8:34 PM

Tabled: Spring Calendar, Organizational Vision (see 1/26/16 minutes)

1/18/16 Minutes: Walk For Life Counter-Protest

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:03 PM

1. Event Reviews – We had our “What is Communism?” discussion on January 9th. The turnout was decent, and the conversation was very good. We had our Star Trek VI movie night last Saturday night. Turnout was a bit disappointing, but the discussion afterward was still very good.

2. Walk For Life Protest Update – We discussed some of the logistics of the upcoming protest, particularly the childcare and confirming the sign-making party. We agree that we’ll provide snacks for the Friday night sign-making party, and doughnuts for the Saturday morning gathering.

3. February Events – We spent some time making Facebook events for next month’s events.

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

12/28/15 Minutes: Trump Protest, Facebook

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Protest – Jackson has been notified of a protest planned for Donald Trump’s campaign appearance in Council Bluffs tomorrow. We’d be interested in attending, but we’ll have to see if we can find a ride up there. Jackson has shared the event on our Facebook page
  2. Facebook Events – Jackson still needs to finish the Facebook events for our January events. He will get on that as soon as possible.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

12/14/15 Minutes: Solstice Party

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:01 PM

  1. Event Review – We had the LSH meeting here on Thursday. We got to chat with a couple of young atheists from UNL campus who were having trouble finding freethought groups there. Ty found some info on the campus humanist group SHUNL and emailed it to them tonight.

2. Upcoming Event – Our Winter Solstice party is coming up on Saturday night. We talked a little bit about what kind of food and other prep we need to do, but we didn’t make firm plans because we’re still a bit unsure about the turnout.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

11-30-15 Minutes: Upcoming Event, Work Time

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We have a movie showing this Saturday. We’re ready for it.

2. Work time – Ty placed our info stickers on our buttons, while Jackson made updates on our Facebook.

Meeting adjourned: 7:55 PM

11/16/15 Minutes: Calendar Update, Upcoming Event

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We have our Transgender discussion coming up on Saturday. Ty has secured two other panelists for the event, and has done some promotion. We seem to be ready.

2. Calendar Update – Ty will have the materials finished tomorrow and emailed into the copy center to be printed later this week.

3. Facebook Events – Since we didn’t have much on the agenda, we took some time to create Facebook events for our early December events.

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM

11/2/15 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We hosted a concert on Wednesday, but nobody else showed up! We’re not sure what else we could’ve done about it, as we’re not really much of a concert venue.

2. Upcoming Event – We’re showing Reds on Sunday. We’ve decided we’ll offer pizza to help people get through the length of this film.

3. Winter Calendar:

No Woman No Cry – Saturday, December 5th, 7PM
LSH meeting – Thursday, December 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December (start time?)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, January 2nd/9th/16th, 7 PM
January discussion?
Second January screen?
Revisiting Ferguson: Where’s #BlackLivesMatter Now? (A Community Discussion) – Saturday, February 13th, 1-3 PM
Feb screens?

Potential movies:
Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb)

We’re not quite ready to finish the calendar tonight, so this is tabled one last time. We are in agreement that the calendar must absolutely be finalized next meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 8:34 PM