8/1/16 Minutes: Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ju Ping, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We’re showing Godzilla this Saturday. We’re ready for it.

2. Book – We’ve been offered a free book for supporting the Antifa fundraiser a few weeks ago. We’ve emailed them to accept the offer.

3. Fall Calendar –

Tenative schedule:
Friday the 9th: Movie Night: Dr. Strangelove
Friday the 16th: Movie Night: Just Do It
Saturday the 24th: Liberate Your Computer (An Open House/Workshop to Install Ubuntu)

Saturday the 8th: Movie Night: Joe Hill
Monday the 10th: Indigenous People’s Day/Protest Against Columbus Day
Saturday the 15: Discussion on debt

Saturday the 5th: Electoral Politics
Friday (preferably)/Saturday the 18th/19th: Film (preferably documentary) on queer issues

Days not to schedule events on:
September 3rd, 10th, 17th
Also out: Sunday the 4th

October 1st, 22nd
Also out: Friday the 28th
Probably not: Sunday the 9th

November 12th, 19th

Interesting anniversaries: Occupy Wall Street camp formed Sept 18th; October is LGBTQ History Month (and Asexual Awareness Week is in there somewhere too?); Joe Hill born Oct 7th; US invades Afghanistan Oct 8, 2001; Indigenous Peoples’ Day October 10th; Million Man March was on October 16th; Malcolm X released from prison Nov 4th; Berlin Wall fell Nov 9th; March on Washington to protest Vietnam War on Nov 15th; Trans Day of Remembrance Nov 20th; Buy Nothing Day is Nov 25th (also eliminating violence against women day?); Harvey Milk shot Nov 27th; International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians Nov 29th
Ideas suggested to us: electoral politics, death penalty, queer anarchism, debt

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter), Fall Calendar, Moderation methods

Reminders: “Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?” for Winter Calendar

7/18/16 Minutes: Fall Calendar, Reimbursements

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Event Review – We showed Libertarias on Friday night. We enjoyed the film, and think we should do it again sometime. The turnout was disappointing, though, probably because of a feminist event also going on at The Commons at the same time and the fact that we were kind of late in promoting the event. It would’ve helped if we’d managed to track the film down sooner, too, as Ty was disturbed by some of the scenes of graphic violence and sexual violence depicted in Libertarias. He recommends that we do more to screen the films in advance to offer proper warnings in our event descriptions.

2. Upcoming Event – Our discussion on libertarian communism is this Saturday. We spent some time deciding on some of the talking points we want to be ready to make.

3. Reimbursement – Jackson made donations that the group pre-approved last week, sending $50 to the Sacramento anti-fascists and $10 to the prisoner-solidarity distro. He requests reimbursement for sending those donations, and it is agreed to. He has also been in contact with Jason about the book we decided to order last week; we’ll be arranging an in-person meeting to bypass the shipping charges.

4. Website – Jackson reports that it’s nearly time for us to renew our blackcathouse.org domain and privacy. It’ll be $27.87, and we decide to take care of it immediately. Jackson made the purchase during our meeting, and he will be reimbursed for the expense.

5. Fall Calendar –

We still need to schedule the Linux programming event that Ju Ping suggested.

Days not to schedule events on:

September 3rd, 10th, 17th
Also out: Sunday the 4th
Questionable: 23rd-24th (possible engagement for Ty with campus… that would negate our last possible Saturday for a discussion)

October 1st, 22nd
Also out: Friday the 28th
Probably not: Sunday the 9th

November 12th, 19th

Movie Ideas: Dr. Strangelove (Peter Sellers born Sept 8th),
Interesting anniversaries: Occupy Wall Street camp formed Sept 18th; October is LGBTQ History Month (and Asexual Awareness Week is in there somewhere too?); Joe Hill born Oct 7th; US invades Afghanistan Oct 8, 2001; Indigenous Peoples’ Day October 10th; Million Man March was on October 16th; Malcolm X released from prison Nov 4th; Berlin Wall fell Nov 9th; March on Washington to protest Vietnam War on Nov 15th; Trans Day of Remembrance Nov 20th; Buy Nothing Day is Nov 25th (also eliminating violence against women day?); Harvey Milk shot Nov 27th; International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians Nov 29th

Meeting adjourned: 8:12 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter), Fall Calendar

6/27/16 Minutes: New Zine, Contributions?

In attendance:  Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Late: Ju Ping
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Zine – We received a letter with a new zine from anarchist prisoner Sean Swain.

2. Work Time – Ty added our August movie night (Godzilla) to Facebook, and added our July/August events to our website. Jackson updated the treasury.

3. Alternatives to Windows – Ju Ping would like to host a workshop here sometime in the fall to help people install Linux-based operating systems and liberate themselves from Microsoft. We’re cool with this, and we’ll continue thinking of this as we begin to build our fall calendar.

4. Contributions? – We have a very healthy treasury, and we’re going to consider donations to a couple of causes next week when we have a little more time to talk about them. Ones noted were the crowdfunding for the Sacramento anti-fascists who were attacked by white supremacists and need help with medical bills (rally.org/june26th) and the zine distro that sent us the Sean Swain zine. Tabled.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter), Causes to contribute to

6/13/16 Minutes: Setting the Record… Straight?

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We showed Free Angela and All Political Prisoners on Friday. We enjoyed the film, and the discussion afterward.

2. Upcoming Event – Our discussion, “Setting the Record… Straight?” is coming up on Saturday. It will now also be a bake-sale fundraiser to raise donations for the victims of the Pulse shooting in Orlando. Ty and a friend are going to make cupcakes.

3. July Events – We spent the remainder of the meeting adding our July events to Facebook.

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM
Tabled items: Stuff to buy (longarm stapler, paper cutter, canopy, hardware to secure the bike rack to the ground)

5/30/16 Minutes: Bike Rack, Website Comments, Supporting SJEN

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Bike Rack – Jackson has found a decent-looking bike rack for $44.95. Ty also likes it, so we agree to buy it for the house. Jackson will be reimbursed for making this purchase.

2. Misogyny in Nerd Culture – Emilio of Social Justice Education Network is returning to Lincoln tomorrow night to give another of his talks. We’re going to promote it on our Facebook, and donate $20 from our treaury to help cover his travel expenses.

3. Website Comments – Our site’s comments are literally 100% spam, and it’s a drag having to delete everything that gets commented on our site. We decided to disable the comments.

4. Adding June Events to Facebook and Website – We spent the rest of our meeting time adding our June events to our website and Facebook pages.

Meeting adjourned: 7:30 PM

Tabled: Stuff to buy (longarm stapler, paper cutter, canopy)

5/16/16 Minutes: Yard Sale Recap/Spending it!, Summer Calendars

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We had our yard sale over the weekend, and we raised $597.30! We decided to put it all into our general treasury for now. We discussed the idea of buying a bike rack, a longarm stapler, a paper cutter, and a new canopy. We need to do some research on these items, and what we’ll expect to pay for them.

2. Upcoming Event – The Porchfest Fundraiser concert is this Friday! Our only homework for the event is to clean up the post-yard sale mess in the living room.

3. Summer Calendar – Ty has the files finished, and will get them printed and picked up on Wednesday. He is pre-approved for reimbursement for that expense.

Meeting adjourned: 7:22 PM

Tabled: Stuff to Buy (bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter, canopy)

4/25/16 Minutes: Summer Calendar, Hipster Racism, Earth Day

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Earth Day – We tabled at Lincoln Earth Day. We passed out lots of goodies, we connected and re-connected with interested people, and we received $25 in donations. It was pretty successful overall. On the bad side, our canopy broke in the wind. We’ll have to think about replacing it.

2. Upcoming Events – We have a busy weekend coming up, with the Children of Men movie night on Saturday and a discussion on Fight for $15 on Sunday afternoon. We’re ready for the movie, and we’ll just have to re-arrange the chairs for the discussion on Sunday. We’ll try to read up a bit on the Fight for $15 campaign, but that’s the only preparation we think we’ll need.

3. Hipster Racism – SP CE is hosting an interesting talk on the subject of “hipster racism.” We decide we’ll officially chip in $20 from our Speakers Treasury to help with the travel costs of the speaker coming down from Omaha to give the talk.

4. Reimbursement – Ty needs to be repaid for the zine copying for Earth Day. It cost him $27.46, and we agree that he’ll be imbursed.

5. Summer Calendar –

No-schedule dates: June 25th (Heartland Pride in Omaha), Lincoln’s Star City Pride July 8-9, August 7th (PorchFest), August 19th-21st (weekend before UNL restarts classes).

Interesting dates/historical tie-ins: Tank man incident, Tianenemen Square, China (June 5th); International Day of Solidarity for anarchist prisoners (June 11th); Race Riot in Omaha (June 24th, 1969); George Orwell’s birthday, Little Bighorn (June 25th); Stonewall Riots start (June 28th); Frida Kahlo’s birthday (July 6th); Spanish Civil War starts, Eric Garner murdered (July 17th); Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6th and 9th); Michael Brown murdered (August 9th);

Friday, June 10th, 7 PM – Movie Night: Free Angela and All Political Prisoners
Saturday, June 18th, 1-3 PM – Setting the Record… Straight?: The Queer Impact on Leftism (A Community Discussion)

Friday, July 15th, 7 PM – Movie Night for Spanish Civil War; Libertarias?

July discussion? TBA

Saturday, August 6th, 7PM – Movie Night to commemorate Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima; Godzilla (1954) or White Light, Black Rain?

Do we want to do an August discussion? TBD

End time: 8:20 PM

Tabled item: canopy replacement, bike rack, summer calendar

4/11/16 Minutes: Website, Bike rack, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Saturday was pretty busy for us! We assisted with the pro-choice rally at the Capitol. We’re satisfied with our participation there. Then we had our discussion on environmental justice here, and it was ok. It was a bit hard staying on topic, as everyone in attendance had come over from the rally. But we did the best we could, under the circumstances.

2. Website – It has been recommended that Jackson should upgrade our webhosting to include the privacy service, which will reduce his chances of having his ID stolen or our site hacked. We agree that it’s worth the expense. It will cost us $12.42 to get privacy for our domains for the next year, and we agree it will be reimbursed from the treasury.

3. Bike rack – We’re thinking we should maybe invest in one for the house, to give our biking guests a secure spot to lock their bikes in our yard. Jackson will do some research on options and prices. Item tabled.

4. PorchFest Fundraiser – Our scheduled fundraiser for PorchFest is about a month away. Jackson messaged Maya to check in with her status in organizing that.

5. Summer calendar -We started brainstorming for our summer calendar.

No-schedule dates: June 25th (Heartland Pride in Omaha), August 19th-21st (weekend before UNL restarts classes). Lincoln’s Star-City Pride is not yet scheduled, as far as we can tell (but it should be sometime in July).

Interesting dates/historical tie-ins: Tank man incident, Tianenemen Square, China (June 5th); International Day of Solidarity for anarchist prisoners (June 11th); Race Riot in Omaha (June 24th, 1969); George Orwell’s birthday, Little Bighorn (June 25th); Stonewall Riots start (June 28th); Frida Kahlo’s birthday (July 6th); Spanish Civil War starts, Eric Garner murdered (July 17th); Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6th and 9th); Michael Brown murdered (August 9th);

Tabled to next week.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled: Bike Rack, Summer Calendar

4/4/16 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Emails

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Robert, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Events – We have the pro-choice rally we’re co-sponsoring on Saturday. We also have our discussion on environmental justice right after it. We’re focusing on getting people invited, and doing some web hype.

2. Emails – We got two messages. The first is from a pro-LGBTQ minister who actually addressed the message as if we’re leaders in PFLAG. Ty will respond to the minister, as he’s got the connections to that community. The second message was from a musician wanting to book a gig here. As they’re not directly related to our mission, and the date they’ve asked for is inconvenient for us, Ty will send them a short message and link them to the Request Event page on SP CE Commons’ website.

Meeting adjourned: 7:43 PM

Treasury Log 2016 (General, Library, Speakers)


We started the year with $302.47.

March 21st Update:

New donations:

  1. $44 were pulled from our donations boxes.
  2. Jackson donated $102.These total $146 in new donations.

New debits:

  1. Jackson is reimbursed $5.34 for buying posterboards for the counter-protest against the Walk For Life. This was approved at the February 1st meeting.
  2. Ty is reimbursed $6.99 for printing Spring calendars. This was approved at the February 22nd meeting.
  3. Jackson is reimbursed $35 for reserving us a table at Lincoln Earth Day. This was approved at the February 29th meeting.
  4. Jackson is reimbursed $32.79 for buying a speaker to improve our audio capabilities at movie nights. This was approved at the March 14th meeting.These total $80.12 in new debits.

Altogether, our treasury is increasing $65.88, to a new total of $368.35

April 25th Update:

New donations:

  1. Jackson is donating $146.
  2. We received $25 in donations at Lincoln Earth Day.
  3. We received a $10 donation from Robert. Thanks, Robert!

These total $181 in new donations.

New debits:

  1. Jackson is reimbursed $12.42 for buying added privacy for our web hosting. This was approved at the April 11th meeting.
  2. Jackson is reimbursed $53 for making a PayPal donation on our behalf to an aspiring Infoshop in Chicago. This was approved at the April 18th meeting.
  3. Ty is reimbursed $27.46 for making copies of zines that we distributed at Lincoln Earth Day. This was pre-approved at the April 18th meeting, and confirmed at the April 25th meeting.

These total $92.88 in new debits.

Altogether, our treasury is increasing $88.12, to a new overall balance of $456.47.

June 27th Update:

New Donations

1. Our yard sale raised $597.30!
2. We received $26 in our donations box.

These total $623.30 in new donations.

New Debits

1. Ty was reimbursed $6.44 for calendar printing. This was approved at the May 23rd meeting.
2. Jackson was reimbursed $44.95 for buying a bike rack for the house. This was approved at the May 30th meeting.
3. We donated $20 to Emilio of Social Justice Education Network for coming back to Lincoln to give a talk on Misogyny and Nerd Culture. This was approved at the May 30th meeting.
4. We decided to contribute $100 to the victims of the Pulse Nightclub shooting in Orlando. Jackson made the donation, so he was reimbursed from the treasury. This was approved at the June 20th meeting.

These total $171.39 in new debits.

Altogether, our treasury is increasing $451.91, to a new overall balance of $908.38.

September 19th Update:

New donations:

1. Ju Ping contributed $20 toward our donation to the Sacramento anti-fascists.
2. Jackson donated $27.
3. We raised $40.50 from the sale of leftover donations from our spring yard sale.
4. Ju Ping contributed $20 toward our solidarity donation to the Standing Rock Sioux’s work against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

These total $107.50 in new donations.

New debits:

1. Jackson is reimbursed $50 for donating on our behalf to the Sacramento anti-fascists’ medical fund. This contribution was decided at the July 11th meeting, and reimbursement was confirmed at …
2. Jackson is reimbursed $10 for donating on our behalf to the the prisoner support zinesters/indymedia “BLEAECK”. This was decided at the July 11th meeting, and reimbursement was confirmed at …
3. Jackson is reimbursed $27.87 for renewing our web domain and privacy. This was decided at the July 18th meeting.
4. Jackson is reimbursed $50 for donating on our behalf to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, as an offering of solidarity for their work against the Dakota Access Pipeline. This was decided at the August 22nd meeting.
5. Ty is reimbursed $7.78 for flier printing. This was approved at the August 22nd meeting.
6. Jackson is reimbursed $37.96 for purchasing a longarm stapler and a box of staples for it. This was confirmed at the August 22nd meeting.
7. Jackson is reimbursed $37.39 for finally finding a replacement keyboard for our collective laptop. This was confirmed at the August 29th meeting.
8. Ty is reimbursed $7.78 for flier and button printing. This was approved at the September 5th meeting, and confirmed at the September 12th meeting.

These total $228.78 in new debits.

Altogether, our treasury is decreasing $121.28, to a new total of $787.10.

December 4th Update

New debits:

1. We transferred $300 to our library treasury to pay for a major order from Haymarket Books. This was approved at the October 31st meeting.
2. Ty is reimbursed $7.78 for getting our winter calendars printed. This was approved at the November 21st meeting.

These total $307.78 in new debits to our treasury. Our balance is now $479.78.


We started the year with $44.65.

March 21st Update:

Jackson donated $100. Our balance is now $144.65.

April 25th Update:

Jackson donated $20. Our balance is now $164.65.


September 19th Update:

New donation:  Jackson donated $40.

New debit:  We bought a copy of Equality Press’s new book To Dare to Tell the Truth for $19. This was approved at the July 11th meeting, and confirmed at the July 25th meeting.

Altogether, our treasury increased by $21, to a new total of $185.65.

December 4th Update

New donations:

1. Jackson donated $20.
2. Wyatt donated $45.
3. We transferred $300 from the general treasury to pay for a major order from Haymarket Books. This was approved at the October 31st meeting.

These total $365 in new donations.

New debits:

1. Ty is reimbursed $7 for buying us books for the library. This was approved at the October 31st meeting.
2. Jackson is reimbursed $10 for buying two books from Pathfinder Press for the library. This was approved at the November 7th meeting.
3. Jackson is to be reimbursed $596.56 for our Haymarket Books order. Since that amount exceeded our planned budget, and is greater than our current available treasury, it was decided at the November 7th meeting that Jackson would take a delayed reimbursement on the difference. The treasury will have an IOU and will pay him back as funds become available.

These total $613.56 in new debits. Overall, the treasury is decreasing by $248.56. The treasury will stand officially at $2.09, plus a $65 IOU to Jackson to be paid as funds become available.


We started the year with $50.

March 21st Update:

Jackson donated $50. Our balance is now $100.

April 25th Update:

  1. Jackson donated $20.
  2. We contributed $20 to the traveling expenses of a speaker coming to SP CE Commons. This was approved at the April 25th Meeting.

We still have $100.