9/30/19 Minutes: Oct 7th Meeting Cancelled, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Bailey, Brandon (secretary), Jackson, Marc (moderator), Will, Wyatt

Start time:  7:17 PM

1. Event Review

Jackson was the only Black Cat in attendance. There were several other people as well. There were a few new attendees. Perhaps we should be more careful about picking movies that are readily available.

2. Upcoming Events

Gardening day is this Saturday. We will meet at Black Cat House, then go to the two other spots. There will be a potluck at the third place. The event page will get spread around so that people know about it. The Ferguson movie is being screened on Monday. We are still figuring out where they will sleep, but they are not too picky so it should be fine. There was some discussion of how to get more people to show up for anti-Columbus day.

3. Free School Update

The free school calendar is ready to start in October. Details were confirmed with Wyatt and Marc for their classes: Research for Writers – Marc, October 9th Seize the Power Tools – Wyatt, October 24th

4. Winter Calendar

Opportunity to do Know Your Rights trainings with help from people in Atlanta World AIDS day is a good time to do an event. We should base something off of that. We can also include a more medicine theme to the month of December. Would also include: Herbalism Citizen Doctors How to get the care you need from your doctors Autonomous emergency medical support January could be climate change month February could be a month of love: Consent, Free love, and other topics

5. Next Week’s Meeting Cancelled

Our normal meeting time next week (October 7th) is exactly when we have a movie screening planned. As a result, the meeting is cancelled and we will next meet on October 14th after the Columbus Day protest.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

Posted in Minutes.