In attendance: Bailey, Brandon, Jackson (moderator), Marc, Will, Claire, Wyatt, (Secratary)
Start time: 7:15 PM
>Event Review- We liked the Library event and the crew got together over books and laughs. This pilot event was good but we want more outreach. We meet up with one awesome new commrade at this event!
>Upcoming Events –
Film this Friday. Rural Undocumented and Queer. We will stream.
Upcoming monday film. Our guests will stay with Brandon.
Gardening day still not confirmed with Alex. Starting at BCH at 10. Working till 4.
>Library Donations. We received a total of 70 books and nine DVDs from dope Black Cats! Thanks Ty Marc and Jackson!
>Potential CoSponsrship
We agreed to cosponsor the Buffalo Taking activity at Indian Center.
>October Events
Jackson is posting the October anti-Columbus event.
Wyatt is posting the legacy of standing rock event.
Baily the smoke signals to be sent along.
>Action Reviews
We got updoots and discussion about the public actions that happened over the weekend.
>Free School
Updoot from Baily on free school efforts. The first class is our garden day.
>Red State Meeting October 8th 630 hosted at BCH.
>Work Time
We sorted books!
Meeting Adjourned at 8:40pm.
Appendix Ideas for winter calanders:
We discussed potential future open hours / library display events. Second library event will be Spotlight on Haymarket. Zines spotlights. How to make your own zines workshop. Zine publication. 10