In Attendance: Marc (sec), Ty, Salem, Jackson, Rae, Jacob
Meeting Start: 7:00 PM (!)
Event Review
- Our booth at Star City Pride was pretty darn successful! We ran out of the vast majority of things we had (buttons, stickers, and zines). Thank you to everyone who helped prepare and staff the event!
- We got tons of emails for our newsletter, which we hope to debut soon.
- Rae pointed out that the “BASH BACK” stickers seemed to inspire some folks into action (i.e. use them to cover up hateful messaging), which was cool to see.
- The Pride planning committee will likely send out surveys asking for feedback; Marc will forward any links to the BCH Discord.
- Marc said that having a more substantial break would have been helpful.
- Rae said that it would be helpful to have more staff willing to be at the booth to swap out, and fewer people at the booth at once (since sometimes all BCH volunteers were there at the same time). It would have also been helpful to known exactly what time people would be available to staff, rather than providing vague times.
- We also didn’t have the clearest understanding of how vendor staffing worked at the event; Marc was worried about not being able to get back into the festival if he left and needed to come back.
- The Compost the Rich stickers were a HUGE hit; Marc suggested reordering more of these for future events.
- If we do buttons again, Marc suggested not making quite as many, since there’s just one button press between us, and they’re tedious and time-consuming to make.
Upcoming Events
- Ty will write up the description for the Creating Trans Safety event ASAP. Jackson will post it after it’s reviewed.
- For the upcoming workshop on transforming conflict, we’ll need to meet at least 2 Mondays before the day itself, as it will be on a Tuesday, to discuss any needs for the event.
- Rae has the event description for the workshop written up; she will share the description and others will provide feedback for what’s written.
Reimbursement and Supplies
- We need more supplies for the button maker, since we’re out of the clear plastic covers and running low on other pieces. Jackson will research and confirm the cost.
- Ty bought the table for Pride; it’s a nice 6′ folding table and was $75.05 total.
- Rae bought bottled water for volunteers at Pride – $6.99
- Ty paid $10.00 for volunteer passes at Pride, and Salem paid $5.00 for their pass as well.
- These costs and others in previous meeting minutes need to be reimbursed still.
Newsletter Updates
- Our RiseUp account and listserv is good to go and as mentioned, we have plenty of contacts to add to it. Marc will take point on this. Emails will be sent out using our contact @ email address.
- Rae suggested having a featured book section of the monthly event newsletter as a way to highlight the contents of our library and encourage people to use it. It could also have a blurb that more explicitly advertises the library. Folks were very fond of this idea.
- Rae also likes the idea of changing up “featured” content in the newsletter so that we can express ourselves more, such as by having a photo related to BCH in some way. (Like something cool in the garden, things like that.)
Accessibility of the House
- The ramp and porch are currently cluttered, and paths are not wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs/might be difficult for people using other mobility aids to navigate.
- The interior of the house is also quite cluttered (with lots of yard sale leftovers).
- For the porch, we currently have a couch on it that needs to be discarded, as it’s taking up too much space. We discussed using folding furniture for greater accessibility – so we can still enjoy outdoor meetings/events, but can remove the chairs easily so people can access the front door.
- We discussed keeping an eye out for yard sales and used furniture for this express purpose.
- Rae suggested making a list of what needs to happen to improve the house’s accessibility, and when we’d like to accomplish that. Others supported this idea.
- Rae also suggested changing the most pertinent accessibility needs (namely the ramp/living room) before the upcoming workshop in July.
- We plan to talk about accessibility on an ongoing basis, and have it as a running meeting topic.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 PM (!)