Start Time: 5:32 PM
In Attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Tati (secretary)
1. Chair reimbursement: Jackson bought a chair for the house, asked for $5.33 to cover that. The House agreed to do so.
2. Calendar: Calendar will be as follows:
June 1st, from 3 to 7 PM – Black Cat Open House
June 15th, at 1 PM – What is… Anarchism?
June 22nd, at 7 PM – Movie Night: Dr. Strangelove
June 30th, at 2 PM – Feminist Discussion Group: Feminism in the U.S.
July 13th, at 1 PM – What is… Nationalism?
July 21st, at 4 PM – Movie Night: The Corporation
July 28th, at 2 PM – Feminist Discussion Group: Geek Culture
August 8h, at 7 PM – Movie Night: Bowling for Columbine
August 17th, at 1 PM – What is… Gender Identity?
August 25th, at 2 PM – Feminist Discussion Group: Intersectionality
edit: Ashley found out ze is going to be out of town in early August, so the dates had to be moved around so ze could host the “what is..?” event. the original plan was for the Gender Identity event to be on the 10th and the movie to the be on the 15th.
Open hours are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, from 3 to 6 PM. Meetings are on Mondays at 7 PM.
3. May Day: Jackson is going to be the MC, and he will get ahold of the speakers at least a week before the event to figure out how they want to be introduced. In addition to the intros he will also explain the parade route and some guidelines before we march. Everyone in the room has agreed to be marshals, and we will ask a few more people for added safety. Ashley will get us whistles and armbands.
Meeting adjourned: 6:07 PM
Note: Meeting was earlier than normal this week due to a decision to be at an event held by the International Socialist Organization, which was taking place at the same time our meeting would usually be held.