12/15/14 Minutes: Holiday cancellations

In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson, Sammi (moderator), Ty (moderator)
Start Time: 7:00

Event review: The movie was a bust, which wasn’t a huge surprise. People are busy around the holidays, there’s nothing we really could have done differently.

Upcoming events; The solstice party is on Friday, as well as a #blacklivesmatter discussion. Jackson is in charge of getting pizza, and Ashley will remind the Lincoln Athiests to bring soda. At far as the discussion, Ashley will lead it. There’s been a lot of talk in the facebook group about how effective different types of protest are, Ashley will do some research and have information on hand for it.

Book: Jackson bought Freud for Beginners for the library. We’re all cool with adding it, he doesn’t want to be reimbursed.

Money: We have a little over $100 in the library. Ashley thinks we should donate $65 to the free store kickstarter and get a red and black flag. We decide to sit on the money for a while; there are some things that would be nice to have, but nothing we need right now.

Message: scott crow recommeded us to a person who puts together a zine by prisoners called “The System that Holds Us Captive”; they asked if we’d be interested in buying some copies. Ashley will see how much it will cost, we want a copy for the archive and for a the library, and might pick up a few more.

Holiday cancellations: Ashley requested that we cancel the rest of the general meetings for this year, as well as open hours for the 23rd, 24th, 30th, and 31st. We all approve of this.

12/8/14 Minutes: Upcoming Events

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Barry, Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Events – The movie night for What Would Jesus Buy? is this Friday, and Jackson owns the DVD so it’ll be easy to set up. All we have to do is make some popcorn. Winter Solstice party is on the 19th, the Lincoln Secular Humanists are gonna be buying pizzas, the Lincoln Atheists will bring soda, and anyone else can bring any food they want in addition to that. The #BlackLivesMatter discussion is the day after the solstice party, and we need to make sure the house is cleaned up after the festivities.

The counter-protest to the anti-choice Walk for Life is on January 31st. We’ll schedule a poster making party the week of, and we need to do a lot of promotion. We should offer childcare at the house again, we’ll have a sign-up sheet with the contact info of the children’s parent(s) and any info we need to know. At the Lincoln Secular Humanists meeting, Brian stated he was concerned about safety after the protest. We should encourage everyone to escort each other to cars or other safe spaces. We also need to contact the ACLU to make sure there’s a legal observer present.

2. Fliers – We need to get more calendar handbills and cat handbills produced. We also need a small run of smaller calendars, so we should ask Ella for that file.

Meeting adjourned: 7:20 PM

12/1/14 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Ramona, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Our “Black Lives Matter” discussion was on Saturday, and it was a huge success. Our space barely held everyone who turned up! A new Facebook group has been started, and there is talk of wanting to do more of these discussions. We will try to do another one in December, but it probably won’t make it on our calendar.

2. Upcoming Event – LSH is meeting here on Thursday evening. We’re ready for it.

3. Donations – Some money was donated to a rat-rescue project that Ashley is working on, and some of the material was addressed to Black Cat House/Rat Rescue. That money is probably not meant for us, but is probably just a misunderstanding because of Ashley’s dual role. We’ll pass all of it on to the rat rescue.

4. Calendar – Our calendars are pretty much done, but we’re still waiting for confirmation from Lazlos (LSH Solstice Party) before we can get them printed. We may have them here tomorrow. We’re supposed to have handbills, too, but they may not be done at the same time.

5. HPA – Ramona is thinking about starting a Nebraska chapter of the Harry Potter Alliance. We discussed it for a bit, and we agreed that Indigo Bridge is probably the best venue for first meetings. We may revisit the subject if there are issues with scheduling something there.

Meeting adjourned: 7:38 PM

11/24/14 Minutes: Calendar Edits

In attendance: Ashley (secreatary), Jackson (moderator), Ramona, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00

Upcoming Events: The feminist Crafting Circle is tomorrow. We need to get the supplies out, but other than that the event is taken care of. Audrey wants to do some kind of anti-racist event this coming weekend for a class. We approve of this, she’ll coordinate and let us know.

Open Hours: Ashley and Ty are doing a large animal rescue operation tomorrow afternoon, so no one will be here to man open hours. We cancel them for Tuesday. Ty will cover it Wednesday.

Book: We were offered a book on paperback swap, but it seems we already have it. Ashley will delete it from our wishlist.

Calendar: The LSH meeting is scheduled on the same day as a Doane speaking date. We reschedule it for the 4th. It seems like the LSH and LA are fine with Lazlo’s, and there’s been a vote against the one downtown because of parking concerns. Ashley will make the arrangements. Ashley will update the previous minutes.

Tabled: Police Zine

Adjourned: 7:10

11/17/14 Minutes: Free Store, Calendar


In attendance: Ashley, Jackson (moderator), Sammi (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had a very busy week! Trekkies for Humanism was on Friday, and that went well. It’s still regularly drawing people. How to Do Protests turned out to be rather small due to the weather. Ty ended up taking on working on it at the last minute, and wishes he could do a powerpoint or another formal presentation. As it was, it turned out okay. It would be nice to get more people experienced in different methods of protests. The concert on Sunday was good!

2. Reimbursement – Jackson paid for printing buttons designs and fliers, for $4.82. He also paid for three CDs at the concert for $20. Altogether the collective reimbursed him $24.82.

3. Free Store – A person from the Midwestern Anarchist Federation is trying to open a free store. We’ve decided to donate to the $10 tier, which in addition to helping their cause also gets us a digital zine pack. Ashley’s going to take care of the details of paying on Indiegogo.

4. Calendar – We discussed whether to include our counter-protest to the anti-choice Walk to Life on the calendar, and we decided to leave it off the calendar and advertise for separately. We also discussed a location for the Winter Solstice Party, and Lazlo’s came up as a good option. Ashley’s going to start a group chat between Lincoln Secular Humanists and Lincoln Atheists to finalize which location.

December 4, 7 PM: Lincoln Secular Humanists meeting
December 12, 7 PM: Movie Night: What Would Jesus Buy?
December 19, 6 PM – (add end time?): Winter Solstice Party (Location TBD)

January 10th, 1 – 3 PM: What is… Cultural Appropriation?
January 13th, 3 – 6 PM: Writing Letters to Political Prisoners
January 17th, 1 – 3 PM: Taking the Cake: An Intro to Asexuality
January 23rd, 7 PM: Trekkies For Humanism: “Measure of a Man” (TNG)

February 1st, 7 PM: Movie Night: The Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation
February 8th, 2 – 4 PM: Feminist Discussion Group: Black Feminism
February 15th, 7 PM: Movie Night: C.S.A.: Confederate States of America
February 21st, 1 – 3 PM: What was… the Civil Rights Movement?
February 27th, 7 PM: Trekkies For Humanism: “Far Beyond the Stars” (DS9)

Meeting adjourned: 7:37 PM

Tabled items: Police zine

[Archival Note: Ashley made a correction to these minutes:

“I updated the calendar so the LSH meeting is on the 4th instead of the 11th. See 11/24/14 minutes.”]

11/10/14 Minutes: Calendar, Pronoun Buttons, Reimbursement

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Barry, Jackson (secretary), Ramona, Sammi (moderator), Ty

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had three events this week, and they all had great turnout. We hosted a discussion on gender issues in the local music scene on Wednesday. It sounds like there will be more work organized on this issue down the road. We also had the Sama/Bloth concert on Friday night; the performers raved about their time here and the audience they got to play for. We also had the showing of the documentary (A)sexual; while the film wasn’t the greatest, we had a great discussion about that afterward.

2. Upcoming Events – Asexuals of Lincoln are meeting here tomorrow night at 7. Trekkies For Humanism is coming up on Friday. There’s no special prep work needed for either of these.

We also have the How To Organize Protests event coming up on Saturday. Ashley is cramming a bit to lead the discussion, but she also encourage us to be doing some research to contribute to this as well.

3. Buttons – We are running low on our he/him and she/her pronoun buttons, and Ashley wants us to print and press some more. We agree to get five more pages of each printed up this week.

4. Calendar –

December 11, 7 PM: Lincoln Secular Humanists meeting
December 12, 7 PM: Movie Night: What Would Jesus Buy?
December 19, 6 PM – (add end time?): Winter Solstice Party (Location TBD)

January 10th, 1 – 4 PM: What is… Cultural Appropriation?
January 13th, 3 – 6 PM: Writing Letters to Political Prisoners
January 23rd, 7 PM: Trekkies For Humanism: “Measure of a Man” (TNG)

February 1st, 7 PM: Movie Night: The Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation
February 8th, 2 – 4 PM: Feminist Discussion Group: Black Feminism
February 15th, 7 PM: Moive Night: C.S.A.: Confederate States of America
February 21st, 1 PM: What was… the Civil Rights Movement?
February 27th, 7 PM: Trekkies For Humanism: “Far Beyond the Stars” (DS9)

5. Reimbursement – Jackson bought a CD and a zine for the house from our travelling musicians, and would like to be reimbursed $9 for that. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

Tabled items: Police zine

11/3/14 Minutes: Reimbursement, posters

In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Ty (moderator)
Start Time: 7:00

Upcoming Events: We have a discussion on Wednesday about gender privilege in the local music scene. There’s not much we need to do for this event other than have chairs out. Sama is performing on Friday, and we’re a little worried about the turnout. We’ve fliered and posted it on several places online, but we’ll also urge people at the event on Wednesday to attend. Finally, the (A)sexual movie night is Saturday. We’ll need to stream it on Ty’s computer or use Ashley’s ps3. Sammi and Ty will answer questions/lead the discussion afterward.

Open Hours: Ashley is working all day tomorrow and requested that open hours we be cancelled this week. We all agree this is a good idea.

Reimbursement: Ty and Jackson went to office max and bought some things for the house. Ty bought some organizers for our zines and fliers and lable stickers. He spent $26.99, we approve reimbursement.

Posters: Tyler donated several beehive prints. We put them up around the space.

Adjourned: 7:53

10/27/14 Minutes: Zine Making Workshop, Buttons, Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – The Trekkies for Humanism was fun! The Zine Making Workshop also did well despite being rescheduled. Ashley thought the zine workshop did so well, that she thinks it might be nice to schedule zine making workshops during open hours on occasion. This would be in addition to Writing Letters to Political Prisoners.

2. Pronoun Buttons – Ashley and Ty think it would be a good idea to have a social media campaign to promote wearing pronoun buttons. We think it would be beneficial to normalize asking for pronouns amongst cisgender people as well as transgender people.

3. Sticker Paper – We’d like to get sticker paper to print out labels with our name and website and put them on our buttons. Ty and Jackson will go out tomorrow and look for supplies.

4. Calendar –

December 11, 7 PM: Lincoln Secular Humanists meeting
December 12, 7 PM: Movie Night:What Would Jesus Buy?
Winter Solstice party? – Fri the 19th or Sat the 20th? Still undecided, Ashley will be talking with the Lincoln Atheists about potential collaboration in the coming weeks.

January 10th, 1 – 4 PM: What is… Cultural Appropriation?
January 13th, 3 – 6 PM: Writing Letters to Political Prisoners
January 23rd, 7 PM: Trekkies For Humanism: “Measure of a Man” (TNG)

February 1st, 7 PM: Movie Night: The Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation
February 8th, 2 – 4 PM: Feminist Discussion Group: Black Feminism
February 15th, 7 PM: Moive Night: C.S.A.: Confederate States of America
February 21st, 1 – 4 PM: What is… Civil Rights Movement? Jim Crow? Black Panthers? Ed and Mondo? White Supremacy?
February 27th, 7 PM: Trekkies For Humanism: “Far Beyond the Stars” (DS9)

Tabled: Winter Calendar, Police Zine

Meeting adjourned: 7:56 PM

10/20/14 Minutes: Winter Calendar, Women in Music, Online Button Sales

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had a concert with Hamartia last night. Turnout was low, but the event was scheduled last-minute and the promotion was a bit lacking. We’ll need to step up our promotion for the concerts planned for next month. Our Zine-making workshop was postponed.

2. Upcoming Events – Trekkies is Friday. That’ll be easy to prepare for. Our Zine-making workshop has been rescheduled for this Sunday. We’ll do a little more last-minute promotion, but Ashley is pretty much prepared already given that this was originally set for last week. Ashley will also be checking to see if the ACLU can contribute a volunteer to add to our discussion at the upcoming How to Organize Protests event.

3. Reimbursements – Jackson printed several color posters for our upcoming November concerts, and would like to be reimbursed $16.06 for the printing costs. He also had to buy a lot of last-minute refreshments for the Beehive Collective event several weeks ago. He’s misplaced the receipt, but knows he spent well over $30. We agreed to reimburse him for the posters and $30 for the food.

4. Winter Calendar – Ashley would like to reduce the number of events on this calendar, since we’re struggling with fatigue and winter is not typically a great season for turnout anyway. Jackson and Ty are in agreement.

Early Dec movie night?
Lincoln Secular Humanists meeting – Dec 11, 7 PM
Winter Solstice party? – Fri the 19th or Sat the 20th?

Trekkies For Humanism
What is in January? Cultural Appropriation?

Black History Month-themed February
What is… Civil Rights Movement? Slavery?
Feminist Discussion Group: Womanism/Black Feminism
Movie Night: CSA – Confederate States of America?
Trekkies For Humanism: “Far Beyond the Stars” (DS9)

5. Women in Music – Ashley has been contacted by a community member wishing to organize a community discussion about women in music in light of some recent controversy in the local music scene. We’re all excited about the possibilities there, and we’ll get in touch with them about setting something up.

6. Online Button Sales – Ashley wants to set up an online store to sell our buttons. Ashley recommends we offer buttons for online sale at $1.50 apiece + $1 domestic shipping for the first button (+ 50 cents for each additional button). Jackson suggests adding free domestic shipping to purchases over $10 to encourage large orders.

Tabled: Winter Calendar, Police Zine

Meeting adjourned: 7:46 PM

10/13/14: Columbus Day Protest, DN Article

In Attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson
Time started: 7:01

Quorum was not met, so we just went over the necessities.

Event Review: The beehive collective was here last week. The turnout was lower than we expected, but it was a Tuesday night and raining all day. However, the event went exceptionally well and we all took something away from it. They donated several posters after the event, which we’ll hang next meeting. The Abolish Columbus Day protest was today. It was enjoyable, however the turnout was also low. It was a rainy weekday, but we probably could have done a better job promoting it. Next year we’ll do fliers along with the zine drop.

Upcome events: The zine workshop is this week, along with the Hamartia show. Ashley needs to mess with the copymachine and make sure it works before the workshop,. Ashley will also tidy the basement so the musicians have a place to stay.

Daily Nebraskan Article: A reporter visited the house Saturday to help promote our upcoming events. They were very enthusiastic about the work we do, and wrote a really nice article. The date for one of the house shows was wrong, so Ashley emailed the reporter and got it editted. Read it at http://www.dailynebraskan.com/arts_and_entertainment/black-cat-house-hos…

Meeting Adjourned: 7:18