10/12/15 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Trekkies was on Friday, and it was a fun show. Not a great turnout, but a good discussion. Our Indigenous People’s Day Rally was just an couple hours ago. We got some channel 8 coverage! “The revolution may not be televised, but the protest did,” as Jackson put it. Handed out a few zines. We think we might need a specific flier for the event next time.

2. Upcoming Event – Protest: What Is It Good For? is this Saturday. We need to continue promoting it, but other than that, we think we’re ready. As an aside, Jackson thinks getting a big whiteboard would come in handy with this sort of event in the future, to jot down ideas the discussion generates.

3. The Great Swamps – Ty put the Facebook event page up! We’ll start inviting people and sharing it around.

4. Buttons – We have labels, so Ty will make some with our website to put on the back of our buttons.  We’re also going to send some pronoun and pride buttons to be printed.

5. Anniversaries – In our project to add anniversaries of important historical events, we added May Day and the Stonewall Riots.

6. Winter Calendar – Items to consider:

Winter Solstice Party in December

Mardi Gras: Made in China in late January

Black History Month in February. Maybe try The Angola 3 again? Malcolm X or another biography? Or the 1995 film Panther?

Jackson suggests polling the Facebook page, see what our fans want us to host.

Tabled: Winter Calendar

Meeting adjourned: 8:09 PM

10/5/15 Minutes: Indigenous Peoples’ Day, Calendars

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We showed Food Inc on Saturday night. The turnout was ok, but the conversation afterward was excellent.

2. Upcoming Events – We’ve got Trekkies on Friday. No problems there.

We’ve also got our Indigenous Peoples’ Day Rally on next Monday. Ty is going to promote it online. Ty will also get our zines assembled. He declines reimbursement for getting those materials printed. We’ll probably not host a sign-making party, as our offer to do so didn’t attract any interest online.

3. Copy Machine – Ty will finish setting that up on Saturday, as he has time to do so.

4. Black Cat Appreciation Day – Ty wants us to do themed posts on social media surrounding August 17th, which is apparently Black Cat Appreciation Day. He thinks it would be a good time to highlight some of the historical influences that inspired us to name our house, such as the Black Panthers. Jackson likes the idea, and we spent several minutes discussing several possible strategies for doing so (but no decision was made at this time)

5. Calendar of Holidays, Anniversaries, and Commemorations – (This is a tangent thought of by Jackson in the wake of the last item.) We need some kind of system for better remembering all of the holidays and historical reminders that we try to keep up with all year. Ty suggests building them into our existing events calendar on the website; additional information on the event can even show up when one hovers the mouse over the day on the calendar. We added anniversaries for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to our calenar, and table the item to consider more dates to add to our calendar in the upcoming weeks.

6. Band – We’ve been contacted about hosting another concert. The performer’s initial email doesn’t have enough information for us to make a good decision, so Ty will email them and try to figure things out.

7. Buttons – Ty is looking to enlist some help with button design. Jackson has ordered a free “sample” of label sheets that should be what we need.

Tabled: Calendar of Holidays, Anniversaries, and Commemorations, Buttons, Winter Calendar

Meeting adjourned: 8:22 PM

9/28/15 Minutes: Concert, Columbus Day

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Event: Food, Inc. is this Saturday! Should be simple to set up.

2. Concert: A touring artist is coming through the area, and wants to book a show here on October 2nd. We listened to some songs, but we didn’t really get any explicit social/political content out of them. We decided it wasn’t worth making last minute accommodations for.

3. Columbus Day: Ty made a post in the event page asking if there would be interest in a sign-making party. We also need to make copies of Brian’s “Why We Should Abolish Columbus Day” zine. Jackson found a digital copy of it, and will send in a request to the copy center for 50 copies.

4. Copy machine: Ty needs the proper usb cord in order to set up the software. Then it’ll be good to go! Jackson ordered it, and he’ll be reimbursed for it.

5. Data entry: Looks like we waited too long on that. We’ll have to ask for Ella’s help in getting the missing pieces in our archive.

Tabled: Copy machine, data entry (LGBT fundraiser removed. We don’t have time to organize something like that after all.)

Meeting adjourned: 7:39 PM

9/21/15 Minutes: Buttons, Upcoming Events

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had our discussion on gentrification on Saturday. It had a solid turnout, despite the fact that we had a lot of competition as far as interesting stuff happening around town on the only non-Husker Gameday in September. Ty thinks that if we’re going to lead off a discussion with some potentially lengthy background, as happened Saturday, that we should offer the clarification that we can be interrupted so that we’re not monopolizing the conversation.

2. Buttons – Ty has been hung up on logistics details concerning the labels we want to put on the backs of them. We took some time to look around at options. We decided we can use ones that are 1″ by 0.5″, but at that size we’ll probably only have space to print our website on them.

3. October Events – We took some time to put up our upcoming October events on Facebook and begin to promote them online.

Tabled: Columbus Day protest, Copy Machine, data entry, LGBT fundraiser

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

9/14/15 Minutes: Events, Assorted Things to Get Done

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 8:15 PM

1. Event Review: We had an LSH meeting on Thursday, and a movie on Friday. Anarchism in America had a very good turnout and discussion, and Ty figures that we have better showings when the movies are relatively hard to get a hold of or are otherwise not in the public eye.

2. Upcoming Event: What is Gentrification is coming up on Saturday. Jackson’s going to be the moderator for that discussion, and he’s doing a bit more studying on the subject.

3. Columbus Day Protest: We should put together a flier, and get that event posted soon. Perhaps a poster making party? That will likely depend on how much interest there is for one.

4. Buttons: Ty is continuing to work on button designs. He’s making pretty decent progress, by his own account.

5. Copy machine: The copy machine still needs to have the software uploaded to our computers. Just a note that it needs to get done.

Tabled: Data entry, LGBT fundraiser

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

9/7/15 Minutes: Fundraising, Buttons

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:03 PM

1. Upcoming Events: LSH is meeting here on Thursday. There is a movie on Friday as well!

2. Fundraisers: A friend of ours has started Equality Press, a non-profit publishing company focusing on making radical literature accessible to children, and they are crowdfunding their first book. Jackson suggested donating $100 to the campaign, and Ty recommended bumping that up to $115 to count for a reward tier that would give us three hardcovers and five softcovers of the book, because while we only need one or two for the House library, being able to donate copies to other organizations would be awesome. As Ty has a Kickstarter account, we will give the money for him to pledge on the website.

We Are Vital is also raising money for a canvassing campaign to do a broader poll of the neighborhood residents on what they think of the neighborhood, rather than merely the landlords and business consultants that those in charge of the SoDo project are basing their opinions on. We plan on donating $100 to this effort, and we’ll get in touch with the organizer of this project whether she wants it through GoFundMe or through a more direct means.

3. Buttons: We need more pronoun buttons! Organizations at UNL found them to be a big hit, and we need to restock! Ty will have to figure out how to design them, or get in contact with someone who has the proper templates. Also, we would like to get a sticker designed to place on the back of pressed buttons with The Black Cat House name and website.

4. Fundraising Event: The LGBTQA+ Resource Center and similar student organizations on campus usually start raising money to go to social activism conferences around this time. Since Ty wishes to go as well in order to bring back networking and knowledge around activism, he was wondering whether we could put on some sort of fundraising event. A benefit dinner worked really well last time, but since this is a different crowd, we’re not sure if it would work. Jackson suggested selling buttons and the jewelry that Ty makes, but we’re not sure where. We’re tabling this until we can fully form a plan.

Tabled: Data entry, LGBT fundraiser

Meeting adjourned: 7:50 PM

8/31/15 Minutes: Donation, Buttons, Copy Machine

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Donation – A Novel Idea gave us $200 as the spring beneficiaries of their Thank You Tuesdays! We should thank them on social media. We’ll be adding the donation to our general treasury for now.

2. Buttons – Ty has been giving out lots of our pronoun buttons. We’ll need to print more soon. Ty also reminds us that we need to get stickers with BCH info to put on the backs of them. We also had a request to add a “No Pronouns” option to our line of pronoun buttons. We might also need more pride flag buttons soon. Ty reports we are out of pansexual buttons. Ty will also see about whipping up a BCH button.

3. Copy Machine – We took some meeting time to set up our new copy machine.

Tabled: Data entry

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM

8/26/15 Minutes: Online Communication, Calendar Distribution

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had Trekkies on Friday. It was a good discussion!

2. Calendar Distro – Ty hasn’t finished distributing calendars. He’ll finish it this week for sure.

3. Next Meeting – Because it’s kinda a grey area over what day next week’s meeting will be, given that we’re switching back to Mondays in September anyway we’ve decided next week’s meeting will be on Monday as well!

4. Online Stuff – So we updated the twitter information so that we get updates from it once again. Ty will try to keep it updated. Jackson encourages more Facebook interaction, and wants to put more open-ended, conversational posts. Ty will be in charge for Twitter and Tumblr, and Jackson will mainly keep the Facebook updated. We also want to revive the listserv. Since Ty has the contact email, he’ll be doing that as well.

5. Facebook Events – September events need up on Facebook! They are already up on our website so we committed some meeting time to doing so.

6. Handbills – Ty has finished the design for them and they are ready to be printed! Ty will email Jackson the PDF to be printed.

7. Reimbursement – Jackson needs calendar reimbursement for $6.69. The deed will be done!

Meeting adjourned: 8:06 PM

Tabled: Copy machine setup, data entry of old minutes

8/19/15 Minutes: Calendar Distro, Buttons?

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Event Reviews – Sama et al performed here on Thursday. It was a good show, and turnout was ok despite us unintentionally competing with the much-larger DIO Fest. We should’ve got the fliers up sooner, but there’s probably not much else we could’ve done better. Sama mentioned she was planning to drop in here again on her next tour.

We also watched Killing Us Softly 4 on Saturday. Turnout was low, but the conversation was good. Jackson would like to show it again someday, as it’s a good film. Ty suggests adding the subtitle “Advertising’s Image of Women” as a way of making the subject matter more obvious next time. (This was also unfortunately competing with DIO Fest.)

2. Upcoming Event – Trekkies returns on Friday. We’re ready for it.

3. Calendar Distro – Ty is working on it. It should be done by Friday.

4. Buttons – UNL’s LGBTQA Resource Center is planning to a button-pressing event on campus Saturday night, but their button parts never arrived! Ty proposes that we offer to let them use our press and sell them 300 sets of our available parts. We decide that it would be ok to this, if they can pay us $30 for the parts.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

8/12/15 Minutes: Sama, Copy Machine, DIO Fest, Facebook Usage

In attendance: Ashley, Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Upcoming Events: Sama and crew are coming to perform tomorrow! They’ll call Ty when they get into town.  We’ll be making sure the space is tidied and ready after the meeting, and we’ve got food ingredients prepared to cook a feast for the musicians tomorrow.  We also have Killing Us Softly on Saturday that we’ll run off Ty’s computer.  He assumes we have the right cord to do so, but he’ll double check.
  1. Copy Machine: Jackson bought us a new copy machine! He’ll be reimbursed $172.59 for his trouble.  We need to set that up as soon as we get the chance.
  1. Fall Calendar: Ty finished and sent in the new calendars for printing – 25 8 ½ x 11 ones. He still needs to make handbills.
  1. DIO Fest: Ashley reports that Margot would like to borrow chairs and tables for DIO Fest tomorrow. We said yes on the tables, maybe on the chairs, given the concert tomorrow.  Ty will be home all day to loan them to her.  Jackson says that it might not be an issue, since the event is at SP CE and they have a ton of tables and chairs.
  1. Facebook Usage: Jackson wants to do a little brainstorming on how we use our Facebook page. He thinks we need more variety of content rather than just promoting events.  We talked about good material to share on the page and methods of keeping the page active.

Meeting adjourned: 7:37 PM