12/21/15 Minutes: Housekeeping

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1) Event Review – We had LSH’s Winter Solstice Party. We got less attendance than expected. Jackson still needs to talk about Brian about reimbursement for the food and updates on the status of the LSH account.

2) Treasury – It’s been a while since we’ve had a treasury update in the minutes, so Ty inquired. Jackson said that the treasury is currently up to date in the current document for it.

3) Graphics – Ty had some ideas for buttons and patches that he wanted to pitch. But it requires a bit more graphical expertise than what either he or Jackson has. He’ll write up a request and see if we can get some interest on social media for volunteers.

4) January Events – January Facebook events need to get up! We worked on that for the rest of the time.

Meeting adjourned: 7:30 PM

12/14/15 Minutes: Solstice Party

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:01 PM

  1. Event Review – We had the LSH meeting here on Thursday. We got to chat with a couple of young atheists from UNL campus who were having trouble finding freethought groups there. Ty found some info on the campus humanist group SHUNL and emailed it to them tonight.

2. Upcoming Event – Our Winter Solstice party is coming up on Saturday night. We talked a little bit about what kind of food and other prep we need to do, but we didn’t make firm plans because we’re still a bit unsure about the turnout.

Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM

12/7/15 Minutes: Event Review and Prep

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Event Review/Reimbursement: We showed No Woman, No Cry on Saturday. We had to resort to renting the movie off Amazon, which was 1.99. Ty was approved for reimbursement of this cost. While it was an interesting discussion, we probably won’t show it again. We need to be more mindful about scheduling though, because SP CE was doing an event at the same time.
  1. Upcoming Event: Lincoln Secular Humanists will be having their meeting here on Thursday. Since we don’t have much on the agenda, we’ll set up the room for this event tonight.

Meeting adjourned: 7:10 PM

11-30-15 Minutes: Upcoming Event, Work Time

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We have a movie showing this Saturday. We’re ready for it.

2. Work time – Ty placed our info stickers on our buttons, while Jackson made updates on our Facebook.

Meeting adjourned: 7:55 PM

11/23/15 Minutes: Housekeeping

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We had a few people show up for our trans rights event, and it was a very energetic discussion between the visitors and the panelists!  It was a lot of fun.

2. Button Stickers – Ty’s getting them made and printed!  We can slap them on the back of our stickers now.

3. Calendar Distribution – Downtown is done.  South Street needs to be done though.

Because we didn’t have much else to talk about, we filed books into the library for the rest of the time.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

11/16/15 Minutes: Calendar Update, Upcoming Event

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We have our Transgender discussion coming up on Saturday. Ty has secured two other panelists for the event, and has done some promotion. We seem to be ready.

2. Calendar Update – Ty will have the materials finished tomorrow and emailed into the copy center to be printed later this week.

3. Facebook Events – Since we didn’t have much on the agenda, we took some time to create Facebook events for our early December events.

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM

11/9/15 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: We watched Reds, but it was just us. Enjoyable film though! We need to get Facebook events up sooner.

2. Web Presence: The Tumblr has been tanked. We don’t really have the time to maintain it, and it’s not really the right medium for what we’re trying to do. Ty wants to put more focus into the Twitter account. Our Facebook posting has increased, but we haven’t really put up the engaging posts we have wanted to yet, so that still needs to be something to work on.

3. Winter Calendar:

No Woman No Cry – Saturday, December 5th, 7 PM
LSH meeting – Thursday, December 10th, 7 PM
Winter Solstice Party – Saturday, December 19th, 6 PM

What is… Communism? – Saturday, January 9th, 1-3 PM
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country – Saturday, January 16th, 7 PM
Counter-Protest Against The Anti-Choice “Walk For Life” – Saturday, January 30th, 10 AM, north side of the Nebraska State Capitol

Movie Night: Panther – Saturday, February 6th, 7 PM
Revisiting Ferguson: Where’s #BlackLivesMatter Now? (A Community Discussion) – Saturday, February 13th, 1-3 PM
Movie Night: Black Power Mixtape – Sunday, February 21st, 7 PM

Ty will whip up a calendar plus handbills, to be finished by the 17th at the latest.

Meeting adjourned: 7:59 PM

11/2/15 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We hosted a concert on Wednesday, but nobody else showed up! We’re not sure what else we could’ve done about it, as we’re not really much of a concert venue.

2. Upcoming Event – We’re showing Reds on Sunday. We’ve decided we’ll offer pizza to help people get through the length of this film.

3. Winter Calendar:

No Woman No Cry – Saturday, December 5th, 7PM
LSH meeting – Thursday, December 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December (start time?)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, January 2nd/9th/16th, 7 PM
January discussion?
Second January screen?
Revisiting Ferguson: Where’s #BlackLivesMatter Now? (A Community Discussion) – Saturday, February 13th, 1-3 PM
Feb screens?

Potential movies:
Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb)

We’re not quite ready to finish the calendar tonight, so this is tabled one last time. We are in agreement that the calendar must absolutely be finalized next meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 8:34 PM

10/26/15 Minutes: The Great Swamps, Police Brutality, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Upcoming Event:  The Great Swamps will be playing here on Wednesday at 7 PM.  We emailed them and asked whether they had any food preferences while they are here, and Jackson will put up a last minute flier at his work.

2. Police Brutality Event: Alicia and Devin came to our meeting and told us what they could about their story.  We gave them all the resources and names we had available as far as people who could potentially help them organize an event of the caliber they are thinking of.

3. Winter Calendar:

No Woman No Cry – Saturday, Dec 5th, 7PM
LSH meeting – Thursday, Dec 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December

Revisiting Ferguson: Where’s #BlackLivesMatter Now? – February

Potential movies:
Che (Part 1) (Jan), Ma Vie en Rose (Jan), Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb), Angola 3 (Feb)

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

10/19/15 Minutes – Police Brutality Event, Winter Calendar, Ella’s Fundraiser

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Event Review: We had our discussion on protesting on Saturday. The turnout was low, but the discussion was still very good.

What should we be doing to boost turnout? Jackson admits his Facebook event went up late. Ty suggests possibly creating queued FB statuses right after creating the event to make sure we remember to remind people about the upcoming events. Jackson also wonders how many of our calendars are no longer posted around town; Ty will bring some more to possibly refresh the bulletin boards when he distributes concert fliers this week.

2. Ella’s fundraiser – Our friend and collaborator Ella is trying to crowdfund to cover some travel expenses to help her attend a conference that would make her an even greater asset to community groups like ourselves. We agree to commit $100 from our treasury to help her out.

3. Reimbursement – Ty got a bunch of color printing done for us last week, and wants to be reimbursed $13.94 for those expenses. We agree, of course!

4. Police Brutality Event – We were contacted by someone wanting to do some kind of public event on police brutality and racism. As this is obviously within our interests, Ty has emailed the person to see how we can be of service.

5. Winter Calendar – Ty has created a Facebook status asking our friends there what kind of events they’d like to see of us in the Winter Calendar. It will run tomorrow afternoon.

LSH meeting – Thursday, Dec 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December

No Woman No Cry (Dec), Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb), Angola 3 (Feb)

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM