5/16/16 Minutes: Yard Sale Recap/Spending it!, Summer Calendars

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We had our yard sale over the weekend, and we raised $597.30! We decided to put it all into our general treasury for now. We discussed the idea of buying a bike rack, a longarm stapler, a paper cutter, and a new canopy. We need to do some research on these items, and what we’ll expect to pay for them.

2. Upcoming Event – The Porchfest Fundraiser concert is this Friday! Our only homework for the event is to clean up the post-yard sale mess in the living room.

3. Summer Calendar – Ty has the files finished, and will get them printed and picked up on Wednesday. He is pre-approved for reimbursement for that expense.

Meeting adjourned: 7:22 PM

Tabled: Stuff to Buy (bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter, canopy)

5/9/16 Minutes: Yard Sale, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: Chi-Raq has a small turnout but a spirited, lengthy discussion afterwards. Might have to be a movie we show again.

2. Upcoming Event: The yard sale will be this Friday and Saturday, and the living room is half-full of items to potentially sell. We still have to move several boxes of items from the basement, as well as price and sort items. Ty’s grandpa is bringing over tables. Jackson might have another contact for tables as well. We also need some street signs prepared to get up the day before.

3. Summer Calendar: This is the final version. Ty will finish creating PDFs of the calendar and handbills, and send it to Jackson to get printed.

Friday, June 10th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Free Angela and All Political Prisoners
Saturday, June 18th, 1-3 PM – Setting the Record… Straight?: The Queer Impact on Leftism (A Community Discussion)

Friday, July 15th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Libertarias
Saturday, July 23rd, 1-3 PM – Red and Black: An Intro to Libertarian Communism (A Community Discussion)

Saturday, August 6th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Godzilla (1954)

End time: 7:13 PM

Tabled item: canopy replacement, bike rack

5/2/16 Minutes: Fundraisers, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: Jackson hosted Children of Men on Saturday. Turnout and discussion was good. We also had a May Day discussion, which was a fantastic event with good turnout. Radicals talking about labor on May Day is always a good thing. We were a little less prepared for it than we would’ve liked, couldn’t really stay focused on the Fight For $15 campaign, but a good discussion on labor rights in general came out of it regardless.

2. Upcoming Event: We have Chi-Raq coming up on Saturday! There’s not much prep that needs to be done.

3. Yard Sale: We can start sorting things for the sale on Sunday, until then we need to gather interest and see if we can collect some donation items. Another plug for donations should go up this week.

4. Fundraiser: The Social Justice Education Network is doing some crowdfunding for the organizer to be able to focus on doing their talks professionally. We can share the call for donations on our Facebook, as well as donating $20 ourselves.

5. Summer Calendar:

Friday, June 10th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Free Angela and All Political Prisoners
Saturday, June 18th, 1-3 PM – Setting the Record… Straight?: The Queer Impact on Leftism (A Community Discussion)

Friday, July 15th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Libertarias
Saturday, July 23rd, 1-3 PM – Red and Black: The Common Ground Between Communism and Anarchism (A Community Discussion)

Saturday, August 6th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Godzilla (1954)

End time: 8:01 PM

Tabled item: canopy replacement, bike rack

4/25/16 Minutes: Summer Calendar, Hipster Racism, Earth Day

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Earth Day – We tabled at Lincoln Earth Day. We passed out lots of goodies, we connected and re-connected with interested people, and we received $25 in donations. It was pretty successful overall. On the bad side, our canopy broke in the wind. We’ll have to think about replacing it.

2. Upcoming Events – We have a busy weekend coming up, with the Children of Men movie night on Saturday and a discussion on Fight for $15 on Sunday afternoon. We’re ready for the movie, and we’ll just have to re-arrange the chairs for the discussion on Sunday. We’ll try to read up a bit on the Fight for $15 campaign, but that’s the only preparation we think we’ll need.

3. Hipster Racism – SP CE is hosting an interesting talk on the subject of “hipster racism.” We decide we’ll officially chip in $20 from our Speakers Treasury to help with the travel costs of the speaker coming down from Omaha to give the talk.

4. Reimbursement – Ty needs to be repaid for the zine copying for Earth Day. It cost him $27.46, and we agree that he’ll be imbursed.

5. Summer Calendar –

No-schedule dates: June 25th (Heartland Pride in Omaha), Lincoln’s Star City Pride July 8-9, August 7th (PorchFest), August 19th-21st (weekend before UNL restarts classes).

Interesting dates/historical tie-ins: Tank man incident, Tianenemen Square, China (June 5th); International Day of Solidarity for anarchist prisoners (June 11th); Race Riot in Omaha (June 24th, 1969); George Orwell’s birthday, Little Bighorn (June 25th); Stonewall Riots start (June 28th); Frida Kahlo’s birthday (July 6th); Spanish Civil War starts, Eric Garner murdered (July 17th); Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6th and 9th); Michael Brown murdered (August 9th);

Friday, June 10th, 7 PM – Movie Night: Free Angela and All Political Prisoners
Saturday, June 18th, 1-3 PM – Setting the Record… Straight?: The Queer Impact on Leftism (A Community Discussion)

Friday, July 15th, 7 PM – Movie Night for Spanish Civil War; Libertarias?

July discussion? TBA

Saturday, August 6th, 7PM – Movie Night to commemorate Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima; Godzilla (1954) or White Light, Black Rain?

Do we want to do an August discussion? TBD

End time: 8:20 PM

Tabled item: canopy replacement, bike rack, summer calendar

4/18/16 Minutes: Earth Day, Other Upcoming Events

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:02 PM

  1. Earth Day Tabling – We still need some zines printed for this, 50 each of the green zine and fueling dissent zine, but besides that we’re going to focus on moving zines we already have in addition to buttons and stickers.
  1. Porchfest – Porchfest is going to be the first Sunday of August, which is August 7th, between 2 and 7 PM. Jackson will post on their page to let them know that our porch is their porch!
  1. Facebook Events – We put up Facebook events for May Day Today and the Yard Sale Fundraiser and scheduled some hype posts for our and other folks’ events.
  1. Summer calendar – Didn’t have time to talk much about the calendar, but the details from last week have been reposted to keep them fresh in our heads. We did get a date for Star City Pride

No-schedule dates: June 25th (Heartland Pride in Omaha), August 19th-21st (weekend before UNL restarts classes). Lincoln’s Star City Pride July 8-9

Interesting dates/historical tie-ins: Tank man incident, Tianenemen Square, China (June 5th); International Day of Solidarity for anarchist prisoners (June 11th); Race Riot in Omaha (June 24th, 1969); George Orwell’s birthday, Little Bighorn (June 25th); Stonewall Riots start (June 28th); Frida Kahlo’s birthday (July 6th); Spanish Civil War starts, Eric Garner murdered (July 17th); Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6th and 9th); Michael Brown murdered (August 9th);

  1. Infoshop – We donated $50 (technically $53 due to the nature of the fundraising service) for the Firebrand Collective that is attempting to open an infoshop in Chicago. Jackson will be reimbursed for this out of the treasury.

Meeting adjourned: 8:39 PM

Tabled: Bike Rack, Summer Calendar

4/11/16 Minutes: Website, Bike rack, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Saturday was pretty busy for us! We assisted with the pro-choice rally at the Capitol. We’re satisfied with our participation there. Then we had our discussion on environmental justice here, and it was ok. It was a bit hard staying on topic, as everyone in attendance had come over from the rally. But we did the best we could, under the circumstances.

2. Website – It has been recommended that Jackson should upgrade our webhosting to include the privacy service, which will reduce his chances of having his ID stolen or our site hacked. We agree that it’s worth the expense. It will cost us $12.42 to get privacy for our domains for the next year, and we agree it will be reimbursed from the treasury.

3. Bike rack – We’re thinking we should maybe invest in one for the house, to give our biking guests a secure spot to lock their bikes in our yard. Jackson will do some research on options and prices. Item tabled.

4. PorchFest Fundraiser – Our scheduled fundraiser for PorchFest is about a month away. Jackson messaged Maya to check in with her status in organizing that.

5. Summer calendar -We started brainstorming for our summer calendar.

No-schedule dates: June 25th (Heartland Pride in Omaha), August 19th-21st (weekend before UNL restarts classes). Lincoln’s Star-City Pride is not yet scheduled, as far as we can tell (but it should be sometime in July).

Interesting dates/historical tie-ins: Tank man incident, Tianenemen Square, China (June 5th); International Day of Solidarity for anarchist prisoners (June 11th); Race Riot in Omaha (June 24th, 1969); George Orwell’s birthday, Little Bighorn (June 25th); Stonewall Riots start (June 28th); Frida Kahlo’s birthday (July 6th); Spanish Civil War starts, Eric Garner murdered (July 17th); Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6th and 9th); Michael Brown murdered (August 9th);

Tabled to next week.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled: Bike Rack, Summer Calendar

4/4/16 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Emails

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Robert, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Events – We have the pro-choice rally we’re co-sponsoring on Saturday. We also have our discussion on environmental justice right after it. We’re focusing on getting people invited, and doing some web hype.

2. Emails – We got two messages. The first is from a pro-LGBTQ minister who actually addressed the message as if we’re leaders in PFLAG. Ty will respond to the minister, as he’s got the connections to that community. The second message was from a musician wanting to book a gig here. As they’re not directly related to our mission, and the date they’ve asked for is inconvenient for us, Ty will send them a short message and link them to the Request Event page on SP CE Commons’ website.

Meeting adjourned: 7:43 PM

3/28/16 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Upkeep

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Transgender Day of Visibility: We’re tabling in Omaha for this event on Thursday! Ty’s got a ride and the only supplies he needs are mentioned in the next point, so he’s ready to go.

2. Printing: Ty’s got the new handbills and calendars ready, he’ll get them printed on Wednesday so he’ll have some ready by Thursday. He’ll also redistribute so that our usual areas have a correct time for What is Environmental Justice.

3. Computer: We noticed that the communal laptop has missing keys, and Jackson will make sure it gets repaired.

4. Woman’s Right to Choose Forum: That’s coming up this Friday at Indigo Bridge at 5:30 PM. We’ll share it on our Facebook page to promote it and the walk event. Ty contacted some friends to ask if they would be willing to speak, but they didn’t respond.

5. Library: We spent the rest of the time brainstorming new methods of organizing the library and ways of incorporating the library and other books into our events.

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM

3/21/16 Minutes: Treasury Update, Tabling, Event Time Change

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had a Fight Against Rape Culture discussion on Saturday, and it was great! Lovely turnout and everyone was engaged and got a chance to speak. We even got a request to provide notes from the discussion which are posted on the Facebook event page. All in all a great time, and the enthusiasm might be even better if we schedule it at a different time (that is, not spring break).

2. Treasury – Jackson made the yearly update, and we’re pretty good on funds! A paper cutter and a long-arm stapler are penciled down as needs. We also talked about rearranging furniture to better encourage people to take free zines, with the possibility of buying a new bookshelf in the future.

3. Tabling – TDoV tabling is basically ready, there still needs to be some pronoun button pressing but no zines need to be made before then. Before Earth Day we’ll need to print more handbills, the sooner the better. There’s also a few zines that should be printed beforehand due to projected high interest in them.

4. Events – Children of Men has been put on Facebook and the website. Due to an event scheduled on an overlapping time, we’re going to change the time for What is… Environmental Justice? to 2 to 4 PM on the same day. Ty will make edits to the calendar and do a replacement printing and flyering. We’ll keep the non-edited, already printed copies for Earth Day, since that will be after the changed event anyway so those copies don’t go to waste.

Meeting adjourned: 7:23 PM

3/14/16 Minutes: Transgender Day of Visibility, Zines

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We watched the documenatary Boom on Saturday night. Turnout was good, and the discussion was too.

2. Upcoming Event – Our discussion, “The Fight Against Rape Culture”, is this Saturday! Our Facebook event is getting a lot of responses, so we might get a really good turnout on Saturday. We spent some time discussing our format for the event to be better prepared for the possible crowd.

3. Reimbursement – Jackson found us a new speaker to improve audio for our movie nights. He spent $32.79 on it, and would like to reimbursed. It is unanimously agreed to. Also on the subject of money, we’re probably needing more calendar handbills printed, and we agree to reimburse Ty if he gets more printed for us.

4. Transgender Day of Visibility – March 31st is Transgender Day of Visibility. A friend of Ty’s would like to distribute our pronoun buttons at a public event at University of Nebraska-Omaha on that date. He’s also invited us to officially table at that event, but Ty will need to investigate the logistical possibilities of actually doing so.

5. Zines – We spent the remainder of our meeting sorting through our zine collection to see what we would take along to our proposed tabling opportunites at Transgender Day of Visibility and Earth Day.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM