7/23/18 Minutes: Red State Workshop, Reimbursement

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We hosted our reading discussion on conspiracy theories Saturday afternoon. Our turnout was a bit low, possibly partly because of the death penalty event that was happening at the same time at Indigo Bridge. We had a good discussion though.

2. Reimbursement – Ty got the handouts for our reading group printed, and would like to be reimbursed the $5.79 he spent. This is approved unanimously.

3. Red State Workshop – We spent some time working on our blurb describing our workshop on running a space for the Red State conference.

Meeting adjourned: 8:11 PM

Tabled items: Fall calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop, more button parts)

7/16/18 Minutes: Upcoming Reading Discussion, Fall Calendar Planning

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Event Review – We did Popcorn Politics last Friday. It was a good film and a pretty good discussion followed.

2. Upcoming Event – We have a reading discussion this Saturday. Unfortunately, it’s been double-booked with a sudden event concerning the death penalty. We’ll have to still get the articles compiled and printed, and clean up the room.

3. Reimbursement – We bought some books at Socialism 2018, which totaled to $80.57. Jackson also had to pay for our secondary website domain name and the privacy associated with it, which totaled to $30.87.

4. Fall Calendar –

Black-Out Days: September 1, 8, 15, 29; October 20; November 10, 17
Grey-Out Days: September 14, November 24

Nov 19 – International Men’s Day
Nov 25 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Nov 29 – International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Possible discussions: Disability rights, September discussion on Puerto Rico, farmers/agriculture, the politics of sports, 1968 year of revolt anniversaries

Possible Popcorn Politics: Free State of Jones, The Parallax View, The Young Karl Marx

Possible documentaries: Tough Guise, American Socialist: The Life & Times of Eugene Victor Debs

Meeting adjourned: 8:33 PM

Tabled items: Fall calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop, more button parts)

7/2/18 Minutes: Fall Calendar Planning, Donation to Philippines, Meeting Canceled, New Books!

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Next Week – We’re canceling next week’s meeting because it’ll be right after the Socialism conference and we may not make it home in time for the scheduled meeting. We’ll advertise this on Facebook.

2. Upcoming Event – Popcorn Politics returns next Friday! We already have the movie, but we still need to get it up on Facebook. Jackson is in contact with our DSA contacts on getting that drafted by tomorrow.

3. Email – We got two emails. One is from an apolitical band (and one that’s contacted us before…), so we’re ignoring that one. The other email came from the Feral Crust Collective in the Philippines. They’re trying to raise money for a sewing machine to make menstrual pads and other things to fundraise for their ecological projects. We decide to send them $50. (Jackson reports it will actually cost us $54.99, because of a PayPal fee).

4. Monthly Review – Our books came in! We agree to reimburse Jackson the $80 he spent on them for us.

5. Fall Calendar – The Young Karl Marx is a movie night we would like to feature at some point, but the DVD is still rather expensive. We would also like to see In The Intense Now, but it might not be on DVD yet. Perhaps there is another film about 1968 political actions that we can show before the year is over.

Black-Out Days: September 1, 8, 15, 29; October 20; November 2, 10, 17
Grey-Out Days: September 14, November 24

Disability rights?
Nov 19 – International Men’s Day
Nov 25 – International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Nov 29 – International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Possible documentaries: Tough Guise


6. July Events – Jackson will be getting Popcorn Politics up tomorrow. Ty spent the rest of our meeting time putting up our event for “Confronting Conspiracy Theories”

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled items: Fall calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop, more button parts)

6/25/18 Minutes: Fall Calendar Beginnings

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Popcorn Politics was last Friday, which went well! A new visitor to the house noted that they came there through Outlinc’s calendar – we didn’t post it there, but we do need to do better about making sure we share our LGBTQ+ related events there.

2. Fall Calendar – The Young Karl Marx is a movie night we would like to feature at some point, but the DVD is still rather expensive. We would also like to see In The Intense Now, but it might not be on DVD yet. Perhaps there is another film about 1968 political actions that we can show before the year is over.

Black-Out Days: September 1, 8, 15, 29; October 20; November 2, 10, 17
Grey-Out Days: September 14, October 27, November 24

3. Cancelled Meeting? – We might cancel our July 9 meeting because if the trip to the Socialism 2018 conference goes as planned, we may not be back from Chicago in time for the meeting at 7. However, we decided to postpone officially cancelling or going ahead with the meeting until next week, where hopefully we will have a better projection of how the trip will go.

Meeting adjourned: 7:39 PM

Tabled items: Cancelled July 9 Meeting, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop, more button parts)

6/18/18 Minutes: Treasury Update, Book Order

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We’re showing Moonlight for our next installment of Popcorn Politics on Friday night. The movie came in the mail today, and we should be ready to go. The Facebook event seems to be getting a nice response, so we’re hoping for a good turnout.

2. AK Press – We got two more books in the mail for being Friends of AK Press: As Black As Resistance and Kropotkin’s Modern Science and Anarchy.

3. Treasury Update – Jackson has updated our treasury. Our library funds are pretty skimpy, and we want to buy some more books, so we decided to transer $100 from the General Treasury to our Library Treasury.

4. Monthly Review – Monthly Review is doing a big clearance sale on some interesting books. Jackson ordered them tonight for $80, and he’ll be reimbursed for that purchase.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled items: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop, more button parts)

6/11/18 Minutes: Short Meeting!

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:17 PM

1. Event Review – We had a discussion on the prison-industrial complex, which didn’t cover all the bases we could have, though it was still good for the big topic and the smaller time slot than we usually have.

2. Book and Zine – We picked up a free zine from DSA Lincoln’s booth at Feed the People for our zine archive, and Jackson donated a book that is rele

Meeting adjourned: 7:26 PM

Tabled items: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

6/4/18 Minutes: Web Hosting Renewal, Upcoming Events

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:04 PM

1. Event Review – We had our People’s Choice Movie Night in honor of our 5th Anniversary on Friday night. It was a really good time. We had just enough pizza, had a great turnout, and a pretty good discussion afterwards.

2. Upcoming Events – We’re hosting another conference planning meeting tomorrow evening. Jackson will attend and get the room set up. On Saturday, we will be tabling at the Feed the People BBQ and then hosting our community discussion “What is the Prison-Industrial Complex?” right afterwards. We took a few minutes to update our library display for stuff most relevant to our discussion Saturday.

3. Book Donation – Chris donated a copy of Injustices to us. We happily accept it. Thanks, Chris!

4. Website Renewal – Jackson has gotten an email from our hosting company saying we’re due for renewal next month. We’re planning to renew our hosting for the next three years on the deal they’ve offered us, which will cost us $395.64.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM

Tabled items: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

5/28/18 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Summer Calendar Distro

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Events – We have a Nebraska Left Conference organizational meeting, and we really just need to set up the room. The tables will then be broken down by Friday for our 5th year anniversary movie night! We also need to finalize pizza orders by that day and make a pre-scheduled purchase, perhaps the night before.

2. Calendar Distro – Ty wasn’t able to distro, and calendar distro will be kinda rough this week because of everyone’s schedules. Ty’s gonna try again this Tuesday and Wednesday after work.

3. Nebraska Left Conference – Jackson has officially volunteered our services with a workshop on running radical spaces for the conference. We also have a pretty comfortable treasury right now, so we’re thinking about donating some money. We’re thinking $200 up front, and also potentially donating more as needed.

Tabled items: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM

5/21/18 Minutes – So Many Event Reviews!, Summer Calendars

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Jordan, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Event Reviews – We had a very busy week! (1) We hosted a committee meeting on Tuesday evening for the Red State conference planning. It went well, and they’re planning to meet here again in a couple of weeks. (2) Popcorn Politics was on Friday night. Unfortunately, our turnout was disappointing, because of our DSA friends being double-booked after we scheduled this. (3) We also lent space on Saturday and Sunday for an IWW Organizers Training. They made good use of our facilities, and donated $200 for the use of our space!

2. Calendars – Ty got the calendars printed, and we’ll reimburse him the $12.07 he spent. He’s going to try to get distro done this Saturday.

3. Web events – We spent the rest of our meeting time building online promotion for our early June events.

Tabled items: Summer Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

5/14/18 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Basically Finalized Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:15 PM

(Meeting slightly delayed due to some post-yard sale clean-up time)

1. Event Review – We had our yard sale, and it was a success! We had less stuff to sell than years past, but we sold most everything we had, with a final total $726.90 funds raised altogether and only a few totes worth of stuff leftover to sell next year or via online sales.

2. Upcoming Events – We have a grand total of four days worth of events this week! A committee meeting to plan the Nebraska Left Conference is Tuesday, and we’re hosting. We just need to get the room cleaned up further after the sale. Friday night is Salt of the Earth. Hopefully since the room will already be clean by then, we only need to get the projector and screen up and call it good. Saturday/Sunday, the NE IWW will be here for organizer training. Same deal; should be clean, should be fine. We’ll see what kind of accommodations the group needs, as we’re still not sure the set-up they’d want.

3. Books – We got a ton of books for the library! The latest from AK Press came in, and we also got some donations from a friend. Jackson also bought some books and zines from Indigo Bridge during a sale, totaling $22.51, which he would like reimbursed. We’re chill with that.

4. Summer Calendar – Tentatively, the calendar is done!

Friday, June 1st, 7-10 PM: The Black Cat 5th Anniversary People’s Choice Movie Night
Saturday, June 9th, 2:30-4 PM: What is the Prison-Industrial Complex? (a community discussion)
Friday, June 22nd, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: Moonlight

Friday, July 13th, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: The Wind That Shakes The Barley
Saturday, July 21st, 1-3 PM: Reading Discussion: Confronting Conspiracy Theories

Friday, August 10th, 7-10 PM: Popcorn Politics: Shin Godzilla

“Why People Believe in Conspiracy Theories and How to Change Their Minds” – The Conversation
“What’s Wrong With Conspiracy Theories” – Socialist Worker Online

Blackout days: June 16 (Juneteenth), July 5-8 (ISO conference), last three weeks of August (Ty out of town and start of UNL school year)

Link June 9th discussion with June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

People’s Choice Options: Salt of the Earth (again), Dr. Strangelove, Terminal City Ricochet(?), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “Past Tense, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2”

_In the Intense Now_ will probably not be on DVD in time to commit it to the summer calendar. We should check back when planning for fall.

Health care as a discussion subject?

Meeting adjourned: 9:02 PM

Tabled items: Summer Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)