3/4/19 Minutes: Online Presence, Calendar Distro

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty, Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We’re showing Hidden Figures for Popcorn Politics on Friday night!

2. Calendar Distro – Wyatt still needs to hit up Bodhi and the Unitarian Church. Ty still needs to hit the Haymarket. Jackson still needs to go to The Bay and The Hub.

3. Online Presence – Ty will be assuming more responsibility over our inactive Twitter account. We are debating an appropriate way of reviving the use of our email list. Ty will contact Ju Ping regarding helping us create an account for Wyatt on our website. Item TABLED.

4. Library – We spent the remainder of our meeting working on re-organizing our lending library.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Library Readership Development, Discussion on U.S. imperialism’s relationship to fundamentalism in the Middle East, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

2/25/19 Minutes: Spring Calendar is out! Library Updates.

Meeting 02/25/2019
In attendance: Jackson, Ty (moderator), Wyatt (secretary)

Meeting begins at 7:38
>Event Review
>Upcoming Events
>Calendar Distro + Reimbursement

>Event Review
Several people enjoyed the movie The Garden, and stayed for an in depth conversation afterwords.

>Upcoming Events
None this week.

We reimburse Jackson for printing cost $11.24.
Distribution. It will be difficult in this weather.
Wyatt: South Street places. Meadowlark, Open Harvest, Bohdi imports, Russes?
Jackson: main downtown places. coffee house, gomez, upstairs in parish building, the bay, cultiva.
Ty needs 7full size and “a bunch” of handbills in a paper bag. Haymarket and campus places. the mill, 10thousand villages, indigo bridge, ivana cone, scooters, blue stem, love library, resource center.

We collectively posted three comment replies on our facebook pages.

Several people checked out books.
We discussed organizing the library a little bit better. We plan to introduce geo-regional library sections including Latin America, Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, Australia/Oceania. We plan to introduce a new prison industrial section, animal rights section, and potentially other sections. We will make labels for section identification.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:20 PM.

Tabled Items: Library Readership Development, Discussion on U.S. imperialism’s relationship to fundamentalism in the Middle East, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

2/18/19 Minutes: Spring Calendar Printing, March Events, Library

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:08 PM

1. Event Review – We had the KXL discussion on Saturday. Usual suspects, not a huge turnout, but a good discussion nonetheless. It might be a weather issue, it might be an interest issue, but Wyatt says that the turnout would be improved by more in-person advertisement. He advises against relying on Facebook to bring in people.

2. Upcoming Event – The showing of The Garden is coming up! Movie set-up is very easy, and we already have the DVD.

3. Spring Calendars – Ty has made them, and will get them printed tomorrow. 70 pages of handbills, 30 full-page calendars. We’ll discuss distribution next week, but Jackson might distribute what he can this weekend, weather permitting (but it doesn’t look like it’ll permit).

4. Book – We got The Anarchist Encyclopedia (Abridged Edition) from AK Press. It’s a bunch of topics as analyzed through an anarchist lens, and we’re pretty excited about it. It’s a good primer on anarchist thought!

5. March Events – We had some work time getting event descriptions for March drafted.

6. Library Readership Development – We talked about making some targeted Facebook posts advertising the library. We also discussed reinstating open hours while rebranding it library hours. Wyatt proposes a scholarship or research project competition based on the materials in the library. Also, we need to be better about following up with checkouts! That, and we need to rearrange the books to accommodate all our new books, and label the sections clearly. It’s tabled again, for more serious discussion next week.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Library Readership Development, Discussion on U.S. imperialism’s relationship to fundamentalism in the Middle East, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

2/11/19 Minutes: Spring Calendar Finalization

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (via video chat), Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We ran Malcolm X for Popcorn Politics on Friday night. We had a solid turnout, and they seemed to really enjoy the film. The discussion was ok, but we had some clashing personalities in the room. We had some further discussion about ways we could have possibly done more to moderate that situation. We won’t do any reimbursement for the pizza ingredients, because we wound up eating most of that ourselves anyways.

2. Upcoming Event – The KXL discussion is this Saturday. We feel pretty good about our preparations for it. We briefly discussed the Keystone leak reported near St. Louis last week, and we think we should add some mention of this on Saturday.

3. Spring Calendar: We’re finally done with it!

Friday, March 8th, 7-10 PM; Popcorn Politics (Co-Hosted with DSA Lincoln): Hidden Figures movie showing
Saturday, March 16th, 1-3 PM; What is Happening in Venezuela? (a reading discussion)
Saturday, March 23rd, 1-3 PM; Who Owns Politics? (a community discussion)
Friday, March 29th 7-10 PM; Movie Night: Boom! The sounds of Eviction
Friday, April 12th 7-10 PM; Movie Night: Strength in the Storm
Friday, April 19th, 7-9 PM; Stars Over Latin America (children’s book about Che Guevara read by the author)
Saturday, April 20th, 1-3 PM; The Kurdish Freedom Struggle (a community discussion)
Friday, April 26th, 7-10 PM; Popcorn Politics (Co-Hosted with DSA Lincoln): Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster
Friday, May 10th 8 AM-6 PM & Saturday, May 11th 8 AM-2 PM: The Annual Black Cat House Yard Sale Fundraiser
Saturday, May 18th, 1-3 PM; Reading Discussion: Lucy Parsons’ “I am an Anarchist”
Friday, May 24th, 7-10 PM; Popcorn Politics (Co-Hosted with DSA Lincoln): The Young Karl Marx

Ty thinks he can get these formatted and printed this week.

4. Upcoming Event Idea – Jackson and his surrogate mother Dance talked the other day about running a discussion in the future on U.S. imperialism in the Middle East and its impact on building Islamic fundamentalism. She was particularly interested in discussing the 1953 coup in Iran. Item is tabled, and we can hopefully brainstorm on developing this concept over the next few months.

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

Tabled Items: Library Readership Development, Discussion on U.S. imperialism’s relationship to fundamentalism in the Middle East, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

2/4/19 Minutes: Spring Calendar, Books, SW

Meeting in session at 703
In attendance: TY (moderator), Jackson, Wyatt (secretary)

1. Event Review

Last saturday we hosted a guest workshop on activism in the age of trump. One highlight was a handout comparing “alternative” politics to “oppositional” politics which parsed the difference between individualist and collective solutions.

2. Upcoming Events

On friday we will be showing the Malcolm X biopic! Special early start time at 6pm. We will be preparing about 6 pizzas, with cheese, meat, and vegetarian options.

3. SW

Black Cat House will be subscribing to the Socialist Worker monthly paper and make the paper available in our public space.

4. Books

Jackson is donating “Kids on Strike” by Susan Bartolli
Jackson will be reimbursed $18.65 for “You don’t have to fuck people over to survive” by Seth Tobocaman and the elusive “Wobblies!” edited by Paul Buhle and Nicole Schulman. All three books are added to the lending library.

5. Spring Events

We’re (mostly) decided on our spring calendar! It’s packed!

March 8 7pm Hidden Figures movie showing
March 16 1pm Venezuela reading discussion
March 23 1pm Who Owns Politics community discussion
March 29 7pm Boom! The sounds of Eviction Movie
April 12 7pm Strength in the Storm Movie showing
April 19 7pm Authors reading of Stars over LA
April 20 1pm Kurdish workers struggle community discussion
April 26 7pm Godzilla VS the smog monster movie showing
May 10-11 All Day Annual Yard Sale!
May 18 1pm Lucy Parsons I am an Anarchist reading discussion
May 24 7pm Young Karl Marx movie showing

Tabled: Library Readership Development

Meeting Adjourned 8:35pm

1/28/19 Minutes: Counter-Protest Review, Donations, Spring Calendar Planning

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Event Review – Counter-Protest for the Walk for “Life” was Saturday: those who went said it went pretty well. One guy from the anti-choicers was rather hostile, but he was scared off fairly easily. We did get a critique that the language in the description was not inclusive of other genders who are also put at risk by lack of reproductive freedom, so next year we’ll have to draft a better description. We also need to see if there are more people who are interested in organizing the counter-protest. Wyatt says next year we would benefit for an organizing meeting to delegate roles in the protest (media liaison, police liaison, parade marshals, photographer, etc.). Childcare was not taken up this year, but we will still offer it as always.

2. Upcoming Event – Serendipiti is going to come this Saturday to do her direct action workshop. Ty emailed her about any potential setup she may need. She reports that she’ll need the big whiteboard and scratch paper for people. We’re also going to give her a $20 donation.

3. Money – We got a donation! $195 is now in our treasury.

4. ISO Donation – We’re going to be making a donation of $80 to the ISO – Lincoln Twig.

5. Book – We got another book for Friends of AK Press. The title is “Premonitions: Selected Essays on the Culture of Revolt” by AK Thompson.

6. Spring Calendar –

Blackout Dates: April 13th (Huskers Spring Game), April 27 (Lincoln Earth Day), Feed the People fundraisers on first Saturdays and distro on second Saturdays

Fri, April 19th, 7 PM: Che Children’s Book Reading

Who Owns Politics? (a community discussion) – March 23rd, 1-3 PM
Kurdish/PKK – April 20th, 1-3 PM
Reading Discussion on May 18, 1-3 PM: Women and labor? Potentially “I Am an Anarchist” speech by Lucy Parsons?
Yard Sale, Fri May 10 and Sat May 11

Popcorn Politics
March: Something that will pass the Bechdel Test (Hidden Figures?)
April: Something environmentalist (Godzilla vs the Smog Monster?)
May: The Young Karl Marx

Documentaries: Strength of the Storm, Boom! The Sound of Eviction

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

Tabled: Spring Calendar, Stuff to Buy, Library Readership Development

1/21/19 Minutes: Books!, Website Expenses, Spring Calendar

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty, Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We ran American Socialist, a documentary about Eugene Debs, on Friday night. We had a good turnout and a nice discussion, although the film itself was only so-so.

2. Upcoming Event – Our counter-protest of the Walk For Life is this weekend! Ty will be here spearheading the childcare services we offer here at the House, while Jackson and Wyatt will be at the rally.

3. Books – We have new books from the big sale at Indigo Bridge. Ty bought two, and doesn’t want reimbursement for them. Jackson bought eight of them for $56.11, and would like to be reimbursed for them. It is approved.

Also, we are ready to pay up on the AK Press order we placed a couple of months ago. Jackson will be reimbursed $200.30 for placing that order for our library.

4. Website – Jackson reports that it was time to renew one of our website domains. It cost him $30.87, and he will be reimbursed for keeping our website running.

5. Email – Ty reports that we got a couple of new emails. One was maybe a bot, or maybe a person curious about our organization. Ty will send a simple reply email… what’s the worst that can happen? We also had an invitation to table again at Lincoln Earth Day in 2019. We decided that we won’t be doing that.

6. February Events – Wyatt has a draft that we like for the KXL discussion. Jackson will prepare a draft for the documentary showing of the Garden.

7. Spring Calendar

Blackout Dates: April 13th (Huskers Spring Game), Feed the People fundraisers on first Saturdays and distro on second Saturdays

Fri, April 19th, 7 PM: Che Children’s Book Reading

Who Owns Politics? (a community discussion) – March 23rd or 30th?
Kurdish/PKK – April 20th?
Reading Discussion in May (18th or 25th?)? (Women and labor in early May?)
Yard Sale, Fri May 10 and Sat May 11

Popcorn Politics
March: Something that will pass the Bechdel Test (Ty suggests Hidden Figures)
April: Something environmentalist (Anthony suggests Snowpiercer, Princess Mononoke, or Godzilla vs Hedorah)
May: The Young Karl Marx

Documentaries? Strength of the Storm. One more?

Meeting adjourned: 8:31 PM

1/14/19 Minutes: Event Planning, Spring Calendar

In attendance: Jackson, Ty (moderator), Wyatt (secretary)

Meeting in session at 7:04pm

  1. Event review – Videodrome was a weird movie for sure, and we had a good size group in attendence, including 3 new people, and we had a lively discussion. Thank you to Chris for the prepared analysis presented during the discussion.

2. Upcoming Event – On Friday we are showing American Socialist: The Life and Times of Eugene Debs. We have the DVD and will prepare the chairs and AV before the start.
Due to dangerously cold weather, the Women’s March in Lincoln is postponed to Sunday the 27th, 2-5pm. We will be there on Sunday!

3. Update email about Mutual Aid working group read aloud.

4. Books – The International Socialist Organization – Lincoln Twig officially donated 16 Haymarket Press books to the Black Cat House free lending library. Thank you!

5. February events – New Off-Calendar Event: Serendipiti Presents
Our friend sent us a proposal for a Direct Action Workshop for action in the Age of Trump. We have agreed to host the workshop on Saturday February 2nd from 1-3pm. We will help her out and post that on Facebook ASAP.
Our Malcolm X Event description is approved by Lincoln DSA. Will be posted on Facebook ASAP. We will put poll for what pizzas people want, and there will be pizza.

6. Spring calander

We have multiple ideas about spring calendar events.
1. Jackson will talk to Khenda about a possible PKK/Bookchin Discussion.
2. Movie nights, we will aim for doing 2 movies per month, one documentary and one fictional movie.
3. Discussions.
a.We for sure want to do the “Who Owns Politics?” Discussion Event before the Lincoln general elections in April.
b.We also hope to do a discussion about the PKK, Rojava, the Kurdish Struggle, and Western Anarchist analysis.
c. We will think of something else for third discussion.
4. Annual Yard Sale fundraiser will be in early May.

Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM

Tabled: AK Press Reimbursement, Stuff to Buy, Library Readership Development, Potential donation to ISO,

1/7/19 Minutes: Spring Calendar Brainstorming, Catching Up

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Tony, Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had our Cuba discussion last Saturday. There were a few new people, and the discussion went good, partially thanks to the discussion points we already had formulated ahead of time. We should definitely make further efforts to make those discussion points ahead of time for other events.

2. Upcoming Event – Popcorn Politics: Videodrome is coming up on Friday! Might be a little bit of a lower turnout, just because of the weird, horror-esque sci-fi nature of it. But we’re looking forward to it! We have the DVD and only need to have configure the room for movie showings.

3. Emails – We got three emails, and we took a bit to respond to them.

4. Books – Jackson donated 15 books from his personal collection. Wyatt donated “Evicted” to the library, and Ty donated 2 books. We also got another book from a friend for a grand total of 19 books.

5. Spring Calendar – April 19th, 7 PM is when our Che children’s book author friend will be coming in, and we’ll have to contact him to see about how to brand it. Tony has multiple documentaries that he’s able to have shown here: documentary on Mother Jones, David Gilbert interview, Laura Whitehorn interview, American Revolution 2, Up the Ridge, Strength of the Storm. We also had tabled a “Who Owns Politics?” discussion event, as well as a Kurdistan and/or Bookchin discussion event. Another friend suggested a topic for an event: food autonomy. The Young Karl Marx might be a nice Popcorn Politics for May, to commemorate Marx’s birthday.

Tabled: AK Press Reimbursement, “Who Owns Politics?” Discussion Event, PKK/Bookchin Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Meeting adjourned: 8:33 PM

12/17/18 Minutes: Library Checkout, January Events, Red State II?

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty, Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:15 PM

1. Event Review – We ran Sorry to Bother You for our Popcorn Politics on Friday. We had our best turnout for a movie in quite some time, including some new faces and some old friends we hadn’t seen in a while! The discussion was good, but half of the room hadn’t seen the movie before and the film has a lot to unpack after seeing it for the first time. Ty wonders whether we should make more of an effort to pre-screen our films as a collective and prepare some questions or discussion prompts for future movie nights, in case discussion starts slowly.

2. Upcoming Event – We won’t be meeting again before our discussion, Socialist Cuba at 60, on January 5th. We have some work to do; we want to offer a short presentation if anyone shows up who doesn’t know much (we’ll establish that with the intros, and skip it if everyone is already up to speed).

3. Red State II – Jackson reports that discussions are underway to begin planning for a second Red State conference, and that the planning committee has asked us to host their next meeting in early January. We are on board, and looking forward to building Red State II.

4. Library Checkout – Wyatt proposes that we have a nice, visible binder with contact sheets for library checkouts on our desk. He thinks it may encourage more people to check out our books. We’re going to give it a shot!

5. AK Press – We got our monthly Friends of AK Press shipment with two new books for our library!

6. January Events – We spent the rest of our meeting working on getting our January events up online.

Tabled: AK Press Reimbursement, “Who Owns Politics?” Discussion Event, PKK/Bookchin Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM