Jackson (People’s Commissar of Getting Shit Done), Brandon (People’s Commissar of Writing Shit Down), Marc, Ty, Will, Kyle
Start time: 7:17
Event Review
Didn’t stay on subject very much. There was not as much attendance as usual because it was promoted late. We should promote events sooner.
Upcoming Event
Chicken Run screening. We already have the DVD. We just have to clean up the room. Perhaps we should advertise it by saying that we are kid-friendly.
Library Donation
2 new books to put in the library.
Block Party
No updates.
August Events
We are light on events for August because of Red State and school starting. There are only 2 events: both of which are movies. The first one is a documentary on the 9th: White Light Black Rain. It’s a documentary interviewing people who lived through the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The other movie is Pan’s Labyrinth. We will have to add a disclaimer for the blood and gore in that one. Jackson will take point on the description for White Light Black Rain and Ty will write the description for Pan’s Labyrinth.
Fall Calendar
Husker Home Gamedays: September 14th, September 28th, October 5th, October 26th, November 16th
Discussion idea: Remembering the genocide of indigenous peoples. And/or about missing and murdered indigenous women. Either in October (Columbus Day) or November (Thanksgiving). Maybe a discussion in one month, a film in the other?
Anti-Thanksgiving dinner on Black Friday?
Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration/Anti-Columbus Day Protest?
Discussion idea: Historical Disconnect between our bodies and medicine. / Commodification of medicine. Do we even recognize if we are sick? What do licensing and doctors orders really mean? How can we learn to listen to our bodies?
Pairing the above with a citizen doctors skill share? Perhaps a little too ambitious at this time.
Library Focus: AK Press (Saturday afternoon 1-3 format)
Reading Discussion: Inhabit booklet: After pasting into a word document, it seems like it might be doable within the format. Will thinks he’ll have a bunch of booklets, and he has a pdf to make copies of. September would work best for him.
Will proposes a Thursday screening of Trouble, available on subMedia. They’re ~30 min., and with a donation the website sends out question packets and various swag.
Will would like a September discussion on What is Autonomy.
He would also like an October discussion on Communization Theory? We’d need to unpack that and figure out how we’d advertise such a discussion.
New idea: ICE discussion about recent events. We will discuss the concentration camps and what individuals can do.
3 discussions: ICE discussion, Indigenous people discussion, Inhabit reading (voted on by people present)
We need to start figuring out movies to screen and make some decisions about the other stuff.
Homework: Bring movie suggestions.
Categories/Holidays to consider:
Trans Day of Remembrance (November)
Veteran’s Day (November)
Thanksgiving (November)
Columbus Day (October)
Mischief Night (October)
Red State
Brandon interviewed Tyler Magnuson. They seem like a cool comrade with a good breakout.
Wyatt wants to host a breakout session with Maria, a native elder water protector. The breakout would be about the legacy of Standing Rock.
Jackson, Brandon, and Wyatt are the Programming Committee. We will decide what time slots each breakout belongs in.
We got some stuff in the mail. We sang Blue’s Clues songs in our excitement. The mail was from the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Spaces. They gave us a bunch of zines and stickers.
Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM
Tabled Items: Fall Calendar, Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)