10/14/19 Minutes: Facebook Updates, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Bailey, Brandon, Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty, Will, Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Event Reviews – Gardening Day was Saturday-before-last, and it went well. Folks learned a lot, and we got a lot of work done! We had a Ferguson documentary here last Monday. We had a good time; Jackson will pass along a thank-you email to the organizers. Our Standing Rock discussion was on Saturday. It attracted a lot of veteran water protectors and was a very practical meeting. And we just came back from our Columbus Day protest. It was a good time, but we should probably make new signs for next year.

2. Upcoming Events – Smoke Signals movie night is this Friday. We’re ready for it! Bailey reports that the next Free School class is this Wednesday at UNL; it’s an intro to computer programming. Bailey also says she’s currently looking for volunteers to run November classes.

3. Halloween Party – It’s coming up at the end of the month. Marc will draft our Facebook event, since we have not promoted it online yet.

4. Facebook – Ty will be adding Bailey, Brandon, and Will to admin status so they can be more engaged with our social media page.

5. Assembly – Will is working on bringing people in the Lincoln left community together. We are intrigued, and looking forward to participating in it.

6. Rojava Solidarity – There is some talk of a possible “World Resistance Day” sometime in November. We’re brainstorming for ways to commemorate it, if it goes down. We’ve agreed to add the BCH to the list of “endorsements” for the Call to Action: Solidarity With Rojava.

7. Winter Calendar –

Monthly themes:

Community Discussion – Self-advocacy with your doctor
World AIDS Day movie?
Herbalism workshop? (Free School?)
Know Your Rights training?
Autonomous EMS?
Love Your Library: Haymarket Press

January/Climate Change
Will might know folks to run an event here that would be relevant to this theme
Climate Change: Myth vs. Reality with Bailey
Sci-Fi dystopian movie?
Star Trek? “The Inner Light”

February/Free Love/Romance/Sexual
Reading Discussion? Will has ideas…
Recap of #MeToo? Legacy of? (Marc collab with Tyler?)
Free love documentary?

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

9/30/19 Minutes: Oct 7th Meeting Cancelled, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Bailey, Brandon (secretary), Jackson, Marc (moderator), Will, Wyatt

Start time:  7:17 PM

1. Event Review

Jackson was the only Black Cat in attendance. There were several other people as well. There were a few new attendees. Perhaps we should be more careful about picking movies that are readily available.

2. Upcoming Events

Gardening day is this Saturday. We will meet at Black Cat House, then go to the two other spots. There will be a potluck at the third place. The event page will get spread around so that people know about it. The Ferguson movie is being screened on Monday. We are still figuring out where they will sleep, but they are not too picky so it should be fine. There was some discussion of how to get more people to show up for anti-Columbus day.

3. Free School Update

The free school calendar is ready to start in October. Details were confirmed with Wyatt and Marc for their classes: Research for Writers – Marc, October 9th Seize the Power Tools – Wyatt, October 24th

4. Winter Calendar

Opportunity to do Know Your Rights trainings with help from people in Atlanta World AIDS day is a good time to do an event. We should base something off of that. We can also include a more medicine theme to the month of December. Would also include: Herbalism Citizen Doctors How to get the care you need from your doctors Autonomous emergency medical support January could be climate change month February could be a month of love: Consent, Free love, and other topics

5. Next Week’s Meeting Cancelled

Our normal meeting time next week (October 7th) is exactly when we have a movie screening planned. As a result, the meeting is cancelled and we will next meet on October 14th after the Columbus Day protest.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

Meeting September 23 2019 – Library Donations, October Events

In attendance: Bailey, Brandon, Jackson (moderator), Marc, Will, Claire, Wyatt, (Secratary)

Start time: 7:15 PM

>Event Review- We liked the Library event and the crew got together over books and laughs. This pilot event was good but we want more outreach. We meet up with one awesome new commrade at this event!

>Upcoming Events –
Film this Friday. Rural Undocumented and Queer. We will stream.
Upcoming monday film. Our guests will stay with Brandon.
Gardening day still not confirmed with Alex. Starting at BCH at 10. Working till 4.

>Library Donations. We received a total of 70 books and nine DVDs from dope Black Cats! Thanks Ty Marc and Jackson!

>Potential CoSponsrship
We agreed to cosponsor the Buffalo Taking activity at Indian Center.

>October Events
Jackson is posting the October anti-Columbus event.
Wyatt is posting the legacy of standing rock event.
Baily the smoke signals to be sent along.

>Action Reviews
We got updoots and discussion about the public actions that happened over the weekend.

>Free School
Updoot from Baily on free school efforts. The first class is our garden day.

>Red State Meeting October 8th 630 hosted at BCH.

>Work Time
We sorted books!

Meeting Adjourned at 8:40pm.

Appendix Ideas for winter calanders:

We discussed potential future open hours / library display events. Second library event will be Spotlight on Haymarket. Zines spotlights. How to make your own zines workshop. Zine publication. 10

9/16/19 Minutes: Ferguson Movie, Copier Toner, Free School

In attendance: Bailey, Brandon (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty, Will
Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Upcoming Event – Love Your Library is this Saturday. We’ll meet here early on Saturday morning to straighten up the room.

2. Library Donation – We got three new books for our library. One was from Jackson, one was from Dance, and one was from the Hargesheimers. Thanks, y’all.

3. Toner – Jackson got a toner cartridge in the mail. It was a generic one instead of the name-brand one he ordered, but he got a refund so maybe we’ll use it anyways as long as it doesn’t damage this copier.

4. Web Advertising – We had some much-needed work time on getting our September movie and the gardening day onto Facebook and our website.

5. Free School – Bailey updated on us on the state of the new Lincoln Free School. We are moving forward with our gardening day on October 5th as a Free School workshop. Bailey wants help from Marc on designing a flier.

6. Ferguson Movie – Jackson has been in contact with the folks touring with the Ferguson documentary. Their preferences align almost exactly with our standard movie night format: free admission, discussion afterwards. They would appreciate donations to offset their travel costs, and they have requested a place to stay the night. We will continue to consider our options on the latter request, but we’re sure we can figure something out. We are moving ahead with our plans to do the showing here on Monday, October 7th in place of our weekly meeting.

7. Red State – We are only a few weeks away from the first Red State 3 meeting! Jackson wants everyone to start thinking about that, and continue work on recruiting more new blood into building the next conference. Also, Marc has prepared a draft for an apology letter for Michelle at the Church and we took a few minutes to review that and discuss our next steps on that.

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

9/9/19 Minutes: Library, Ferguson Documentary, Copier Ink

In Attendance: Bailey, Brandon (secretary), Jackson, Will, Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Event Review
The “What are Borders?” discussion went well. We had a new person and enjoyed talking to them, and got to hang out with them after. There were lots of different opinions, so the discussion went differently than expected.

2. Library donation
We have several books donated from Prof. Dance. Some of them were textbooks, so those 6 were given for a prison book distribution instead. 8 new books were added to the library.

3. Ty got an interesting email
Some folks from St. Louis want to screen a movie about Ferguson in 2014. We are extremely interested, so Jackson will send an email tonight to have that screening happen on Monday the 7th.

4. Facebook posting
We may need to make a post about the Ferguson movie screening event as soon as it’s confirmed. Wyatt still needs to do the description for “Queer and Undocumented.” That movie is toward the end of this month, so Wyatt will get on top of that.

We also need to start thinking about our Columbus Day events, both the protest and the Standing Rock event.

5. Printer ink
Will will pay for half of the ink that he used.

6. Library sorting
We plan on putting identifying tags for the sections in the library. The library is organized, but only to people who understand the system already. We had a discussion about tags for the sections on the bookshelf

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

9/2/19 Minutes: Calendar Distro/Reimbursement, September Events, Parade

In attendance: Brandon, Jackson (secretary), Jo, Marc, Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:12 PM

1. Upcoming Event – What is Borders? is coming up on Saturday. There is some cleaning to do in here, but we’re pretty much ready for it.

2. Calendar Distro/Reimbursement – We’ll reimburse Ty spent $18.46 on getting our fall calendars printed. It sounds like we got our important distro done, and the few leftovers will be done in the next day or two. Yay!

3. Free School – Bailey is supposed to be emailing out an update to the interested listserv tonight. We’ll keep a lookout for that!

4. Parade – Most of us joined the art workshop on Saturday to help Tony make his “Black Snake.” It was fun, and we’re looking forward to the parade.

5. September Events – Jackson will get the Love Your Library event up tonight. Ty volunteers to get the movie event for the end of the month drafted in the next few days.

Meeting adjourned: 8:05 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

8/26/19 Minutes: Calendar Distro, Parade, Free School, Red State, Garden Day


8/26/19 Minutes: Calendar Distro, Parade, Free School, Red State, Garden Day

In attendance: Bailey, Marc, Jackson, Brandon (moderator), Wyatt (secretary), Will, Ty
Start time: 7:25 PM

1. Facebook/Website – We need to get events on the facebook page and website.
What are borders? – Ty wrote the description. Will will write a short handout.
Love your Library – Jackson
Movie Night – Wyatt
Website – Wyatt

2. Calander Distro – We have to distro calendars!

>Campus – Ty
Andrews Hall
Bernert Hall
Love Library
Manter Hall

>Downtown – Marc
Novel Idea
Gomez Art Supply
Parish Art Spaces
The Foundry
Jimmy Johns
The Hub Cafe – Brandon

>Hay-market – Marc
Crescent Moon
1000 Villages
Indigo Bridge
Ivanna Cone
Rabbit Hole Bakery 8th and Q
BlueStem Books
Francie and Finch

>Near South –
The HUB GED – Brandon
Cultiva 11th and G – Baily
PePe’s – Baily

Unitarian Church – Already done

> South Street Side – Wyatt
Open Harvest
Bohdi – Brandon

4. library donations –
Six new library book donations tonight, along with several zines. Several books from Jackson, one from Wyatt, a zine from Will, and several zines from Marc and Ty. Thank you!

5. parade –
This Saturday is our build day. We will join at the South Downtown Art Hub on Saturday August 31st from 11 – 2 to make a Black Snake Puppet.

6. garden day –
Point person for talking to Alex is Will and Baily. We would like to coordinate a joint gardening day where we work some at both properties.

7. free school –
Twenty Five people signed up which is cool! Deadline for getting all ideas submitted is the 25th of September. October should be the first full calendar.

8. red state stuff –
167.50 $$ was the total breakfast bill. $150 is given directly from black cat treasury to Jackson. We also paid the $50 reservation fee to the church. Those two expenses bring the BCH contribution to $200. Jackson will seek the additional $17.50 from the Red State Committee.


Meeting adjourned: 8:12 PM


8/19/19 Minutes: Calendar Printing, Parade, Free School

In attendance: Bailey, Brandon, Jackson, Marc (moderator), Ty (secretary), Will
Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Event Review – Pan’s Labyrinth had a pretty good turnout and a good discussion!

2. Upcoming Event – We have Red State coming up this Saturday! We’re getting breakfast locked down.

3. Parade – We have a meeting at August 31 for prepping any parade props, and we decided a time to meet up. We’re going to discuss it further next meeting, and talk about what props we’re going to make (a black cat puppet is probably involved).

4. Free School – Bailey gave us a low-down on how free school is looking. There’s going to be a table at Red State, passing out info for free school classes. We talked about passing out a separate calendar of free school events along our usual flyering route.

5. Email and Messages – We got an email from a couple comrades in Chicago, looking for a place to crash while they travel. We’re going to look around for somewhere they can stay. We also got a message from a friend on Facebook a while ago! Asking if we wanted a movie, and it unfortunately slid under the radar so we have to respond to her really quickly.

6. Fall Calendar – We tweaked the calendar design a bit. We’re printing 75 pages worth of handbills, and 30 full-color calendars. Ty’s going to send the order to the print shop, and Brandon will pick them up.

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

8/12/19 Minutes: Garden Projects, Fall Calendar Finalizing

In attendance: Brandon (late), Jackson (moderator), Marc, Ty (secretary), Will (late), Wyatt
Start time: 7:13 PM

1. Event Review – We showed White Light/Black Rain on Friday. We had a very good attendance, and it was a great memorial of the atomic bombings. The discussion was lively, but moderation was probably needed. We also need to put a warning on this documentary in the future for graphic imagery of death. We had a broader discussion on future warnings for triggering content (Does the Dog Die? is a great website to do a precursory check on potential triggers).

2. Upcoming Event – Pan’s Labyrinth is on Friday. Set-up will be easy, there are already warnings on the website. We’re good!

3. Parade – Brandon and Will gave us an update on a parade meeting. We’re interested in participating – maybe making a big black cat prop, among other more explicit politic themes. We’ll meet up here on Aug. 31 to make some arts and crafts!

4. Fall Garden – Wyatt and Jackson needs some help with managing the garden, and asks us to schedule some days to do some garden work. We scheduled Oct. 5 as a day to meet up for garden projects. Will suggested reaching out to some friends who also do community gardening, and we also talked about putting it up online as an event and inviting people and giving folks food, too. Maybe turning a few tasks into a gardening skillshare/free school? We probably can’t put it on the calendar, but a separate free school calendar is probably in the works.

5. Fall Calendar – Ty has a calendar template whipped up for both the main calendar and handbills. Marc will help him figure out the remaining design details, and Wyatt will figure out a place to donate money to for the anti-Thanksgiving fundraiser feast. Then Ty will get the calendars printed.

What are borders? A Community Discussion – Sep 7, 1-3 PM
Movie: Forbidden: Undocumented and Queer in Rural America (2017) – Sep 13, 7-10 PM
Love your Library: AK Press Spotlight – Sep 21, 1-3 PM

Legacy of Standing Rock – Community Discussion- Oct 12, 1 – 3pm
Anti-Columbus Day Protest @ Federal Building – October 14th, 5-6 PM
Movie “Smoke Signals” (1998) – October 18, 7-10 pm
October 31st Black Cat Halloween Party. We’re showing Candyman! 7-10 PM

Reading Discussion: “Inhabit: Instructions for Autonomy” – Nov 9, 1-3 PM
Movie Night “Skins” (2002) (Drama filmed at Pine Ridge) – Nov 15, 7-10 PM
Anti-Thanksgiving Fundraiser Feast– November 29th (7-10 PM)

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Fall Calendar Printing, Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

8/05/19 Minutes: Fall Calendar Finalization, New Library Donations


8/05/19 Minutes: Fall Calendar Finalization,  New Library Donations

In attendance: Brandon (moderator), Jackson, Will, Wyatt (Secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:13 PM

1. Event Review –
We had our harm reduction training, thanks a lot to Lavender!
We would like to donate the extra supplies to Feed the People. We will make a few more copies of the instructions.

2. Upcoming Events-
We will be showing White Light / Black Rain on Friday.

3. Library Donation.
Jackson donates 5 books to the lending library.

4. Fall Calendar –


What are borders? A Community Discussion – Sep 7?
Movie – Sep 13?
Which Way Home (2009)
Forbidden: Undocumented and Queer in Rural America (2017)
Do I Sound Gay?
Love your Library: AK Press Spotlight – Sep 21, 1-3 PM


Legacy of Standing Rock – Community Discussion- Oct 12, 1 – 3pm
Movie “Smoke Signals” (1998)
Anti-Columbus Day Protest @ Federal Building – October 14th
October 31st Black Cat Halloween Party. Movie?


Reading Discussion: “Inhabit; Instructions for Autonomy” – Nov 9
Movie Night “Skins” (2002) (Drama filmed at Pine Ridge) – Nov 15/22
Anti-Thanksgiving Fundraiser Feast– November 29th (7 PM)

Meeting adjourned: 8:32

Tabled Items: Fall Calendar, Library Labels, Wellread Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)