12/23/19 Minutes: Website Renewal, Spring Calendar, No Dec 30th Meeting

In attendance: Brandon, Jackson (secretary), Marc (moderator), Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:30 PM

1. Event Review – We had a good time at our fire pit for the Solstice on Saturday night. We had a good turnout, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Ty wonders whether we should have had a sign out there that said “Come join us!”, since so many people were sort of rubber-necking at us as they passed by. Marc wonders whether we should have put up signs in advance similar to the way we advertise yard sales.

2. January Events – We will reach out to Bailey about an event description for the climate change discussion, and to Will for the mutual aid event at the end of the month. We will also be dedicating our January 13th meeting to organizing the counter-protest of the Walk For Life, and we need to personally reach out to the folks we know are interested in this subject. Ty will draft something for our Young Ones movie night.

3. Website Renewal – Jackson has been emailed that our web domain is up for expiration in 30 days. Jackson will get that paid and we will reimburse him.

4. Spring Calendar –

We spent significant time discussing the logistics of our next yard sale. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house.

Possible discussion idea around Easter time: history of religion/spirituality in Europe?

Zine-making workshop?

Garden day?

Possible movie: The Irish Man?

Friday, May 1st Movie: Parasite

screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
Climate, Capitalism, Control – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster
Documentary about modern labor movements(?)
Jackson and Dance have many documentaries

March- Womens History Month
April – Environmentalist Stuff
May – Labor stuff and yard sard

We found a decent selection of documentaries and discussed the merits of those. In the past we have stuck to a few loose themes for the spring months. March is Women’s Month, April is environmentalist thanks to Earth day, and May is about labor thanks to May Day. We will likely use these themes as inspiration for the spring calendar.

5. December 30th Meeting – We will not be meeting next Monday. We will be back on January 6th.

Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM

Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

12/16/19 Minutes: A Quiet, Pre-Holidays Meeting

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Brandon (secretary)

Start time: 7:25

Event Review – The Living End Movie Screening Good but short discussion. The movie was interesting but wild. Love Your Library Part 2: Didn’t really have any people show up. Could be due to people’s school schedules or perhaps these events are not very popular.

Upcoming Event – Solstice Fire Pit Wyatt will handle the fire. We need to have a plan for food. Perhaps we could make pizza with all the crusts we have. We have some other ideas, but we will figure it out in the coming days.

Calendar Distribution Update – Brandon hung calendars at most of the remaining locations, but Starbucks and the HUB were closed so those may have to be done later. Facebook Posting We need to get our climate change discussion event posted on Facebook soon, but the people organizing that event were not in attendance today.

Spring Calendar – We found a decent selection of documentaries and discussed the merits of those. In the past we have stuck to a few loose themes for the spring months. March is Women’s Month, April is environmentalist thanks to Earth day, and May is about labor thanks to May Day. We will likely use these themes as inspiration for the spring calendar.

Meeting concluded at 8:10.

Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

12/09/19 Minutes: Fundraiser success!! Update on Winter Calendar Distro, Brainstorming for Spring


12/09/19 Minutes: Fundraiser success!! Update on Winter Calendar Distro, Brainstorming for Spring

In attendance: Jackson, Brandon, Wyatt (secretary)

Start time 7:15 pm

Event Review:
Our Self-Advocacy with our doctor fundraiser was a bust. Nobody showed. 🙁
We could have come up with a better event title that conveyed the political themes. We blame a perfect storm of bad advertising.

Upcoming Event:
We have a movie on Friday, we have the DVD!
We have the second installment of Love your Library, this time Haymarket Press. Anyone have any favorite Haymarket books to highlight?
Solstice Fire Pit coming up!

Calendar Distribution Update:
We agree to reimburse Jackson the $3 for printing an additional 10 calanders.
Remaining locations
Downtown – Brandon
South – Wyatt
Delaying campus posting until January.

Fundraiser Fund:
Wyatt is handing the 438 dollars, and will cut a check to Project Extra Mile, and provide a receipt to BCH.

FB posting:
We posted the Solstice FB event!

Potential Spring Calendar Ideas:
screening of Parasite – a South Korean movie about class dynamics
screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
Climate, Capitalism, Control – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster
Documentary about modern labor movements(?)
Jackson and Dance have many documentaries

March- Womens History Month
April – Environmentalist Stuff
May – Labor stuff and yard sard

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 pm

Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

12/2/19 Minutes: Update on Winter Calendar Distro, Brainstorming for Spring

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Brandon, Will, Bailey (secretary), Wyatt
Start time 7:15 pm

Event Review: Our fundraiser dinner for ThanksTaking had a turnout of 10-12 people and raised $328 (and counting, as there are pledges not yet collected) for the fetal alcohol center. That total includes our long-tabled $80 donation that was never made to the now-defunct ISO. Great food too!

Upcoming Event: This Saturday at 1:00 pm, self-advocacy with your doctor; bring your ideas about medicine, healthcare, etc.

Web Events: Self-Advocacy w/ Doctor and The Living End (movie screening) are posted, need to add to website; need to post Library Event and Winter Solstice Fire

Calendar Distribution Update: Need to post at Cultiva, The Happy Raven, George’s Gourmet Grill, UNL Campus, Unitarian Church, The HUB, Meadowlark, Open Harvest

Know Your Rights: Training in January to prepare for February calendar event

Potential Spring Calendar Ideas:
screening of Parasite – a South Korean movie about class dynamics
screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
Climate, Capitalism, Control – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster
Documentary about modern labor movements(?)

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 pm

Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

11/25/19 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Donations, Future Projects

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Marc, Ty (secretary), Will
Start time: 7:12 PM

1. Event Review – Marc and Will went to the assembly, which went well! There was a good turnout of folks, and a good discussion of new imaginings of community. There’s also a lot of talk of alternative ways of communication. Related to that, we talked about a revival of the radio station we used to do, but that’s going to be tabled.

2. Upcoming Event – Jackson is working on getting ingredients for Ty’s curry, Will’s got mac and cheese covered, Marc’s bringing brownies. Ty’s going to arrive two hours early to start cooking. Weather might dissuade people from coming, but we’re expecting 15-20 people.

3. Donations – Thank you, Corncob Commie Collective, for the beautiful art donation! We also got new Slingshots in the mail! These are our last issues unless we email them so Ty’s going to send them an email to make sure we continue to get issues.

4. Calendars (Reimbursement/Distro) – The fliers and calendars are $12.87, Ty’s been approved for reimbursement. Will’s going to take some to distribute, Jackson will take some as well, and Brandon mentioned that they would be able to assist, too.

5. Free School – Free School will not have a calendar this December.

6. Email – Ty got an email regarding our big pile of logs outside, wondering if it’s up for grabs. Because of how fresh it is, it’s really not suitable for firewood now.

7. December Events –Marc’s going to draft his Self-Advocacy with your Doctor event, Ty will draft a description for The Living End, Jackson will come up with a description for Love Your Library, and Will said that he could potentially work something out for the Solstice Fire Pit. We need these up soon!!!

8. Zines – We’re going to work on zines! Jackson and Marc have a zine concept, a leftist primer. Jackson was also inspired to work on a zine that’s a summary of Fossil Capital, a book he’s become very enamored with that he encourages everyone else to read.

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 PM

Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

11/18/19 Minutes: Calendar Printing, Zine Rack

In attendance: Bailey, Brandon, Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty, Will (moderator), Wyatt
Start time: 7:15 PM

1. Event Review – We ran Skins on Friday night. It had a decent turnout and a good discussion.

2. Upcoming Event – The assembly is this Saturday, and several of us are planning to attend. We are also looking forward to the Thankstaking dinner, and discussed the menu a bit. We decided on an all-veggie curry with tofu and meat on the side to make the pot as inclusive as possible.

3. Library Donation – Marc has donated a book of poetry for our library. Thanks, Marc!

4. Calendar Printing – The calendar has been designed and it will be printed this week. Our Thankstaking fliers are also done and will be printed and distributed together.

5. Free School – There’s another computer programming class this week. Bailey is currently looking for class ideas in December.

6. Zine Rack – Will might have an opportunity for a grant to pay for the printing costs. He’s also cooking up a lot of ideas for some new original zines, particularly on local history.

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)


11/11/19 Minutes: Winter calendar finalized, Thankstaking, History/Theory Group?

In attendance: Ty (moderator), Brandon (secretary), Will, Bailey, Wyatt, Jackson, Paul

1. Event Review
We had a reading discussion for Inhabit, a small book/pamphlet about autonomy. It was decently attended and people seemed to enjoy it.

2. Upcoming Event
Movie night: Skins! We need to find a DVD. We panicked at the meeting, but then found out that it is available at Love Library.

There is also an Intro to Computer Programming course happening with the free school at the Bennett Martin Public Library on Wednesday from 6 to 8 on the 4th floor

3. Assembly

November 23rd from 10am to 2pm at Bennett Martin Library. We are looking for form unity and build under three broad themes: – Resource Distribution, Climate Change, Community Resilience

4. History/Theory group
There is interest among some of the people in the room in starting a reading discussion group for history and theory. We began talking about what it could look like.

5. Thankstaking
We planned out the food that we will be making. We do not want to serve traditional thanksgiving food, because that keeps up with the tradition of the terrible holiday. Ty wants to make vegan curry.

6. Winter Calendar

1. Community Discussion – Self-advocacy with your doctor – Marc
Saturday the 7th at 1 to 3pm
3. Movie Night: The Living End (1992) – Ty n Marc
Friday the 13th from 7 to 10pm
4. Love Your Library: Haymarket Press – Jackson
Saturday the 14th from 1 to 3pm
5. Solstice Fire pit
Saturday the 21st at sundown

1. The Reality of Climate Change in Nebraska (Community Discussion)
Saturday January 11th from 1 to 3pm
2. Counter-protest for Walk for Life!!!!
Saturday Jaunary 18th at 10am at the Capitol
3. Sci-Fi dystopian movie: Young Ones. It’s about a world with no water.
Friday January 24th from 7 to 10pm
4. No Permission Needed: A Mutual Aid Discussion and Screening
Friday January 31st from 7 to 10pm


1. Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference Reading Discussion
Saturday, February 8th from 1 to 3pm
2. Love Your Library – Black History Month
Saturday, February 15th from 1 to 3pm
3. The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 Movie Screening
Friday, February 21st from 7 to 10pm
4. Know Your Rights Training – Will and Brandon
Saturday, February 29th from 1 to 3pm

meeting adjourned 8:48

11/4/19 Minutes: Bookstore organizing, calendar distro sites, winter calendar

Meeting Minutes November 4th 2019

In attendance: Marc (moderator), Brandon, Bailey, Will, Wyatt (secretary), Jackson, Ty, N8

Start Time – 7:13 PM

1. Event Review

Halloween – It was fun! We talked to the movie.

Free school – Was good. We protected the BCH basement from flooding and learned about water drainage!

2. Upcoming Events

inhabit reading! On Saturday from one to three we will do a collective out loud reading.

free school – We will learn about chainsaws and drills and other

3. November Events

fb posting- Wyatt wrote a good description, which we will use. We will make special fliers and maybe partner with other orgs to expand the event.

4. Library Donations

Thank you Ty and Marc for donating 7 awesome new books!

5. N8 Proposal and Idea

N8 is working for Indigo Bridge as a community outreach coordinator and is looking for community connections. We could share resources on book ordering, social media boosting, event hosting. How could this be utilized? Ideas:

– Use indigo as a meeting ground

– Distributing radical media to youth

– Zine distribution


7. Flyering Location Update

2. Calander Distro – We have to distro calendars!

Andrews Hall
Bernert Hall
Love Library
Manter Hall

>Downtown –
Novel Idea
Gomez Art Supply
Parish Art Spaces
Jimmy Johns

Georges Gormet Grill


Qdoba Burrito Place

Happy Raven

Greywhale sushi, inside Grande Manse

Hertz Donuts



Sultans Kite

Game Room

Cookie Company

The Coffee House

>Hay-market –
1000 Villages
Indigo Bridge
Ivanna Cone
Rabbit Hole Bakery 8th and Q
BlueStem Books

>Near South –
Cultiva 11th and G –

Unitarian Church

> South Street Side
Open Harvest


8. Assembly Update

November 23rd from 10am to 2pm at Bennett Martin Library. We are looking for form unity and build under three broad themes: – Resource Distribution, Climate Change, Community Resilience

Goal is to create a six month to year vision about what the leftist community is trying to do.

2 b revisited


9. Winter Calendar


1. Community Discussion – Self-advocacy with your doctor – Marc

3. Movie Night: The Living End (1992) – Ty n Marc
4.. Love Your Library: Haymarket Press – Jackson

4. Solstice Fire pit

5. event inhabit reading at Indigo Bridge

January/Climate Change
1.Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Screening/Discussion – Episode 7 of Trouble, invite Dandelion Network
to do a presentation on mutual aid projects in Nebraska (so far/in future)
2. The Reality of Climate Change in Nebraska
3. Sci-Fi dystopian movie – Star Trek? “The Inner Light”
4. Counter-protest for Walk for Life!!!! Jaunary 18, 2020!


Restorative Justice 2

1. Know Your Rights training – Will and Brandon
2. Reading discussion – Audre Lorde or Friendship as Form of Life
3. Love your Library – Black Studies Month

Meeting adjourned 8:43 PM

10/28/19 Minutes: November Events, Winter Calendar



In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Brandon, Will, Wyatt, Bailey (secretary)

Start Time – 7:20 PM

1. Event Review

Seize the Power Tools – productive, lots of fun, small turnout but would like to do Parts 2 and 3

2. Upcoming Events

Halloween Party – Thursday night, Candyman at 7 pm

3. November Events

Inhabit Reading – Will is going to bring copies of text and lead discussion; event is now posted on Facebook and website!

Facebook Events for other November BC events – Wyatt will post FB event for Skins tomorrow; fundraiser dinner to be posted next week.

Free School Calendar/Update

November – Seize the Power Tools Part 2 (November 9th 3:30-5:30 pm), Gardening Day (November 3rd – 11:00 am – 3:00 pm)
December – ??

Winter Black Cat Calendar

Community Discussion – Self-advocacy with your doctor
World AIDS Day movie? (The Living End – revisit next week??)
Herbalism workshop? (Free School?)
Know Your Rights training?
Autonomous EMS?
Love Your Library: Haymarket Press
Solstice Event – firepit?

January/Climate Change
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Screening/Discussion – Episode 7 of Trouble, invite Dandelion Network
to do a presentation on mutual aid projects in Nebraska (so far/in future)
Climate Change: Myth vs. Reality in Nebraska (Bailey)
Sci-Fi dystopian movie – Star Trek? “The Inner Light”
Counter-protest for Walk for Life!!!! Jaunary 18, 2020!

February/Free Love/Romance/Sexual
Potential reading discussion – Audre Lorde or Friendship as Form of Life
Recap of #MeToo? Legacy of? (Marc collab with Tyler?)
Free love documentary?
Event on restorative justice?

Meeting adjourned 8:40 PM

10/21/19 Minutes: Donations, Winter Calendar

Black Cat House – 10/21/19

In attendance: Jackson, Brandon, Will, Ty (remote), Marc (secretary; remote)

Start Time – 7:15 PM

  1. Event Review
  • Smoke Signals: Not a huge turnout, but it was a good movie. A few folks expressed that they wished they could come after the event. Good discussion as well.
  1. Upcoming Events
  • Power Tools free school class: Jackson will be around if Wyatt needs help setting the event up.
  • Marc wrote up the description for the Halloween party. It will be posted tonight along with a link to doesthedogdie.com.
  1. Library Donations
  • We got a couple book donations! We also got a great donation of garden supplies from a kind Anonymous.
  1. Winter Calendar
  • December
    • The Living End movie – a gay Thelma and Louise movie about a couple of guys living their best lives J
      • Marc is gonna buy & screen this to see if it’s worth putting on the calendar
    • Solstice event? Such as a firepit or something
  • January
    • Counter-protest for Walk for Life!!!! It’s a tradition!!!!!!!!!
      • No date yet as of their website.
    • February
      • An event centered around restorative justice
    • We’d like to finish up the calendar by like early early November
  1. Candlelight Vigil
  • A vigil for the Rojava is happening at the capitol steps tomorrow evening at 7:30.

Meeting adjourned 8:33 PM