3/9/2020 Minutes: KXL review, movie night posting.


3/9/2020 Minutes: KXL review, movie night posting.

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Wyatt(secretary), Margret
Start Time: 7:15 PM

1. Event Review:
Fighting the Black Snake. We had a couple member of the collective and several veteran organizers form the movement. We did have two new people come to the house, one who seemed to learn alot. We are concerned that many people have issue fatigue about the KXL, so we are thinking about ways to bring the issue back to the center. Strategically, we would like to bring forward the narrative that KXL is a lincoln omaha drinking water issue.

2. Upcoming Event:
We are showing a movie this Friday. Got the DVD and are ready. Hope to see yall there!

3. Third March FB event posting:
We received a short version from Adam Hintz, we will add some context to the description before posting.

4. Library Work Time. Tabled.

Meeting Adjourned. 8:10


3/2/2020 Minutes: Yard Sale, Know Your Rights Review, Library Meeting Next Week

In attendance: Bailey (moderator), Jackson, Marc, Max, Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start Time: 7:07 PM

1. Event Review: Know Your Rights went super well! It was very engaging, well attended, and provided new material for future events of a similar vein. Jackson brings up a concern that only people who were already savvy on their rights attended; Bailey thinks we just need to normalize doing these on a regular basis.

2. Upcoming Event: Fighting The Black Snake’s event has been posted! It’s going to be an open discussion, and while there’s not a specific goal for the event, there are quite a few options to talk about along that line.

3. March Events: Jackson has a draft for Libertarias, Wyatt is going to message regarding the Tending the Wild.

4. Calendar Distro Update: Calendar distro was going well! We still need to do the Unitarian Church, though.

5. Library Donations: Marc donated some labor history books and trans books to the library!

6. Yard Sale: The yard sale is on May 22nd and 23rd. The May 18th meeting will be dedicated to pricing, and we’ll also have a pricing day on May 21st at 5 PM.

7. Library Development: Marc advocates having a stamp rather than a sticker to mark our books as a reminder for folks to return our books. We also need to invest in a barcode scanner. Ty has a new (to us) laptop to donate for library database purposes. Marc thinks we need a new bookcase; Ty thinks we just need to weed the library. Next meeting we’re going to dedicate to the library.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:07 PM

2/24/20 Meeting (Non-) Minutes

We weren’t going to have a big agenda for this week, and we had only a skeleton crew of Bailey, Jackson, and Wyatt. We had a new friend show up, and we just got to chatting because she had a lot on her mind. As such, we had no official meeting and no formal minutes to offer. We will get back to normal next week.

2/17/20 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Calendar Distro, Addressing Tabled Items

In attendance: Bailey, Jackson, Marc (secretary), Ty, Wyatt
Start Time: 7:20 PM

1. Event Review: Love Your Library
– Nobody showed up, so we need to promote library & events more.
– Potential ideas:
Post regular photos of relevant displays to site and Facebook
Post book reviews to site/Facebook
Write follow-up posts after events– “if you missed our event, check out these books”
Basically, we need to make progress with our library’s organization.
Set up datacrow for searching/checkouts. The software is already installed on the public laptop, but needs to be filled. We probably need a barcode scanner for this project.
Put stickers with our info inside covers of books
We’re tabling the library discussion, since there’s a lot to cover.

2. Upcoming Event: Black Power Mixtape movie on Friday!
Know Your Rights training afterwards. Bailey and Will are going to practice the skits over the next week.

3. Calendar Distro
Ty printed the calendars and they’re ready to go. We still have two events left on our Winter calendar.
One option is to create separate flyers for Know Your Rights and get the calendars up relatively early/before March hits us.
Will and Bailey offered to create the flyer for KYR. Bailey also let the Dandelion Network email thread know about the training.
Marc will cover the Haymarket
Wyatt will get South Street and Unitarian Church
Jackson will get downtown
Bailey will get Cultiva
Ty will get campus and additional downtown locations (since there are a lot of places in DT).
We also re-counted the new calendar distro sites and figured out which ones to axe (since they take calendars down).

4. March Web Events
We need to write a couple of Facebook event descriptions for upcoming events in March, since they’re coming up. Wyatt and Jackson are taking point on those two events (Killing the Black Snake and Libertarias movie night).
Ty also made an image of the calendar, which we’ll also post to Facebook.

5. Library Donations
Jackson donated a bunch of books to the library. Thank you!

6. Tabled Items Discussion
We are continuing work on developing the library & promoting it. We also need to discuss where the database for the library will be stored, and whether we need a new laptop/SSD/HDD.
Reviving the email list: We have collected a few email addresses officially, but haven’t used it in a long time. At the moment we’ll probably just use the thread that the Dandelion Network provided. ‘Til then, we’re taking this item off the table.
We’re also canceling the radio revival discussion—right now it’s just too much work.
Wellred Books: We know they exist, so we’ll potentially procure books from them in the future.
Items to buy: We have a bike rack now. We have no need for a canopy. External SSD for laptop is needed since the HDD on our current laptop is failing. We’d need the laptop for our library database and to check in/out books. Marc suggested testing out the library system to see where the database could be stored/accessed; now, the potential SSD will fall under “library development” as a tabled item.
Presentations vs. Discussions: Keeping it
Event Outreach: Also keeping
Facebook posting protocol: Keeping it just in case a timely event happens; we’ve gotta explore the theoretical a bit more.

New Tabled Items List: Presentations vs. Discussions, Event Outreach, Facebook Post Protocol, Library Development

Meeting Adjourned: 8:08 PM

2/10/20 Minutes: Spring Calendar Finalized, Know Your Rights Training

In attendance: Bailey, Jackson (secretary), Marc, Max, Ty (moderator), Wyatt
Start time: 7:10 PM


1. Event Review – We had a really good discussion. Will picked a good reading, but we wish he’d gotten the event up to Facebook earlier.

2. Upcoming Event – Love Your Library returns this Saturday. Jackson says he’s ready for it.

3. Know Your Rights Training – We really need to get it up online! Bailey will remind Will about that. Bailey reminds us that it would be good to get together, possibly this weekend, to practice some of the role-playing before doing it publicly.

4. Max’s Project – Max is doing a project about local leftist orgs. We’re happy to help him with that.

5. Spring Calendar – FINALIZED!

Saturday, March 7th, 1-3 PM: Fighting the Black Snake (a No KXL Community Discussion)
Friday, March 13th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Libertarias (historical fiction about the “Mujeres Liberes” of the Spanish Civil War)
Friday, March 27, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Tending the Wild (documentary and discussion about indigenous practices for living with nature)

Saturday, April 4th, 1-3 PM: Witch Hunts and the Inquisition (a community discussion)
Saturday, April 11th, 10 AM – 1 PM: Gardening Day
Saturday, April 17th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: JoJo Rabbit (a young boy comes to terms with blind nationalism in Nazi Germany; NOTE TO TY: can you shorten?)

Friday, May 1st, 7-10 PM: Oscars Movie Night: Parasite. (Poor Koreans Scam the Rich)
Friday, May 22nd, 8 AM – 6 PM & Saturday, May 23rd, 8 AM – 2 PM: Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser
Saturday, May 30th, 1-3 PM: Reading Discussion: “The Image of the Anarchist in Popular Culture” (Pg 203 of The Haymarket Scrapbook)

Meeting adjourned: 8:15 PM

Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)


2/3/20 Minutes: Spring Calendar, Library Donation

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Event Review – We watched the Trouble mini-documentary about mutual aid and disaster relief on Friday night. While the film seemed well received and we had a pretty good discussion afterwards, Wyatt and Jackson thought the film wasn’t as specific as we would’ve liked. It may also have helped if we had actually used the prepared questions from the Trouble people. Wyatt also suggests that perhaps we should have had some additional information (possibly via handout) to also supplement any future episodes of Trouble that we may screen.

2. Upcoming Event – The Reading Discussion is this Saturday. Jackson got the event posted to Facebook. Wyatt got the handout printed on the copier. We are ready!

3. Library Donation – Jackson donated more books. Yay!

4. Spring Calendar –

Saturday, March 7th, 1-3 PM: Fighting the Black Snake (a No KXL Community Discussion)
Friday, March 13th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Libertarias (historical fiction about the “Mujeres Liberes” of the Spanish Civil War)
Friday, March 27, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: “Tending the Wild” (documentary and discussion about indigenous practices for living with nature)

Saturday, April 4th, 1-3 PM: Witch Hunts and the Inquisition (a community discussion)
Saturday, April 11th, 10 AM – 1 PM: Gardening Day

Date TBD: Screening of JoJo Rabbit (will be available on DVD in early February) [CONFIRM?!]

Friday, May 1st, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Parasite. (BLURBY BLURB BLURB…)
Friday, May 22nd, 8 AM – 6 PM & Saturday, May 23rd, 8 AM – 2 PM: Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser

[We need to schedule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house. Other ideas: fund for speakers, mural, flood donations]

Saturday, May 30th, 1-3 PM: Reading Discussion on History of Labor Movements (NEED READING!)

Meeting adjourned: 8:12 PM

Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

1/27/20 Minutes: Event Review about movie screening and No War in Iran Protest; upcoming No Permission Needed screening; Library Donation; Spring Calendar

In attendance: Bailey (secretary), Brandon, Jackson, Marcus (moderator), Max, Ty, Wyatt

Start time: 7:10 PM

  1. Event review:
    • The Young Ones (movie screening) – Atrocious movie and acting, cool setting; we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves despite limited political commentary (other than the dog-eat-dog, back-stabbing mentality that capitalism breeds)
    • No War in Iran Protest (at the capitol) – 10 person turn-out (1 new person); positive responses from passersby overall; a few hecklers (one potential neo-Nazi…); more poster board available for future events
  2. Upcoming January event: No Permission Needed movie screening and discussion about Nebraska this Friday 1/31 7-10 pm (posted)
    • Love Your Library (drafted – need to post)
    • Audre Lord reading discussion (Will and Bailey will post this week)
    • Movie Night and Know Your Rights Training – to post in next 1-2 weeks
  3. Library donations: Bridge of Courage, Morbid Symptoms, and The System (courtesy of Jackson)
  4. Treasury update: $200 donation from Richard and Christy
  5. Spring Calendar: Black-out dates: April 18th husker spring game; Nebraskans for Peace will be having a 50th anniversary celebration April 24-25th

March – Women’s History Month
March 7, 1-3 pm: Fighting the Black Snake: No KXL Community Discussion

March 13, 7-10 pm: Screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
March 27, 7-10 pm: Screening of “Tending the Wild” with Adam Hintz and (probably Tony Laravie) which is about indigenous practices for living with nature.

April – Environmental/Religious
April 4, 1-3 pm:  Presentation and Discussion about religion/spirituality in Europe?
April 11, 10-1 pm: Gardening Day; we’ll have lunch together!
Later April, event TBD: Climate, Capitalism, Control. Video Essay – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster. Will says we could do an author TALK via video chat. Back up: Screening of JoJo Rabbit (will be available on DVD in early February)

May – Labor-Related Events and yard sale
May 1, 7-10 pm: Movie Screening: Parasite. Hot New Release.
May 22 8-6 pm, May 23rd, 8-2 pm: Yard Sale. We need to schedule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house. Other ideas: fund for speakers, mural, flood donations

May 30 1-3 pm: Reading Discussion on History of Labor Movements

Tabled Items for next week (other ideas):
Discussion/workshop: “What Can I Do?” concrete means of helping out in climate disaster (combined with resource drive?)

**Think about cross-pollination with Dandelion Network resource drive/collection (try to plan this in general)

**Think about way to include a link on calendar for donations for disaster!

Meeting adjourned: 8:14 PM

Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)


1/20/20 Minutes. Event Review about counter protest; upcoming anti-war protest; spring calendar

1/20/20 Minutes:

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Brandon, Wyatt(secretary), Bailey
Start time: 7:18 PM

1. Event Review – Walk for life counter protest went well on Saturday. Sign making party on Friday night garnered minimal attendance but we did have a productive hour making new signs and sorting through our old signs. About 35 counter protestors met the 2000 walk for lifers at the capitol. It was very cold so the event was shortened. We see them again next year and continue to defend women’s rights to to choose!

2. Upcoming Event – We have two events coming up. A movie and a protest. Young Ones is a movie we are showing on Friday at 7. We are not sure of the quality of the movie but we are looking forward to a discussion. We are doing a independent anti-war protest at 16th and O outside the federal building on saturday at 11am – 1pm. Join us!

3. February Events –
Will and Bailey will post the Audre Lord reading event on fb. Thank you!
Jackson will post a fb event for the Love Your Library event.
Jackson will also post a fb event for the Black Power Mixtape movie. Thank you!
Will will make a special flyer for the Know your rights training and will post a fb event.

4. Spring Calander –
Black out dates:
April 18th husker spring game
NFP will be having a 50th anniversary celebration, not sure of the date yet

– March – Women’s History Month
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
March 27, 7 – 9pm. possible date. Suggestion from Adam Hintz for a screening of “Tending the Wild” which is about indigenous practices for living with nature.
Wyatt proposed another noKXL community discussion

– April – Environmentalist Stuff
Saturday April 4th or 11th. History of religion/spirituality in Europe?
April 18th Garden Day
Climate, Capitalism, Control. Video Essay – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster. Will says we could do an author TALK via video chat.

– May – Labor stuff and yard sale
Friday, May 1st Movie: Parasite. Hot New Release
Saturday, Sunday. Perhaps May 15th and 16th. Or another time. Yard Sale. We need to schedule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house.
Labor documentary at the end of the month?

– unsorted
screening of JoJo Rabbit (will be available on DVD in early February)
resource drive for water protectors or flood victims
discussion/workshop: “What Can I Do?” concrete means of helping out in climate disaster (combined with resource drive?)

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

1/13/20 Minutes: Presentation Model for Events, No War With Iran, Spring Calendar Planning

In attendance: Brandon (moderator), Jackson, Marc, Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:11 PM

1. Event Review – We had our Climate Change discussion last Saturday. A few new people, which was great! The event ran long, discussion went a half hour early, but that’s okay! The presentation was probably also a bit long, and we should be limiting any presentations we give as part of discussions to maybe 30-45 minutes. But it was still a good format to explore in the future, it’s a good way to prime people on a bunch of information, and the encouragement for more interactions than a lecture makes it more dynamic. It turned out working out well for the group we had, even if probably not advertised as exactly what it was. Bailey was also a really good moderator of the discussion. A further discussion on the merits of presentations versus discussions will be tabled.

2. Upcoming Event – The Counter-Protest to the Walk for Life is this Saturday! Friday night at 7 to 9 we’re going to have a sign-making party at The Black Cat House. We should also put a call out for people who want to get more involved as march marshals. Ty and Marc will provide childcare.

3. Library Donation – Jackson got 10 more books and 10 more zines to donate to the library. Thanks, Jackson!

4. Global Day of Protest – We got a message about a Global Day of Protest against war with Iran on Saturday, Jan. 25. We’re going to meet that day at 11 AM to 1 PM at the Federal Building, with signs and potentially a few speakers. We’ll be making signs for that during the same sign-making party as the Counter-Protest.

5. Spring Calendar – needs to be done by Feb. 10 meeting!!!

– March – Women’s History Month
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)

– April – Environmentalist Stuff
Saturday April 4th or 11th. History of religion/spirituality in Europe?
April 18th Garden Day
Climate, Capitalism, Control. Video Essay – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster

– May – Labor stuff and yard sale
Friday, May 1st Movie: Parasite. Hot New Release
Saturday, Sunday. Perhaps May 15th and 16th. Or another time. Yard Sale. We need to schedule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house.
Labor documentary at the end of the month?

– unsorted
screening of JoJo Rabbit (will be available on DVD in early February)
resource drive for water protectors or flood victims
discussion/workshop: “What Can I Do?” concrete means of helping out in climate disaster (combined with resource drive?)

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)

1/6/20 Minutes: Spring Calendar, New Library Donations including Graphic Novels, Treasury Update

1/6/20 Minutes: Spring Calendar, Wonderful New Library Donations, Treasury Update

In attendance: Brandon, Jackson, Wyatt (secretary), Ty (moderator), Bailey, Will
Start time: 7:45 PM

1. Upcoming Event. We are looking forward to our climate change discussion group! Baily will prepare a presentation. Jackson would clean the room.

2. Library Donations! Thank you Jackson for a big library donation of 24 new volumes include graphic novels!

3. Treasury Update. Our treasury sits at $213.28 as of the first of the year. Yay!

4. Action Update – Some Black Cats participated in two NoKXL / MMIWG (No Keystone XL Pipeline / Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls) rallies at the capitol over the last two weekends. Both events were well attended and led to further discussions. Suggestion that next time we should invite the media!

5. Web Events posting – January Movie night is posted, thanks Ty! And now its a good time to start thinking about Audre Lord. Thanks Will! And we just posted our upcoming “Trouble” screening.

6. Spring Calendar –

– March- Women’s History Month
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)

– April – Environmentalist Stuff
Saturday April 4th or 11th. History of religion/spirituality in Europe?
April 18th Garden Day
Climate, Capitalism, Control. Video Essay – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaste

– May – Labor stuff and yard sard
Friday, May 1st Movie: Parasite. Hot New Release
Saturday, Sunday. Perhaps May 15th and 16th. Or another time. Yard Sard. We need to schecule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house.
Maybe a labor documentary at the end of the month

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)