6/22/20 Minutes: Upcoming Events

In attendance: Jackson, Marc, Ty (secretary)

Meeting Start: 7:00 PM

July Event: What is Ecofascism? is on July 11th. Marc had the preliminary idea for the event, so he will write a draft for the event description and send it to the rest of the group to workshop. It will be online via Jitsi Meet again. Marc will get that to the group in the next couple days.

Bail Fund: We got the account, we dropped the ball on the burner phone so we’re going to grab it soon. Lincoln protests are dying down in intensity but there will eventually be the need of bail funds on a broader local level again, so we’re still going to proceed in setting up an Action Network for it.

Fall Calendar: We started talking about fall a little bit – an idea for an October outdoor conversation circle came up. Possibly coinciding with Halloween? It’s still up in the air because how Lincoln will deal with COVID once the UNL fall semester starts has yet to be seen. We’ll table this further.

Tabled: Fall Calendar

Meeting Adjourned: 7:30 PM

6/8/20 Minutes: Gardening Day, Bail Fund

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty

Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Gardening Day – After working out a few details, we got the event up on Facebook. We’re excited for this Saturday.

2. Bail Fund – There have been some technical snags getting the bail fund set up. We’re hoping to have the bank account squared away in the next few days, as well as getting a burner cell phone to be the public contact for anyone who needs our help. In the meantime, we’ll start promoting on social media now and soliciting for cash donations from our friends. Regardless of how long the demand holds up for this service in the current wave of BLM protests, we are prepared to offer this service for the long-term.

Meeting adjourned: 7:50 PM

6/1/20 Minutes: Bail Fund, Garden Day

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc (by videochat), Ty (by videochat), Wyatt

Start time: 7:15 PM

  1. Bail Fund – We are committing to starting a bail fund to help with the legal costs of the many protesters being targeted by the police during this crisis. We’re looking into starting a bank account to make soliciting online donations easier.

2. Garden Day – Ty will try to draft a description for our upcoming garden day, now that he has a list of projects from Wyatt. There was some discussion of whether it would be appropriate to move forward with promoting this event since there is also a BLM rally happening at the Capitol at noon. Since our event starts much earlier, we’re currently planning to go ahead and also promote that rally on our event page.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM

5/25/20 Minutes: Upcoming Events

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (via video chat)

Start time: 7:20 PM

  1. Upcoming Event: Our reading discussion on the “Image of the Anarchist” is this Saturday. At Bailey’s suggestion (via group chat before the meeting), we will try our luck with the encrypted, open-source video chat service Jitsi. A PDF of the reading has been posted to the event page tonight, but Ty is unsure whether he and Marc will have enough time to retype it into an easier-to-read document for those with visual impairments. The PDF is, at least, pretty clean and not too hard to read for anyone with pretty good vision.
  2. Summer Calendar: We are done with it and it has been shared to our Facebook. The Garden Day for June is already coming up quick, as it will be two weeks from this Saturday. We need to get that up to Facebook very soon; Ty is willing to help draft it, but he will need a list of likely projects from Wyatt to finish it.

Meeting adjourned: 8:03 PM

5/11/2020 Minutes: Upcoming Events

Meeting Start: 7:08 PM

In attendance: Jackson, Marc (secretary), Ty, Wyatt

Tonight we had an abbreviated meeting, since there truthfully wasn’t a lot to discuss about upcoming events and the summer calendar due to COVID-19.

Upcoming Event:

  • The Image of the Anarchist reading: Ty and Marc will post the PDF of the article and a text transcript onto Facebook so people interested in attending the event can read it well ahead of time, and so it’s accessible for those who use screen readers.

Summer Calendar:

  • We are sticking to one event per month for summer.
  • Gardening Day: Saturday June 13th, from 10 AM – 1 PM. This meeting will be outdoors and in-person and be all about working in the gardening and learning certain skills.
  • What is Ecofascism? a community discussion: Saturday July 11th, from 1 PM – 3PM. This discussion will be held online.
  • Harvesting Day: Saturday, August 22, from 9 AM -12 PM. Like it says in the title, we’ll be harvesting the fruits of our labor from the garden on this day.
  • Ty will create a digital calendar for our summer events and post it by next week, so it can be shared and spread.

Meeting adjourned: 7:34 PM

5/4/2020 Minutes: Very Informal Meeting

In attendance: Jackson, Ty (secretary), Wyatt

1. May Discussion: Marc and Ty are working on getting the article ready for online reading, and Ty will get the event up for it before this coming Friday.

2. Summer Calendar: We’ve decided to keep the summer calendar very informal. June will have another gardening day, July will have What is Ecofascism (which will be online if need be), and August will have a harvest day for the garden. Next week we’ll decide on set dates and times.

4/27/2020 Minutes: Updates and Summer Planning

Meeting Began: 7:00 PM

In attendance: Jackson, Marc (secretary), Ty (moderator), Wyatt

1) Update from Mechelle: The BCH will write a brief summary of how Ricketts lied to the Omaha Tribe about providing aid for responding to COVID-19. We will also post relevant, more recent news articles.

2) Upcoming Reading Discussion: Marc will transpose the article for the upcoming reading discussion on the historical depiction of anarchists in the media. He will also scan images included in the article, and write up descriptions so that the document is accessible for people with vision-related disabilities. Ty will write the description for the Facebook event, and get it posted soon. The discussion will likely be held over Facebook video chat.

3) Summer Events: We will be trying to switch to more digital events for summer, since we want to have a community presence in spite of the pandemic. Instead of group readings, we considered using Facebook video chat. Gardening days may still be possible, since attendees can keep further apart outdoors, but these are very weather-dependent. We also discussed the possibility of making YouTube videos instead of having movie showings. Another option may be to use Facebook Live to have discussions/presentations about various topics.

Potential Topic Ideas: Ecofascism, Looking at formerly rejected ideas and see if there are any topics that can be rekindled or revised, U.S. Imperialism and the Military Industrial Complex

Our calendar will be smaller for summer since some of these “event” ideas may take more planning/preparation than usual. We will also redesign the calendar to be more friendly for mobile screens and laptops, so it’s more easily-shared. Right now, the plan is to brainstorm ideas for these new formats and have proposals for next week’s meeting.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:01 PM

4/13/20 Minutes: Militant Subscription, Upcoming Events?

In attendance: Bailey (via videochat), Jackson, Marc (moderator, via videochat), Ty (via videochat), Will (late, via videochat), Wyatt
Start time: 7:20 PM

1. Event Review – We had Gardening Day here on Saturday. We had a few people turn up and we got a few projects done. Not bad for an event that was conspicuously hurt on turnout by the Covid concerns.

2. Upcoming Event – We will have to cancel this Friday’s planned movie night for Jojo Rabbit. We are TABLING further discussion on the possibilities of attempting movie nights at the park.

3. Grocery Program – Bailey is working on a grocery distribution program for Everett neighborhood. It’s still a work in progress, and despite certain frustrations she is still working on getting this off the ground. They would appreciate us sharing the link in the next few days as they are currently trying to raise money.

4. Militant Subscription – We renewed our subscription for the Militant for another two years. It cost us $65, and we’ll pay for it out of the treasury.

5. Library Donation – Jackson is donating 11 new books for the library.

6. May Events – We’re going to have to cancel the Parasite movie showing for May 1st, and seemingly also our yard sale fundraiser. There was some talk of maybe trying to reschedule it for later in the year, but it’s not clear if that’s practical. Further discussion of possible replacement fundraising led to the subject being TABLED.

7. Summer Calendar – TABLED

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

TABLED: movie nights at the park?, fundraising, summer calendar?