7/26/21 Minutes: Murals, Fall Calendar, Web Stuff

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Jess, Marc, Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:10 PM

  1. YouTube – We’ve had a really nice reaction to the gardening video we put on YouTube last week! We spent some time brainstorming our next video, which should be an overview of the inside of our space to complement the garden overview video. Jackson volunteers to draft an outline for our content for this video and bring that to next Monday’s meeting. TABLED.
  2. Website – We’re anxious to get our website overhauled! We need to get some content created and edited to fill out the new site. To-do list: Review defining documents, Describe events, Space description. Wyatt volunteers to start drafting outlines for this content. TABLED.
  3. Upcoming Event – Wyatt got the event posted last Monday night. Invite your friends! He’s bought some seeds, and we’ll be doing some planting.
  4. Murals – Jess is interested in painting murals on the plywood covering the sides of our rain barrel arrays! Wyatt commits to getting the supplies she needs together and will be in contact with her when we are ready to move forward.
  5. Fall calendar –

Saturday, September 18, 1-3 PM: Garden Day
Saturday, September 25, 1-3 PM: The Far Right vs. Education (a community discussion) [working title]
Sunday, October 10, 1-3 PM: Anti-Columbus Day Protest Sign Making Party
Monday, October 11, 5-6:30 PM: Anti-Columbus Day Protest (outside of the Federal Building on 16th and O)
Saturday, October 30, 7-9 PM: Halloween Horror Show: Nightbreed
Saturday, November 13, 1-3 PM: Women and Christianity (a community discussion)

We need to finalize this next Monday! TABLED.

Meeting adjourned: 8:40 PM

Tabled Items: Indoor Tour video for YouTube, Website outline, Fall calendar

7/19/21 Minutes: Event Review, August Event

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Wyatt

Start time: 7:30 PM

  1. Event Review – We had our discussion on the porch about the local Democrats on Friday night. We had a great turnout, with folks from three different generations in conversation. The subject really seemed to excite and engage folks. Maybe the local edge to it was intriguing, or maybe we were just overdue to go after the Democrats again. We moved the event back to 8 PM on a few hours’ notice, which was confusing. Our folks who weren’t on social media still showed up at 7 PM, and we basically had two events: a pre-discussion starting immediately with the (primarily older) folks, and then the younger folks showed up at 8 since they had seen the time change. We probably shouldn’t make these kind of last-minute schedule changes in the future, since there are so many people in our circles that aren’t plugged into social media. Wyatt suggests that if when we find ourselves double-booked in the future, we may be better served going ahead as planned and splitting our collective to also be sure some of our folks are joining the other action.

2. August Event – Wyatt spent the remainder of our meeting time getting our August Garden Day event online.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

7/12/21 Minutes: Friday Discussion, YouTube, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Marc, Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Meeting Start: 7:25 PM

Upcoming Event: Friday night discussion! We’ve shared it around Facebook – Seeing Red Nebraska also shared the event! We’ve talked to other folks who are very excited about this event, and we’re optimistic for local action coming out of it. We need to brush up on local stuff (unicameral, etc.) and perhaps prep some similar literature. We also need to do some major cleaning of the space.

Yard Update: Wyatt was able to get the city inspector to drop the fine, on the condition that we move the wood pile to the side yard and we move the white soil bags from the yard.

Web Hosting: Blue Host has billed us for three year hosting and our web domains – $431.64.

YouTube: We have a YouTube channel! It now has the video for Black Musicians and Liberation (though the accurate subtitles are still in the works). We also recorded a showcase for the garden that Ty will get uploaded, Wyatt will add a description and we’ll get that published soon! We also recorded the trailer video that plays upon first viewing of the channel.

Website Updates: We will still need to table this for editing the content, but Marc has a list of updates to make. Tabled.

Fall Calendar: here’s the current status of our fall calendar…

Saturday, September 18, 1-3 PM: Garden Day
Sunday, October 10, 1-3 PM: Anti-Columbus Day Protest Sign Making Party
Monday, October 11, 5-6:30 PM: Anti-Columbus Day Protest (outside of the Federal Building on 16th and O)
Saturday, October 30, 7-9 PM: Halloween Horror Show: Nightbreed
Saturday, November 13, 1-3 PM: Women and Christianity (an open discussion)

Meeting adjourned: 8:38 PM

Tabled: Website updates

07/05/21 Minutes: Youtube, Website, Fall Calendar

07/05/21 Minutes: Youtube, Website, Fall Calendar

In Attendance: Marc, Ty (moderator) Jackson, Wyatt (secretary)

Relationship with City Regulators- We received a fine from the City for the first time ever. We believe that we are not in violation of any laws. Wyatt is in the process of preparing a written defense argument.

Upcoming Events – Jackson wrote a lovely description for our event “With Jackasses like these, who needs the Elephants?” We all read it and made a couple suggestions. Jackson will make edits and post the event. Marc will create a banner image for the facebook event. The event is next Friday. Will be posted online and shared out.

Library Donations – Jackson is donating two more books for the library. Pocket edition of Beautiful Trouble. This book includes sections in tactics, principles, and theory. Also a pamphlet from PM press about the personal feud between Marx and Bakunin. Thank you Jackson.

Youtube Video – We have a You Tube channel! Ty is working on the captions forthcoming.

We want to make a video about the garden. We are discussing what content we want in the video.

Who we are, going on 9 years old, going on 3 years of gardening. Why we do it, how to do it cheaply, and how to do it accessibly. Downsides. About 15 min. Jackson will read a mission statement type thing and Marc will film. We would also like to create a channel trailer.

Website Updates – Ty and Marc worked on the website. They have many excellent ideas. We need more time to discuss this. Tabled.

Fall Calendar Ideas – Reading Discussion. Garden Day. Columbus Day protest. October movie night.

Women in Christianity open discussion or reading discussion.

Put off the Paganism event until next Easter.

Garden Day. August 14 10-12

Our Fall Calendar:

Garden Day September 18th 1pm – 3pm

Columbus Day October 11th 5pm – 6:30pm

Spooky Politics Indi Horor TBD Movie Night October 30th 7pm – 9pm

Open Discussion: Women in Christianity. November 13th 1pm-3pm

We need to be aware of Husker Homegames; September 4 , 11, October 2, 9, 30 November 6, 26

Tabled Items: Website discussions.

Meeting Adjourned 9:01pm

6/21/2021 Minutes: Event Review, Site Updates, YouTube, Longterm Space Projects

Meeting Minutes – June 21, 2021
In Attendance: Ty (moderator), Marc (secretary), Jackson
Started: 7:20 PM
Adjourned: 8:45 PM

Event Review: Pride on the Porch
– Due to the heat, we switched from an in-person discussion to meeting over Jitsi. Marc updated the event on Facebook and announced the change a couple of days prior.
– The discussion went well; we had a small but engaged group of people.
– The discussion was a bit unfocused and we did get off-topic often.

Upcoming Event: Local Politics Discussion
– Jackson will draft the description for this event soon.

YouTube Gardening Videos
– Wyatt wants to create some how-to videos about gardening and the water barrel collection system.
– When he’s back in town, we’d like to hash out some ideas and plans with him to discuss the videos–namely tone/approach, how much editing they would need, what equipment we should procure, etc.
– Ty pointed out that we should keep the videos pretty consistent in tone.
– The videos could also be used on the site to show off the BCH space online.

Site Updates:
– We have regained access to the admin account on WordPress.
– Jackson still needs to be able to get emails sent through the BCH site to appear in his inbox. We tried to figure out what the issue could be, and it might be related to our hosting service.
– Marc will create an account for himself via WordPress.
– Going forward, we have some additional plans in-mind for site content, including: aesthetic update, explicit connection to Facebook, connection to YouTube channel, fixing the event calendar, posting news posts and not just minutes, better tagging system for posts, better calendar (color-coded events, recurring events, etc.), showcase/tour of the physical space as a venue, revisiting the About Us page, Library information, collaboration form, add candid photos, potentially adding bios for active members if desired

Longterm Space Projects
– We need to reassess the accessibility of the BCH in terms of comfort, mobility concerns, and creating a welcoming environment.
– For example, there is a small (2″) ledge at the front door that may be difficult for wheelchair-users to access, and we need to be able to keep the driveway empty so the ramp to the porch can be accessed for events.
– We discussed what could be done outdoors and indoors to achieve some of these goals, including adding some landscaping details to the garden, using more comfortable furniture, adjusting lighting so it’s brighter, and so on.

6/7/2021 Minutes: Fall Calendar Prep, Website Updates

Meeting Minutes – June 7, 2021
In Attendance: Marc (secretary, moderator), Jackson, Ty
Started: 7:10 PM
Adjourned: 8:40 PM

Upcoming Event: Queer History and Fascism Discussion
– Marc created the event on Facebook, along with a graphic for it. Marc, Ty, and Jackson helped draft the description, and it was posted last week.
– Ty suggested reaching out to OutNebraska and the LGBTQA+ Resource Center to help promote the event. Basically, they could help drum up interest in the discussion.

July Event
– Jackson still needs to write up a description for this. The event is a month away yet, but Ty emphasized that we shouldn’t let it fall behind too far.
– We discussed potential talking points for the event, e.g. specifically conservative/reactionary decisions made by current Lincoln mayor Gaylor Baird, such as lowering funding for libraries and public recycling, and increasing the cop budget. We also discussed how a Democrat has been mayor of this city for 20+ years and Lincoln is still very behind in terms of public infrastructure and programs.

August Event
– Gardening day. These generally get good attendance.

Really Free Library
– Marc suggested calling it the “Black Cat Press & Pantry” though Jackson and Ty pointed out that it might not really need a name at all. Marc suggested giving it a name anyway because it’d be more useful to call it something for the purposes of the website and future updates to it.

Fall Situation with COVID-19
– We’re planning on potentially going back to something akin to normal for Fall, given the current significant drop in COVID-19 rates in Lancaster county. However, due to the Delta strain becoming more prominent, and the fact that Lincoln is a college town with international students, we will still be cautious and keep an eye on the rates through the season.
– For September and October, events could be outdoors.
– Types of Events: Reading discussion, garden day in September, resume the Columbus Day protest, and try out a movie night?
– We also haven’t had an event centered around feminism or religious skepticism in a hot minute, so we talked about potentially combining the two topics into a general “Women in Christianity” discussion. This topic proved fruitful during the meeting as everyone had lots of insight about it, so we suspect it would work really well as either a reading or open discussion.
– We also mentioned discussing Paganism and the spread of Christianity through Europe as a potential topic near Halloween. However, it might not be varied enough to have two religiously-centered discussions so near to each other. Marc suggested potentially doing this topic around Easter next year.
– Candyman 2021 will also be coming out in August, and the DVD/Blu-ray should be available by Halloween, so we could potentially show that for a movie night.

Box o’ Books
– Ty and Marc went through a box of potential library donations (leftovers from the yard sale fundraiser) and picked out a stack to add to the library.

– The website will be auto-renewed this summer on July 26th for three years. The cost will be $431.64. We unanimously voted to approve this expenditure.
– Jackson still needs to contact either Bluehost customer service or WordPress to give Marc the ability to edit the site, and for Ty to fix some email troubles.
– Ty suggested doing some serious re-branding and development of the site. It needs to be more engaging and show off the BCH and its resources/offerings more.
– Marc offered to update the site when he gets editor access to it, as using WordPress and front-end site design is one of his skills.
– We discussed potential ideas for site pages—a more in-depth “about” section that would show off the space in BCH, what people can use/access in it, potentially photos of events, etc. Ty also suggested adding a form to the site to allow other likeminded organizations to request a collaboration or use of the space, too, which would definitely help us in reaching other groups.

– The YouTube video for Black Musicians & Liberation will be complete before Fall for certain. Ty is finishing up the closed captions for it.

5/31/21 Minutes: Summer Events Finalized, Library Box, Fall Brainstorming

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:20 PM

1. Really, Really Free Library – We further discussed the idea of adding a “Little-Free-Library-esque” library with books, zines, grocery items, and our calendars. It was suggested that we could possibly make the donations box look like a miniature version of the Black Cat House. (Complete with a miniature water barrel?) Ty is playing with design ideas, and we’ll see what Wyatt can build.

2. Summer Events – Thursday, June 17th, 7-9 PM, outdoor discussion, Working Title: “Pride on the Porch”; Marc to lead discussion, will hopefully spearhead online advertisement

Friday, July 16th, 7-9 PM, outdoor discussion, “With Jackasses Like These… Who Needs the Elephants?”; hopefully to focus on local Lincoln Democratic politics; Jackson volunteers to write up the advertising

Saturday, August 14th, 10 AM – Noon, garden workshop, Harvest Day in the garden

3. Fall Calendar Brainstorming – Possible reading discussion for September; Garden Day… clean-up and planting of winter cover crops?; Columbus Day protest in October; open discussions?; bring back movie nights?

Events could be outdoors in September or possibly October, but should definitely be indoors for November. We haven’t done an event themed around feminism or religious skepticism in awhile. Ty wonders if we should do something around Halloween on paganism and/or the Christianization of Europe.

Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM

5/24/21 Minutes: Yard Sale Recap, Donation, Little Free Library

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Yard Sale Review – We had our biggest haul ever at this yard sale. We raised a total of $1286.35! It’s possible that the lack of yard sales last year and economic uncertainties around the pandemic gave us a boost. Wyatt built some tables, and that was very helpful in giving us more space to display our wares. We also had a lot of help from several new volunteers and that probably contributed to our success as well.

2. Little Free Library/Pantry – Wyatt is interested in building a donation-holding little box a la the Little Free Libraries/Pantries around town. We do often give away food and literature as it is, but this could also be another piece of our public outreach by having our latest event calendar taped up inside the door. Wyatt really wants us to call it something other than a Little Free Library, but Jackson also points out that it could be beneficial for us to piggyback off the existing networking/advertising for Lincoln’s Little Free Libraries.

3. Refugee Fundraiser – Since we made so much money off of our yard sale, we are going to contribute another $250 towards our Swedish friend trying to save refugee families there.

Meeting adjourned: 8:05 PM