6/6/2022 Minutes: Accessibility, Movie Night, Calendar Distro

In Attendance: Jackson, Ty, Marc (secretary)
Meeting Start: 8:00 PM


  • The driveway is temporarily full of supplies. We discussed moving the supplies to the east yard of the house. We will be reconstructing the rain barrel array in the east yard, which should give us more space and also use up some of the supplies currently in the driveway.
  • We discussed organizing the inside of the space as well. Folks will be able to assist depending on availability and time constraints. Ty brought up that we would need to make sure that paths are at least 3′ wide to be ADA compliant, so we will keep this in mind as we clean/organize the inside and outside space.
  • We also talked about ways to make the free food table indoors more accessible and organized so visitors can quickly see what’s available and take what they need.

Movie Night

  • Jackson will write up the description for the movie night sometime in the next week or so.
  • Our current projector encountered an error during/after a power outage and likely needs to be replaced sooner than we originally anticipated. We’ve already approved Jackson spending funds from the treasury to replace it once he does the research and finds a proper replacement projector. Marc will also assist with research.

Calendar Distribution

  • Jackson took care of everything downtown and in the Everett/Near South neighborhood. Wyatt also did his usual route, and Marc and Ty will take care of hanging calendars in other locations.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 PM

5/30/22 Minutes: Calendar Designs & Distribution, DropBox

In Attendance: Marc (secretary), Ty, Jackson
Start: 7:15 PM


  • We have no planned online discussions that will need to be recorded in the near future. Ty cancelled the paid subscription to DropBox.
  • We still have the files archived on DropBox, as well as Marc’s HDD from editing/posting the videos to YouTube.
  • We discussed getting a SSD or HDD for BCH recordings in the future which these could be archived on.
  • Final total for reimbursement: Subscription was $11.99/month for 3 months, for a total of $35.97. Ty accepted a round $35 as reimbursement and we approved reimbursing Ty for the cost.


  • Marc completed the draft of the color version/full-size of our summer calendar and the handbills.
  • We reviewed the content and design of the calendars and double-checked for errors. All looks good, so we’re ready to print. Ty will send the documents to the print shop tomorrow. Jackson will pick up the prints.
  • We decided to get 35 full-sized calendars and 20 sheets of handbills.
  • We divided up the calendar distribution between members.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:30 PM

5/23/22 Minutes: Yard Sale Review, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Wyatt (secretary), Marc, Ty, Jackson,
Start time: 7:05 PM

  1. Yard Sale. We had a very successful yard sale, clearing about $1200! Just about matching our record year. Thank you everyone for your donations and purchases. The collective will be well funded and be able to make multiple donations to causes throughout the year. We lost a few garage sale signs this year. We do need a few more sign wires for more yard sale signs. Marc will plan on making yard signs for next year.
  2. Projector Modernization. We would like to use some of the funds to buy a nice new projector. We want something that will last us for a long time. We want one that we can replace the lamp easily. Its worth spending money on a really good one. Jackson will take care of this.
  3. Summer Calendar Finalization. August zine workshop is finalized.
    1. For June: Movie showing, Saturday, June 25th – 7p – 9p
    2. For July: Abortion Rights: What Now? discussion on July 16th – angled toward projected ramifications, which states have/had trigger bills, which states will keep it legal, what to do now. Marc will reach out to a university professor he knows regarding the abortion discussion; we may consider other folks to reach out to.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

5/16/22 Minutes: Yard Sale, Tabling Opportunity, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:25 PM

  1. Yard Sale – Our annual fundraiser is this weekend! It’ll be a lot of work, but we had worktime tonight to price almost all of our currently collected donations. We discussed the logistics of picking up some of the larger batches of donations from our families. Jackson can still use some backup getting things set up on Friday morning, as neither Marc nor Ty will be able to help then. We’ll do our best!
  2. Tabling Opportunity – Our neighbor Chelsea emailed Jackson this afternoon to let us know that she’s hosting a block party on Sunday, June 26th and invites us to come and table (as we have done in at least one previous year). We are interested, and Jackson will email her back to accept the invitation.
  3. Summer Calendar – We still need to pick dates for the Pride movie night and the abortion rights discussion, but our night got late on us with all of the yard sale prep. We’ll continue this discussion on the Discord. TABLED.

Meeting adjourned: 9:30 PM

5/9/22 Minutes: Donation to Niskithe Prayer Camp, Summer Calendar, Yard Sale

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty, Marc (briefly, late, by phone)
Start time: 7:07 PM

  1. Event Reviews – We haven’t met in three weeks, so we have had three events since our last meeting!

We had two online events, Professor Lynn’s CRT talk and our friend Aryn’s talk on Title 11. Marc stayed home tonight to work on editing those talks for our YouTube channel. We did have minor issues with Jitsi on both events, with the recording stopping prematurely and having to be restarted. We also still need to get Ty reimbursed for upgrading his Dropbox account to hold the files from these video recordings.

We also had our latest reading discussion this last Saturday. The turnout was low, but it was a good discussion.

  1. Yard Sale – The yard sale is coming up next weekend. We’re now publicly accepting donations. We’re not sure at the moment if Wyatt will have time to build the temporary tables we enjoyed last year. Ty is not sure yet about his availability for next week, because of his work schedule. It sounds like we could really use some more volunteers to help us pull this off. We have a lot of uncertainty tonight, and we’ll have to continue planning logistics for this via the Discord as more details become known.
  2. Buttons – Marc has pressed some prototype Black Cat House swag buttons. They are very cool! And we are excited to have swag with our name/logo on them at last. Marc has offered to make more buttons, possibly as things to sell at the yard sale. This is a good idea in theory, but we’re not sure what designs those would be.
  3. Niskithe Prayer Camp – We extend our solidarity with the Niskithe Prayer Camp trying to save the Native sweat lodges here in Lincoln. We will be donating $200 to their PayPal.
  4. Summer Calendar –

June or July: Movie Night: Pride
July or June: Some kind of discussion on abortion rights; Marc will reach out to a professor contact at UNL
August 27th, 1-3 PM: DIY Publishing: A Zine Workshop (working title)

Meeting adjourned: 8:33 PM

4/18/22 Minutes: April Events, Accessibility, NO MEETING NEXT WEEK

In Attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty
Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Event Review – We had an open house for our library on Saturday. We had a few people show up late, but it was generally not well attended. We did at least use the time to do a little bit of organizing in our library. We’re wondering if there just isn’t going to be an uphill climb to get people back into attending in-person events.
  2. Upcoming Event – Our online discussion with Professor Marvin Lynn about Critical Race Theory is this Thursday! Ty helped Jackson send out a calendar reminder. We are excited for this!
  3. Title 11 – We are pretty much ready for next Monday’s event. Ty experimented with the security options on the Jisti chatrooms, with promising results. THIS WILL PREEMPT NEXT MONDAY’S USUAL BCH HOUSE MEETING!
  4. Accessibility – Ty has concerns about our accessibility given the current state of the house. It’s something that we’ll need to work on in the coming weeks.
  5. Summer calendar – Jackson would like to keep the summer calendar light; exactly one scheduled event per month. We are considering a movie night for June; possible something queer, like Pride (2017). Ty also suggests having Marc run a zine workshop in late August, right when the university students are back on campus.

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

4/11/22 Minutes: April Web Events

In attendance: Heather, Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:10 PM

  1. Upcoming Event – We are hosting a Library Open House on Saturday. We just need to clean up a bit, and we’ll be ready for it.
  2. Library Donation – Dance donated three books on race to our lending library. We like them!
  3. The Attack on LGBTQ Rights: A Q&A on Title 11 and the “Fairness Ordinance” [April Web Event #1] – Our friend Aryn from OutNebraska is ready to give their presentation to us on the current developments on the fight to protect LGBTQ people from legal discrimination. We are going to do this on Monday, April 25th in place of our usual Black Cat meeting, from 6-8 PM.
  4. Facts and Fiction of Critical Race Theory [April Web Event #2] – We are still moving forward with Professor Marvin Lynn’s April 21st talk on CRT. It will be from 7-8:30 PM.
  5. Jan 6th Reading Discussion – Jackson still needs to get this online, but it’s a little less urgent than the CRT event. TABLED.
  6. Summer Calendar Planning – We didn’t have time to get started on this. TABLED.

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM

TABLED: January 6th Reading Discussion, Summer Calendar

4/4/22 Minutes: Fun with Gardening

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Perla, Ty

Start time: 7:25 PM

  1. We spent a lot of time informally discussing gardening projects.
  2. Event Review – We had our latest Garden Day workshop on Saturday. It wasn’t well attended, but Jackson did get to meet and talk to someone who was new to the space and had been curious about us for a while.
  3. Black Musicians and Liberation Video – Marc is still trying to get it uploaded to our YouTube page.

Tabled: April Online Events (Fairness Ordinance, Critical Race Theory), Summer Calendar

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

3/28/22 Minutes: Proposed “Fairness Ordinance” event, Reimbursements

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Naomi, Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:15 PM

  1. Upcoming Event – Garden Day is this Saturday. Wyatt says that we don’t have yard gloves that he’s comfortable giving to new people. We’re good with him buying some this week, and getting reimbursed for them at next week’s meeting.
  2. Library Donation – Naomi brought several books for our lending library. We like them. Thanks, Naomi!
  3. BML Video – Ty has been unable to download the video because his computer is junk. Marc will try it next, on his less-junky computer.
  4. Gardening Email – Ty got a couple of emails from a neighbor interested in getting some help gardening. Ty will invite her to this Saturday’s garden day or we can possibly accommodate her at a future Monday meeting.
  5. Library Open House – Marc and Ty’s draft in the group chat looks good, and it will be posted online very soon.
  6. Yard Sale – Ty had to fix a glitch or mistake in our yard sale event, but it may have deleted some invitations. Thanks, Facebook. We’ll have to redo that.
  7. Dropbox reimbursement – Ty’s premium Dropbox account is coming up for renewal for another month. We think we’ll need it for another, and we’ll reimburse him for that.
  8. “Wilderness Crossing” Bullshit – Wyatt reports that there is a proposed 500-unit housing development being considered adjacent to Wildnerness Park. There is community resistance to the project, because it endangers both wildlife in the Wilderness Park area as well as two Native sweat lodges. Complaints to the zoning department are strongly encouraged before the deadline tomorrow morning and the official government hearing on the development on Wednesday.
  9. Fairness Ordinance Discussion – We have an offer from our friend Aryn to give us an inforational presentation about the issues surrounding the controversies around the return of the “Fairness Ordinance.” We are interested in hosting such an event as soon as Aryn is ready to do it, since it may possibly come up to a vote as early as this spring. We are interested in doing this as an online event, and would prefer to record it if Aryn is comfortable with that. It would mean getting onto YouTube after the live event, and giving more people a chance to get that information.
  10. Library Organization – Naomi has done a lot of work, but is moving out of state, and we will miss her terribly! She has a bit of a backlog of individual books to be manually inserted, but may still be able to work through those remotely for us. We have the login info for LibraryThing, so we will carry on with that. We also spent a bit of time when we had the whole group together to decide on a little bit of physical reorganization.

Meeting adjourned: 8:50 PM