In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:15 PM
- Upcoming Event – It is time for us to counter-protest the Walk For Life this Saturday! Jackson will be opening up the house on Friday night for anyone who needs to make a sign. Marc and Ty will be handling any need for childcare on Saturday. Jackson will be downtown with the signs for the protest.
- Library – Jackson has a few more books for the library. Ty and Marc like them. Ty and Marc are tentatively planning to do some library work on Saturday if there’s no child-minding to do.
- February Events – We need to get our February events up online ASAP! Ty and Marc volunteer bravely to get those events drafted.
- Tabling Opportunities – Ty has been contacted with opportunities for us to table at Lincoln Earth Day (Saturday, April 15th) and Star City Pride (Friday, June 9th and Saturday, June 10th). We probably have funds in the treasury to reserve tables and invest in some new Black Cat swag for said table. We have details to work out, and not enough time tonight to figure it out. TABLED.
- Website Timeline – We have no time to discuss this tonight, unfortunately. TABLED.
- Spring Calendar –
We want to do a reading discussion around Ty’s article about trans issues. We will approach OutNebraska to see if they want to co-sponsor.
TABLED ITEMS: Tabling Opportunities, Website Timeline
Meeting adjourned: 8:50 PM