In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty
Start time: 7:05 PM
- Event Review – We had our movie night with the documentary, Behind the Shield, on Friday night. The turnout was low, but the discussion was good. We were all really impressed with this movie, and should run it again someday.
- Thank You Cards – Marc has been in discussions with Goldenrod about printing his card design. They haven’t gotten back to him yet with quotes, but we trust Marc’s discretion if he thinks we’re getting a reasonable quote. We will reimburse him for getting the printing done, and we’re hoping to get those cards in time to fill them in at next week’s meeting.
- Library Worktime – We spent the majority of our meeting sorting through the a sizeable backlog of library donations. We also decided to spend the majority of next week’s meeting continuing work on some overdue library projects.
Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM