Meeting Minutes 7/13/2020: Ecofascism, Upcoming Garden Day, Fall Brainstorming.
In Attendance: Marc (Moderator) Ty, Jackson, Wyatt (Secretary)
>Event Review – EcoFascism
Ty, Marc, Tanner, and Adam had a good conversation about recognizing ecofascist language. The term Deep Ecology was started by a Nazi. Sometimes people on the left use this term. Participants indicated interest in more conversations about ecology in the frame of Covid, Climate Change, overpopulation? and ecofascist rhetoric. Jackson brings up concerns that not many people showed up compared to the social media reach. Maybe we need to re-frame the issue?
Participants also followed up with exchange of readings. Jitsi online platform worked pretty well.
>Upcoming Events
Harvest Day is August 22nd. We should post the fb event next week.
“The summer heat is here and the garden is growing! Join us on August 22nd to harvest potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, peppers, pumpkins, and more, from our front yard garden. Eat stuff and take stuff home for you and your family. Learn about what plants look like before they make it to grocery store shelves and learn about just how good garden veggies taste. Also, check our our 1000+ gallon rain barrel system. Learn about the successes and failures we have experienced through the phases of experimentation we have endeavored over the last two years. Hear about our experiences gardening during climate change and under the City regime.”
Frame the event as an educational opportunity to explain the rain barrels and what potatoes look like. Harvest tomatoes, carrots, beets, peppers, squash and pumpkins.
>Bail fund Update
The bank account is set up and debit cards are ready. Now we just need to fund-raise!
>Fall Calendar 2020
Ty likes the idea of a community trash pick up day. Early October or September.
More ecofascism discussion ideas?
Longevity of leftist organizations and movements? Compare NoDAPL v BLM Furgeson? How to keep activist movements focused, mobilized, moving forward? Police repression of protest participants?
Whats going on with Electoral Politics? Can we vote our way out of this mess? Mid October.
We are considering giving an in person events in the fall, using masks and hand sanitizer. We have about 2 or 3 weeks to get the fall calendar ready. We may consider doing physical calendars again.
Adjourned 8:22pm