2/4/13 Minutes: Opening Checklist

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Ella, Jackson (moderator), Tati (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1) Bathroom – The bathroom work will begin next week. While the contractor’s here, we’re also going to ask him about the wheelchair ramp. Ashley also suggests getting another estimate from someone who specializes in this, which ze will get a hold of.

2) Feminism handout – Ashley made the edits we suggested on it last week, and we also went over a few more minor things. We decided it was solid for publishing for the event.

3) Stuff we need to open –

We need:
Desk, or to clean out Jackson’s desk
The public computer set up
Pick up magazine rack, chairs, rug
Additional chairs
Projector screen
Bookcase, and bookcase shelves

Ashley also has some sources for zines for printing and putting in the library. Tati has yet to mess with the porchlight, but ti’ll do it this week.

4) Website, Facebook, emails – Ella has made us images for the Facebook, a flier for our open house (just needs a print test), and she will set us up theblackcathouse.org emails. The website is not yet going to go live, since apparently there’s still a few issues with FatCow.

5) Mission statement – Ella has brought up concerns with the structure of the mission statement, so we talked about different ways we could edit the grammar. We didn’t reach a conclusion on a better way of writing it, so we’ll table this and ask some more opinions and think about this.

Adjourned: 8:01 PM

Meeting Rules

Meetings start promptly at 7 PM, and end no later than (90) minutes after the meeting begins, unless those present vote to change the length of the meeting at the premises.

Voting –
The default method of solving dispute is a vote of all members present at the meeting. A 2/3 majority is required for the motion to pass. Abstainers are not counted in the final vote.

Closed Voting –
Closed voting will occur when an issue directly involves the way the house is run or the commitments of the people who live in the house. Closed voting privileges may be given by invitation based on commitment, adherence to the mission statement, and reliability. Closed voting privileges can be revoked for breaking the house rules. Those with closed voting privileges can veto any decisions made in open voting, but all members present with that privilege must do so unanimously.

First ten minutes are spent preparing and organizing agenda items. Moderators can bilaterally agree to veto any agenda item; if there is a dispute over whether the moderators are being unfair, the agenda item will be openly voted on. Be prepared to explain any agenda item before it is discussed in the meeting.

Moderator/ Secretary roles-
There is a strict moderator rotation: 2 moderators, 1 secretary. Only people with closed voting privileges can be moderators or secretaries. Rotation is alphabetically, by first name.
Moderators: make sure the meetings stay on task, keep disputes on topic and respectful, ending disputes if they become disrespectful or unproductive, discretion to include time limits on agenda points, discretion to restrict voting on agenda points to closed voting members
Secretary: keeping track of time, documenting the meeting: time started, all in attendance, agenda points in detail, time ended. Detail on agenda notes are at secretary’s discretion, but must include any decisions made and which commitments were taken on by which people, and be able to accurately describe the meeting to someone who wasn’t there.

1/28/13 Minutes: Calendar Change, Treasury

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Tati (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1) Group review of Feminism 101 handout; Ashley presented a rough draft of the handout that will accompany the Feminist Discussion Group’s debut event. We critiqued for 20 minutes, and decided to table the discussion for time constraints. Ashley will tweak a bit more, and we’ll finish this discussion next week.

2) Books – Ashley picked up a couple of books by bell hooks for the library, and asked whether we would reimburse hir out of the treasury. We are not yet willing to spend treasury money on the library, given the expensive renovations and equipment needed that are not yet paid for.

3) Porch light – We need to replace our motion-sensitive porch light with a conventional one that will just stay on. Tati will take a look at it soon.

4) Bathroom – We have an itemized estimate from one contractor, and rough verbal estimate from another contractor (which was actually significantly cheaper). Ashley will contact him for an itemized, written estimate so that we can more fairly compare the two proposals.

5) Facebook – Jackson suggests we should be preparing a FB launch ASAP, to start spreading the word to our network of friends and allies. It seems a “page” is more useful for us than a “group.” We agreed to put up a teaser page very soon, with the logo, mission statement, address, and “Opening Spring 2013.” Ashley will consult with Ella soon, and then put up the teaser for us.

6) Calendar tweaks – We’re replacing the “What is…?” sex positivity event with one on gender identity. Sex positivity will be rescheduled for later on. We’re not ready to attach dates to events, so that is tabled. We’re tentatively planning a yard sale fundraiser as early as mid-March, even if we’re not yet ready to open the house for events.

7) Website update – We’ve had server issues delaying updates to our website. We need to figure out if we have to pay for @blackcathouse.org email addresses, because we want some! Jackson reserved the theblackcathouse.org domain for us, and Jackson will be reimbursed for the expense. (Cost was approximately $45. This should have been discussed last week when the reservation decision was made… Whoops!) Further updates are not possible because our web specialist was unable to attend tonight.

8) Treasury – We need to decide on a place on the website to disclose our financial situation. We need to think about it.

9) Mini-workshops – tabled.

Meeting adjourned: 8:10 PM

1/21/13 Minutes: Website, Movies

1/21/13 meeting started at 7:00
In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Brian, Ella, Jackson (moderator), Tati (moderator)

What is anarchism pamphlet: When we decided at the last meeting some of the events we were doing, Ashley started writing up info sheets so we could distribute them at said events. Ze finished the what is anarchism one, and those in attendance looked it over. The group touched up on the grammar and debated a few facts, but now it’s ready to publish.

Website domain: We own Blackcathouse.org, but Ella suggested last meeting that we buy Theblackcathouse.org as well. We decided to buy the .org domains but not the .com’s at this moment.

Website update: Ella put up the newest draft on the test site, and we pretty much all like it. Tati had some concerns about the color scheme, but ti decided that it might grow on tir. Brian and Ella talk about what tools are needed to get the radio streaming on the site.

Movies: We talked about what movies we want to show, and there was a discussion about whether Idiocracy was appropriate or not. We decided it at least wasn’t something we wanted to show in the first few months and tabled further discussion. Instead we picked the Garden, Dr. Strangelove, Monty Python and the life of Brian.

Other groups: We had a discussion about what other groups with whom we want to associate and cooperate.

Ella and Brian were both added to the moderator/secretary rotation

meeting ended 8:15

1/14/13 Minutes: Future Events, Internal Workshops

In Attendance: Ashley (moderator), Ella, Jackson (moderator), Tati (secretary)

Start Time: 7 PM

Website: Ella showed some more updates she did with the website, most of which dealing with easier reading and accessibility. We like how it’s looking so far. Also we’ve decided on using a built-in blog on the site instead of the Tumblr blog. We’re also planning on buying theblackcathouse.org, and will think about buying related .com domains as well, just to cover as many bases as possible.

Events: Planning on three events a month, 1 LSH meeting every quarter.
Decided that What is…? events will be the second Saturday of the month, 1 PM. End time will be 3 PM where we have to, with disclaimers where we can that people can arrive late when we need to. Feminist Discussion Group will be last Sunday of month, 2 PM to 4 PM.
The first three What is..? events will be Anarchism, Environmentalism, and Sex Positivity. The first three FDG events will be Feminism 101, Geek Culture, and Intersectionality (will not be called this exactly). Movies to be determined. Trekkies for Humanism also considered as optional event.

Internal Workshops: After reading an article on anarchist organizations, and liking what was stated, we decided to make a few workshops for the group in order to deal with a few issues that we haven’t yet dealt with. We talked about some warning signs from people who want an organizing position within the group who have some ego issues. We also want to have a workshop on conflict resolution within events and how to deal with someone yelling or otherwise upsetting people. We’re also discussing how we want to relate with other groups. We’ll put these at the tail end of upcoming weekly meetings.

Meeting adjourned: 8:12 PM

1/7/13 Minutes: Defining Documents

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Tati (moderator)

Late: Ella

Start time: 7:20 PM

Defining documents –

We unanimously ratified the Mission Statement.

We unanimously ratified the House Rules. (Additional to-do list related to House Rules follows:)

“Private” signs will be posted on the stairs at the base and at the “turn”; also on the kitchen doors

We’ll need to get ashtrays/cans for the smoking area.

The House Rules will be posted to front door, possibly to other entrances to the house, and in other places in the house. Internet rules will be posted on or near the public use computer (possibly as a custom wallpaper?).

We unanimously ratified the Meeting Rules.

House Repairs – We are still getting quotes for the bathroom installation. It looks likely that we’ll be able to get it done on-budget (under $4000). Jackson also needs to schedule an electrician in to upgrade our outlets.

Stuff We Need – We are still looking for a projector screen, and 25 padded folding chairs. Jackson thinks we should be prepared to offer $10 apiece to buy them outright. Ashley is also researching the possibilities of adding pads to common folding chairs. Wheelchair ramp is tabled, as we wait for better/warmer weather.

Website – Ella brought a rough draft of the website. We are impressed! She’s going to give us a way to view and play with this draft on our own time.

Graphics – We briefly discussed graphics with Ella, primarily what we’ll need for fliers. Ella needs more of an idea of our content first.

Meeting adjourned: 8:52 PM