12/7/15 Minutes: Event Review and Prep

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Event Review/Reimbursement: We showed No Woman, No Cry on Saturday. We had to resort to renting the movie off Amazon, which was 1.99. Ty was approved for reimbursement of this cost. While it was an interesting discussion, we probably won’t show it again. We need to be more mindful about scheduling though, because SP CE was doing an event at the same time.
  1. Upcoming Event: Lincoln Secular Humanists will be having their meeting here on Thursday. Since we don’t have much on the agenda, we’ll set up the room for this event tonight.

Meeting adjourned: 7:10 PM

11/23/15 Minutes: Housekeeping

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We had a few people show up for our trans rights event, and it was a very energetic discussion between the visitors and the panelists!  It was a lot of fun.

2. Button Stickers – Ty’s getting them made and printed!  We can slap them on the back of our stickers now.

3. Calendar Distribution – Downtown is done.  South Street needs to be done though.

Because we didn’t have much else to talk about, we filed books into the library for the rest of the time.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

11/9/15 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: We watched Reds, but it was just us. Enjoyable film though! We need to get Facebook events up sooner.

2. Web Presence: The Tumblr has been tanked. We don’t really have the time to maintain it, and it’s not really the right medium for what we’re trying to do. Ty wants to put more focus into the Twitter account. Our Facebook posting has increased, but we haven’t really put up the engaging posts we have wanted to yet, so that still needs to be something to work on.

3. Winter Calendar:

No Woman No Cry – Saturday, December 5th, 7 PM
LSH meeting – Thursday, December 10th, 7 PM
Winter Solstice Party – Saturday, December 19th, 6 PM

What is… Communism? – Saturday, January 9th, 1-3 PM
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country – Saturday, January 16th, 7 PM
Counter-Protest Against The Anti-Choice “Walk For Life” – Saturday, January 30th, 10 AM, north side of the Nebraska State Capitol

Movie Night: Panther – Saturday, February 6th, 7 PM
Revisiting Ferguson: Where’s #BlackLivesMatter Now? (A Community Discussion) – Saturday, February 13th, 1-3 PM
Movie Night: Black Power Mixtape – Sunday, February 21st, 7 PM

Ty will whip up a calendar plus handbills, to be finished by the 17th at the latest.

Meeting adjourned: 7:59 PM

10/26/15 Minutes: The Great Swamps, Police Brutality, Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Upcoming Event:  The Great Swamps will be playing here on Wednesday at 7 PM.  We emailed them and asked whether they had any food preferences while they are here, and Jackson will put up a last minute flier at his work.

2. Police Brutality Event: Alicia and Devin came to our meeting and told us what they could about their story.  We gave them all the resources and names we had available as far as people who could potentially help them organize an event of the caliber they are thinking of.

3. Winter Calendar:

No Woman No Cry – Saturday, Dec 5th, 7PM
LSH meeting – Thursday, Dec 10th, 7PM
Winter Solstice Party (maybe?) – Friday the 18th or Saturday the 19th of December

Revisiting Ferguson: Where’s #BlackLivesMatter Now? – February

Potential movies:
Che (Part 1) (Jan), Ma Vie en Rose (Jan), Panther (1995 film; Feb), Black Power Mixtape (Feb), Angola 3 (Feb)

Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM

10/12/15 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – Trekkies was on Friday, and it was a fun show. Not a great turnout, but a good discussion. Our Indigenous People’s Day Rally was just an couple hours ago. We got some channel 8 coverage! “The revolution may not be televised, but the protest did,” as Jackson put it. Handed out a few zines. We think we might need a specific flier for the event next time.

2. Upcoming Event – Protest: What Is It Good For? is this Saturday. We need to continue promoting it, but other than that, we think we’re ready. As an aside, Jackson thinks getting a big whiteboard would come in handy with this sort of event in the future, to jot down ideas the discussion generates.

3. The Great Swamps – Ty put the Facebook event page up! We’ll start inviting people and sharing it around.

4. Buttons – We have labels, so Ty will make some with our website to put on the back of our buttons.  We’re also going to send some pronoun and pride buttons to be printed.

5. Anniversaries – In our project to add anniversaries of important historical events, we added May Day and the Stonewall Riots.

6. Winter Calendar – Items to consider:

Winter Solstice Party in December

Mardi Gras: Made in China in late January

Black History Month in February. Maybe try The Angola 3 again? Malcolm X or another biography? Or the 1995 film Panther?

Jackson suggests polling the Facebook page, see what our fans want us to host.

Tabled: Winter Calendar

Meeting adjourned: 8:09 PM

8/12/15 Minutes: Sama, Copy Machine, DIO Fest, Facebook Usage

In attendance: Ashley, Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Upcoming Events: Sama and crew are coming to perform tomorrow! They’ll call Ty when they get into town.  We’ll be making sure the space is tidied and ready after the meeting, and we’ve got food ingredients prepared to cook a feast for the musicians tomorrow.  We also have Killing Us Softly on Saturday that we’ll run off Ty’s computer.  He assumes we have the right cord to do so, but he’ll double check.
  1. Copy Machine: Jackson bought us a new copy machine! He’ll be reimbursed $172.59 for his trouble.  We need to set that up as soon as we get the chance.
  1. Fall Calendar: Ty finished and sent in the new calendars for printing – 25 8 ½ x 11 ones. He still needs to make handbills.
  1. DIO Fest: Ashley reports that Margot would like to borrow chairs and tables for DIO Fest tomorrow. We said yes on the tables, maybe on the chairs, given the concert tomorrow.  Ty will be home all day to loan them to her.  Jackson says that it might not be an issue, since the event is at SP CE and they have a ton of tables and chairs.
  1. Facebook Usage: Jackson wants to do a little brainstorming on how we use our Facebook page. He thinks we need more variety of content rather than just promoting events.  We talked about good material to share on the page and methods of keeping the page active.

Meeting adjourned: 7:37 PM

7/29/15 Minutes: Sama, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Event Review – Trekkies was on Friday. The turnout was okay, but discussion was brief. It did give Jackson some incentive to want to put Trekkies on the calendar for fall.
  2. Upcoming Event – Grave of the Fireflies is on Saturday, given it’s a movie night there’s not much prep needed.
  3. Copy Machine – Jackson is continuing to search for a suitable copy machine.
  4. Website – We are still migrating information over to the new website. Jackson is approved for reimbursement for $134.63 for new website expenses.
  5. Sama – We did some last minute edits to the flier and we’ve sent it off for printing!
  6. Fall Calendar – Ty still needs some digital files to build the calendar; he’ll need to contact Ashley about that.

Meetings are returning to Monday nights at 7 PM. Open hours will not return for fall.  Trekkies will return for fall

Thu, Sep 10, 7 PM – Lincoln Secular Humanist Meeting
Fri, Sep 11, 7 PM – Movie Night: Anarchism in America
Sat, Sep 19, 1-3 PM – What is Gentrification? Discussion
Sat, Oct 3, 7 PM – Movie Night: Food, Inc.
Mon, Oct 12, 5 PM? (Federal Building) – Indigenous People’s Day Rally
Sat, Oct 17, 1-3 PM – Why protest? (Title TBD) discussion
Sun, Nov 8, 5 PM – Movie Night: Reds
Sat, Nov 21, Time TBD – Transgender Rights: Our Struggles, Our Victories, Our Future

Tabled: Calendar, Facebook Usage

Meeting adjourned: 8:31 PM

7/21/14 Minutes: Calendar, Books, Love+

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Tati (secretary)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Website: We received a message from Ella. She’s working on the website still and is looking into paying the website hosting fees monthly if possible until she can get it worked out.

2. Event Review: Letter Writing and the movie night went well! Movie night’s turnout was a little less than expected, but we had a good discussion from those who did come.

3. Upcoming Events: We have a feminist discussion group coming this weekend. We still don’t have an event up yet! Ashley apologizes, and will get it up tonight.

4. Reimbursements: Jackson printed some fliers, for $2.14, and bought a book to donate for $2.12. We approve.

5. Buttons: Ashley’s gonna get some designs ready to go, to bring to the collective at a later date to approve.

6. Books: We went through a lot more book donations again! We have just a few more to go through, and a few to look over to see if they’re accessible enough, and we’ll talk about them next week.

7. Love+: Due to personal problems, Ashley asks to postpone Love+. We can make an open-ended announcement on the Facebook group and see if anyone would be willing to take it up.

8. Calendar:
Lincoln Secular Humanism Pastafarian Pasta Feed Fundraiser Sept 4th
What is… the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict? Sept TBA
Trekkies for Humanism: “Who Watches the Watchers” (TNG) Sept TBA

Anti-Columbus Day Protest Oct 13th
Trekkies for Humanism: “Catspaw” (TOS) Oct 24th

Movie Night: (A)sexual – Nov TBA (early in the month)
Trekkies For Humanism: “Critical Care” (VOY) Nov TBA
[workshop on organizing protests, name TBA] Nov TBA

Other event ideas: Feminist Discussion Group, zine making workshop

The Beehive Collective event is subject to change, potentially even after we print the fliers, so we will not put it on the calendar. We will make a flier specifically dedicated to it when the date is finally set in stone.

9. Activists and “Difficult People”: We discussed the next sections, “Antisocial Behavior” and “Stalking and the Potential for Violence” and the conclusion. Ashley proposes a similar article to read for our next one, dealing specifically with difficult behaviors during events. However, ‘cause this article took us several meetings, we’ll take a break.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM
Tabled: Networking, Website, Speaker Stipend, Books

7/14/14 Minutes: Fall Calendar, Buttons, Library Donations

In attendance: Ashley (moderator), Jackson (secretary), Sammi (late), Tati (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event review: The discussion went well on Saturday, and we raised a little bit of money for Owe Aku. We were also able to raise some awareness of the event, and several people indicated an interest in making donations on their own.

2. Upcoming Events: We have the letter-writing event on Wednesday, and we should be ready for that. We also have the _Pink Ribbons Inc_ movie on Sunday, and Ashley is planning to run it off of her computer since it is on Netflix. We’ll put out a few simple refreshments. We’re ready.

3. Fliers: Ashley reports that we are running low on the “Capitalism got you down?” BCH fliers. We’ll print another 50 sheets of them.

4. Buttons: Our pronoun buttons made their debut at Pride over the weekend, and Ashley reports that they were well-received (especially by younger people). We have enough of them left over for basic house events for the foreseeable future. Jackson will be reimbursed $3.21 for the printing costs of the papers for those buttons.

We also discussed other ideas for buttons. Our main priority is probably adding a Black Cat House logo button, but we’ll probably have to wait for Ella to get around to it (and she is very busy with our website right now). Ashley and Tati also propose adding queer-identity flag pins, and also some anarchist-identity flag pins as well.

Ashley also recommends that we offer our services to allied groups, as they may have button-making needs as well. Ashley thinks that the Lincoln Atheists in particular have several designs that would look good in buttons.

5. Mail: We received a letter from the Sporeprint Infoshop in Columbus, Ohio. They’re excited to hear about our activities, and are hoping for a penpal here (and some of our pronoun buttons). Ashley volunteers to stay in contact with them.

6. Books: We received many donations for the lending library. We took some time to sort through them and decide which ones we wanted to pick up.

7. Calendar:

LSH Pastafarian Pasta Feed Fundraiser Sept 4th
Trekkies for Humanism: “Who Watches the Watchers” (TNG) Sept TBA

Love+ Oct 11th (Formerly SexyFest; Add a Feminist Discussion Group for one of the panels?)
Anti-Columbus Day Protest Oct 13th
Trekkies for Humanism: “Catspaw” (TOS) Oct 24th

Trekkies For Humanism: “Critical Care” (VOY) Nov TBA

Other event ideas: workshop on organizing protests, Movie Night: (A)sexual, whatever we can schedule with the Beehive Collective

8. Sammi: We voted to give Sammi full membership/voting privileges.

Meeting adjourned: 8:27 PM

Tabled: Networking, Website, Love+, Speaker Stipend, Activists and “Difficult People”, Calendar

7/7/14 Minutes: Reimbursement, Earth to Lincoln, Calendar

In attendance: Ashley (secretary), Jackson (moderator), Jamie, Sammi, Tati (moderator), Tessa
Meeting started: 7:00

1. Upcoming Events: the KXL event is this weekend. Ashley did a ton of research on the subject, so we’re probably good as far as running the event goes. Ashley will research handouts and see if we can have anything to give out.

2. Reimbursement: Ryan Harvey was able to stop by on the 4th on his way home to Baltimore. He has all of his AK press books with him, along with his CD’s. He donated over a dozen CD’s, and Jackson bought a book called “We Are Many”. We agree to reimburse him $20 for the book. We also need cases for the CD’s, because most of them are in paper cases. Jackson will look into this.

3. Radio Interview: Ashley got interviewed for Earth to Lincoln this afternoon, about the Black Cat House and the KXL event. It’ll probably premiere tomorrow at 6:30.

4. Calendar:
Sammi had some suggestions for sexyfest. They recommended that instead of doing “posi” in the titled, add a plus sign (sex+, love+). We really like love+, it seems more all-ages and would be easy branding.

LSH Pastafarian Pasta Feed Fundraiser Sept 4th
Trekkies for Humanism: TNG Who Watches the Watchers Sept TBA

“SexyFest” Oct 11th
Trekkies for Humanism: TOS Catspaw Oct 24th

Other event ideas: workshop on organizing protests, Trekkies for Humanism, Movie Night: (A)sexual, whatever we can schedule with the Beehive Collective

5. Activism and “Difficult People”: We only made it through one section of the article tonight. We went through the list of difficult people and discussed what they were and how we would handle them depending on the situation. We also talked about ways to handle calling out our friends as being difficult, or being difficult ourselves.http://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/01san.html

Meeting Adjourned: 8:29

Tabled: Networking, Website, SexyFest/love+, Speaker Stipend, Activists and “Difficult People”, Calendar