5/9/16 Minutes: Yard Sale, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: Chi-Raq has a small turnout but a spirited, lengthy discussion afterwards. Might have to be a movie we show again.

2. Upcoming Event: The yard sale will be this Friday and Saturday, and the living room is half-full of items to potentially sell. We still have to move several boxes of items from the basement, as well as price and sort items. Ty’s grandpa is bringing over tables. Jackson might have another contact for tables as well. We also need some street signs prepared to get up the day before.

3. Summer Calendar: This is the final version. Ty will finish creating PDFs of the calendar and handbills, and send it to Jackson to get printed.

Friday, June 10th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Free Angela and All Political Prisoners
Saturday, June 18th, 1-3 PM – Setting the Record… Straight?: The Queer Impact on Leftism (A Community Discussion)

Friday, July 15th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Libertarias
Saturday, July 23rd, 1-3 PM – Red and Black: An Intro to Libertarian Communism (A Community Discussion)

Saturday, August 6th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Godzilla (1954)

End time: 7:13 PM

Tabled item: canopy replacement, bike rack

5/2/16 Minutes: Fundraisers, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review: Jackson hosted Children of Men on Saturday. Turnout and discussion was good. We also had a May Day discussion, which was a fantastic event with good turnout. Radicals talking about labor on May Day is always a good thing. We were a little less prepared for it than we would’ve liked, couldn’t really stay focused on the Fight For $15 campaign, but a good discussion on labor rights in general came out of it regardless.

2. Upcoming Event: We have Chi-Raq coming up on Saturday! There’s not much prep that needs to be done.

3. Yard Sale: We can start sorting things for the sale on Sunday, until then we need to gather interest and see if we can collect some donation items. Another plug for donations should go up this week.

4. Fundraiser: The Social Justice Education Network is doing some crowdfunding for the organizer to be able to focus on doing their talks professionally. We can share the call for donations on our Facebook, as well as donating $20 ourselves.

5. Summer Calendar:

Friday, June 10th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Free Angela and All Political Prisoners
Saturday, June 18th, 1-3 PM – Setting the Record… Straight?: The Queer Impact on Leftism (A Community Discussion)

Friday, July 15th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Libertarias
Saturday, July 23rd, 1-3 PM – Red and Black: The Common Ground Between Communism and Anarchism (A Community Discussion)

Saturday, August 6th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Godzilla (1954)

End time: 8:01 PM

Tabled item: canopy replacement, bike rack

4/18/16 Minutes: Earth Day, Other Upcoming Events

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:02 PM

  1. Earth Day Tabling – We still need some zines printed for this, 50 each of the green zine and fueling dissent zine, but besides that we’re going to focus on moving zines we already have in addition to buttons and stickers.
  1. Porchfest – Porchfest is going to be the first Sunday of August, which is August 7th, between 2 and 7 PM. Jackson will post on their page to let them know that our porch is their porch!
  1. Facebook Events – We put up Facebook events for May Day Today and the Yard Sale Fundraiser and scheduled some hype posts for our and other folks’ events.
  1. Summer calendar – Didn’t have time to talk much about the calendar, but the details from last week have been reposted to keep them fresh in our heads. We did get a date for Star City Pride

No-schedule dates: June 25th (Heartland Pride in Omaha), August 19th-21st (weekend before UNL restarts classes). Lincoln’s Star City Pride July 8-9

Interesting dates/historical tie-ins: Tank man incident, Tianenemen Square, China (June 5th); International Day of Solidarity for anarchist prisoners (June 11th); Race Riot in Omaha (June 24th, 1969); George Orwell’s birthday, Little Bighorn (June 25th); Stonewall Riots start (June 28th); Frida Kahlo’s birthday (July 6th); Spanish Civil War starts, Eric Garner murdered (July 17th); Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 6th and 9th); Michael Brown murdered (August 9th);

  1. Infoshop – We donated $50 (technically $53 due to the nature of the fundraising service) for the Firebrand Collective that is attempting to open an infoshop in Chicago. Jackson will be reimbursed for this out of the treasury.

Meeting adjourned: 8:39 PM

Tabled: Bike Rack, Summer Calendar

3/28/16 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Upkeep

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Transgender Day of Visibility: We’re tabling in Omaha for this event on Thursday! Ty’s got a ride and the only supplies he needs are mentioned in the next point, so he’s ready to go.

2. Printing: Ty’s got the new handbills and calendars ready, he’ll get them printed on Wednesday so he’ll have some ready by Thursday. He’ll also redistribute so that our usual areas have a correct time for What is Environmental Justice.

3. Computer: We noticed that the communal laptop has missing keys, and Jackson will make sure it gets repaired.

4. Woman’s Right to Choose Forum: That’s coming up this Friday at Indigo Bridge at 5:30 PM. We’ll share it on our Facebook page to promote it and the walk event. Ty contacted some friends to ask if they would be willing to speak, but they didn’t respond.

5. Library: We spent the rest of the time brainstorming new methods of organizing the library and ways of incorporating the library and other books into our events.

Meeting adjourned: 7:40 PM

3/21/16 Minutes: Treasury Update, Tabling, Event Time Change

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We had a Fight Against Rape Culture discussion on Saturday, and it was great! Lovely turnout and everyone was engaged and got a chance to speak. We even got a request to provide notes from the discussion which are posted on the Facebook event page. All in all a great time, and the enthusiasm might be even better if we schedule it at a different time (that is, not spring break).

2. Treasury – Jackson made the yearly update, and we’re pretty good on funds! A paper cutter and a long-arm stapler are penciled down as needs. We also talked about rearranging furniture to better encourage people to take free zines, with the possibility of buying a new bookshelf in the future.

3. Tabling – TDoV tabling is basically ready, there still needs to be some pronoun button pressing but no zines need to be made before then. Before Earth Day we’ll need to print more handbills, the sooner the better. There’s also a few zines that should be printed beforehand due to projected high interest in them.

4. Events – Children of Men has been put on Facebook and the website. Due to an event scheduled on an overlapping time, we’re going to change the time for What is… Environmental Justice? to 2 to 4 PM on the same day. Ty will make edits to the calendar and do a replacement printing and flyering. We’ll keep the non-edited, already printed copies for Earth Day, since that will be after the changed event anyway so those copies don’t go to waste.

Meeting adjourned: 7:23 PM

3/7/16 Minutes: Movie Nights, Emails

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We showed Tangerine! It was an interesting movie and good discussion, though we did have to postpone it an hour due to the Democratic caucus. We really need to be better about keeping those things in mind.

2. Upcoming Event – Boom: The Sound of Eviction is this Saturday! We have it on DVD so setup will be super easy. Jackson is going to try and acquire speakers for the projector.

3. Emails – Joe sent us some articles regarding pro-reproductive rights events and legislation that we can share around. We also got another email from Alexandra accepting our offer to help find some speakers. So we’ll ask around our pro-choice friends to see if anyone can help her out.

4. Zines – Since a lot of zines are just sitting around and not getting sold, we sorted through to see which ones we’d like to keep and which we plan on donating to SP CE.

Meeting adjourned: 7:55 PM

2/22/16 Minutes: Walk For Pro-Choice, Lincoln Earth Day, Library

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We showed The Black Power Mixtape last night. The Facebook event got a really good response, though turnout was still pretty low in comparison.

2. Spring Calendar Distro/Reimbursement – Ty got the calendars printed, for 6.99. Reimbursement is approved. He has also distributed calendars to the Haymarket area and The Coffee House. He’ll be whittling away at the list of locations they need to go up, with the goal to make sure they’re everywhere they need to be by the 29th.

3. Library – Ty has book donations! A children’s book about transgender issues, a comic book about trans issues for the general library, a book of political labor cartoons, and a book on intersexuality. All have been accepted.

4. Email – Alexandria, an organizer of a pro-choice support walk coming up, emailed us asking for advice. We got together the information she’d need to get it set up with the city and offered to get in contact with speakers for her.

5. Lincoln Earth Day – We got an email back from the organizers of Lincoln Earth Day, saying we are eligible for the non-profit rate. We agreed to pay the $35 to get a table. We tabled talking about creating another “kid’s kit.”

6. Organizational Vision – We talked a while about how we were running the house, what we could improve as far as outreach goes, and how much we can accomplish.

Meeting adjourned: 7:57 PM

Tabled: Lincoln Earth Day, Organizational Vision (see 1/26/16 minutes)

2/8/16 Minutes: Upcoming Event, Spring Calendar

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

  1. Event Review – We watched Panther, and it was very enjoyable! Wish we had a bigger turnout for it though.
  1. Upcoming Event – Revisiting Ferguson is coming up this Saturday. We really just need to brush up on potential talking points – some history of the movement for those who might be unfamiliar, but mostly what BLM’s current strategies are. We’d also like to tie it to Alicia Garza coming back to UNL soon.
  1. Spring Calendar –

March 5th, 7 PM – 10 PM: Movie Night: Tangerine
March 12th, 7 PM – 10 PM: Movie Night: Boom: The Sound of Eviction
March 19th, 1 PM – 3 PM: The Fight Against Rape Culture (a community discussion)

April 9th, 7 PM – 10 PM: Movie Night: Children of Men
April 16th, 1 PM – 3 PM: What is… Environmental Justice? (a community discussion)

May 1st, 1 PM – 3 PM: May Day Today: The Fight For $15 (a community discussion)
May 7th, 7 PM – 10 PM: Movie Night: Chi-Raq
May 20th, 7 PM: Concert Fundraiser for Porchfest

Meeting adjourned: 8:34 PM

Tabled: Spring Calendar, Organizational Vision (see 1/26/16 minutes), April 23rd Lincoln Earth Day Tabling

1/26/16 Minutes: Counter-Protest, Spring Calendar

[Note: Only one person was able to come to the usual scheduled Monday meeting – necessity required we meet on the following Tuesday instead]

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 6:40 PM

1. Upcoming Event – The counter-protest is at the end of this week! We have snacks and markers for the poster making party, and Ty will get some more poster boards. Morning of the protest, Jackson will get the donuts. We also have the childcare volunteers lined up. However, we spaced on asking ACLU for a legal observer, and Jackson will see if one can be lined up last minute.

2. Spring Calendar – We had a brainstorming session as far as events we wanted to fill the calendar with. Ty cannot have anything scheduled on the second Saturdays, but other than that we would like mostly Saturday events.

March: We’d like to do feminist-centered events for this month. For movie considerations, Ty brought up “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry,” “Tangerine,” and “The Girls” as possible showings. As far as discussions, we thought about rape culture and/or a historical overview of feminisms that may or may not be called “Making Waves”

April: Jackson wants to do at least one event that is environmentally focused. Animal rights is on the table, as we haven’t done something about that in a while. Ty suggested “environmental destruction as classism and racism,” using the poisoned water in Flint as an example of environmental racism in action. We also need to take into account Lincoln Earth Day as well, which is on April 23rd. TBD for a movie.

May: We wanted an anti-war film for May, and we decided to do “Sir! No Sir!” We also need something to do on May Day, which is on a Sunday this year. TBD for a discussion.

3. Graphics – Ty has a friend that has offered to help with graphic design work. We might have a few projects that we will see if he can assist with.

4. Group Organization – Ty went to the Creating Change conference, and he went to a workshop that gave organizing tips. Something he really took away from that is “defining organizational vision,” and so he’d like to go over the mission statement and our “About Us” description to make sure that 1) it reflects what we actually do and 2) it is specific about what we want to accomplish. We’re gonna table it for one of our slower meetings.

5. Black Power Mixtape – Facebook event needs to go up!

Meeting adjourned: 8:28 PM

Tabled: Spring Calendar, Organizational Vision (see 1/26/16 minutes)

12/21/15 Minutes: Housekeeping

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1) Event Review – We had LSH’s Winter Solstice Party. We got less attendance than expected. Jackson still needs to talk about Brian about reimbursement for the food and updates on the status of the LSH account.

2) Treasury – It’s been a while since we’ve had a treasury update in the minutes, so Ty inquired. Jackson said that the treasury is currently up to date in the current document for it.

3) Graphics – Ty had some ideas for buttons and patches that he wanted to pitch. But it requires a bit more graphical expertise than what either he or Jackson has. He’ll write up a request and see if we can get some interest on social media for volunteers.

4) January Events – January Facebook events need to get up! We worked on that for the rest of the time.

Meeting adjourned: 7:30 PM