10/3/16 Minutes: Upcoming Events

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Ju Ping

Start time: 7:38 PM

1. Upcoming Events – We have the movie ready to go and we just need to set up the room to prep for the night. We also have an Indigenous People’s Day rally, which we have premade posters and blank poster boards to offer people. Jackson talked to Chris regarding the Capitalism and Debt discussion and we put up a Facebook events.

2. Meeting Cancellation – Next week, due to our own rally and the rally right afterwards at the Capitol, we will not be having a meeting on the 10th.

Meeting adjourned: 8:11 PM

9/19/16 Minutes: Liberate Your Computer, October Events

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Ju Ping, Wyatt
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We showed Just Do It, which had a bit of a technical hiccup but it was a great movie. The Resource Fair was also good, if lowkey.

2. Upcoming Event – Liberate Your Computer is coming up, and someone did stop by today on our porch to ask whether registering was required. We told them they didn’t need to and that they could stop by on Saturday whenever it was convenient.

3. Donation – Ju Ping is donating a physical copy of Just Do It to the library when the order comes in, as well as five thumb drives with Ubuntu pre-installed to give out during the Liberate Your Computer event. Jackson is also donating a copy of Dr. Strangelove to the library.

4. Treasury – Jackson updated the treasury information on the website. We’ve got some funds to put towards some projects if we get some good ideas!

5. October Events – The movie event for Joe Hill needs to be up and the DVD needs be bought. The discussion event for Capitalism and Debt also needs to be put up, and we will speak to Chris about it.

Meeting adjourned: 9:00 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter)

Reminders: “Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?” for Winter Calendar

9/5/16 Minutes: Dr. Strangelove, Resource Fair

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Ju Ping
Start time: 7:15 PM

1. Upcoming Event: Dr. Strangelove is on Friday, we own the DVD, we’re pretty good. We need to clean the collective space, but that’s about it.

2. LGBTQA+ Resource Fair: UNL’s LGBTQA+ Resource Center wants us to be at their resource fair, and we accepted it. We need to print out more handbills, and Ty will get 50 more sheets of them printed. We will also print out more pronoun buttons and get them pressed.

Meeting adjourned: 7:29 PM

8/22/16 Minutes: Reimbursements, Donations to Protest Efforts, Calendar Distro

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ju Ping, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:10 PM

  1. Calendar Distro: We still need to flier Meadowlark, Open Harvest, Bodhi Imports, Cottonwood, and The Commons. The Commons just needs a full sized one, which Jackson will get to them, as well as Meadowlark and Open Harvest. Ty will take Bodhi and Cottonwood. Ju Ping and Ty will also try to hit up locations around campus, as well as the Cultiva by East Campus.
  2. Reimbursements: Ty spent $7.78 on fliers and he will be reimbursed. Jackson spent $37.96 on a longarm stapler and more staples and he will be reimbursed.
  3. Sacred Stone Camp: We have come across a GoFundMe to support an effort from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline. We’re pitching in $50 to help them out.
  4. Event Updates: We spent the rest of the time putting up Facebook events for our September schedule.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:10 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter)

Reminders: “Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?” for Winter Calendar

8/8/16 Minutes: Fall Calendar, Event Moderation

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Event Review – We had a good showing of Godzilla. The event turnout didn’t really reflect what we were expecting, but it’s hard to tell with Facebook anyway.

2. Fall Calendar –

We decided to put it to a poll on Facebook whether our October 10th event would be preferred as a Indigenous People’s Day rally or a protest against Columbus Day. Leaning towards a protest, but it was thrown into doubt whether we should do something, or whether we should see if a Native group is working on something that we can potentially help them with instead. We also still need to decide a time for the Liberate Your Computer event.

Friday the 9th: Movie Night: Dr. Strangelove
Friday the 16th: Movie Night: Just Do It
Saturday the 24th: Liberate Your Computer! An Open House Ubuntu Workshop

Saturday the 8th: Movie Night: Joe Hill
Monday the 10th: Indigenous People’s Day Rally or Protest Against Columbus Day
Saturday the 15th: Capitalism and Debt: A Community Discussion

Saturday the 5th: Can We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess? A Community Discussion
Friday the 18th: Movie Night: Ma Vie en Rose


3. Antifa Books – The Antifa fundraiser we donated to got back to us, saying they will surprise us with a book or other things but will make sure it’s not Our Enemies in Blue as per our request.

4. Moderation methods – We had a bit of trouble trying to search for the right thing, but we did discover some articles for better discussion facilitation. Ty will look through them and bring some he thinks we should look over next meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 8:27 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter), Fall Calendar, Moderation methods

Reminders: “Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?” for Winter Calendar

7/25/16 Minutes: Fall Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:02 PM

1. Event Review – We had our intro to libertarian communism discussion on Saturday. We had a little bit of difficulty keeping it on topic, but we’re not sure what could be done about that. Perhaps we need to work on our moderating skills. We’ll look into ways to do that, maybe read up on other collectives and similar spaces’ means of doing that. However, that will have to be on the back burner until the calendar is done.

2. Book – Jason brought over his new book, and there is no reimbursement required as the $19 came directly out of the treasury funds.

3. Fall Calendar –

We still need to schedule the Linux programming event that Ju Ping suggested. We will ask whether he is interested on scheduling it on September 24th. He was thinking about doing so in September anyway, and though Ty will not be available, such an event would be open house style and would only require one of us here.

Tenative schedule:
Friday the 8th: Movie Night: Dr. Strangelove
Tentative Linux/freeware programming workshop
Tentative second film

Saturday the 8th: Movie Night: Joe Hill
Monday the 10th: Indigenous People’s Day/Protest Against Columbus Day
Saturday the 15: Discussion on debt

Saturday the 5th: Electoral Politics
Saturday the 18th/19th: Film (preferably documentary) on queer issues

Days not to schedule events on:
September 3rd, 10th, 17th
Also out: Sunday the 4th

October 1st, 22nd
Also out: Friday the 28th
Probably not: Sunday the 9th

November 12th, 19th

Interesting anniversaries: Occupy Wall Street camp formed Sept 18th; October is LGBTQ History Month (and Asexual Awareness Week is in there somewhere too?); Joe Hill born Oct 7th; US invades Afghanistan Oct 8, 2001; Indigenous Peoples’ Day October 10th; Million Man March was on October 16th; Malcolm X released from prison Nov 4th; Berlin Wall fell Nov 9th; March on Washington to protest Vietnam War on Nov 15th; Trans Day of Remembrance Nov 20th; Buy Nothing Day is Nov 25th (also eliminating violence against women day?); Harvey Milk shot Nov 27th; International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians Nov 29th
Ideas suggested to us: electoral politics, death penalty, queer anarchism, debt

4. Winter Calendar Ideas: In our brainstorming, Jackson suggested the film “Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?” for Noam Chomsky’s birthday.

Meeting adjourned: 7:43 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter), Fall Calendar, Moderation methods

Reminders: “Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?” for Winter Calendar

7/11/16 Minutes: Donating to Causes, Fall Calendar

In attendance:  Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Event – Our movie night is this Friday, and we’re showing Libertarias. Looks like the DVD works fine, so we just need to set the room up and invite more people!

2. Contributions – We’re going to send $50 to the Sacramento anti-fascists (rally.org/june26th), and $10 to BLEAECK (gofundme.com/bleaeck). We will also buy the latest book from Equality Press in hardcover, which will be $19 out of the library treasury.

3. Fall Calendar – Brainstorming started for the fall schedule. October scheduling has to be put off until next week, so that Ty has a schedule for the UNL LGBTQA+ Resource Center’s LGBT History Month. September Saturdays will also be tight, because scheduling around football Saturdays this close to downtown is near impossible. We also need to take note of the Linux programming event that Ju Ping suggested.

Days not to schedule events on:

September 3rd, 10th, 17th

October 1st, 22nd

November 12th, 19th

Meeting adjourned: 7:55 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter), Fall Calendar

6/20/16 Minutes: Event Review, Donations

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Ju Ping
Start time: 7:04 PM

1. Event Review – We had our discussion, which was a low turnout because we didn’t realize when Juneteenth was and scheduled it on the same time. A good discussion for those who were there though.

2. Pulse Contribution – We are going to donate $100 to Equality Florida’s GoFundMe to help the victims and survivors of the Pulse shooting.

3. Bookshelves – Ty acquired some bookshelves, and is donating at least one for Black Cat House use, if not more if we can find room for them.

Meeting adjourned: 7:21 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (longarm stapler, paper cutter, canopy, hardware to secure the bike rack to the ground)

6/6/16 Minutes: Free Angela, Checking on our Wishlist

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We have Free Angela coming up as our movie night. Most of the work will be cleaning up the room for it.

2. Bike Rack – We got it and assembled it! Now we need to figure out a way to affix it to the ground. For now it will be secured to the side of the porch.

3. Stuff to Buy – We still have some stuff on the wishlist, so Jackson will look into the best options we have for the most affordable cost.

We spent the rest of the time cleaning the space.


Meeting adjourned: 7:10 PM (not including cleaning time)

Tabled: Stuff to buy (longarm stapler, paper cutter, canopy, hardware to secure the bike rack to the ground)

5/23/16 Minutes: Reimbursement, Email

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:05 PM

  1.  Event Review: We hosted a fundraiser for Porchfest, which was a big success! Folks seemed to enjoy the space, and the concert was a great time and pulled some money in.
  2. Reimbursement: Ty got calendars last week. The printing cost was $6.44, and he was approved for reimbursement.
  3.  Email: We got an email for someone booking a show. It’s not an acoustic band, or an explicitly political one, so the answer’s going to be no.

Tabled: Stuff to buy (bike rack, longarm stapler, paper cutter, canopy)

Meeting adjourned: 7:14 PM