What is Imperialism? Discussion Minutes

Group definitions of imperialism:
– highest stage of capitalism (as in Lenin’s book on the subject of imperialism)
– control exerted by a state against other states (outside or within its borders)
– two key words: dominance and extraction
– Revisionist, delusional “Manifest Destiny”

Dictionary definition: a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. (Addition to this: through economics as well)

Lenin’s summary of imperialism: A capitalist nation will always inevitably seek more power outside its borders after a certain level of power. Capitalism must grow or die. But in the hands of apologists, this definition can be used to excuse actions against nations by the Soviet Union and others which were considered not capitalist.

Lenin’s response to imperialism: for the class-conscious worker (and their allies) to oppose the capitalist rulers of their own countries. Agreement on this point, but to also create alternative forms of self-governance that can resist reinstatement of capitalism.
– A leftist reclamation of “state’s rights:” smaller communities have the right to govern themselves in the way that makes sense for them. Conservative U.S. has used this to exert homophobic and misogynist policies, but the same concept can be used to resist imperialist and fascist efforts by federal governments.
– Communalism and other forms of bottom-up organization: Kurds, Zapatistas

It is debatable whether the United States is a sovereign nation, due to corporate influence. But it always was an imperialist one in its method of dominance and extraction of resources over other nations.

How do you argue against the revisionist history of United States exceptionalism?
– Talk about politics! Don’t be “polite” at the dinner table and discuss the history of U.S. imperialism. Talk frankly about Grenada, Vietnam, and the history of our own U.S. states (Texas, Hawaii, etc.), for example.
– The United States claim to fight the wars they do for “democracy” and “human rights,” when looking into the goals and actions of the U.S. suggests anything but.
– Also religion and nationalism as motivations of empire.
– Not exclusive to Western empire. Japan organized Shinto in its imperialist formation to be more akin to Christianity, and include worship to the emperor in their worship of gods.
– “Nationalism is isolationist xenophobia described as a virtue.”
– The U.S. population in general supports universal health care, not going to war, and many other progressive ideals regardless of what hate-mongering propaganda has told them to believe – so there is hope.
– Start thinking outside established capitalist parties (who are working in the interests of a small elite) and for your own interests and in the interests of your communities and other working class people.

Further reading on related subjects:
– Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin
– The Common Cause: Creating Race and Nation in the American Revolution by Robert Parkinson
– An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
– Wobblies & Zapatistas: Conversations on Anarchism, Marxism and Radical History by Andrej Grubačić and Staughton Lynd
– Capitalism’s World Disorder: Working-Class Politics at the Millennium by Jack Barnes
– Washington’s Assault on Iraq: Opening Guns of World War III by Jack Barnes
– 1945: When U.S. Troops Said ‘No!’ by Mary-Alice Waters

1/30/17 Minutes: Spring Calendar Planning, Donation Reimbursement

In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), James, Ju Ping, Ty (secretary)
Start time:  7:05 PM

1. Antifa Donation – We made a donation to the medical fund of the worker in Seattle who got shot in the stomach by a neo-nazi. It was a $120 donation, but Jackson is only asking reimbursement for $50 of it, as the rest of the funds came from direct donations. We approved this.

2. Web Reimbursement – We needed to make another payment of $27.87 to Bluehost, for a year of our domain name and domain privacy. We approved reimbursement.

3. Mailing List – Ju Ping set up our email mailing list, thank you, Ju Ping! The rest of us present signed up for it, and we have a link that we can share to encourage others to follow our news there.

4. Library Books – Jackson reports that there is money in the library treasury. He also reports four books he found that he’d like to donate to the library, one of which is a young adult/older children’s book. He’d like $19 to reimburse the cost of all of them, which we approve. Ju Ping also points out a few ebooks that are free on AK Press’s website right now for our digital collection.

5. Spring Calendar Planning –
Possible spring events:

Saturday, April 22: Lincoln Earth Day tabling

Monday, May 1: May Day/International Worker’s Day march

Not scheduled: “The Safety Pin and the Swastika” article reading discussion, bystander intervention workshop with UNL PREVENT, Movie Night: Harlan County, USA, discussion on what an anti-capitalist culture looks like, discussion on stopping liberals/Democrats from co-opting direct action, Movie Night: Attack the Block, Doctor Who two-part episode: “The Zygon Invasion/The Zygon Inversion,” Movie Night: Battleship Potemkin, Movie Night: Strike, Little Red Singalong

Blocked out days: April 15
Days Ty will not be there: March 11, March 25-29

Meeting adjourned:  8:44 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, whiteboard, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

1/2/2017 Minutes: Upcoming Events, Tech Support

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ju Ping, Ty (secretary)

Start time: 7:14 PM

  1. Event Review – We showed Star Trek V, which was during very dangerous conditions outside, so we only had one guest. We might run it again, it was a good discussion with the three of us who were there. Ju Ping suggests making food to make the trip especially worth it to people.
  2. Upcoming Events – This Saturday is the NoDAPL discussion. We just got the event up on the Facebook and website today. However, we’ve gotten a good response already and have a few other people who said that they’d come that have also been at the North Dakota camps. Ju Ping will also contact someone he knows who organizes the local NoDAPL rallies.

We also got a message through our Facebook group about the cybersecurity workshop. We’re going to put up the event pages for that event tonight.

The Walk For Life Counter-Protest is next week! Ju Ping will also advertise about that. We need to schedule some Facebook posts, and see about hosting a sign-making party. Ju Ping also volunteered to make curry for that as well! We also need to set up child care services for that day.

3. Laptop Update – We have another laptop that doesn’t charge. Jackson will take it into his workplace to get it diagnosed, to see whether it is worth fixing.

We also need to figure out a replacement hard drive for the public laptop. Ju Ping will send more info on getting an inexpensive one to Jackson to purchase. He’s also looking into a better router for us.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, whiteboard, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

Now What?: Organizing Resistance in the Age of Trump Minutes

Now What? Organizing Resistance in the Age of Trump
Time: 1:00 – 3:00
Attendees, pronouns:
    Jackson, He/Him
    Ty, He/Him/HIs
    Ju Ping, He/Him/Them
    Adam, He/Him/They
    Alejandro, He/Him/They/Them
    Chris, He/Him/Them
    Maddie, All but It
    Cambria, They/Them
    James, He/Him
    Justin, He
    Richard, Citizen of the World
    Joe, Whatever you want to call me
Suggestions on how to resist   
    1. Promote and educate about socialism.
    2. Organize boycotts
    3. Resist normalization.
        Stand up when possible, 
        Call Neo-Nazis, Neo-Nazis,
        Stick to progressive principles no matter who is in office.
    4. Educate yourself and others about history.
    5. Rebuild labour movement, encourage and start more unions, and increase union membership.
    6. Be there for victims, listen, bring them to safe spaces, teach them how to resist, be a safe space.
    7. Prioritization of effort
        Against capitalism,
        Strategic petitioning of the government.
    8. Set up a Lincoln ANTIFA group.
    9. Keep track of how much resistance will the current administration allows.
Following those suggestions, we came to the following conclusions on how to resist:
    1. Resist the normalization of fascism, racism, sexism, and all other right-wing rhetoric that will be empowered by the Trump victory. See example of political organization by Movimiento Cosecha (http://www.lahuelga.com/)
    2. Organize boycotts against organizations that support Trump. Suggest a list, or join a group that is actively tracking them.
    3. Actively attend activist groups in your local community. For example: attend activities organized by the Black Cat House.
    4. Participate in activities to learn how to create safe spaces and to be better allies. Further activity will be organised by Ty and Cambria.
    5. Read and educate yourself so you can educate others:
        1. Communist Manifesto
        2. People’s History of the United States
        3. Lie My Teacher Told Me
        4. An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States
        5. America’s 60 Families
        6. Malcolm X Speeches

12/5/16 Minutes: Organizing Resistance Discussion, Purchase Wishlist

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ju Ping, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Upcoming Events – Two of them! The first is the Chomsky documentary on Friday, which we have and will be easy to set up for. Our “Organizing Resistance in the Age of Trump” is the Saturday after.

We wanted to have a talk on moderation efforts, since this discussion could be a large one. We reiterated our points from last week – we don’t want to focus on the actual election results, because it seems very unlikely that anything will stop Trump from being inaugurated in January. We want to focus on the fight going forward. While the emotional impact is hard on a lot of people, we also would like this to be a tactical discussion and not only spend our time venting.

We now have #NoDAPL as an example of direct action non-violent tactics that has been a recent success as well, that goes beyond letters to politicians.

Discussion moderation: Ty and Ju Ping are going to be co-facilitators of the discussion, to keep those ground rules down and to help people who are finding ways to speak. As part of a democratic agenda forming, we will go around the room and introduce ourselves, our pronouns, and what we would like to get out of the discussion in order to hit up as many of what topics people want to cover as possible.

2. Calendar distro – Ju Ping only has Bluestem left to go to before all our usual places have calendars!

3. Stuff to Buy – We are adding a no-slip outdoor mat for our porch to our list of stuff we need. It is pretty crucial that we buy it as soon as possible before winter starts making the porch slick.

Meeting adjourned: 8:24 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, whiteboard, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch)

11/21/16 Minutes: Calendar Distribution

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ju Ping, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – Ma Vie en Rose was last Friday, but we didn’t do a lot of advertising so there was not much of a turn out.

2. Reimbursement – Ty bought the calendars for $7.78. He’ll be reimbursed for this.

3. Calendar Distribution – Now that the calendars and handbills are printed, we can start distributing! We separated out the locations to hit up, and we’ll be fliering over the next couple days!

4. Web Events – We need to post our December events online! We’re working on that for the rest of the evening.

5. Data Crow – A quick announcement, a friend of Ty’s is working on getting Data Crow, a new library organization software set up on the public laptop. We’ll have the library and what digital versions of our materials available, as well as potentially having the library viewable online again.

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, whiteboard, labels)

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Our Statement in the Wake of Trump

Trump won. If you’re on our page, you probably already know why that’s bad. People of color, Muslims, women, LGBTQ+ people, and the working class as a whole were all threatened as a part of Trump’s campaign for presidency, and even if he doesn’t make good on his promises, there’s no telling what his riled up fanbase of bigots will do in his name. We are at a terrifying point in history, and if history tells us anything, is that peace cannot be had while people like Trump are in positions of power. And those with power never give up that power willingly.

So The Black Cat House will still be here. We will continue to agitate and educate, and be a place of radical leftist thought and action. Because now more than ever, resistance is necessary. We have a few events in the coming months to help empower people to action. On December 10th from 1 to 3 PM, we’ll be holding a community discussion titled “Now What?: Organizing Resistance in the Age of Trump” and on January 16th, from 7 to 9 PM we’ll have a workshop on activist cybersecurity called “How to Protect Yourself Against Trump’s NSA.” We will try to share as many tools for activism as possible, but it’s up to you to take them up. In whatever way you’re able, disrupt fascism’s attempt to get a foothold.

This is no time for “Nebraska nice.” Take a stand, raise your voice, fight like hell!

11/7/16 Minutes: Book Order, Winter Calendar Planning

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Event Review – We had our “Can We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess?” discussion on Saturday. It was well attended and a good discussion, but we didn’t really stay on electoral politics all that much. We figured it was inevitable given the audience this time around was mostly longtime activists who have dealt with this kind of electoral stress before. The whiteboard to keep track of what topics we did want to talk about was helpful, though we will need to get ourselves a bigger board. Jackson thinks we should dedicate some significant time to review our discussion moderation guidelines before our next discussion.

2. Book Order Review – We sent in our large order to Haymarket Books, which ended up as a total of 63 books. The damage was $596.56, over our preapproved budget of $520. There was a glitch that resulted in Jackson having to pay for shipping despite it being free, but he is supposed to be refunded the cost manually by Haymarket Books after the shipping goes out. We will reimburse Jackson for the $520, but we will reimburse him for the additional $76.56 as we are able to have extra funds to place in the library fund.

We also bought a few books from Pathfinder Press, which was $10. We will also reimburse Jackson for these as we can, so the grand total for the IOU to him is $86.56.

3. Winter Calendar –


Friday, December 9th, 7-10PM – Movie Night: Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?
Saturday, December 10th, 1-3 PM – Did We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess?
Friday, December 16th, 7-10 PM Movie Night: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Saturday, January 14th, 1-3 PM, DAPL Discussion
Movie Night: Rebuilding Hope: Sudan’s Lost Boys Return Home
Date TBD: Walk For Life Counter-Protest

What is Imperialism? A Community Discussion
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – “Far Beyond The Stars”

Tentative Events:
Race: The Power of an Illusion (three-part documentary series)
The Clintons’ Anti-Working Class Record – book discussion
Movie Night: The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution

Note: Ty will not be able to be around for February 17-19 as he’ll be at MBLGTACC in Chicago.


Meeting adjourned: 8:04 PM

Tabled items: December Calendar, Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter, whiteboard)

10/24/16 Minutes: Winter Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Winter Calendar –

In Progress:

Movie Night: Is the Man Who Is Tall Happy?
Movie Night: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Walk For Life Counter-Protest

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – “Far Beyond The Stars”

Tentative Events:
Movie Night: Rebuilding Hope: Sudan’s Lost Boys Return Home
Race: The Power of an Illusion (three-part documentary series)

Note: Ty will not be able to be around for February 17-19 as he’ll be at MBLGTACC in Chicago.

Meeting adjourned:  7:49 PM

Tabled items: Stuff to buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, paper cutter)