5/7/18 Minutes: Yard Sale Prep, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Casey, Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator), Wyatt (late)
Start time: 7:12 PM

1. Event Review – We held our Open House/200th Birthday Party for Marx on Saturday and it went really well. We had a ton of food, saw a lot of friends, and even introduced a couple of new people to our space. The timing may not have been ideal, with the yard sale the next week and it being UNL graduation day, so we may choose a different day the next time we use this format.

2. Upcoming Event – Yard sale fundraiser is this weekend! Jackson would prefer to get the street signs up on Thursday night, unless it looks like rain overnight. Jackson and Ty will continue pursuing leads on tables and donations with family and friends. Jackson will get ads up for it online.

3. Summer Calendar –

Friday, June 1st, 7-10 PM: The Black Cat 5th Anniversary People’s Choice Movie Night
Saturday, June 9th, 1-3 PM: What is the Prison-Industrial Complex? (a community discussion)
TBA: Popcorn Politics

TBA: Reading Discussion (on antisemitism)? Documentary?
TBA: Popcorn Politics

TBA: Popcorn Politics

Blackout days: June 16 (Juneteenth), July 5-8 (ISO conference), last three weeks of August (Ty out of town and start of UNL school year)

Link June 9th discussion with June 11th: International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason and All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

People’s Choice Options: Salt of the Earth (again), Dr. Strangelove, Terminal City Ricochet(?), Star Trek: Deep Space Nine “Past Tense, Pt. 1 and Pt. 2”

_In the Intense Now_ will probably not be on DVD in time to commit it to the summer calendar. We should check back when planning for fall.

Health care as a discussion subject?

Ty would like to screen the movie Moonlight for June (Pride Month) and Shin Godzilla for August (Popcorn Politics?).

4. Worktime – We moved on pretty quickly to getting to sorting and pricing donations for our yard sale.

Meeting adjourned: 8:00 PM

Tabled items: Summer Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)


4/23/18 Minutes: Prep for May 5th, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:10 PM

1. Event Review – We ran our latest installment of Popcorn Politics here on Friday night. Pom Poko drew a pretty good crowd, and a decent (if somewhat sad) discussion.

2. Package – We received a package of buttons and stickers from the June 11th Collective. June 11th is International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. We’ll give them out. This might also be a good idea for an event for our summer calendar.

3. Speakers’ Money Update – We tried to donate $50 to the ISO speakers when they were here a couple of weeks ago, but their travel expenses were so light that they gave us $20 back. This will be updated in our treasury log.

4. Marx’s Birthday – We agree to commit $50 out of our treasury to covering expenses for the party

Things we want/need: red food coloring, punch, (borrow) punch bowl, chips & salsa, pickles, cheese or smoked salmon/crackers?, party hats, balloons, streamers, a Karl Marx cardboard standup?

5. Summer Calendar

Blackout days: June 16 (Juneteenth), July 5-8 (ISO conference), last three weeks of August (Ty out of town and start of UNL school year)

June 11th (International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners)

Friday, June 1st – Black Cat House Five-Year Anniversary!

Saturday, June 9th – Prison-Industrial Complex discussion (the 11th is International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners)

_In the Intense Now_ will probably not be on DVD in time to commit it to the summer calendar. We should check back when planning for fall.

Health care as a discussion subject?

Reading discussion on anti-Semitism?

Ty would like to screen the movie Moonlight for June (Pride Month) and Shin Godzilla for August (Popcorn Politics?).

Meeting adjourned: 8:27 PM

Tabled items: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

4/16/18 Minutes: Library Updates, May Event, Summer Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Event Review – We hosted a reading discussion here on Saturday. We had an average turnout and a decent discussion.

2. Upcoming Events – Popcorn Politics returns this Friday to show Pom Poko. We should be good to go!

3. Library Updates – We’ve got a lot of news here! Ty got in and donated the book, Cartoon Punk: Artists Against Fascism (reimbursement was pre-approved last week. We also got our first couple of books for being Friends of AK Press! We also had a friend make a recommendation for a relevant title for us to look out for: _Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City_.

Jackson also brought back a couple of books and a bunch of zines from a radical store in New Orleans for the library. We will reimburse him the $27 he spent on the stack. Jackson also bought a couple of the For Beginners series of graphic novels that we like having in the library (on Anarchism and Climate Change) for $11.58. We will reimburse him for them, too.

Jackson also brought up an exciting moving sale offer from Haymarket Books on some select titles. We may have an opportunity to pick up a couple dozen of their overstocked titles for the price of shipping (!!!). We’re tentatively planning to order one of everything. Jackson will follow up.

4. May Events – Ty got the yard sale and Marx’s Birthday Party up online!

While on the yard sale, we also started to discuss logistics for that. Jackson says we’ll need more tables. Ty thinks his family can help, and will check on that. Jackson also has some ideas for places to borrow more tables. We will also need more help sorting and pricing the donations, especially with our work schedules being unusually problematic this year. Ty doesn’t want to solicit for more donations, but we will accept donations that we are directly offered.

5. Summer Calendar – Ty would like to screen the movie Moonlight for June (Pride Month) and Shin Godzilla for August (Popcorn Politics?). Jackson would be interested in running _In the Intense Now_ if available or perhaps another documentary about the revolutionary upheavels of France in 1968.

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

Tabled items: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

3/26/18 Minutes: Buttons, Reimbursements

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:04 PM

1. Upcoming Event – We’re showing Anarchism in America on Friday night! There’s not much to prep for it, so we should be good to go!

2. Reimbursements – Ty needs to be reimbursed $4.50 for button parts for that order we agreed to at the March 12th meeting. Jackson also needs $65 for renewing the House’s subscription to the Militant for the next two years. This was pre-approved at the February 12th meeting.

3. Buttons – Ty has completed the button order for his friend in Omaha. We’re planning to hand them off this week. Ty also reports that we are very low on button parts and should order more soon.

Meeting adjourned: 7:35 PM

Tabled items: Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)

2/12/18 Minutes: Finalizing Spring Calendar, Spending Money

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Event Review – We ran _Get Out_ for Popcorn Politics on Friday. The turnout was a little lower than we’d hoped, but the snowy weather may have had something to do with that. The discussion was also unfortunately shorter than we’d hoped. People still seemed to enjoy the film.

2. Whose Streets – Jackson bought the movie, and it came in! Since Chris specifically made a donation to us with covering the movie in mind, we’ll add it to our library and reimburse Jackson the $7.99 he paid for it.

3. Militant – This week’s issue of the Militant came in the mailbox with a notice that our subscription is expiring in two weeks. We decide that Jackson will renew it for another two years ($65) the next time we see Joe. Jackson will be reimbursed for this expense.

4. Spring Calendar –

Saturday, March 3rd, 1-3 PM – What is Transfeminism? (a community discussion)
Friday, March 9th, 7-10 PM – Popcorn Politics: Mad Max: Fury Road
Friday, March 30th, 7-10 PM – Movie Night: Anarchism in America

Saturday, April 14th, 1-3 PM – Reading Discussion: Fueling Dissent
Friday, April 20th, 7-10 PM – Popcorn Politics: Pom Poko

Saturday, May 5th, 12-5 PM – Open House Party for Karl Marx’s 200th Birthday
Friday, May 11th, 8 AM-6 PM, and Saturday, May 12th, 8 AM-2 PM – The Black Cat House Yard Sale Fundraiser
Friday, May 18th, 7-10 PM – Popcorn Politics: Salt of the Earth

Fueling Dissent – https://apps.publicintegrity.org/united-states-of-petroleum/fueling-dissent/

Ideas for other spring calendar events:

Discussions: liberation theology, national liberation movement/separatism, prison-industrial complex

Movies: Popcorn Politics? (Salt of the Earth? Kubrick? Imperium?)

Other: Little Red Singalong

Black Out Days: April 21st (UNL Spring Game), April 28th (Lincoln Earth Day), April 6/7/8 (Jackson will be gone)
Grey Out Days: March 17-25 (UNL Spring Break)

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM

Tabled items: Friends of AK Press, Spring Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop

1/22/18 Minutes: Spring Calendar, Money, Earth Day

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:05 PM

1. Event Review – We had our reading/discussion What Every White Person (Teacher) Should Know When Talking About Race. We had a great turnout, and a really good discussion once everyone got comfortable.

2. Upcoming Events – We’re showing the documentary Trapped on Friday night. It looks like we can stream it for free off of Netflix. Otherwise, we’ll just have to set up the room.

We’re also gearing up for the Counter-protest of the Walk For Life on Saturday. We don’t yet know of anyone who needs childcare, but Ty and one other volunteer are planning to be here for that possibility. We may not have any blank posterboards if anyone wants to make a sign, but we have a ton of signs from last year’s event that we can bring again.

3. Reimbursement – Ty spent $5.79 on getting our handouts printed for the discussion on Saturday. Jackson spent $3.49 getting fliers for our counter-protest printed. We’re both getting reimbursed for these expenses.

4. Donations – We got some money! Jackson reports that a friend of ours finally put our PayPal button to use with a $20 donation (but we only received $19.12 because of fees). And our friends in Lincoln DSA cut us a check for $200! Jackson also has a large donation to make. He reminds Ty that we were considering becoming “Friends of AK Press” to load up on more anarchist lit. The last item of this discussion is tabled.

5. Lincoln Earth Day – Ty got an email asking us to table again. It’ll be on April 28th, and registration would be $35 for us. We’re not interested in going back this year, as we’ve not really seen sufficient benefits to match our costs of time and energy tabling for the better part of a Saturday there. We’ll still be sure not to schedule any events here that day.

6. Spring Calendar – Jackson reports that Popcorn Politics will be returning for monthly showings throughout the Spring Calendar!

TBD – What is Transfeminism? (a community discussion) [basically open to doing this most any Saturday… we want to schedule the movie(s) first]
TBD – Popcorn Politics
Another movie or documentary?

Saturday, April 14th, 1-3 PM – Reading Discussion: Fueling Dissent
TBD – Popcorn Politics

Saturday, May 5th, 12-5 PM – Open House Party for Karl Marx’s 200th Birthday
Friday, May 11th, 8 AM-6 PM, and Saturday, May 12th, 8 AM-2 PM – The Black Cat House Yard Sale Fundraiser
TBD – Movie Night: Anarchism in America
TBD – Popcorn Politics

Fueling Dissent – https://apps.publicintegrity.org/united-states-of-petroleum/fueling-dissent/

Ideas for other spring calendar events:

Discussions: liberation theology, national liberation movement/separatism, prison-industrial complex

Movies: Popcorn Politics? (Salt of the Earth? Kubrick? Imperium?)

Other: Little Red Singalong


Black Out Days: April 21st (UNL Spring Game), April 28th (Lincoln Earth Day)
Grey Out Days: March 17-25 (UNL Spring Break), March 30/31/April 1 (alt weekend for Red State), April 6/7/8 (Red State Conference)

7. No Meeting Next Week – Just a reminder that we will be off next week.

Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM

Tabled items: Friends of AK Press, Spring Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop

1/8/18 Minutes: No Meeting Jan 29th, Spring Calendar

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:01 PM

1. Upcoming Event – Our next Popcorn Politics is this Friday! Jackson has the movie, and he just needs to keep hyping it. And we need to clean up the room a bit.

2. Meeting Cancellation – Ty will be unable to attend our regularly-scheduled meeting on January 29th. We’ll cancel that week’s meeting.

3. Spring Calendar –

Ideas left over from Winter brainstorming:

Discussions: liberation theology, national liberation movement/separatism, prison-industrial complex

Movies: Anarchism in America

Other: Little Red Singalong, Karl Marx’s 200th Birthday Party on May 5th

Want: Feminism-centric for March?

Tabled items: Articles for Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop

Treasury Log 2018 (General, Library, Speakers)


We started the year with $43.88.

March 5th Update:

New Credits

1. Jackson donated $306.

2. We received a $19.12 donation (after fees) through our PayPal button.

3. Our friends in DSA Lincoln cut us a check for $200! Thanks, comrades!

4. We received $13.45 in our donations box at the House.

These total $538.57 in new donations.

New Debits

1. Ty is reimbursed $5.79 for getting handouts printed for our discussion. This was approved at the January 22nd meeting.

2. Jackson is reimbursed $3.49 for getting counter-protest fliers printed. This was approved at the January 22nd meeting.

3. Jackson is reimbursed $30.71 for renewing our web domain. This was approved at the February 5th meeting.

4. Jackson is reimbursed $7.99 for buying the documentary Whose Streets for our lending library. This was approved at the February 12th meeting.

5. Ty is reimbursed $10.19 for printing our spring calendars. This was approved at the February 19th meeting.

6. Jackson is reimbursed $300.00 for enrolling us into the Friends of AK Press. This was approved at the March 5th meeting.

These total $358.17 in new expenses.

Altogether, our treasury is increasing by $180.40, to a new overall balance of $224.28.

June 18th Update:

New Donations:

1. We received a $155 payment for buttons Ty pressed for a friend. This was confirmed at the April 2nd meeting.

2. Our yard sale raised $726.90! This was reported at the May 14th meeting.

3. The Nebraska IWW donated $200 to us for providing our space to them for a weekend training! This was reported at the May 21st meeting.

4. We received $31 in our donations box at the House.

These total $1112.90 in new donations.

New Debits:

1. Ty is reimbursed $4.50 for materials related to a button-pressing order. This was approved at the March 26th meeting.

2. Jackson is reimbursed $65 for renewing the House’s subscription to the Militant for the next two years. This was approved at the March 26th meeting.

3. Jackson is reimbursed $50 for supplies related to our 200th Birthday Party for Karl Marx on May 5th. This was pre-approved at the April 23rd meeting, and this was confirmed at the April 30th meeting.

4. Ty is reimbursed $12.07 for printing our summer calendars. This was approved at the May 21st meeting.

5. We pledged $200 in advance to help build the Red State conference. (This will be filed as a “hold” on general treasury funds until we spend it.) This was decided at the May 28th meeting.

6. Jackson is reimbursed $395.64 for renewing the hosting on our website for the next three years. This was approved at the June 4th meeting.

7. We decided to transfer $100 to our library treasury at the June 18th meeting.

These total $627.21 spent and $200 on hold.

Altogether, our treasury is increasing $485.69, to a new total of $509.97 plus $200 on hold for Red State.

July 2nd Update:

We donated $54.99 to a collective to the Philippines. This was approved at the July 2nd meeting. This reduces our treasury to $454.98, plus $200 on hold for Red State.

Nov 18th Update:

New donation: We received $4 in our donations box. Thanks, y’all!

New debits:

1. Jackson is reimbursed $30.87 for renewing our secondary website domain name and its associated privacy privileges. This was approved at the July 16th meeting.

2. Ty is reimbursed $5.79 for getting printing done for our reading group. This was approved at the July 23rd meeting.

3. Jackson is reimbursed $10.73 for getting our fall calendars printed. This was approved at the August 20th meeting.

4. (Jackson passed along the $200 we set aside to support the Red State conference to the caterers. This was reported at the August 20th meeting.)

5. Jackson is reimbursed $7.13 for getting printing done. This was approved at the September 24th meeting.

6. Jackson is reimbursed $66.23 for restocking our button parts. This was approved at the October 1st meeting.

7. Wyatt is reimbursed $10 for picking up a winter mat for our front porch. This was approved at the October 15th meeting.

8. Wyatt is reimbursed $50 for scoring two nice new bookshelves for our lending library. This was approved at the October 29th meeting.

9. We transfer $20 to the library to help cover our many recent purchases there.

These total $200.75 in new debits. Altogether, our treasury is reduced $196.75 overall, to a new balance of $258.23. (This excludes the $200 in Item 4, which were already set aside separate from the standard balance and are now spent.)


New Debits:

1. Ty is reimbursed $7.60 for getting our winter calendars printed. This was approved at the November 19th meeting.

2. Ty is reimbursed $5.29 for getting more calendars and our discussion article printed. This was approved at the December 3rd meeting.

3. Jackson is reimbursed $75 for making a donation on our behalf to The Triumph’s fundraiser for a new printer. This was approved at the December 10th meeting.

These total $87.89 in new debits, reducing our overall treasury balance to $170.34.


We started the year with $0.

March 5th Update:

Jackson donated $100.

Jackson was reimbursed $19.19 for books for the library. This was approved at the December 4th meeting.

We now have $80.81.

June 18th Update:

New Donation:

We transferred $100 from our general treasury to the library at the June 18th meeting.

New Debits:

1. Ty is reimbursed $20 for buying us Cartoon Punk: Artists Against Fascism. This was approved at the April 2nd meeting.

2. Jackson is reimbursed $38.58 for purchasing a number of books and zines for the House. This was approved at the April 16th meeting.

3. Jackson is reimbursed $22.51 for picking up some books for the library. This was approved at the May 14th meeting.

These total $81.09 in new debits.

Altogether, our treasury is increasing by $18.91, to a new total of $99.72.

July 2nd Update:

Jackson was reimbursed $80 for buying us a box of new books from Monthly Review Press. This was pre-approved on June 18th and confirmed at the July 2nd meeting. We now have $19.72.

November 18th Update:

New donations:

1. We received a $200 donation from two of our very generous friends! This was announced at the July 30th meeting.

2. We transfer $20 from the general treasury to cover recent purchases.

New debits:

1. Jackson is reimbursed $80.57 for buying us library books at the Socialism 2018 conference. This was approved at the July 16th meeting.

2. Wyatt is reimbursed $1 for picking up a stack of books for our library from a downsizing of the SCC library. This was approved at the November 5th meeting.

3. Jackson is reimbursed $74.95 for ordering a shipment of books for our library from the aptly-named Left-Wing Books. This was pre-approved at the October 1st meeting, and confirmed at the November 12th meeting.

4. Wyatt is reimbursed $81 for picking up books and zines for our library at the Mutual Aid Disaster Relief workshop. This was approved at the November 12th meeting.

These currently total $237.52 in new debits. Altogether, the treasury is decreasing $17.52, which leaves us with $2.20.


We started the year with $50.


March 5th Update:

Jackson donated $100.

We pledge $50 toward paying for an ISO speaker coming to Lincoln in April. This was approved at the March 5th Meeting. These funds are currently on hold.

We currently have $100 available, and $50 on hold for the ISO speaker.

June 18th Update:

We contributed $30 towards travel expenses for the ISO speaker who came in from Chicago in Mid-April. This was confirmed at the April 23rd meeting.

We now have $120 available.

12/11/17 Minutes: Book donations, Upcoming Event

In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)

Start time: 7:00 PM

1. Secretary – Ty asked Jackson to be secretary again this week. Jackson is ok with it.

2. Event Review – We were ready for An American Tail on Saturday, but no one showed up! We agree to shelve the Family Movie Night, since neither of them did particularly well.

3. Upcoming Event – RoboCop is this Friday. We’re ready for it.

4. Book donations – Jackson offered a few more books, and we also had one offered by Richard. We looked through them, and took what we wanted.

5. Library – We spent the rest of our meeting sorting through newspapers and magazines in our lending library.

Tabled items: Articles for Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop

Meeting adjourned: 8:30 PM

12/4/17 Minutes: Book Reimbursement, More Library Work

In attendance: Casey, Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM

NOTE: Our November 27th meeting was pre-empted in favor of a library committee meeting.

1. Upcoming Event – We’re running An American Tail on Saturday. Jackson’s still working on getting the movie, but we should have it figured out by showtime.

2. Book Reimbursement – Jackson bought three books for the library, and would like to be reimbursed. We agree to reimburse him $19.19 for the books.

3. Library Donation – Jackson is also cleaning out his library and offered the library some things he’s cleaning out. They were all accepted.

We spent the rest of our meeting on specifically library related shelving and organizing.

(Formal) Meeting adjourned: 7:20 PM

Tabled items: Articles for Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop