We weren’t going to have a big agenda for this week, and we had only a skeleton crew of Bailey, Jackson, and Wyatt. We had a new friend show up, and we just got to chatting because she had a lot on her mind. As such, we had no official meeting and no formal minutes to offer. We will get back to normal next week.
Author Archive: jackson
2/10/20 Minutes: Spring Calendar Finalized, Know Your Rights Training
In attendance: Bailey, Jackson (secretary), Marc, Max, Ty (moderator), Wyatt
Start time: 7:10 PM
1. Event Review – We had a really good discussion. Will picked a good reading, but we wish he’d gotten the event up to Facebook earlier.
2. Upcoming Event – Love Your Library returns this Saturday. Jackson says he’s ready for it.
3. Know Your Rights Training – We really need to get it up online! Bailey will remind Will about that. Bailey reminds us that it would be good to get together, possibly this weekend, to practice some of the role-playing before doing it publicly.
4. Max’s Project – Max is doing a project about local leftist orgs. We’re happy to help him with that.
5. Spring Calendar – FINALIZED!
Saturday, March 7th, 1-3 PM: Fighting the Black Snake (a No KXL Community Discussion)
Friday, March 13th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Libertarias (historical fiction about the “Mujeres Liberes” of the Spanish Civil War)
Friday, March 27, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Tending the Wild (documentary and discussion about indigenous practices for living with nature)
Saturday, April 4th, 1-3 PM: Witch Hunts and the Inquisition (a community discussion)
Saturday, April 11th, 10 AM – 1 PM: Gardening Day
Saturday, April 17th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: JoJo Rabbit (a young boy comes to terms with blind nationalism in Nazi Germany; NOTE TO TY: can you shorten?)
Friday, May 1st, 7-10 PM: Oscars Movie Night: Parasite. (Poor Koreans Scam the Rich)
Friday, May 22nd, 8 AM – 6 PM & Saturday, May 23rd, 8 AM – 2 PM: Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser
Saturday, May 30th, 1-3 PM: Reading Discussion: “The Image of the Anarchist in Popular Culture” (Pg 203 of The Haymarket Scrapbook)
Meeting adjourned: 8:15 PM
Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)
2/3/20 Minutes: Spring Calendar, Library Donation
In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Wyatt (moderator)
Start time: 7:10 PM
1. Event Review – We watched the Trouble mini-documentary about mutual aid and disaster relief on Friday night. While the film seemed well received and we had a pretty good discussion afterwards, Wyatt and Jackson thought the film wasn’t as specific as we would’ve liked. It may also have helped if we had actually used the prepared questions from the Trouble people. Wyatt also suggests that perhaps we should have had some additional information (possibly via handout) to also supplement any future episodes of Trouble that we may screen.
2. Upcoming Event – The Reading Discussion is this Saturday. Jackson got the event posted to Facebook. Wyatt got the handout printed on the copier. We are ready!
3. Library Donation – Jackson donated more books. Yay!
4. Spring Calendar –
Saturday, March 7th, 1-3 PM: Fighting the Black Snake (a No KXL Community Discussion)
Friday, March 13th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Libertarias (historical fiction about the “Mujeres Liberes” of the Spanish Civil War)
Friday, March 27, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: “Tending the Wild” (documentary and discussion about indigenous practices for living with nature)
Saturday, April 4th, 1-3 PM: Witch Hunts and the Inquisition (a community discussion)
Saturday, April 11th, 10 AM – 1 PM: Gardening Day
Date TBD: Screening of JoJo Rabbit (will be available on DVD in early February) [CONFIRM?!]
Friday, May 1st, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: Parasite. (BLURBY BLURB BLURB…)
Friday, May 22nd, 8 AM – 6 PM & Saturday, May 23rd, 8 AM – 2 PM: Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser
[We need to schedule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house. Other ideas: fund for speakers, mural, flood donations]
Saturday, May 30th, 1-3 PM: Reading Discussion on History of Labor Movements (NEED READING!)
Meeting adjourned: 8:12 PM
Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)
1/27/20 Minutes: Event Review about movie screening and No War in Iran Protest; upcoming No Permission Needed screening; Library Donation; Spring Calendar
In attendance: Bailey (secretary), Brandon, Jackson, Marcus (moderator), Max, Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:10 PM
- Event review:
- The Young Ones (movie screening) – Atrocious movie and acting, cool setting; we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves despite limited political commentary (other than the dog-eat-dog, back-stabbing mentality that capitalism breeds)
- No War in Iran Protest (at the capitol) – 10 person turn-out (1 new person); positive responses from passersby overall; a few hecklers (one potential neo-Nazi…); more poster board available for future events
- Upcoming January event: No Permission Needed movie screening and discussion about Nebraska this Friday 1/31 7-10 pm (posted)
- Love Your Library (drafted – need to post)
- Audre Lord reading discussion (Will and Bailey will post this week)
- Movie Night and Know Your Rights Training – to post in next 1-2 weeks
- Library donations: Bridge of Courage, Morbid Symptoms, and The System (courtesy of Jackson)
- Treasury update: $200 donation from Richard and Christy
- Spring Calendar: Black-out dates: April 18th husker spring game; Nebraskans for Peace will be having a 50th anniversary celebration April 24-25th
March – Women’s History Month
March 7, 1-3 pm: Fighting the Black Snake: No KXL Community Discussion
March 13, 7-10 pm: Screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
March 27, 7-10 pm: Screening of “Tending the Wild” with Adam Hintz and (probably Tony Laravie) which is about indigenous practices for living with nature.
April – Environmental/Religious
April 4, 1-3 pm: Presentation and Discussion about religion/spirituality in Europe?
April 11, 10-1 pm: Gardening Day; we’ll have lunch together!
Later April, event TBD: Climate, Capitalism, Control. Video Essay – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster. Will says we could do an author TALK via video chat. Back up: Screening of JoJo Rabbit (will be available on DVD in early February)
May – Labor-Related Events and yard sale
May 1, 7-10 pm: Movie Screening: Parasite. Hot New Release.
May 22 8-6 pm, May 23rd, 8-2 pm: Yard Sale. We need to schedule a pre-pricing party also. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house. Other ideas: fund for speakers, mural, flood donations
May 30 1-3 pm: Reading Discussion on History of Labor Movements
Tabled Items for next week (other ideas):
Discussion/workshop: “What Can I Do?” concrete means of helping out in climate disaster (combined with resource drive?)
**Think about cross-pollination with Dandelion Network resource drive/collection (try to plan this in general)
**Think about way to include a link on calendar for donations for disaster!
Meeting adjourned: 8:14 PM
Tabled Items: Presentations vs. Discussions, Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)
Treasury Log 2020
We started the year with $213.28.
May 9th Update:
New donations:
1. Richard and Christy gave us $200!
2. We collected $10 from our donations box.
These total $210 in new donations.
New debit:
Jackson renewed our house subscription to the Militant for another two years. He is reimbursed $65 for the expense. This was approved at the April 13th meeting.
This is a net increase of $145, so we now have $358.28 available.
This balance remained accurate until the end of 2020.
We started and ended the year with $0.
We started and ended the year with $0.
12/23/19 Minutes: Website Renewal, Spring Calendar, No Dec 30th Meeting
In attendance: Brandon, Jackson (secretary), Marc (moderator), Ty, Wyatt
Start time: 7:30 PM
1. Event Review – We had a good time at our fire pit for the Solstice on Saturday night. We had a good turnout, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Ty wonders whether we should have had a sign out there that said “Come join us!”, since so many people were sort of rubber-necking at us as they passed by. Marc wonders whether we should have put up signs in advance similar to the way we advertise yard sales.
2. January Events – We will reach out to Bailey about an event description for the climate change discussion, and to Will for the mutual aid event at the end of the month. We will also be dedicating our January 13th meeting to organizing the counter-protest of the Walk For Life, and we need to personally reach out to the folks we know are interested in this subject. Ty will draft something for our Young Ones movie night.
3. Website Renewal – Jackson has been emailed that our web domain is up for expiration in 30 days. Jackson will get that paid and we will reimburse him.
4. Spring Calendar –
We spent significant time discussing the logistics of our next yard sale. There was some talk of possibly advertising a percentage of our yard sale gross being committed to buying harm-reduction supplies or possibly helping to pay for the repainting of the house.
Possible discussion idea around Easter time: history of religion/spirituality in Europe?
Zine-making workshop?
Garden day?
Possible movie: The Irish Man?
Friday, May 1st Movie: Parasite
screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
Climate, Capitalism, Control – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster
Documentary about modern labor movements(?)
Jackson and Dance have many documentaries
March- Womens History Month
April – Environmentalist Stuff
May – Labor stuff and yard sard
We found a decent selection of documentaries and discussed the merits of those. In the past we have stuck to a few loose themes for the spring months. March is Women’s Month, April is environmentalist thanks to Earth day, and May is about labor thanks to May Day. We will likely use these themes as inspiration for the spring calendar.
5. December 30th Meeting – We will not be meeting next Monday. We will be back on January 6th.
Meeting adjourned: 8:45 PM
Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)
12/16/19 Minutes: A Quiet, Pre-Holidays Meeting
In Attendance: Jackson (moderator), Brandon (secretary)
Start time: 7:25
Event Review – The Living End Movie Screening Good but short discussion. The movie was interesting but wild. Love Your Library Part 2: Didn’t really have any people show up. Could be due to people’s school schedules or perhaps these events are not very popular.
Upcoming Event – Solstice Fire Pit Wyatt will handle the fire. We need to have a plan for food. Perhaps we could make pizza with all the crusts we have. We have some other ideas, but we will figure it out in the coming days.
Calendar Distribution Update – Brandon hung calendars at most of the remaining locations, but Starbucks and the HUB were closed so those may have to be done later. Facebook Posting We need to get our climate change discussion event posted on Facebook soon, but the people organizing that event were not in attendance today.
Spring Calendar – We found a decent selection of documentaries and discussed the merits of those. In the past we have stuck to a few loose themes for the spring months. March is Women’s Month, April is environmentalist thanks to Earth day, and May is about labor thanks to May Day. We will likely use these themes as inspiration for the spring calendar.
Meeting concluded at 8:10.
Tabled Items: Radio Revival, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)
12/2/19 Minutes: Update on Winter Calendar Distro, Brainstorming for Spring
Start time 7:15 pm
Event Review: Our fundraiser dinner for ThanksTaking had a turnout of 10-12 people and raised $328 (and counting, as there are pledges not yet collected) for the fetal alcohol center. That total includes our long-tabled $80 donation that was never made to the now-defunct ISO. Great food too!
Upcoming Event: This Saturday at 1:00 pm, self-advocacy with your doctor; bring your ideas about medicine, healthcare, etc.
Web Events: Self-Advocacy w/ Doctor and The Living End (movie screening) are posted, need to add to website; need to post Library Event and Winter Solstice Fire
Calendar Distribution Update: Need to post at Cultiva, The Happy Raven, George’s Gourmet Grill, UNL Campus, Unitarian Church, The HUB, Meadowlark, Open Harvest
Know Your Rights: Training in January to prepare for February calendar event
Potential Spring Calendar Ideas:
screening of Parasite – a South Korean movie about class dynamics
screening of JoJo Rabbit (if available; currently in theaters)
screening of Libertarias (Mujeres Libres de España)
Climate, Capitalism, Control – the way communication technology works to create a media ecosystem defining how we talk about the politics of disaster
Documentary about modern labor movements(?)
Meeting adjourned: 8:10 pm
11/18/19 Minutes: Calendar Printing, Zine Rack
In attendance: Bailey, Brandon, Jackson (secretary), Marc, Ty, Will (moderator), Wyatt
Start time: 7:15 PM
1. Event Review – We ran Skins on Friday night. It had a decent turnout and a good discussion.
2. Upcoming Event – The assembly is this Saturday, and several of us are planning to attend. We are also looking forward to the Thankstaking dinner, and discussed the menu a bit. We decided on an all-veggie curry with tofu and meat on the side to make the pot as inclusive as possible.
3. Library Donation – Marc has donated a book of poetry for our library. Thanks, Marc!
4. Calendar Printing – The calendar has been designed and it will be printed this week. Our Thankstaking fliers are also done and will be printed and distributed together.
5. Free School – There’s another computer programming class this week. Bailey is currently looking for class ideas in December.
6. Zine Rack – Will might have an opportunity for a grant to pay for the printing costs. He’s also cooking up a lot of ideas for some new original zines, particularly on local history.
Meeting adjourned: 8:20 PM
Tabled Items: Library Labels, Wellred Books, Event Outreach, What to do about $80 ISO bucks, Library Readership Development, Reviving the Email List, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop), procedure for posting things on Facebook (when do we allow it)
11/11/19 Minutes: Winter calendar finalized, Thankstaking, History/Theory Group?
In attendance: Ty (moderator), Brandon (secretary), Will, Bailey, Wyatt, Jackson, Paul
1. Event Review
We had a reading discussion for Inhabit, a small book/pamphlet about autonomy. It was decently attended and people seemed to enjoy it.
2. Upcoming Event
Movie night: Skins! We need to find a DVD. We panicked at the meeting, but then found out that it is available at Love Library.
There is also an Intro to Computer Programming course happening with the free school at the Bennett Martin Public Library on Wednesday from 6 to 8 on the 4th floor
3. Assembly
November 23rd from 10am to 2pm at Bennett Martin Library. We are looking for form unity and build under three broad themes: – Resource Distribution, Climate Change, Community Resilience
4. History/Theory group
There is interest among some of the people in the room in starting a reading discussion group for history and theory. We began talking about what it could look like.
5. Thankstaking
We planned out the food that we will be making. We do not want to serve traditional thanksgiving food, because that keeps up with the tradition of the terrible holiday. Ty wants to make vegan curry.
6. Winter Calendar
1. Community Discussion – Self-advocacy with your doctor – Marc
Saturday the 7th at 1 to 3pm
3. Movie Night: The Living End (1992) – Ty n Marc
Friday the 13th from 7 to 10pm
4. Love Your Library: Haymarket Press – Jackson
Saturday the 14th from 1 to 3pm
5. Solstice Fire pit
Saturday the 21st at sundown
1. The Reality of Climate Change in Nebraska (Community Discussion)
Saturday January 11th from 1 to 3pm
2. Counter-protest for Walk for Life!!!!
Saturday Jaunary 18th at 10am at the Capitol
3. Sci-Fi dystopian movie: Young Ones. It’s about a world with no water.
Friday January 24th from 7 to 10pm
4. No Permission Needed: A Mutual Aid Discussion and Screening
Friday January 31st from 7 to 10pm
1. Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference Reading Discussion
Saturday, February 8th from 1 to 3pm
2. Love Your Library – Black History Month
Saturday, February 15th from 1 to 3pm
3. The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 Movie Screening
Friday, February 21st from 7 to 10pm
4. Know Your Rights Training – Will and Brandon
Saturday, February 29th from 1 to 3pm
meeting adjourned 8:48