In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary), Wyatt
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Event Review – Our Solidarity Network reading discussion was a success! Plenty of people, and while the discussion didn’t stick to the reading so much, it definitely stuck to the idea of solidarity networks for housing justice. We actually had quite a few action items, and people got connected where there weren’t connections before. The room was excited about this and we should keep pushing events like this on gentrification, because it’s a issue that’s affecting people right now in a very tangible way.
2. Reimbursement – Ty printed more calendars and the discussion articles, and spent $5.29 on it. He was approved for reimbursement. We finally got the last AK Press book, and so Jackson is up for reimbursement on that, but he asked for that to be tabled.
3. Winter Calendar Distributions – Jackson got the rest of the calendars up. He also proposed putting up one at The Bay. Jimmy John’s on 14th and O also has a bulletin board. Wyatt says he can get The Bay. Jackson will get the Jimmy John’s.
4. Counter-Protest of the Walk for “Life” – It’s still something we’re supporting, and we’re still going to provide child care. There are other people who want to get involved and we really encourage that, but we established among the group that The Black Cat House is not a sponsor: we are a participant in the counter-protest, and we volunteer the child care.
5. Meeting Cancellations – Our meetings on December 24th and 31st will be cancelled. We’ll get them off the website calendar, and post as much on Facebook as well.
Meeting adjourned: 8:32 PM
Tabled: AK Press Reimbursement, “Who Owns Politics?” Discussion Event, PKK/Bookchin Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)