In attendance: Ella, Jackson (moderator), Sammi, Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Upcoming Event: 416 is this Saturday! It’ll be easy enough to pull off, just gotta clean up in here!
2. Website: Ella had suggested a few hosting options a while ago, and she went over the pros and cons of each of them, as well as the pros and cons of Druple and WordPress. We’ve decided to transfer over to bluehost and a WordPress website. We approved spending funds to get the next hosting paid for as soon as Ella sends us some promotional discount information. We have set aside the 26th to get the new site set up, but there will be some downtime afterwards while we input necessary information into the site.
3. Toilet Seat: The public restroom’s toilet seat has shattered, and Jackson paid for a replacement. It was $17.64 and we approve reimbursement.
4. Buttons: Sammi has said, on behalf of Common Root, that they were interested in distributing pronoun buttons within the school system. However, given that we already distribute them, they wanted to ask before they did so. We determined that it wouldn’t be a concern if they also distributed pronoun buttons, and that it’s just a question of whether they wanted to make their own design or whether we’d supply them with our buttons. Sammi will let Common Root know and figure out what route they want to take.
5. Mail: We got a zine in the mail from the Sporeprint Infoshop concerning the prison industrial complex, mental health systems, and radical politics. Thanks, folks! (Also as soon as we have a means to print one, we’ll be sending a copy to Common Root as the letter that came with it also requested).
6. Sama: We need a FB event and a flyer! Ty thinks he can whip up a flyer, but it needs to be done quickly and he’s got classes. He also has a friend that may be able to assist depending on their schedule. Jackson will make the FB event. Sammi also thinks that he may be able to help this weekend.
7. Fall Calendar
Mostly tabled, but Sammi suggested Ma Vie en Rose as a November movie.
Our open Saturdays for fall will be Oct 3, Nov 14, and maybe Nov 21 (see below)
September – movie, Trekkies?
Thu, Sep 10, 7 PM – LSH meeting
Sat, Sep 19, 1-3 PM – What is Gentrification? discussion
October – movie, Trekkies?
Mon, Oct 12, 5 PM? (Federal Building) – Anti-Columbus Day protest
Sat, Oct 17, 1-3 PM – Why protest? (Title TBD) discussion
November – movie, Trekkies?
Fri, Nov 20 or Sat, Nov 21 – Transgender Day of Remembrance panel discussion (Title TBD)
Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM
Tabled: Copy machine, Calendar