In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:05 PM
1. Event Review – We had our reading/discussion What Every White Person (Teacher) Should Know When Talking About Race. We had a great turnout, and a really good discussion once everyone got comfortable.
2. Upcoming Events – We’re showing the documentary Trapped on Friday night. It looks like we can stream it for free off of Netflix. Otherwise, we’ll just have to set up the room.
We’re also gearing up for the Counter-protest of the Walk For Life on Saturday. We don’t yet know of anyone who needs childcare, but Ty and one other volunteer are planning to be here for that possibility. We may not have any blank posterboards if anyone wants to make a sign, but we have a ton of signs from last year’s event that we can bring again.
3. Reimbursement – Ty spent $5.79 on getting our handouts printed for the discussion on Saturday. Jackson spent $3.49 getting fliers for our counter-protest printed. We’re both getting reimbursed for these expenses.
4. Donations – We got some money! Jackson reports that a friend of ours finally put our PayPal button to use with a $20 donation (but we only received $19.12 because of fees). And our friends in Lincoln DSA cut us a check for $200! Jackson also has a large donation to make. He reminds Ty that we were considering becoming “Friends of AK Press” to load up on more anarchist lit. The last item of this discussion is tabled.
5. Lincoln Earth Day – Ty got an email asking us to table again. It’ll be on April 28th, and registration would be $35 for us. We’re not interested in going back this year, as we’ve not really seen sufficient benefits to match our costs of time and energy tabling for the better part of a Saturday there. We’ll still be sure not to schedule any events here that day.
6. Spring Calendar – Jackson reports that Popcorn Politics will be returning for monthly showings throughout the Spring Calendar!
TBD – What is Transfeminism? (a community discussion) [basically open to doing this most any Saturday… we want to schedule the movie(s) first]
TBD – Popcorn Politics
Another movie or documentary?
Saturday, April 14th, 1-3 PM – Reading Discussion: Fueling Dissent
TBD – Popcorn Politics
Saturday, May 5th, 12-5 PM – Open House Party for Karl Marx’s 200th Birthday
Friday, May 11th, 8 AM-6 PM, and Saturday, May 12th, 8 AM-2 PM – The Black Cat House Yard Sale Fundraiser
TBD – Movie Night: Anarchism in America
TBD – Popcorn Politics
Fueling Dissent –
Ideas for other spring calendar events:
Discussions: liberation theology, national liberation movement/separatism, prison-industrial complex
Movies: Popcorn Politics? (Salt of the Earth? Kubrick? Imperium?)
Other: Little Red Singalong
Black Out Days: April 21st (UNL Spring Game), April 28th (Lincoln Earth Day)
Grey Out Days: March 17-25 (UNL Spring Break), March 30/31/April 1 (alt weekend for Red State), April 6/7/8 (Red State Conference)
7. No Meeting Next Week – Just a reminder that we will be off next week.
Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM
Tabled items: Friends of AK Press, Spring Calendar, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, labels, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop