In Attendance: Dino, Jackson (secretary), Ty (moderator)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Event Review: We hosted “Dismantling the Patriarachy: Via Communication.” Jackson reports that it went well, that he paid out the $50 speaker’s stipend we agreed to last week, and that our speaker Serendipiti may be in town for a while longer and expressed interest in doing more workshops here soon. We would be excited to host her again.
2. Upcoming Event: Jackson reports that the Lincoln DSA will be hosting a discussion on Venezuela here tomorrow evening. He will be opening up and having the room ready for them.
3. Self-Care For Activists: Ty reports that there will be an interesting event on campus on Monday, September 25th called “How to Change the World and Have a Good Time: Self-Care For Activists” from 7:30-9 PM in the New Cather Dining Center. We agree that we’d like to check that out, so we’ll cancel our meeting that week.
4. Graphic Designer: Ty has friends volunteering to design buttons for us! And he has a lot of ideas for new designs and updates on our existing inventory. Tabled to next week.
5. Labels for Buttons: Jackson reports that he can get us 100 sheets/12,000 labels for $29.90 including shipping. Ty thinks we can burn through those eventually, and suggests that we go for it! Jackson placed the order at the meeting and will be reimbursed $29.90 for the labels.
6. September Web Events: We spent the rest of our meeting posting our movie nights for the latter part of September.
Meeting adjourned: 8:18 PM
Tabled items: Articles for Discussion, Graphic Designer, Stuff to Buy (canopy, stuff to secure bike rack, 7×7 no-slip outdoor mat for porch, new SSD hard drive for public laptop)