In attendance: Jackson (moderator), Ty (secretary)
Start time: 7:00 PM
1. Event Review – We showed Tangerine! It was an interesting movie and good discussion, though we did have to postpone it an hour due to the Democratic caucus. We really need to be better about keeping those things in mind.
2. Upcoming Event – Boom: The Sound of Eviction is this Saturday! We have it on DVD so setup will be super easy. Jackson is going to try and acquire speakers for the projector.
3. Emails – Joe sent us some articles regarding pro-reproductive rights events and legislation that we can share around. We also got another email from Alexandra accepting our offer to help find some speakers. So we’ll ask around our pro-choice friends to see if anyone can help her out.
4. Zines – Since a lot of zines are just sitting around and not getting sold, we sorted through to see which ones we’d like to keep and which we plan on donating to SP CE.
Meeting adjourned: 7:55 PM