2/3/25 Minutes: Spring Calendar Work, Needing to Advertise Upcoming Events

In attendance: Audrey, Jackson (secretary), Payne, Salem
Start time: 7:07 PM

  1. Event Review – We counter-protested the Walk for Life again on Saturday. Jackson reports that we had a turnout very similar to the past few years, and that the protest went off without any major issues.
  2. Upcoming Event – We’ve got our critical look at Valentine’s Day coming up this Saturday, and we’re very behind on advertising it! Salem has struggled with drafting a description; Jackson agreed to take that on.
  3. Spring Calendar –


Movie Night: Killing Us Softly 4
(Event where we share mental health resources for queer folks; Payne has some leads…; March 29th would be an ideal date)


Autism as a Social Justice Issue (a community discussion)
Tabling at Lincoln Earth Day (probably)

Movie Night: Matewan
Annual Yard Sale Fundraiser

Propaganda discussion and/or Manufacturing Consent documentary showing

Blackout date: Friday, March 14th

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM

Posted in Minutes.