8/12/24 Minutes: Upcoming Winslow’s Wardrobe Event, Salt Creek Zine Fest, Fall Calendar

In attendance: Aaron, Elijah, Jackson (secretary), Marc, Matt, Ty
Start time: 7:20 PM

  1. Event Review – We had our Godzilla (1954) movie night on Friday. We had maybe our best turnout of any movie night this year, and a spirited discussion afterwards. Also, our new greeter cat Lucy was a huge hit.
  2. Upcoming Event – Winslow’s Wardrobe is coming back on Saturday. We need to do some last-minute advertising online!
  3. Salt Creek Zine Fest – It’s also happening on Saturday afternoon. Marc reports that it has been moved to the F Street Rec Center. He hopes that the two events might cross-pollinate to some degree.
  4. Reimbursement – Jackson had to renew one of our website domains in early August. He will be reimbursed $36.17.
  5. Fall Calendar –
  • Wednesday, September 11th, 3-6 PM (@ UNL City Union’s Regency Suite): Beehive Collective
  • Friday, September 13th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: The Breadwinner
  • Sunday, September 29th, Time TBD: Rewilding Garden Tour
  • Monday, October 14th, 4:30-6 PM: Columbus Day Counter-protest
  • Friday, October 18th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: They Live
  • Saturday, October 26th, 1-3 PM: Can We Vote Our Way Out of This Mess? (a community discussion)
  • Friday, November 8th, 7-10 PM: Movie Night: The Transexual Menace
  • Saturday, November 16th, 1-3 PM: “Talking to Your Racist Uncle” (workshop/discussion)

Meeting adjourned: 8:35 PM

Posted in Minutes.