In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Ty
Start time: 7:12 PM
- Event Review – We had our reading discussion about fast fashion on Saturday. The turnout was poor, with only Black Cats attending. We had a good discussion. We had some further discussion here about our below-average attendance on events this year, with some discussion of how we can turn things around. Matt thinks it would be good to have more events with co-host groups.
- Upcoming Events – We desperately still need to get Gather advertised online. Jackson will submit a draft ASAP. It’s also about time for us to be drafting stuff for the October health care discussion and the Columbus Day protest. Ty will start work on the healthcare event. Jackson thinks we can adapt last year’s Columbus Day event pretty easily. Jackson reports that we still have last year’s signs, but we may need to print more informational handouts on Columbus’s atrocities.
- Calendar Distro – Ty is still working on the ones he committed to putting up. Salem said on Saturday that the Haymarket still needed to be done. We’re a little behind, but we’re getting it done.
- Website – Marc wants to host a training for us to learn how to better edit our website as he’s needing to step back on his Black Cat responsibilities. We’re tentatively planning to spend the second half of our meeting next week via Jitsi or Zoom to do that.
Meeting adjourned: 7:45 PM