In attendance: Jackson (secretary), Matt, Ty
Start time: 7:05 PM
- Event Review – We hosted the documentary Hail Satan on Friday night. The turnout was low, but we had a good conversation afterwards. We’re not sure if the low turnout was caused by poor advertising, an unpopular movie choice, or the Covid scare we had at the house this month.
- Advertising Events – We need to do a better job of getting the word out about our events. We are considering radio advertising on KZUM and/or KRNU, but their websites are badly outdated and lacking good information on how underwriting works and how much it costs. We also talked about tabling. We’re not sure of any upcoming events that we would be interested in and able to table at, nor have we definitely seen any kind of bump in our attendance since tabling at Lincoln Earth Day or Star City Pride.
- Calendar Reimbursement/Distro – Jackson picked up the fall calendars from the printers last Friday. He will be reimbursed $23.60 for getting those. Marc will be distributing calendars on UNL campus.
- September Events – Jackson added the Fast Fashion event to Facebook and our website. He still needs to create a draft for our Gather movie night.
- Swag – A friend wants more copies of a sticker that we produced for Star City Pride, and has offered to pay for the entire print run. We think that sounds swell.
Meeting adjourned: 8:25 PM